MTL - Gourmet of Another World-Chapter 1608 The first place to sleep, arrive! [First! 】

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The sky falls into a beef ball.

This is what no one thought of...

A beef ball will fly?

Still flying at sea?

Do you think it is a movie?

The officers of the Sakura Island State are all blasphemy.

However, just in the gap between them, the beef **** have fallen... No, it should be a beef missile, it has already fallen...

The sound of the explosion, the explosion suddenly.


The ship of Sakura Island is instantly...exploded!

The sea water is suddenly ferociously poured, and a huge sea of ​​mountains like a mountain bag is swept up, and it is bubbling!

Hey! !

The fire suddenly burst into the sky, and it was very obvious in this dark night.

The entire sea area seems to be a shock and trembling.

The position of the original Sakura Island ship was suddenly turned into a huge rotating seawater whirlpool. As for the ship... it has disappeared.

The officers of the Sakura Island State, all the soldiers of the Sakura Island State, and even the reaction were too late to disappear.

Fortunately, no one has seen this scene. If it is seen, it is afraid that it will be shocked.

Is this the destructive power of a beef ball?

So terrible?

It’s comparable to a nuclear bomb!

The earthquake is very strong, at least... the cruise ship gemstone, which is thousands of miles away, feels the sense of shock.

Moreover, because of the shaking of the sea water, the waves were set off, and the waves were rolled up in all directions under the stack of sea water, and they turned into huge waves!

The waves are constantly approaching the gemstones, approaching... the waves have reached tens of meters...

The crew on the gemstone had just breathed a sigh of relief, and now it is a breath that mentions the throat.

The huge waves are dangerous for the big ship of the gemstone. Once the ship is washed down, it is a nightmare for everyone!

They have escaped from man-made disasters, but they have escaped from natural disasters...

The step has returned to the ship at the moment.

Standing on the deck, the broken hair was swaying by the wind.

Step by step, holding a small fox in his arms, the little fox is still braving the faint smoke at this moment.

Her small eyes are also looking into the distance.


There is a glimmer of fire.

The waves are coming from that direction.

Although the spirit of the step cannot spread to such a large extent, the repair of the step can clearly feel the position of the ship.

Therefore, a small fox ass, aiming at the direction, is a burst of beef **** to send.

The other party is also an assassination. It is also a gift for food, warplanes, and missiles. The step feels that if you don’t return to the ceremony, it is really unbearable.

So, I went back to a beef ball.

wishing all the best.

A slight twist on the corner of the square.

He grabbed a piece of snake meat in one hand. This piece of snake meat was taken from the gossip snake and was the most essential piece of meat of the snake.

And the step, also prepared to use this piece of snake meat to make a snake.

Yu Ge and Xiao Ai, as well as everyone on the ship, now look at the gaze of the step, has been inexplicable.

If there is no guessing, the step should be the land **** in the martial arts...

Oh my God!

Land gods are also gods! This existence actually appears.

The vision of the Western abilities is extremely complicated.

On the ship, a helicopter fell.

From this, out of the abilities of the Chinese nation.

Director Luo is among them.

He did not see the previous battle, but when he arrived, the battle was over.

But from the horror of the audience, it can be seen that the battle just now... should not be simple.

Director Luo took away Xiao Ai and he needed to know some information.

As for the crew, they are working hard to deal with the coming waves.

Everyone is back in their room.

Of course, there are other people on the ship's board.

For example, Yu Ge, such as the monk, and the two Western abilities.

The monk's complex look is coming, and the strength of the step is no doubt stronger than him.

The monk is a s-level actor, and the step is stronger than him. It is only the temperamental temper in the temper, or even the land fairy.

This kind of existence... It should not happen according to the agreement.


Yu Ge looked at the steps still looking into the distance, could not help reminding.

Step by step, I came back and wondered.

In the distance, when is close to two Western abilities.

The mixed-race beauty looks a bit complicated. Before she actually went to the pace, it is no wonder that she was rumored... the strength of the step is much higher than her.

"I don't know which fairyland teacher you are?"

The monk is close to the step, and the respected hands are in the same position, and they are facing the steps.

The strength speaks, the strength of the step is strong, he must do the respect he deserves.

In this era, can you land the land of fairy immortals, Kunlun? Penglai?


Step by step, said with no expression.


The monk's face is black, this predecessor... I really like to make jokes.

Kitchen, do you think your own stove? Or is it a kitchen god?

"You Huaguo said that you don't intervene in this aura seal... Are you going to openly violate the contract?"

The two abilities of the West frowned.

The mixed-race beauty is looking directly at the step, she is chest-high, and the big eyes seem to speak.

"Is the aura seal? I just passed by... I will see, don't go in."

The pace is still faint.

"As for the contract you said, I don't know."

The step shook his head. He was not a practicing man of Huaguo, so those contracts had nothing to do with him.

"Thanks to the predecessors, if not the predecessors... This time we are going to be counted by the guys of the Sakura Island State."

The monk quickly came out to play the round.

The atmosphere has eased a lot. Indeed, the situation just now is very dangerous. If it is not the step, the gemstone may not exist at the moment.

The gossip snake is a monster in Japanese mythology. It is not as good as a land god, but it is much stronger than a s-level actor.

far away.

The waves are coming.

With the whistling wind.

The violent wind blew and blew the clothes of the people present.

The bright red dress of the mixed-race beauty is even more swaying, straight and white long legs, looming, very attractive.

The stepping head turned to look at the big wave, and the corner of the mouth was slightly pulled.

He patted the little skin on his shoulder.

The straight skin of the small skin suddenly slid a little.

The figure was made into a golden light and burst forth, passing through the void, tearing the air and falling before the waves.

Yu Ge and the monks are all slightly worried.

What do you want to do?

The next moment, their eyes are shrinking.

In their eyes, the ordinary Phi Phi Shrimp, at this moment, actually showed great power.

The huge waves that swept from the sky, directly at the moment of the Pippi shrimp, made the waves split into two...


The sea is constantly falling down.

The gemstones traveled leisurely through it.

This wonder makes everyone in the ship stunned, and it is simply a means of immortality.

Especially the ordinary people who were hiding in the cabin, they exclaimed at this moment and widened their eyes.


After the gemstone has passed.

The waves suddenly fell...

Rolling up the waves of the sky, it made a roar, like thunder.

However, the gemstones are calm and calm.

The monks and others were shocked.

I thought that the nine-tailed fox was already a very powerful beast.

The result... the golden pimp prawn lying on the shoulders of the step seems to be not too weaker than the nine-tailed fox!

Actually have such a powerful beast, this guy... Who is it?

"Well, calm down... can you tell me now, where is the Aura seal?"

Step by step, turned to the monk and two Western abilities.

The monk looks awkward...

The step seems to still not know the location of the Aura seal point?

Shouldn't it, if you don't know...and what do you mix with this gemstone?

The sea rises to the sun.

Just when the step asked for this sentence.

The white belly gradually appeared in the sky.

The shining sea water is sparkling.

A playful sun leaped from below the sea level, like a quilt covering a night, suddenly licking half of the face from the quilt.

The red is shining towards the sun, and everyone’s face is red.

The monk looked at the step, and the two abilities were also watching the steps.

"Do you know where we are now?"

The steps are slightly frowning.

The monk said quickly: "Our current position is located in the center of the South China Sea in the Chinese..."

"The South China Sea has been called a fairy child since ancient times. This time, the seal of Aura is also here, seems to be to prove this."

Of course, monks and others can judge that the Aura Seal is located here, and also use modern means of detection.

In this era, although the practitioners still exist, but the number is far from the ancient times.

In this era of technology dominance, it is not a shameful thing for practitioners to use technology.



Yu Ge issued an exclamation.

The steps and other people who are chatting are turning their heads and looking at the position that Yu Ge points to.

There, the sea water seemed to be boiling, and the constant suffocating air filled it, simmering and rushing into the sky and the sky, showing a fairyland.

It seems that there are really immortals in it.

"This is... a vision of heaven and earth!"

The monk’s face showed an excitement.

The two Western abilities are somewhat puzzled. "Isn't it a mirage?"

"The mirage is not the case... the aura seal point is already here!"

The monk is very excited.

The gemstone ship continued to drive, and finally, it stopped when it approached the sacred waters.


The gem number rang and the whistle sounded into the sky.

The huge metal anchor was thrown into the sea and quickly sank into the sea.

With a bang, the gemstone stagnated in place.

"This is the aura seal... I saw it on the screen that was transmitted back from the plane."

"Before we go in, we need to decide... the top five of the World Food God Contest."

Monk Road.

Step by step, why is this so?

The monk seems to understand the doubts of the steps. He smiled and explained: "There is a set of methods in the Aura Seal. It should be the method of the seal of the Aura. It has the ability to pass the heavens, but we studied For a long time, I found that... I want to open the array, I need a certain opportunity... This opportunity is food."

The eyebrows of the step are slightly picked, and the spirits are sleeping and they have to do so many things.

But the step is also to understand that the setting of the instrumental spirit may be to let him find some.

The spirits are also very intimate.

Step by step, I was a little curious. What kind of spirit is this aura?

Is Nicholas Shuai Long, or Suzaku Fusang?

Or is it White Tiger Xiaotian?

Or is it old Xuanwu?

I don't know why, the step inside is suddenly a little excited.

The monk and others turned and prepared to go to the cooking competition.


When I turned around, I only heard a scream.

The shape of the step has already rushed out.

Flying down from the gemstone, it fell to the sea, feet on the sea, holding the little fox, walking step by step toward the raft.

The monk, the two abilities of the West are suddenly black.

Yu Ge is also a corner of the mouth...

Seniors, just say you just don’t see it?