MTL - Gourmet Food Supplier-Chapter 1 unexpected

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In the April of the world, Fangfei did it, and the temple temple peach blossoms began to bloom.

In this bustling city, the small shop at the junction of the Second Ring and the Third Ring is like an inconspicuous fly. However, Yuanzhou, who is in a dimly lit room, is unwilling to think about it.

"哎" sits on the only chair that does not lack arms and broken legs. Yuanzhou’s room, which looks like a small room, sighs and his thoughts drift away.

This is the only thing left by Yuanzhou parents except for the 50,000 funeral expenses.

A second-floor shop on the grocery street, backed by an office building, the upper floor is a family of three warm-minded residences, and the lower level operates a small noodle restaurant.

Since the death of my parents’ traffic accident three years ago, I have never been to the lower store, even the back door that I usually go out.

Now the house is full of dust, and the tables and chairs benches that have been smashed by accidental stimulation. The tableware is a mess, and the second floor is not much better. Apart from the usual activities, how was it three years ago?

I did not expect the transfer posted two years ago, and now some people are willing to take over.

Yuanzhou stood up and looked around in a circle. The mature face was covered with a vicissitudes of life and helplessness. It was like remembering this messy noodle restaurant.

However, this expression has not reached three seconds, and I don’t know what stepping on it. Yuanzhou and the hard tile made a close contact with the dust that flew up.

"Oh, my face." Yuanzhou groaned and licked his mouth and rubbed his hand to the left face.

"You will wait, someone will accept you tomorrow." Yuanzhou quickly stood up and felt that his face did not hurt.

I patted the dust on my body and muttered at the dilapidated room. I sighed and didn't want to say anything.

Passing through the messy hall, I skillfully walked to the place where I used to be in the kitchen. There was a secret narrowness near the back door, just enough to accommodate the stairs.

Going up the stairs, Yuanzhou has no expression, but his hand is on the body where he just fell.

The stairs are not long, it is eight, and the second floor comes to the second floor.

The lighting on the second floor is much better than the first floor.

Close to the stairs is the shoe cabinet, the milky white shoe cabinet, now the area is full of dust, the first layer is placed with two pairs of old-fashioned shoes, the second layer is a couple of women's shoes, the style is outdated, the third floor It's much better, there are brushed white sneakers, and comfortable and innovative casual shoes.

Yuanzhou also took off the slippers on the shoe, and took off the slippers straight, and stepped into the house with bare feet.

The small second floor is divided into three rooms, two of which are close to each other and are not crowded. The white door is hung with a blessing on the left side, and the right side is hung with a door open, but the colors are off, some years. Finally, the yellow wooden door room at the end of the right.

"Squeeze" made a harsh sound.

Unscrew the door on the right side and open the door to see the words, the room is dirty clothes on the floor, the cabinet on the side of the bed is half open, the clothes inside are piled up freely, and the black laptop on the bedside table is flashing. The display is still working.

The entire room has only the double bed that is neatly tidy, the quilts are neatly stacked, and the pillows are placed neatly.

Abandoned to look at the dust on the body, Yuanzhou touched the change of clothes from the closet, did not close the door, went straight to the yellow wooden door.

Put the clothes on, first wash the face in the sink, and reflect the mature face in the mirror of the sink. In the early thirties, the eyes are deep and charming, with maturity and calmness, so that the ordinary features are unreasonable. More than a few minutes of the charm of the popular uncle handsome guy.

Yuanzhou had some inconspicuous burns on his hands. There were some cuts on his fingers. His fingers were not beautiful. The muscle lines of his arms were very beautiful. Others were very ordinary.

Although I also wanted to practice the abdominal muscles for the girl, after three months of practice, I looked down at my abdomen and still did not have any lines to give up.

After a little cleaning, I went back to my room. The mobile phone just remembered the vibrating sound of “嗡嗡”, dried my hand, and opened the text message from the boss of Wang. There was only one sentence: “Yuanzhou, I am recruited here, you will not use it tomorrow. The salary will be credited to your card on time."

I was relieved. Although I have been resigning for half a month, the boss said that according to the normal procedures, people can be recruited to leave, and Yuanzhou has long wanted to leave this sad place and go outside.

Looking at the photo on the table, Yuanzhou had some ease in his heart, just thinking that the guests who came to see the house tomorrow had some troubles.

After all, of course, parents are full of hope for this small shop. They also said that if there is no achievement in the future, they can inherit this small shop. But since the death of their parents, they have never opened it once. Now they have to rent out. Yuanzhou’s heart is a little annoyed and reaches out. I made the photo farther away.

Lying in bed, I looked out of the darkness of the eyes, closed my eyes and thought of it, and I was going to sleep directly.

"Drips, detecting host mental stability, suitable for binding, binding start, binding end."

The inexplicable electronic sound suddenly sounded in my mind, and Yuanzhou opened his eyes. His face still had no expression, but his eyes were full of surprises.

"System?" Yuanzhou could not help but whisper.

"Host, I am." A serious and cold electronic voice responded in Yuanzhou's mind.

"Ha?" This is really a bit embarrassing.

“What the **** is this?” Yuanzhou began to look around at everything in the house in an attempt to find the source of the utterance, or something different from yesterday.

Of course, in addition to the leftover at noon, I was still lying outside the lunch box of the trash can, and there was nothing extra in the room.

"The host does not need to find, the system is bound to your hindbrain..." When the electronic sound just talked to the back of the brain, Yuanzhou was able to reach out to the back of the brain with a thunderstorm, and carefully touched it several times to find out there. There is nothing more, not even a bump.

The cold electronic sound continues to "in the way of the naked eye, the microscope, and any method can not be seen, the system is the kitchen system, the host conditions are attached, and the first task is now open."

"Wait, wait, what system?" Yuanzhou found that looking for no fruit, sitting calmly back to his bed, asked.

"Cooking God system, in order to avoid the consumption of energy, the system explanation will appear in the host's mind in the form of words, just watch it." The cold electronic sound disappeared completely.

Caption: This system comes from a galaxy that you don't know. It was invented by the famous doctor Dr. A, so that human beings can enjoy a higher level of spiritual enjoyment. They flowed to the earth 2,500 years ago. After ten hosts, you are the eleventh. Bit.

Objective: This system will help you to learn Chinese and Western and become the world's first kitchen god.

Host: Yuanzhou (ordinary Han nationality)

Sex: Male

Age: 24

Physical fitness: C (synthesis rate of nerve reaction speed, strength, coordination, sensitivity, etc.)

Culinary talent: unknown

Skill: None

Props: None

Culinary five-dimensional score: rookie

(You are a rookie in the kitchen industry. You have learned how to cook fried rice for two years.)
