MTL - Gourmet of Another World-Chapter 1584 Explosion... soul thirteen [second more! Seeking a monthly ticket! 】

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He is ill and wants him.

The dog and the step, this is what I think at the moment.

Step by step step by step, followed by the dog, his breath is in a rapid skyrocketing, in an instant, but the strength and repair of the gods, but suddenly like boiling water.

All of a sudden, the price went up.

The power of the surrounding laws lingers, rolling like a sea.

Reflecting the steps, making the steps, like the ancient gods, such as the ruler of the law sea.

Stepping on the waves, come.

This scene is shocking to everyone, even more amazing than the appearance of the gods.

Step by step, the hard-boiled first-time gods, to the top gods!

The arc of this crossing is really exaggerated. It is too scary. It is beyond the imagination of everyone. Even some people have never seen such a breakthrough.

A thought into a god?

This... is simply a fantasy.

Or is it that the Emperor has done so easily?

You must know that the Emperor can be regarded as a top-level existence that stands in this chaotic universe.

They overlook the world and they control the world.

And the cook...has achieved this strength between thoughts.

The Emperor Xia Yu even refused to take care of his injuries and suddenly turned from the ground.

He did not think that the stepping party not only did not fall under the attack of the soul thirteen, but also made a breakthrough in the cultivation of the lively and chaotic.

Hard from the gods, rushed into the gods, and then from the gods, rushed into the Emperor!

This guy... is it really human?

Is it because of the understanding of the five laws of the universe?

Great to complete the five principles of the strong, can do whatever they want?

Titan's eyes reveal awe and fanaticism, and he is now a follower of the fanatic step.

Only he knows how enchanting and powerful the steps are.

Any strange thing that appears on the step is normal.

Steps can bring him out of the country full of souls, enough to make him believe in it.

Xia Wei’s son was stunned.

At this moment, he felt deeply frustrated.

Steps... It’s really enchanting.

Compared with the step, he can't count anything.

What is the strongest emperor, what is the most enchanting emperor of the talent, everything is fart.

The cook that once dismissed himself has now grown to the same level as his father.

Xiao Yanyu's eyes flashed, and the glamorous face was full of excitement.

She looked at the steps and her face was somewhat blurred.

Sure enough, no matter where you are, you can shine like gold.

Amo was in the same place and his body was shaking.

Looking at the savvy cook in the sky...

At this moment, she felt that her previous behavior really made her feel uncomfortable.

The humans are very sluggish, but after that, everyone is boiling, they are excited, they are proud.

The leader of the Soul seems to be in a disadvantage, they humans... saved!

The breath of the step is skyrocketing.

He felt his power in the dantian, the power of the gods is gathering at a rapid speed.

That divine power, just like the gods of the gods and gods, is nothing more than the kitchen gods, his power is like the rivers and rivers.


At today's level, the step is to be able to clearly feel the horror of the power contained in the kitchen gods.

That is a force that transcends everything.

That drop of divine power, heavy as if it can crush a world.

Even his own big rivers and rivers can't match the drop of the gods.

The step also understands why the spirits will be so distressed when they crush a drop of divine power.

Steps also feel the former self... some defeated.

Divine power is transforming the flesh of the step, and the step can feel the raging power running under the skin.

It seems as if a punch can blow a star.

This is the power of the Emperor.

At this moment, the combat power has soared to the point where he himself has no spectrum.

The figure of the dog-in-law is approaching the soul thirteen.

The soul thirteen ate the snail powder, the kind of delicious, it is a disaster for the soul.

So the soul thirteen burst out of a silver-white flame, the flame burning his body.

The soul thirteen is fiercely savage, and the power of sin is constantly surging, trying to suppress this flame and suppress this injury.

The dog is approaching.

After a punch, the time seems to have slowed down.

Soul Thirteen is naturally feeling the attack of the dog.

The dog is a god, even if he does not dare to take it lightly.

So split a bit of sinful power and fight against the dog's punch.


The soul thirteen punches and collides with the dog's fist.

boom! !

The soul threw up at thirteen, and fell on a vast star, making the whole star tremble.

He turned up, and the arm that had a punch with the dog, the insect scales on it were broken.

However, the scales that fall like sand and stone are slowly recovering.

The dog’s gaze is like a torch, and the law behind it is indulging, and it’s coming quickly.

The stepping step is also keeping up.

The power of the law continually converges on the arm of the step.

A punch is going to the soul thirteen.


The soul thirteen eyes condensed, and made a fierce roar.

He really hated this cook, and the bowl of snail powder made his body continually collapse and collapse.

If it weren't for this cook, he has now completely leveled this Xia dynasty and conquered this chaotic universe.

You can even be favored by the whole body and set foot on the peak of the soul!

However, now...he is like a dead dog, falling into such a field.

It's all because of a bowl of snail powder!

That stuff... poisonous!

However, even in this state, his soul thirteen is still the soul master.

It is not a god, it is impossible to be able to compete with it.

This cook is coming... just looking for death!


The soul thirteen snarls, and the stars are cracked on the ground.

He blasted another punch.

Coming to the step of the impact.

The arm of the step is falling, as if there is a beast!


Two punches collided.

For a while, the body of the soul thirteen was once again deeply involved, as if to run through the entire star.

The steps are suspended, falling on the stars, and the dusty stars are flying.

In the law of time, the dog-in-law was turned into a figure and suspended in the distance.

Both will pinch the soul around thirteen.

Oh la la...

The waste rock rolls off.

The soul thirteen climbed up from the ruins, and the insect scales on his arm slammed against the steps, but it was also constantly blasting.

There is a shocking color in the heart of the soul thirteen.

This cook, in fact, with the power of the Emperor, can play the power of the gods!

This human... can't stay! Never leave!

Soul Thirteen has already thought of the terrible human enchanting in the world of the Soul...

It is really possible for the step to grow into that kind of existence!

Step and the dog looked at each other.

They didn't give the soul thirteen time to breathe.

The two feet stepped on the ground and the ground collapsed.

Suddenly burst out.

At this level, what moves, what skills are virtual, and a simple punch is enough to crush everything.

The battle is also simple and straightforward, that is, the collision of boxing and boxing.

Who can't help, who will be blasted!

The soul thirteenth body burned, but actually, under the joint efforts of the dog and the step, it was not immediately defeated.

He seems to be adhering to his inner pride and is constantly resisting.

Punch a punch.

The insect scales on the body were crushed by the shells and the dog's bombardment, and after the collapse, they were quickly repaired.

The three battles are in full swing.

The strong people in the Xia's dynasty can only see the loud noise from the stars, but they don't know what happened.

Since you don't know what happened, keep fighting!

On the human side, the amount of stinky tofu is also used.

But they did not admit defeat, the soul demon suppressed by stinky tofu, there is no threat to them before, crazy battle.

It shows the indomitable will of mankind in desperation.

Human beings are a strange creature.

This time, the Soul Magic finally felt it.

Even if you are in a desperate situation, you can counterattack in the Jedi.

Xia Wei Shen Huang felt that the injury was almost repaired. He stood up and the breath of the Emperor on his body bloomed.

There are steps and a dog to drag the soul thirteen.

Their human race will win!

Xia Wei Shenhuang shouted out.

Gold armor.

Climbing into the sky, into the soul of the camp.

With the addition of the Emperor, the war was presented in one fell swoop.

The human side has finally taken over the advantage.


The star was blown out half...

The entire star surface is full of potholes and pits.

In a pothole with a radius of 10,000 miles, the soul thirteen fell inside, and his scarlet eyes were unwilling to kneel.

far away.

The dog and the step are still standing.

The law of time on the dog's body is in the air, as if it is going to disappear at any time.

And the step, is to open his mouth, constantly breathing.

The soul thirteen was attacked by two people.

The scales on the body were completely blasted, and the body did not know how many punches were suffered.

The speed of repairing insect scales can't even catch up with the speed of being destroyed...

The deep pit is incomparably dark, and the soul thirteen body moves.

Oh la la...

The scales of the insects are completely broken, rolling like a fool, and only the residue is attached to them.

He reveals the flesh at the moment, which is the flesh of the Titans.

The body is covered with barbarism.

"My soul thirteen... I can't lose here. My soul thirteen is to be the master of this chaotic universe. My soul is to be recognized by the soul! I can't die here!"

The body of the soul thirteen is shaking.

The next moment, he opened his mouth.

The neck swelled fiercely.

The eyes of the soul thirteen will burst open.

The bulge slowly moved up, from the neck, into the mouth.


A vomiting.

The thirteenth body of the soul took a step back.

A loud bang.

A black energy ball fell to the ground.

In the black energy ball, there is a terrible power...

The face of Soul Thirteen reveals complete madness.

"Damn humans... **** god, you will soon regret for what you have done! The seven sinful souls... look so small!"

The soul thirteen is extremely weak, and his mouth is contaminated with residual juice, but the sneer on his face is extremely cold.

Step on it step by step.

The soul thirteen rises into the sky and rushes out of the deep pit.

Step and the dog squint and looked at the rushing soul thirteen.

There is no soul thirteen guarded by insect scales, and it is much thinner.

The dog squinted, although the time rule around the body was illusory.

However, he raised his hand and slammed it.

Suddenly turned into an energy dog ​​claw, shot toward the soul thirteen.


The soul thirteen raised his arm to resist.

With a bang, the green blood splashed.

Although his body is the body of mankind, it is no longer a human being through change.

"He is very weak now..."

Dogs said.

In a claw, he was able to sense it.

"It's time to end..."

Step by step.

The five laws of the universe's strongest are condensed and gathered on the arm.

The step is like a teleport, and it appears in front of the soul thirteen.

The soul thirteen opened his mouth, staring at the step of the dead, that look, as if to live alive will be swallowed.

The frit is frowning.

The eyes of the kitchen **** are launched.


In the eyes of the kitchen **** of the step, the soul of the moment is thirteen, and the whole body is weak. It is covered with a small red dot.

How is this going?

There were only three weaknesses before, and now all are weaknesses?

Is it weird?

However, the steps are too lazy to think so much.

The five-way strong law swept out of the arm.

A bang.

Instantly blow the body of the soul thirteen! ! !

A loud bang, the whole star is bursting open!

"You are dead... this chaotic universe... must be destroyed!!"

The soul thirteen smiled cruelly.

The eyelids are full of grievances.


The next moment, the face of the grievances is fixed.

His body was completely blasted... Green blood, like a **** fog, filled the sky.

far away.

The time rule on the dog's body is gone.

Re-formed as a fat black dog, just sleepy, and squatted on the ground full of ruins.

Step by step, he glanced at the dog, and his mouth was slightly pulled.


A step in the way, it seems that it is wrong.

He turned his head and looked at the place where the soul thirteen was blown up.

"The soul of the soul of the thirteenth body? Why did not appear?" Steps gaze, whispered.

Under the deep pit.

Rub it.

The lacquered black ball suddenly cracked a crack.

The power of violent sin is surging from it...

The next moment, a bang sounded.

The ball burst.

A huge beast that was covered in the power of sin was suddenly broken out of the shell.

There is no sense of wisdom in the eyes of this beast, and some...just a terrible destruction.

Looking up, this beast has sent out a beast.

A terrible breath, compared to the soul thirteen... even worse!

The real gluttony lord, appeared!