MTL - Gou Cultivates Immortals In the Chaotic World of Demons and Martial Arts-Chapter 20 Demon disaster emerges (recommended)

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  Chapter 20 Demon Disaster Emerges (recommendation requested)


  The gorgeous morning light slowly fell from the east, as if coating the entire Black Rock City with a layer of gold.

  Fang Xi returned to her mansion and changed her clothes.

   "Lu Snake is vulnerable, but the news revealed before his death is worthy of attention..."

  Last night, with the help of the power of the talisman, he successfully wiped out the top management of the Red Snake Martial Arts Hall, but the peripheral disciples still knew nothing about it.

   Moreover, he also used Lu Snake to complete an experiment of his own.

  ‘True warriors will still suffer a lot from low-grade magic weapons... The bones are a little harder than ordinary people, but as long as they avoid a few hard bones and focus on the key points, they can easily defeat the strong with the weak! '

  Fang Xi still found it very interesting when she thought of Lu She's shocked expression when she saw the Flying Sword Technique last night.


   After breakfast, Fang Xi came to Baiyun Martial Arts.

   "Junior brother, you are finally here."

  Mu Piaomiao was at the entrance of the martial arts hall. When she saw Fang Xi, her eyes lit up immediately, and she grabbed Fang Xi's hand and walked towards the inner courtyard.

   "Senior sister, what happened?"

  Fang Xi felt the surprised gazes of the disciples around her, and calmly removed her palm from Mu Mimiao's hand.

   "A friend of Daddy's is here. Uncle Hao is also the master of the martial arts gym..."

  Miaomiao introduced a few words concisely.

  ‘Oh, it’s Mu Canglong who has a guest, and you want me to support the scene? '

  Fang Xi probably understood, so she didn't refuse, and followed Mu Mimiao into the living room.

   "Haha, this is my niece, right? She's grown more and more graceful."

  In the lobby, Mu Canglong and a red-faced strong man are taking their seats as guests and hosts.

  The red-faced man saw Mu Mimiao, his eyes lit up immediately, and he told a red-robed young man beside him: "Don't you go to salute?"

   "Hao Lan, I met Miss Mu."

  The young man was probably the nephew of Hall Master Hao, and he stepped forward with a gentle smile on his face.

   "My nephew is not talented, but now he is only nineteen years old, and he is already in the realm of three changes..."

  Hall owner Hao laughed.

   "Haha... My unbelievable daughter only broke into the realm of the three transformations of qi and blood at the age of twenty."

  Mu Canglong took a sip of tea calmly, then pointed to Fang Xi: "This disciple is not bad, he is seventeen years old this year, and he has three changes in energy and blood."


  Hao Lan's expression brightened immediately, as if someone had slashed him.

   "Haha...I still have something important to discuss with Brother Mu..." On the contrary, the owner Hao, after a little shock, returned to normal.

   "Well, Misty, Fang Xi, you take Hao Lan out for a walk, young people need to get closer."

  Mu Canglong's expression also became solemn.

  Fang Xi and Mu Miaomiao each saluted and walked out of the living room.

  Before going out, Fang Xi's ears moved, and the worried voice of the owner Hao came to his ears: "...Brother Mu, I'm afraid there is nothing strange about the encirclement and suppression of monsters before!"


  ‘Before encircling and suppressing monsters, what happened? '

While Fang Xi was thinking, Hao Lan, who was next to him, saw Mu Miumiao's eyes looking at her junior brother from time to time, and immediately became a little young: "This junior brother has broken through the three transformations of qi and blood at the age of seventeen. Hao Lan admires it. How about... if we have a competition?"

   "This...isn't necessary?"

   Fang Xi refused.

  Based on his current level as a master of martial arts, he usually has three changes in energy and blood, that is, one leg per leg.

   "What? In front of Miss Mu, isn't Junior Brother Fang...afraid of losing?" Hao Lan smiled.

  He thinks that young people are easy to get on top of, and if he is stimulated like this, he will definitely be tricked.

  Clinker Fang Xi just rolled her eyes secretly, too lazy to argue with the children: "Well...then I'll admit defeat, brother Hao is so powerful, I'm ashamed of myself!"


  Hao Lan's eyes widened, as if she had recognized Fang Xi again.

   After a long time, he spit out another sentence: "I have never seen such a person as Brother Fang..."


   "Brother Mu, please take what happened today to your heart."

  The main entrance of Baiyun Martial Art Museum.

  Master Hao took his nephew to bid farewell to Mu Canglong.

  Mu Miu and Fang Xi stood in the crowd to see each other off.

   "Just now... why did you just admit defeat?" Mu Mimiao approached Fang Xi and asked quietly.

   "It's a meaningless fight, why fight?" Fang Xi asked back, lowering her eyelids.

  Instead of competing with children, why not consider the weird atmosphere in Black Rock City recently.

  It seems... since the last time you hunted the monster, something terrible has happened.

   Just when he was lost in thought, suddenly, there was an exclamation not far away:


  The voice was high-pitched, almost piercing the sky.


  Fang Xi frowned, and followed everyone in the martial arts hall to the place where the voice came from.

   After turning a street corner, I saw a group of people running wildly, avoiding a few...weird people behind them?

   "What the **** is this...?"

  Fang Xi's keen eyesight allowed Fang Xi to see the true faces of these strange people—the cheeks were thin, and something in the shape of a wooden beard protruded from the seven orifices.

  At this moment, a strange man casually grabbed a passerby beside him, and his roots pierced into the opponent's body.


  The innocent passer-by screamed, his figure shrank rapidly, and his eyes gradually became dull...

  ‘Feeling…like some kind of puppet? '

  As an immortal cultivator, Fang Xi's knowledge is still very broad.

  Seeing this scene, when the pupils shrank sharply, he was even more speechless: 'I made a mistake...I used to be so stupid and naive, I thought this was a world of low martial arts...'

"help me!"


   Weird people and fears seem to be contagious, quickly spreading among the crowd.

  A large number of people fled in a panic, and a child fell on the side of the road, crying.

   "Get up."

  Hao Lan grabbed the child and quickly retreated to the direction of everyone in the martial arts hall.

   "Brother Mu!" Hall Master Hao roared, and his fists were like rolling stones, hitting one of the strange men.


  Where the true power passed, the weirdo was directly beaten until his spine was broken and half of his body was broken.

   "Brother Hao, get out of the way!"

  Mu Canglong’s eyes twitched and he exclaimed.


  Housekeeper Hao let out a cry of pain, looked at his palm, and saw that there were several blood holes on it at some point.

   "At least it's a big demon, maybe even..."

  Mu Canglong's expression became extremely solemn, and he shouted violently: "Baiyun martial arts disciples obey orders! Return to the martial arts hall immediately and defend against the wall!"


  Mu Mimiao glanced at her father, and led her junior back to the martial arts hall.

  Fang Xi looked up, and saw Mu Canglong holding a fine steel rod, fighting with a strange man.

  He looked at the collapsed shelves on the street, a rattle rolled a few times on the ground, and finally stopped at his feet.

  This seemingly prosperous and prosperous age is like soap bubbles, which will disappear with one poke...

  The speed is so fast, it really makes people feel like a dream.


  Hao Lan didn't know why, but he thought the child was pitiful, so he saved it.

   And when he came back to his senses, several strange men had already surrounded him.

  The strange man this time is different from the previous ones. There are no tree whiskers protruding from the seven orifices, but strange black marks are branded on his body, wriggling like tadpoles, covering most of his cheeks, like a hideous mask.

   "Look at my family biography... Rolling Stone Fist!"

  He took a deep breath, and the powerful power of the three changes of Qi and blood was struck out like raging waves and thunder.

   Bang bang bang!


  Hao Lan screamed, feeling that the bones in her right hand were broken.

  He looked at a tattooed grotesque flying towards him, couldn't help laughing miserably, and closed his eyes.


  The next moment, a loud noise came.

   "What are you still doing, hurry up!"

  Fang Xi kicked a strange man away, and at some point in his hand, a green dagger appeared, and he slashed at the flying strange man.

   Dark red blood splashed one by one, remaining on the blade.

  'I got some blood, you can go back and study it, or take it to the world of cultivating immortals to find someone to have a look...'

  The main goal of Fang Xi's coming out is to get a sample, as for Hao Lan?

   It was just seeing the other party's previous actions to save the child, and I had a little liking for it, so I just saved it casually.

  As a cultivator, one should follow one's inclinations and do what one wants to do.

   "Okay... so amazing!"

  Hao Lan was almost stupid there.

  As someone who had just fought, he couldn't understand how difficult those weirdos were.

  I broke my hand after just a few moves, but Fang Xi dealt with it with ease.

  Thinking of the previous scene where the other party admitted defeat, Hao Lan's cheeks could not help but become as shy as a monkey's butt: "I'm so stupid, really..."


  Time moves forward slightly.

  Black Rock City, where the Daliang government is located.

  The backyard of the government office.

  Monsters emerged one after another, including the original two-headed wolf and even several missing martial arts masters.

  The ground was covered with blood, and there was no living person around.

  And a group of parasitic monsters and powerful warriors gathered together, suddenly roared a few times, and their flesh and blood exploded.

  Among countless splashes of blood and flesh and blood, vine-like things emerged, knotted with each other, grew long roots, and plunged into the ground.

   Soon, a strange pitch-black tree grew out of the flesh and blood.

  Countless roots protrude from the white bones and skulls, supporting the trunk of the pitch-black giant tree. Lines like blood vessels emerge on the bark. In the huge black tree crown, there seem to be faces looming.

  A streak of black air roots fell from mid-air, piercing into the body of the strange man that appeared nearby.

   Life and death, evil and beauty...

  All kinds of coordination and disharmony, symmetry and asymmetry can be found on this weird life!

  After the emergence of this strange black blood giant tree, its huge canopy expanded wantonly around, and a thin mist emerged, becoming thicker...

   "Damn it, it's a 'demon'!"

  Not far away, there are all masters from the Yuanheshan branch, and the leader is Linghuyang!

Looking at this scene, Linghu Yang gritted his teeth with hatred: "The frequent migration of monsters near Black Rock City is due to the birth of a 'demon'! At this time, this demon has chosen the center of Black Rock City to take root, and Black Rock City... is over! "

  (end of this chapter)