MTL - Good Man Operation Guide-Chapter 112 Food (9)

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Du Mowen and Levi stood at the door, curious and a little girl looking at the little girl who was holding hands with friends.

Lin Yu was a little scared by what they saw. He took his brother’s hand and went to hide behind Lin’s body.

"Don't scare my sister."

Lin Shiheng did not look good at the two friends, took Lin Yu into the house, gently picked her up and put it on the chair.

"Xiao Yu, this is the brother of Mervy, this is Levi brother, my good friend."

"Brother is going to give you a good meal. You should play well with Levi's brother first."

Although Lin Yu was afraid, he could see that the sights of these two strangers were not malicious. Compared with those who had experienced disgust and disgust, the eyes that were only curious and questionable made her relax a little.

Nodded, the soft, tender voice should be "good."

Levi and Dumery rarely touched the children, and the little guys who saw this cleverness were a little bit confused at the moment, or Du Mowen pushed Levi to the front.

"Come on, when isn't it constant to let you play with her?"

The young man who is very tall for a child is still hesitant to sit down and ask for help. Lin Shiheng, "What to play"

"Just play games, you are not very likely to play games, Xiaoyu has not played before, simple point."

Where did Levi play games with the children? If he had no experience, he could only get rid of the game machine and start to ease the voice to teach Lin Yu how to play.

Du Mowen rarely saw him in this way, his face immediately showed gloating, see Lin Shiheng to enter the kitchen, and quickly followed up "When I help you"

The kitchen was soundproofed, and when the door was closed, he came up and curiously asked, "This is why your sister didn't listen to you before."

"Before I couldn't take care of myself, and I couldn't take her over to take care of it. Isn't this a recent earning of money? I transferred her custody to my name."

Du Mowen was taken aback. "Your mother can agree."

Before Lin Shiheng’s heartfelt words, the two were not even moved. They all noticed what kind of person Lin Shiheng’s biological mother was. They had a lot of resources in their hands, and then they checked it.

Do not check do not know, a check scared, the Blue Star people because of the impact of the catastrophe that year, generally are very protective scorpion, the result is replaced by Lin Mu, that attitude is like Lin Shiheng is not her own.

At least they found out that Lin Shiheng started to live in a boarding school when he remarried from his eleven-year-old mother. He didn’t see him in the days of winter and summer vacations. When he was born, he was driven out by his family on the 18th birthday. It was not There is no such treatment for the biological.

Looking at Lin Shiheng’s father as soon as she died, she immediately remarried. I also know that such a woman would know that if Lin Shiheng became a major shareholder of the 311 Group, she would definitely die.

"Nothing, it makes a little trick."

Lin Shiheng opened the shrimp shell in his hand. Accurately speaking, this is not a shrimp. It is a kind of creature called a beast on the blue star. Except for its large size, other places look exactly the same as the shrimp on the earth.

Because it is too big to handle and can't eat, he also buys the cubs specially, saying that it is a cub, but the shrimp is also big, and Lin Yu has a total of four people, and ten of them are almost the same. It is.

Du Mowen was also embarrassed to stand up and watched. After a few minutes of observation, he picked up one and began to learn to peel the shell. While peeling the shell, he curiously asked "What means?"


He suddenly remembered the phone that he had received before and didn't know what phone to say. He suddenly realized that "Is it the time you called me before? I remember you called me Master Du, are you pretending to be unfamiliar with me?" And what kind of authorization is there, we are not saying that it is good to auction five licenses at the beginning of next month?"


Lin Shiheng’s past praise was a sight, his eyebrows were slightly raised, his smile was still mild. “It seems that your IQ has improved during this time.”

"That is, I have been crazy all these days, but even my family praised me and said that I grew up."

Du Mowen was happy, suddenly reacted, and took a table. "No, you mean that I didn't have high IQ before."

Lin Shiheng looked back silently, and his eyes were full of pure innocence.

Without him to say anything, Du Mowen himself had a guilty conscience.

Shi Heng is so gentle to him, how could he say that his IQ is not high?

"Cough, that, I am just making a joke, letting go of the atmosphere, come here, I will help you get the dishes."

"Come, shrimp dumplings, a lot of things, everyone open their stomachs to eat"

Du Mowen took the steaming shrimp dumplings to the table, and the one big one who was playing the game turned around curiously.

There is a scent of scent in the air, you can look at it, but you can see a round white drum bag. It looks like the snow is cute, but it makes people think of what it is made of and what it tastes like.

"What is shrimp dumpling?"

Lin Yu, who had been playing with Levi for a while, had completely relaxed and looked at it with curiosity.

Lin Shiheng also came out with the rest of the plate. Hearing this, he smiled and replied, "Shrimp dumplings are dumplings of shrimp. In ancient times, dumplings are eaten every year in the New Year. It is a reunion dinner."

Said, the young black man gently put down a plate of shrimp dumplings in his hand, and he looked gentle. "Take Xiao Yu today, it is also our brother and sister reunion, of course, we must eat the dumplings used by the delegation."

When he said this, Lin Yu, who was originally only curious, gradually became happy. He looked at the round and tender squad, and he was full of desire. "Well, we eat shrimp dumplings."

After eating the dumplings of the delegation, she will not have to be separated from her brother in the future.

Everyone sat down in a row, and everyone had a small dish in front of them. They poured some sauces with vinegar as the main sauce, because they didn’t know how to eat them. Lin Shiheng took the lead in setting an example.

He picked up the chopsticks and steadily picked up a small white group and then rolled it a few times on the small dish in front of him. When the white tenderness was stained with the sauce, the appearance that looked good was more attractive. a bit.

The eyes of the two big ones looked at them for a while, and they watched Lin Shiheng pick up the shrimp dumplings with the sauce and put them in the mouth.

One bite, the little shrimp dumplings are still half left. From their point of view, you can see the white pink shrimp and the green side dish, and then set off by the jade white skin. Can not help but swallow a mouthful of water.

"It's good to eat like this. If you don't like the sauce, you can't stick it."

Lin Shiheng was eating all the remaining shrimp dumplings. He taught, "You don't know how to use chopsticks. You can use spoons first."

"Nothing is ok, I know how to use it"

Du Mowen couldn’t wait to pick up a pair of chopsticks and insert it directly into the small white body of the shrimp dumplings. Then he quickly rolled it onto the small dish and rolled it a few times to confirm that the sauce with the fragrance was all Rolled up, this is the lips, the whole shrimp dumplings are put into the mouth.

There is no need to chew at all, the outer dough is broken, the savory taste of the shrimp is mixed with the refreshing of the side dish, the taste of bliss is refreshing and moist, until he enjoys it and is reluctant to swallow it, and the mouth is still full. The savory taste of the shrimp is as if it is still in the mouth.

Du Mowen has quickly inserted a shrimp dumpling, skillfully rolling a few laps, once again stuffed into his mouth, while eating the buccal buccal sacs, his hands and movements continue to pick up new shrimps all the time. Dumplings to the sauce.

Levi and Lin Yu, who originally wanted to wait for his evaluation, were looking forward to seeing that he couldn’t make time to talk when he ate. He didn’t wait for any evaluation. He quickly extended his chopsticks. Learn the way before Du Mowen, insert the shrimp dumplings and then dip the sauce to eat.

When the shrimp dumplings were put into the mouth and the white shrimp was tasted, both of them had their eyes bright, and they quickly joined the Dumer's mouth and ate the team in their hands.

Lin Shiheng didn't exaggerate them, but he didn't hold it slowly with chopsticks, but the action of eating it was not slow. Three young people who were growing up were eating with a little girl who had never felt so delicious. For almost half an hour, the packaged shrimp dumplings were eaten clean.

Levi and Dumere skillfully hold a small belly on the sofa and say "cool"

Lin Yu looked at them, and looked at the brother with a smile and a look of encouragement. He also took the swollen belly and jumped off the chair and ran to the sofa. He learned to lie like a corpse.

She feels that if she does this, her brother will be very happy.

Sure enough, when I saw that the two big and small ones on the sofa were all lying and lie straight, Lin Shiheng smiled a little more.

"If you eat well, take a rest. Wait until the rest is over, and then discuss how to play the next big show."

Wang Renyi’s temper has not been very good. He never concealed his temper after he got married, but this gas has never been passed against Lin.

After all, when Lin Mu had just married him, because she might have a mental power in her stomach, even if the body of the Blue Star is better than the original Earth, pregnancy is still very hard for women. The matter, Wang Renyi even wants to smack at her, but also to care about the child in her stomach.

At that time, he did not anger at the stepchildren. Just because of the minor protection law and the automatic inspection function of the chip, Wang Renyi could only slap on his face or not enjoy eating. He really did not fight him. Dare.

When Lin Mu gave birth to Lin Yu, he found that this was actually an ordinary person, and Wang Renyi, who was consciously deceived, immediately changed his face.

Although he looks very unattractive, he can be regarded as a rich man. When he first saw Lin, he might see that she might have a mental strength in her stomach, or else she would not be able to rely on his family. A woman with a towed bottle and pregnant.

Now that the child is born, not a mental person, Wang Renyi even has the idea of ​​divorce to let Lin mother go out of the house.

Lin Mu was keenly aware of this, and she was so willing to let her make a lot of money, so she did not give her out of the door, so she did not care how long she had just had a baby, and she was pregnant.

Before he was pregnant with Wang Renyi’s child, he was mad at his outside or was uncomfortable at the outside.

At that time, Lin Mu was not beaten by him, and she suffered hard. She did not want to get rid of her husband from divorce, nor did she want to resist and not be beaten. Instead, she squandered a grievance against her newborn daughter.

The eldest son is in the boarding school, and the little daughter who can’t be beaten and can’t be lost becomes a punching bag. Lin’s mother is even more disgusted with her little daughter than Lin Shiheng, because she once imagined that this child can have spiritual strength and wait until she knows that she is an ordinary person. The previous expectations turned into hate.

She would not think that she would not give birth to a fetus but to give birth to a mentally motivated person. Instead, she would think that if she was not pregnant, she would have been pregnant with Wang Renyi as soon as she entered the house.

Because of the resentment and anger that rose from the white, Lin Mu named her Lin Yu, as the children said, meaning she was a superfluous person.

Lin Mu’s anger is not limited to her. She can’t be chip protected, but she can be hungry, as long as she does not starve to death, the chip will automatically alarm.

The little baby has been hungry since he was a child. It is born in full term, but it is even smaller than the younger one who is one year old. Before she was one year old, she even cried and was almost weak. Unclear.

Growing up in such an environment, the seven-year-old seems to be only five or six years old.

Lin Mu never felt that she had done something wrong, and she did not feel that she was sorry for her daughter. In her opinion, when her husband died, she found herself pregnant. If it was someone else, she would beat the child before she would marry again, but she stayed. I got this child and married Wang Renyi.

However, it is just a few tons of hungry. What is there? If Lin Yu really hates her, that is the real white-eyed wolf.

Lin Mu is tall on this pair of children, and she never wanted to give something to them. Therefore, when Lin Shiheng asked for custody, she gave it without hesitation.

There is even some relaxation in my heart. As long as the custody is given, she no longer has to endure Lin Yu’s unpleasant little girl’s film shaking in front of herself every day.

The result was happy for a while, and she was beaten by the furious husband with a few slaps.

Since she gave birth to her youngest son, she has not been beaten for a long time, so when she was beaten, Lin Mu was wronged and afraid.

Wang Renyi vented all the anger that missed the benefits on his wife. She even dared to look at herself with a look of grievances, and her heart was even more angry.

"You didn't discuss with me and gave Lin Yu custody out. Do you have a pit in your mind?"

When Lin Mu was beaten, she thought a lot about why she was beaten. It may be that her husband was angry outside. Maybe she secretly misappropriated the money in the factory and found that the investment was discovered, but she did not expect that it would be because Lin Yu custody handed over this little thing.

She glared at her red face and cried with tears. "You didn't always like her. Just Lin Shiheng, I gave it."

"If I didn't give Lin Yu, he would like to ask me for money, it is your money, I want to save you money."


Wang Renyi’s small eyes widened. “How did I get rid of a woman like you back?”

"Do you know what you rejected for me today? The agent of 311 Group authorized me to be tired and tired outside of these days. I want to authorize it. As a result, you can only make a woman who does not earn money. Pushed the authorization to the door."

Speaking of this, he is even more angry, snoring and gasping, angry, his brain is hot, and he is looking for something in the hall.

Although Lin Mu did not beat for a long time, I can see that this familiar scene is still shaking. I know that Wang Renyi is planning to find a tool to hit himself. He quickly retreats and shakes his voice.

"Benevolence, righteousness, righteousness, don't be impulsive. I don't know if it is an authorization. I thought that Lin Shiheng asked me for money. I am not for you either. Or he is my own child. I don't want such a penny. Give him protection against him"

After hearing this, Wang Renyi’s action to find a tool stopped.

Ever since I married Lin Mu, what made him most satisfied was that she was single-minded towards herself. He didn't like the blood of the surname Lin, and she also followed them.

Compared with her own child, she likes herself more. This makes Wang Renyi very useful. Besides, she has created a cute and lovely son for herself. It looks so beautiful and uses him as the sky. This is the beginning. The desire for divorce has become such a colorful flag outside, and the red flag at home does not fall.

A little dissipated, thinking of Lin Shiheng and respecting the envious mother, Wang Renyi forced himself to calm down his face.

"I also know that you are for me, but this time you really made a big mistake."

Seeing that he seems to be deflated, Lin mother breathed a sigh of relief, carefully came together, and whispered in a warm voice, "What is the matter? Lin Shiheng is looking for me to ask for money, but I have not said clearly what I want to do." At the time, you were not there, and I was not good at taking it. This was to reject him."

Her delicate hand fell on Wang Renyi's chest, and he helped him with a moment. After a few downs, Wang Renyi's tone gradually lingered, and there was no good voice. "I have been running before and after these days to get it. The authorization of the potato burdock had never been done. The result was that Lin Shiheng was a small scorpion at the door. He said that he and the heir to the Du's group were classmates. Please help him get the authorization. This time I came back to tell me the news. ”

"The result is that you directly refused to know how hard it is to get that authorization."

Lin Mu was shocked by the sound of her husband’s sudden enlargement. The heart leaped wildly and quickly said, “Nothing, he didn’t take long before you let him leave the authorization.”

"If it's really that simple, I still have to pay you something."

When Wang Renyi talked about this matter, he was so painful and painful.

"If you refused here, he immediately followed the heirs of the Du Group. It would be a time for the authorization, the authorization has been taken by other companies."

"That is the authorization of the potato burdock. If it was taken down by us, it would be ruined by your slut."

Seeing him talking and talking and looking up, Lin Mu body stiffened, for fear that he would come to fight himself again, in order not to beat, she desperately moved the brain.

"Benevolence, do you really believe that Lin Shiheng has this ability?"

"He is just a student. He is only 18 years old this year. Hearing that you can't even get the authorization, how can he be more powerful than you, maybe he is lying to you."

Wang Renyi has a glimpse, he really did not think about this possibility.

After all, Lin Shiheng’s image has always been very envious of Lin Mu, and he never dared to scream with them. Even before he met at the door, he was a gentle and talkative figure.

Besides, good end, what do he do to lie to them.

However, this matter is indeed a major issue. He really can't just judge it by Lin Shiheng. I still have to check it out.

I thought so, Wang Renyi said, "I am going to ask this little nephew to ask the young master of Du. If he really gets the authorization again, don't give me any more legs, otherwise don't blame me. Resignation

Lin Mu still had a pain in her face. When she heard this, she only dared to nod her head immediately. She endured a painful smile on her face, and she leaned weakly on her husband’s shoulder.

"Look at what you said. I didn't know what happened before. I know this is good for you. How can I still refuse?"

"Do not worry, the kid listens to me the most, for you, I will definitely let him get the authorization to get it."

A beautiful woman leaned on her shoulder and said something, even if she lost the authorization she wanted because of her, Wang Renyi’s face could not help but loosen.

"Well, wait until the authorization is available, I will buy it for you."

Wang Renyi thought that it would be difficult to find it himself. Unexpectedly, it was unexpectedly easy. He quickly found out that the 311 Group did hand over the authorization to the Du Group, and the Du Group also claimed that the authorization was in the hands of the young master. Later, it seems that the company he intended to give is not needed, and this was taken out to the group.

Speaking of this matter, the middle-aged man who was asked by Wang Renyi to inquire about the news showed his envy and sourness.

"I really don't know what kind of mentality the company has. That's the authorization of the potato burdock. If I change it to me, I don't want to agree directly for a second. I still refused. How rich it is to reject such a good thing."

Wang Renyi, who refused the potato burdock, put his hand on his chest and hammered it a few times.

"What are you doing?"


He barely squeezed a smile on his face, and although he smiled, it looked bitter and "it was a bit stuffy."

When Wang Renyi stood up, he almost fell black.

Actually it is true

The monk at home really refused to make such a profit authorization for him.

He barely supported and inquired for a few more days. The more he inquired, the more certain Lin Shiheng said was true.

Now the whole process of treating nutrient solution is discussing this matter. Most people speculate that the company that refuses the authorization must be very powerful, otherwise it will not look down on such a big benefit.

Wang Renyi, who is characterized as very powerful, is eager to vomit blood. Everyone is envious of him, but who knows the bitterness in his heart.

But now even if you want to smother at home, you have to suffocate, and let Lin Shiheng listen to his mother's words. Sometimes, he may not be able to speak, but if he is replaced by Lin Mu, Lin Shiheng will go all out. .

I thought that the monk was calling Lin Shiheng every day, and Lin Shiheng said that he was trying to authorize, and Wang Renyi’s heart was better.

When he returned home after the party, he returned home with a heartache and death, and went straight to Lin.

"Is it so good, well, I will tell your father, then you must help us to ask them for their love, good, good."

When he entered the door, he just heard Lin’s voice with a happy voice, and his heart jumped. With speculation, he couldn’t wait to enter, excitedly waiting for his wife to hang up, and then nervously asked, “How is it? Authorized things have a look."

Lin Mu nodded, and her face was also happy. "This kid told me that at the beginning of next month, the 311 Group will publicly auction the potato burdock authorization, only auction five copies. Only the invited company can go. He has already taken the road. I got an invitation."

Wang Renyi’s face immediately became a happy "good"

Lin Mu seems to think of something, hi color just stayed on his face for a moment, and quickly turned into anxiety. "But he said that the companies that went to the auction are some big companies, even if we got the invitation, in case of competition But others?"

Wang Renyi’s face was also a meal, and he quickly recovered. “It’s okay. There aren’t many companies invited in this auction, and there are five. I sell the property at home, and the money I’ve got is definitely enough. ”

"Property sale"

Lin Mu’s face changed immediately. “If you sell your property, what should we do at home?”

"What do you know?" Wang Renyi looked at her disdainfully. "Do you know what the authorization of the potato burdock represents? Now Bluestar bought the potato burdock and bought it crazy. It means that if we get the authorization and production method, just make it. When you come and go over the shelf, someone will buy it if you don’t want it."

"We have a family business and we can earn it back in a few months."

Lin Mu never touched the business. After hearing the original worry on her face, she immediately turned into excitement.

"That's great, then let's get ready now."

Wang Renyi was quite a bit disdainful for her surprise. While she was thinking about getting the authorization to make money and raising a young and beautiful one, she began to count the family property.

In addition to the factory that manufactures nutrient solutions, everything else can be sold.

Even if you don't get the authorization, the money can be turned into an industry.

In the 311 dormitory, Levi quickly crossed the chip. After reading the above news, he turned to face Lin Shiheng, who was burying the chip and seriously buying the little girl's clothes. "I really said it, Wang Renyi began to change the seller's production. It seems that It’s enough to get the authorization.”

"Let him sell and make the assembly rules available on the invitation letter."

Lin Shiheng should have a sentence, and the picture will be enlarged into the air. "Levy, how do you look at these clothes? I look very suitable for Xiaoyu."

"Yes, Not Bad."

Levi seriously analyzed "You should buy a bigger one. The previous check is not to say that she is malnourished. Now I have a good meal. It is estimated that I will start to grow up after a while, and I have to buy it again." ""

"Nothing, then buy it again, anyway, the courier will arrive soon."

Lin Shiheng clicked on the purchase, and placed another order in the shopping cart, filling in the address of the new house he bought.

Although Du Mowen and Levi don't mind let Lin Yu live in, after all, everyone is a small room, but Lin Yu is a girl, even if she is young, it will be inconvenient to live with three big men.

Anyway, he is not short of money now, simply sent the child to the newly bought house, and invited the robot nanny to take care of it. During the day, Lin spent the class, and Lin Shiheng went back to accompany her in the evening. In just a few days, Lin Yu was thin and pale. The little face looks rosy, and it will take a while for the baby to come out.

Levi’s seeing Lin Shiheng’s purchase is a lot of look, and he is ridiculously ridiculed, “Look at your twenty-four filial brothers.”

Lin Shiheng is not ashamed to be proud. "That is if you don't have a sister. If you have a sister, you must be more exaggerated than I am."

"Also, if I have a sister who is so smart, I will definitely pamper him to heaven."

Levi said, there was a hint of disgust in his eyes. "I really don't know what they think, good children, they are made like this."

"This time, we must let them pay the price."

Thinking of Lin Yu’s small child, he already had a stomach ailment. Levi’s stomach was mad, and he stopped chatting. Instead, he placed his hand on the top of the chip and quickly made an invitation.

A total of ten invitations were quickly produced and distributed to other companies. The last one was sent by Lin Shiheng personally and sent to Wang Renyi’s home.

Before sending it, he specially posted a message on it. There is only one invitation. If you lose it, it will be gone. It can't be torn open. It can't be folded. I hope it will be properly put.

Wang Renyi, who is urgently making money, looks at the invitation. It looks like he is watching a life of peace and care for the rest of his life. Given Lin’s lessons, this time he got an invitation and no one gave it. He put it directly into the safe, looking forward to it. Early arrival at the beginning of the month.

At the beginning of the month, it was very fast. On this day, Wang Renyi and Lin Mu both wore luxurious clothing. In the spirit of shaking their eyes, they took a sigh of excitement and got on the bus. They went to the auction according to the address.

Regarding the ownership of the new therapeutic nutrient solution potato burdock, the people who care about it are not only these businessmen, but also those who have fallen in love with the new therapeutic nutrient solution.

After the news of the auction was sent out, the mass media rushed to the scene. Everyone who came into the scene was photographed and shot. Wang Renyi did not expect such a big battle, but was photographed with such high-profile attention. It seems that they are fans of countless big stars, and there is some sense of vanity in their hearts. The waist is unconsciously straightened up.

Even Lin Mu, who was next to her, raised her chin slightly, holding her husband's hand tightly, and a pair of people screaming in the air.

As soon as they entered the scene, they saw Lin Shiheng, who was welcoming him. He wore ordinary dresses with clothes, and his smile was as gentle as memory. He was very bullied at first glance.

"Father, mother, time is running out, will the specific auction stipulate that you read it?"

Wang Renyi’s "Auction Rules"

"The small number of words written on the invitation letter is roughly that an invitation letter allows only up to two people to enter the venue. It is necessary to keep quiet after entering the market. The money must be prepared before the auction, if the buyer defaults. ”

"I have done it."

Lin Mu once participated in several auctions of auction jewellery, the most impatient to listen to this, seeing other people who came in directly went in, Lin Shiheng still said non-stop, directly interrupted.

"It's all trivial. How long have you started to close the auction when we haven't participated in the auction?"

The young black-haired youth showed a familiar weakness. "There are still two minutes from the beginning of the closure. I can understand these rules in one minute."

"I still say what is important and what is not important. You are not sure."

Lin Mu today consciously that she is very beautiful, and she does not know how much dazzling than the ladies of other companies. At this moment, he reprimanded his son for reprimanding, and he even raised his sense of superiority.

How can I get the invitation, not what she said, what she listened to.

"Husband, let's go in, it won't be too late."

Thinking, she took the husband's arm and urged him, Wang Renyi was also anxious, and immediately followed her intentions.

Two minutes later, the game began to close.

The lights outside were dark, and Lin Shiheng stood in the same place, watching the lights in the house bright, and slowly narrowed his eyes.

The auction officially began, Wang Renyi has been spare no effort to bid, he brought all his net worth this time, afraid to find enough to borrow a lot of others, the authorization can be said to be inevitable.

Finally, at the auction of the third authorization, Wang Renyi auctioned successfully.

When he heard the result, he almost couldn't help but jump up excitedly.

at last

Finally let him get the authorization

Then, although it was necessary to keep quiet because of the regulations, Wang Renyi’s brain was in a mess when he thought about how to get the authorization. He shouted the money at the prompt of the staff and excitedly waited for the auction to end. Hand in the handover.

Finally, the organizer announced the end.

Just when Wang Renyi couldn't stand up, he saw the lights on the top of the seat dark, leaving only the lights on the front of the auction.

"Next, it is the quality inspection."

Upon hearing this sentence, Wang Renyi’s heart suddenly slammed, and his intuition was somewhat uneasy.

And it turns out that his intuition is indeed accurate.

In the next second, the people above said that “all of you here should know that the 311 Group stipulates that companies that have already produced therapeutic nutrient solutions will receive invitations, and the rules are also very clear, we will be in the market. Randomly sold the nutrient solution, and on-site machine quality inspection."

"If the target is not met, it is considered that the buyer has defaulted, and all the arrears are deducted and donated to a third party for donation.

"Okay, start testing next"

Wang Renyi’s pupils suddenly shrank, and even the eyes were black.

The nutrient solution he sold can never be made according to standards.

Do not

Will not

He managed to get the authorization, and he could not die in the last step.

What can be madly praying in the heart, when the Wang Renyi home nutrient solution was detected above, the machine that had been green light suddenly turned on the red light and the warning light was sounded.

After the staff check, announce.

“Wang Group, breach of contract, auction money detained, the third authorized retake.”