MTL - Goodnight Kiss from My Rumored Husband-Chapter 10 Uncle Peeing Far

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The turtle seemed to know that Gu Nianjia was smiling at his name, and said angrily, "What is the smile? My mum said that my dad is a bitch, so I am a turtle, is there something wrong?"

Didn't turtles hatch from the bastard?

Gu Nianjia tried to control her smile and shook her head. "No ... nothing wrong."

Then she stood up and walked next to Gu Nianshen, and said, "Brother, you said how dregs this child's father is, dregs so much that his mother hates him so much that he doesn't let go of his own son."

She hadn't reached Gu Nianshen's footsteps yet, and her hands were stretched out to help Gu Nianshen's arm, but even before his clothes were touched, he was stopped by a warning look in his eyes.

Gu Nianjia narrowed her neck and retracted her hand.

Everyone knows that Miss Gu Jia, who is not afraid in the sky, is afraid of her brother Gu Nianshen. He asked her to go east, and she never dared to go west, because he didn't agree with her and would deal with her fiercely. .

Those measures even made her wonder whether she was his sister or not.

Gu Nian looked away indifferently from Gu Nianjia's body, her hands were naturally inserted into her pants pockets, and she turned to continue to move forward.

He had just taken a few steps, his legs were clasped by a pair of small hands, he just lifted his head and took a sigh of anger back, then looked down at the small milk bag hanging on his leg like a leg pendant.

The little fellow was looking at him with pitiful eyes.

"Uncle who urinates far, I want to find Uncle White and my mum. Can I borrow your phone and call me?" The little man muttered a small mouth, and a fat little hand was holding Gushen's deep trousers. Tugged lightly.

Very careful.

噗 …… 噗 ……

This time Zitt helped, he couldn't help it, even if the boss fired him, he couldn't help it.

Hahaha ... Uncle who urinates far, is this little fart going to laugh at him?

Gu Nian's complexion was as dark as the bottom of the pot, and he lifted his feet disgustingly and wanted to throw away the small turtle, but the small turtle held him tightly with a pair of hands, and he couldn't shake it at all.

"Qi Shaodong!"

Gu Nianshen yelled, Qi Shaodong's smile was absent, and he bent over and responded, "boss."

"Give him your phone." Gu Nianshen kicked his head again, disgustingly.

Hearing Gu Nianshen's order, Qi Shaodong froze, thinking he heard it wrong, "Master, did you let me lend this cell phone to this little king eight?"

He thought this little guy was going to be unlucky, how could he be so easily conquered.

The little turtle heard Qi Shaodong calling him Xiao Wang Ba, very dissatisfied, "I'm not called Xiao Wang Ba, my father called Wang Ba Dan, but I'm a small turtle."

There is a difference between a fish and a bastard.

After saying that, he pouted his mouth and looked up at Gu Nianshen, "Uncle who **** far away, are you right?"

Gu Nianshen really couldn't control it, bent over and reached out to grab the clothes behind the little turtle, and easily lifted him up and tossed him aside.

This behavior immediately received contempt from his sister, "Brother, you are cruel, even a child you will not let go."


"Dear you, don't worry, I have found the little fish. Here we came up to the toilet on the right side of the elevator. Come on."

Suddenly a young man dressed as a hip-hop came over while calling and saw the little turtle. He was excited and greeted the person over the phone and hung up.

The little fish saw him and got up from the ground with excitement. "Uncle White."

(The new book is released, where is my brother's wife, girlfriends, lovers, and husbands? Come and steal a wave of votes for the brother, leave a word of it, pretend that the brother is also a popular author. ...)