MTL - Gorgeously Enchanting Elementalist: Insidious Evil Emperor’s Airheaded Concubine-Chapter 36 This life will not be yours

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This enchanting one belongs to that kind of thing, not a willing thing, prefer not to.

Shangguan Yunyi’s face still hangs a faint smile: “I don’t mind, I never force others. You don’t like me to be your business. I like you to be my business. Because I’m going to marry you, Let you fall in love with me."

The tone must be domineering, as if you don't worry that the curtain cloud will not like him, but that the curtain cloud will fall in love with him.

Curtain cloud purple...

Then look at the upward official cloud wing with a puzzled look: "Are you sure you really like me?"

The curtain cloud purple looked at Shangguan Yunyi, but there was actually a feeling in my heart. It was not that I liked Shangguan Yunyi at a glance, but it seemed that they had known thousands of years, but it was only found in the cloud. Wings play, and the inner feelings are completely ignored.

Shangguan Yunyi walked with his own heart and solemnly looked at the curtain cloud: "OK, and definitely."

The mood of the curtain cloud purple was determined by Shangguan Yunyi, and his solemn expression was shocked.

Seeing the handsome face close at hand, the curtain cloud purple heart thumped and hopped, and never said this to her before.

In fact, it is not that others are unwilling to express their confession to the curtain, but they have not seen it. They have seen her murderous suffocation. Under the powerful momentum, they will be swallowed back to their lips.

Miao Yunzi stared at Shangguan Yunyi, she actually did not resent the Shangguan Yunyi.

Shangguan Yunyi’s bones reveal a momentum of the world, and people like him do not lack women at all. I am afraid that as long as he has a word, he does not know how many women are willing to be with him.

Since he does not hate him, he does not dislike him. Why not gamble, she is willing to try to fall in love with Shangguan Yunyi. She believes in her instincts.

Curtain Yunzi looked at Shangguan Yunyi very seriously: "I can try to associate with you and try to fall in love with you. However, I only need one life and one person. If you can't do it, give up early! I won't Share your man with any woman."

Sharing a man with other women is a disgusting feeling.

Shangguan Yunyi smiled happily, and this smile was dazzling and dazzling.

Then I took the thin waist of the curtain cloud purple and looked at her warmly: "Shantou! This life will not be yours."

He was afraid that the curtain cloud purple would not believe it, and then one hand raised it, and **** pointed at the sky: "I Shangguan Yunyi swears to the sky, this life will not be held by her, if there is a violation of the words, it will be destroyed."

In the heart of the purple cloud, a trace of warmth, she will be able to meet such a person?

Then she opened her lips with a smile of happiness: "If you don't pay me, I will not pay for you in this life."

Although she has not fallen in love with him now, she believes that such a man, she should fall in love with him!

Shangguan Yunyi’s gentle face with a smile: “Shantou! You said that we are all like this, I don’t know your name yet!”

The curtain cloud purple spit out his tongue and said with a playful voice: "My name is Yun Yun Zi."

"Screen, cloud, purple!

"Shangguan Yunyi spit out a word, as if to engrave these words in my mind."

Immediately, the funeral cloud said: "I still like to call you a girl! It feels more cordial."

The curtain cloud purple white gave him a look, this person is determined to be the master of the four people of Lan Yu? Let them fear the master? Why do she feel that this enchanting is like a slap in the face?