MTL - Good Morning, Miss Ghost-Chapter 64 accident

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The pointer of the wall clock on the wall has pointed to 11. Chen Qingyang is still brushing the forum of Pujiang website tirelessly.

大 A big event happened on the forum today. Pu Jiang ’s pink writer, Chrysanthemum, was hung by a small transparent wall, saying that her new article was copied from herself. It is said that Little Transparent and Big Pink were girlfriends in the third dimension. Later, they did n’t know who stole their boyfriend. The two fell out. Little Transparent also linked Big Pink to plagiarism on the forum.

清 Chen Qingyang brushed this building with great joy. She used to have a holiday with a chrysanthemum in a place. Now she is in trouble, and she rushes over and down. On Weibo, I originally wanted to forward a small transparent palette, but saw Li Yan Aite himself.

"Boiled lemon shampoo! I got the autograph book of Master Qiuyi for you! And the signature poster of your goddess! I'm awesome! #Please 叫 我 中国 好 姑娘 蜜 #"

清 Chen Qingyang's heart jumped, and he quickly opened the two pictures below the Weibo. It was really Qiu Yi's autographed "Ghost School" and Mo Zhen's autographed poster of "God Forbidden Zone 3."

I ’m going to hang it up! This is called a girlfriend! !!

清 Chen Qingyang was excited and could run around the earth for two laps, but this excitement did not last long and was replaced by fear.

大力 "Strong, you should not betray yourself for these things outside of you."

I edited this worry into a text message and Chen Qingyang waited a little bit for Li Yan's reply.

"... you think too much, books and posters are the boss's =="

Boss? Chen Qingyang slipped his lips and quickly edited the text message: "What conditions did your boss use to exchange with you?"

"He just let me kiss him = v ="

Where can I stand? !!

"Are you kissed?"

`` Dear (* / ω\ *) ''

Chen Qingyang: "..."

Why did she suddenly think that it was the boss who was suffering? Look at every message with an emoji to know how rippling her mood is at this moment.

大力 "Strong, you have fallen, you are no longer the force I knew before."

Tong Liyan's mouth drew: "In a word, do you want?"

要 "Yes! = 3 ="

Uh ...

"I will have a half day off tomorrow morning, see you at Whitehorse Plaza at 11 o'clock."

After sending this message, Li Yan turned off the machine, and finally she can sleep before eleven o'clock today! She lifted the quilt happily into the bed.

清 Chen Qingyang reposted Li Yan Aite's own Weibo, with tears in her eyes, and wrote with tears: "In this era when my girlfriends are hacked, I will inject a little positive energy into society.

Yunxiang Yunze was preparing to shut down the computer, so he posted this Weibo from Chen Qingyang.

Hmm ... if she knew Li Yan was Mo Zhen's assistant, would she still think so?

He silently ordered a wax under Chen Qingyang's Weibo.

Li Liyan fell asleep until ten o'clock in the morning the next morning, and slowly got up from the bed. If it wasn't for the appointment of Chen Qingyang, she would really like to sleep until the afternoon.

Open the mobile phone and go through Mo Zhen's schedule. At 1 pm, I will take a photo of a magazine in the company.

Alas, there are only three hours, time is short. Li Yan simply washed her face, brushed her hair twice, and walked outside. When opening the door, Mo Zhen just came out of the room. Looking at Li Yan holding a paper bag in his hand, Mo Zhen asked, "Are you going out?"

"Well, I gave my book and poster to my friends." It's hard to have a little time today. If I don't go today, I don't know when I will have a chance to give it to Shampoo.

Mo Mozhen's brows moved, and she was really nice to that boiled lemon: "Need me to drive you?"

"No, I'll rush to the company a little before." Li Yan said that he paused, looking up at Mo Zhendao, "Hazel, you have lunch yourself, you must eat it."

Mo Mozhen thought for a while and said, "I just want to go out for dinner. I'll send you where you go."

"Ah? By the way?"

"I'll eat near where you go."

Tong Liyan: "..."

White Horse Plaza is the largest shopping plaza in City A. Of course, the catering industry is also quite developed. From roadside snacks to high-end restaurants, it has everything.

Mo Mozhen booked a private room in a restaurant near Baima Square. This restaurant was opened by a friend in his circle. He also invested in some. Li Yan heard him say this, and looked at him with surprise: "So you still have so many side jobs?"

"That is necessary." Mo Zhenyang raised his chin and enjoyed the gaze of Li Yan joyfully. "It is enough to support you for ten lifetimes."

Tong Liyan: "..."

老板 #The boss is always in Huayangxuanfu #

Seeing that Mo Zhen blown up the dishes here, although she also wanted to have a meal here, she went to the place where she had an appointment with Chen Qingyang.

It took about five minutes to walk from the restaurant. When Li Yan arrived at the dessert shop, it was exactly 10.50. She glanced around the store and easily saw Chen Qingyang, who was sitting by the floor-to-ceiling window and playing with her mobile phone.

I walked over and patted her on the shoulder, Li Yan learned the tone on the TV and asked, "Beauty, is it an appointment?"

Chen Qingyang: "..."

Even if she doesn't look back, she can hear that this is Li Yan's voice.

I turned around and just thought about Li Yan, but when I saw the people behind me, I changed the topic: "Where did you make your hair?"

"Huh?" Li Yan subconsciously glanced at her long hair on her chest. She returned from the reception yesterday and fell asleep after taking a bath. She only combed two combs randomly this morning, because she did n’t wash her hair, so her hair The shape is still-just a little messy.

"It seems to be the kiss of the goddess? One-time, wash your hair and no more." Li Yan walked to the place opposite Chen Qingyang and sat down, passing the paper bag in her hand.

清 Chen Qingyang took the paper bag, but couldn't wait to open it, because she is more concerned about another thing now: "Kiss of the goddess? Wouldn't you call An Yi the hair stylist for you?"

Tong Liyan blinked her big eyes, staring at Chen Qingyang brightly: "Do you know him?"

Ha ha. Chen Qingyang's mouth twitched, of course, she knew that the person who popularized science on the Cape Forum was her!

She stretched out her right hand and touched Li Yan's forehead: "Strongly, aren't you under too much work pressure causing meningitis?"

Tong Liyan: "..."

现在 She just wants to take back the paper bag in Chen Qingyang's hand.

不过 "But then again, how can your boss get Qiuyi and Mo Zhen's signature?" Li Yan opened the paper bag and looked at the books and posters in it.

Tong Liyan shook his lips and said, "Because he also has meningitis."

Chen Qingyang: "..."

So was this book and poster donated to him with love?

I did not continue this topic, the two had lunch together, and Li Yan hurried away. Chen Qingyang managed to go out once. She had thought of shopping around, but Li Yan left and didn't want to go shopping alone, so she had to walk back with her.

大力 "Strong, your boss is too exploitative. Do you say that you have taken a total of a few days off since work?" Chen Qingyang complained as he walked, more indignant than Li Yan.

Tong Liyan gave a snoring noise, and suddenly stopped, staring intently at the car parked at the intersection in front. "What's wrong?" Chen Qingyang stopped and followed her gaze, "Well, this Land Rover is pretty."

Tong Li Yan froze the corners of her mouth, not only beautiful, this is Mo Zhen's car at all, how could it stop here?

The phone rang at this time, Li Yan took it out and looked at it, with the words "Hazel" flashing on it. She answered the phone as quickly as a thief, "Boss, what's the matter?"

"I'm waiting for you at the intersection, should you see my car?"

"I saw it." She gave Chen Qingyang a glance, turned her back slightly, and whispered, "Be careful, don't be recognized."

Mo Zhen seemed to laugh, Li Yan listened to his voice and came over from the phone: "Well, hurry up."

"Okay." As soon as Li Yan turned around, she saw Chen Qingyang squinting his eyes. Subconsciously hiding the phone behind him, Li Yan stepped back two steps before saying, "What do you do?"

"Who is calling? So mysterious?" Chen Qingyang pushed the bezel on his face, and the detective mode was turned on.

"Boss." Li Yan is also honest, "That Land Rover is the boss, and I'm going back to the company with him now."

"Your boss still came to pick you up in person?" Chen Qingyang's eyes narrowed even more. There was something nasty inside.

"He happened to be eating here, so I won't tell you, I'm leaving." Li Yan said and trot away, Chen Qingyang looked at her hurriedly away from behind, not knowing that he and he Mo Tianwang lost his arms.

She rubbed the tip of her nose and sent a text message to Xiang Yunze: "Xianggong, it seems she is in love!"

Yun Xiang's reply came quickly: "Don't be jealous, you can too."

"... with whom, do you?"

"Have you heard of narcissism? It's about falling in love with yourself."

Chen Qingyang: "..."

She took a breath and responded with a message in the past: "You're right, don't the fat water flow to outsiders' fields. :)"

Yunxiang Yunze: "..."

On the other side, after Li Yan and Mo Zhen arrived at the company, they went straight to the studio on the 17th floor. "TOMATO" is a well-known fashion women's magazine owned by Emperor King. It has a high popularity among young women. Now that the new product is released in the summer, the company also launched couples for the first time, so I invited Mo Zhen to take magazine photos.

The model that Wu and Mo Zhen partnered with is Lisa, a well-known model of "TOMATO". Lisa is a pure-blood Chinese, but she has a mixed face. Her unique temperament made her stand out in the selection of TOMATO models in her sophomore year.

Being able to take magazine photos with Mo Zhen is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for each model of TOMATO. Lisa managed to secure this place and made all kinds of preparations a week in advance, but ... she hasn't come yet.

The editor-in-chief of Xun Magazine has cursed her a hundred times in his heart. He managed to win Mo Zhen, but he didn't expect to drop the chain here. And the Anda stylist next to him seemed to be impatient.

The editor-in-chief wiped the sweat from her forehead and was preparing to adjust the atmosphere. Lisa's agent finally trot over. "Lisa couldn't come. She had an accident on the road and broke her head."

Uh ...

The editor-in-chief really wanted to die. He glanced at the two big buddhas next to him and tried to make himself laugh: "Mr. Tian, ​​An Taishen, there are many excellent models in our magazine. There is no lisa and lina. Don't fret, I'll ask someone to get her right away! "

颜 Li Yan sitting beside me thought about this sentence, how did he always feel that the editor was so like Mama?

"No need." An Yi stood up from the sofa and called the editor-in-chief who ran to the door. "I don't have that much time to waste with you, just let her."

He pointed to Li Yan sitting next to Mo Zhen.

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