MTL - Gourmet of Another World-Chapter 1540 System repair method [third! 4D update, ask for a monthly ticket! 】

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Titanic dynasty.

Among the towering palaces.

The architectural style of the Titans is tall and grand, because the people of the Titans will become bigger when they say nothing, so the buildings are basically very high.

Inside the palace hall, high.

The Titans sit on it.

The entire palace was demobilized.

It seems to have become a secret place.

There was a faint black air lingering in the palace, and the terrible black air spread, as if it was corroding the void.

After a long time, the Titans opened their eyes.

He picked up his mouth and hung a little evil.

"It’s not the strongest of the Emperor’s level, it’s really strong... I’m holding it, I won’t let it go all the way... but you can’t hold it for a long time.”

There is a hint of coldness in the mouth of the Titan.

He raised his hand and there was a black gas in his palm.

The barbarism on the body is turned into a dark color.

"Based on a great divinity, if the whole **** is turned into my soul and magic paradise, my soul and spirit will soon occupy this world, and when the time will lead the soul to come... my soul will again Become the master of this world! Humans... will be turned into me and other rations!"

The Titans revealed a greedy smile, and there was blackness in their eyes.

Of course, he is still watching the news of cursing the goddess and the steps.

Cursing the flesh of the heavenly woman is still a big temptation for him.

At the beginning, he occupied the body of the Titan, and had the qualification to attack the soul of the Lord. Unfortunately, the Titan was the emperor, and it supported his corrosion.

Otherwise, he would go to the Xia Yu Shen dynasty and grab the cursed goddess and the step.

However, after sensing the spirit of the gods, he still cares.

Especially after the soul two and the soul three have no news, he is more and more cautious.

He does not want to bury the flesh that is not easy to win.

So, he returned to the Titans.

In the capacity of the Titans, he is in charge of this great god.

Waiting for him to successfully advance to the soul of the Lord, is destroying this world.

Who can resist him?

The Empress of the Faerie Gods is not good, and the old man of Xia Wei’s dynasty is even worse!



The blue kitchen knife broke down.

Dropped on the ground, scattered all over the floor.

The steps are a bit innocent.

He looked at the kitchen knife in his hand and didn't know what was going on.

Are the kitchen utensils so fragile now?

Compared with the kitchen **** suit, the difference is too much, oh... the kitchen **** suit is also broken.

Difficult to breathe.

Step by step to shoot his chest.

"Hundreds...A million source stone!"

Pingyang Wang is in his heart.

I looked at the steps and wanted to cry without tears. This is the kitchen utensil of the heavenly chef. Why is it so fragile?

Did the old man... be cheated!

The bold cook, dare to deceive the king!

Stepped down the kitchen knife and sighed.

"Nothing, life is alive, who hasn't met a few liar... It's good to pay attention next time."

Step by step.

Pingyang Wang's face is constantly shaking.

He felt that the old face could not be hanged.

The Emperor gave him money, but it was not for him to feed the liar.

"Mr. Step, don't worry... The old man prepared a lot of kitchen utensils, let's take a look at this..."

Pingyang Wang took a deep breath.

The hand trembled.

A reddish pot emerged.

The pot was filled with terrible enthusiasm, like a volcano boiling.


This pot...

The step reached out and grabbed the pot.

Suddenly, the step felt the spirit of the pot.


It was a magma giant standing on a volcano and roaring.

The terrible breath spread.


Step by step glimpses.


The gods of knowledge once again opened their eyes.

The gods on the recipes of the kitchen gods, the atmosphere is compelling.

A golden light shot through.

The roar of the magma giant suddenly stopped.

Hearing, he was worn by Jin Guangdong.

Broken down the ground.

at the same time.

Pingyang Wang feels that his beard is shaking off.

Step by step, grabbed the red pot, and there was a ray of light on the pot, and then there was a crack...

Broken all over the floor.

That's right, the fragile glass is broken like a glass.

This special...

"The source of the old man's million!"

Pingyang Wang Xin is bleeding.

Take a look at the innocent steps.

He didn't know what to say.

The people around him are also a bit forced, watching the kitchen utensils that are broken and broken, are somewhat speechless.

Is this Pingyang King a comprehension for the Emperor?

How is the level of culinary skills of the step bosses superb, and those who are ruined will want to fool the boss?

Pingyang Wang really does not believe in evil.

A portion of the kitchenware was taken out in succession.

However, they are all broken.

Every time it breaks, the heart of Pingyang Wang is constantly smashed.

That is the source stone of white flowers, leaving him.

Looking for those chefs to come back?

"Mr. Bu, stunned... The old man is now plugging his heart and will show Mr. Step to see the kitchen utensils tomorrow."

Pingyang Wang face ugly.

After the follow-up party left, he turned and left, and left in a hurry.

Step by step touched his hand, he slammed his mouth.


It's still a good way to use the kitchen **** suit.

I don't know how to fix it?


Suddenly, the mind of the step broke through the serious and serious words of the system.

The eye of the step suddenly changed.

I glanced at the crowd and then turned and left, and I entered the kitchen.

"System, is there a way?"

Asked excitedly in the heart of the step.


The host's concise answer.


When did the system actually answer such a serious question?

"What is the solution?" asked the step.

There is no convenient kitchen utensils, and now there is no meaning in cooking.

The system was silent for half a time.

"Please host the collection of the last kitchen kit."

The system said seriously and earnestly.

There is no expression on the steps.

and then.

After that, the system is silent.

The steps and the system are silent.


Asked step by step.

"Nothing." System Road.

The steps are speechless, what is this?

For details of the aftermath, please listen to the next breakdown?

Is there any such operation in the system?

However, the step side also understands that perhaps the recovery of the kitchen **** suit is related to the last kitchen **** suit.

Besides, in the foggy space, the step can feel that the last instrument is absolutely a big bang!

Now it seems that it is very important to get the pieces of the kitchen **** set.

To summon the last set of kitchen gods, you have a piece of kitchen **** set.

Step by step touched the chin.

However, the last piece is not so easy to get together.

The steps frowned.

Wait for the system to post temporary tasks.


A sufficient turnover has been completed.

As long as you have enough turnover, you can upgrade, and you can even attack the gods!

Step by step is now eager to improve.

The pressure that God gave him made him very uncomfortable.

"Please note that you have a cook recipe that has never been cooked."

The system prompts promptly.


Step by step, the system prompts, but let him remember, he also has a dish of recipes.

If you are busy, you will be forgotten.

But the lack of a kitchen **** suit, can you really cook it?

The steps frowned.

The system has said that it is not a way, so in a short time, it is impossible to have a kitchen **** suit.

But there is no way for the step to change this fact.

And this also makes the step by step startled.

It seems that I am too dependent on the kitchen **** suit.

This depends, and the concession side has some frowns.

Business is still going on.

The restaurant is full of fire, and the diners are all delicious and full of food.

The source stone has continuously flowed into the pockets of the steps, increasing the turnover.

It seems that the pace of advancement is getting closer and closer.

Busy day.

When the last diners were sent away.

The step is to spit out a breath.

Wipe the water stains in your hands and walk out of the kitchen.

Leaning on the counter, I have some gaze.

Losing the kitchen **** suit, but the concession side is more and more immersed in cooking.

This feeling is already rare.

Sinking down to study cooking, the step has not been this feeling for a long time.

Xiao You is holding a bowl of dragon blood rice to eat.

Her big eyes looked at the steps, and it seemed that she felt that the steps were different from usual.

“It seems that I haven’t introduced a new dish for a long time...”

Step by step and feel the chin.

Xiao You saw that the steps seemed to come out of the grief of losing the kitchen utensils, and the eyes suddenly lit up.

The dragon's blood rice was stuffed in the mouth and nodded.

There are really no new dishes to appear.

Is it necessary to study new dishes?

Is it delicious?

Pluto Erha and other people also looked over.

Step by step, glanced at the crowd, then turned and sneaked into the kitchen.

"wait for me."

Said the step.

Then, I entered the kitchen and started to mess with new dishes.

The crowd suddenly became curious.

The emperor is also awkward.

Originally intended to end the task today, he left the restaurant, could not help but stop the pace.

He wants to see what new dishes the step will prepare.

Recently, he was busy working as a waiter, and he was working hard to collect the elixir of his father.

His time is precious.

However, every time I found the eyes that everyone expected, the emperor could not help but also be infected.

Then wait...

Anyway, there is no loss.

Just give yourself a vacation.


In the kitchen.

The steps frowned.

He rolled up his sleeves, stretched his fingers, and touched his chin.

Spiritual sea.

The golden recipe of the kitchen god, began to turn pages.

The roaring sounds and the brilliance.


A stream of information emerged from the cook recipe and was received by the step.

This is the name of the new dish.

The new dish of the chef's recipe.

Every time the dishes of the kitchen recipes come out, it is a huge challenge for the stepper.

This time is no exception.

There is a lot of information on the recipes, which fills the head of the step, as if to rush the head of the step.

"this is……"

Step by step opened his mouth and gave a slight exhalation.

The eyes narrowed and the face was slightly weird.

He really didn't think that such a dish... would actually appear in the kitchen recipe.

This dish... can also be included?

Is it the guy who created the recipe for the chef?

The steps can't help but laugh and cry.

Because of this last dish, it seems that something is inside.

Chef's recipes: the best cola chicken wings.