MTL - Gourmet of Another World-Chapter 1660 Heaven and earth with sadness [second more! 】

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"Today's business, stop here."

The step stood up from the chair and looked at a group of people indifferently.

After two days of business, the sales step did not know how much was reached.

However, the step does not care, the main purpose of his sale of the main meat is not to make sales.

Although such sales come true indeed.

In fact, as the high-levels of China and the United States think, the step is to give some opportunities to humans on Earth.

Create some opportunities to fight in front of the Soul...

The Soul is a terrible invasive species for any universe.

In the face of invasion, if you are not strong enough, it is easy to be swallowed up.

The earth is the place where the steps grow up, and the steps naturally do not want to look at the destruction of the earth.

The spirits have all awakened, and it is impossible for the steps to stay in the earth to protect the earth.

After all, he is going back to the chaotic universe and embarking on the road of the kitchen god.

After all, the step itself, have not yet reached the end, and no capital to help the earth...

But before you leave the earth, what you should do...after all, you have to do it.

The face of the step is very cold.

This makes people who line up underneath.

The power of the step is still there. After all, it is the ability to kill the soul and soul.

Moreover, it is a very unreasonable existence. When the original Sakura people talked about fairness with the step, they were directly poked by a step.

Now, no one dares to say anything in front of the steps.

They can only follow the rules of the steps.

"Steps... can you wait for tomorrow?"

A blond woman from the country, some pity a sigh.

She came from a top-ranking family in the country. For the sake of this soul, she used all the means to finally get the billion Chinese currency.

"Tomorrow? No... the next step in the store to open the store business ... will be notified again, but the sale of the soul of the main meat, stop here."

Said the step.

The words fell.

Everyone is in vain.

Some people who didn't care, wanted to leave, and came back tomorrow, suddenly looked up in horror.


What does the step say?

Is the sale of the soul main meat over?

How long has this been?

Is it two days to sell?

Many people do not believe that they are asking for steps.

However, the steps did not answer them and they were too lazy to answer them.

He returned to the restaurant and closed the door of the restaurant.

Everyone is outside the door.

Some people are not willing to shoot the door, begging to buy the last piece of the main soul.

Unfortunately, they were all rejected by the steps.

In front of the door.

The roaring dog turned over and snorted and snorted at a group of people.

The roaring dog is a beast, these people are naturally fearful.

It is a fact that the step no longer sells the main meat of the soul.

Everyone is jealous.

They know that the step will stop selling the main meat, but no one has thought that this day is so fast...

In the restaurant.

Yang Lan, Xiao You, Jiu Tian Xuan Nu and others are sitting in the chair.

At this moment, Yang Lan was drinking the sap of the scented syrup from the Western Queen Mother.

He is drunk with wine.

The roaring dog ran away, not with him, he was very sad.

Although he became stronger, but without the roaring dog, what significance does he have when he becomes stronger?

Yang Hao’s unshaven, seemingly frustrated.

Step back to the restaurant.

When I looked at Yang Lan, I didn’t pay any attention.

The step was sensed, and the cave of the Three Emperors was invaded by the Soul.

The location there is too important.

Steps can not dare to have the slightest scorn.

The Tongtian Master has already sent a message, and the Steps learned the message and decided to go to Heaven with the Master.

He is hesitant to take a small quiet.

The step feels that this is awkward and seems dangerous.

Because the Three Emperors are guarded...the entrance to the Soul Universe.

Once that entrance collapses.

The top of the Soul Magic universe is easy to invade the Earth. Although the strength of the Steps is strong, it can be done against the ordinary soul master.

For the seven soul owners of the Upper Soul Universe, it may be a little hard...

Even... there may be souls.

Soul god.

Thinking of this, the heart of the step was suddenly depressed.

In the end, the step still did not decide to take a small quiet.

Say one to the crowd, the convenience of the step is to leave the hand.

He didn't bring anyone, except for the little skin, this little guy was brought to the side by the step.

Mainly this little guy has been pestering him.

As for Kuang Peng, the step has hesitated for a long time, or brought it.

Today's Kun Peng, under the stimulation of the main soul of the step, has already broken through the level of Xiandi, full of spirituality, and the limit speed has once again increased, almost reaching the level of instantaneous movement.

Going with you, even if you are in danger, this Peng Peng escapes.


Out of the restaurant.

There are still a group of unwilling people outside the door.

They have money now and want to eat meat.

However, the meat is gone.

The steps didn't look at them, they appeared, no matter how they called.

The step was just taking a picture of Kuang Peng’s head, and Peng Peng suddenly swept up and rushed to the sky, setting off a gust of wind and disappearing instantly.

The warplane of the country, the warplane of the country...

The fighters of all countries are paying attention to the steps, and the moment when they leave the store.

Several stealth fighters have chased them up.

However, they suddenly found out that this sonic fighter could not keep up with the speed of Kunpeng.

Just in an instant, Kunpeng has no shadow.


South China Sea.

A figure stands on the top of the Bohai Sea.

The figure bears his hand and wears a robe. There are four swords of different colors in the back.

He stepped on a bamboo leaf floating in the sea, and his body was as stable as a mountain.

Let the leaves float and not move.


The sea water is separated to the sides.

Kuang Peng fell.

The body shape of the step was suddenly approaching, and the step-by-step looked at the master of the sky. Both eyes had a dignified color.

"The trail friend, finally came."

The Tongtian teacher looked at the steps and his face looked a bit vicissitudes.

Obviously, the Tongtian Master also thought a lot.

If the channel that guards the Soul of the Soul is pierced, it is a nightmare for the ancestors.

"The deity has sent a cry for help with the ruined universe... If the worst happens, I hope that the chaotic saints of the ruined universe can protect the ancestors."

Tongtian teacher said with a smile.

The step nodded.

After that, the two did not say much.

On the earth today, there are only two of them who can face these things, and... the three human races in the cave.

Yan Peng spread his wings and lifted it up to 90,000 miles.

Tongtian teaches the master to step on the back of Kuang Peng and rushes into Jiuyi.


Heaven outside the sky.

At this moment, the sky outside the sky, there is no hidden, hanging directly above the nine days, haunting the clouds.

Kuang Peng began to spread his wings from the diffuse clouds and made a loud roar.

The next moment, whistling, turned into a lightning-like light, flying into the hole.


Yan Peng spread his wings and slowly fell.

Step by step and the Tongtian leader together.

Tongtian teaches the master to step on a flying sword, and the sword light flows, bringing up the supreme power, carrying his body and galloping toward the hole.

"Steps friends, the deity takes a step!"

Step by step gaze.

A heart move.

Xuanwu pots are flying fast.

The step square plate sits on the basaltic pot, and it also flies toward the hole.

Looking at the front, the foot on the flying sword, floating without the sword of the heavenly master...

Step by step and look at the black pot under your ass, always feel that there is something wrong...

The little skin squats on the shoulders of the steps and spits bubbles.

Into the hole, or a familiar cave.


far away.

The body shape of the Heavenly Master has stagnated.

Step by step, the eyes are condensed, but also fell to the side of the Tongtian teacher, looking at it.

In the cave... the gravel, the wall of the cave, full of cracks.

Step by step and Tongtian teacher looked at each other and saw the heavyness in each other's eyes.


It’s slow!

The two have stepped into it.

On the ground, the traces of the battle spread all the way, and the cave was deep and could not be seen at the end.

It is surrounded by broken gravel.


The Master of Heaven has stopped the pace.


There is a pool of bright red blood flowing over the ground...

Among the blood, there is a golden brilliance that is circulating.

"The blood of the saint."

The eyes of the Tongtian teacher are a little cold, but the tone is somewhat sad.

This pool of blood flows at the end of the cave.

Further up, it is a rotating black hole.

No one knows what the black hole is after...

"The Emperor is not there..." Step by step.

"The soul that breaks into it must be more than one, the blood of the Emperor, and here, but the body is not seen, it should be in the black hole of the Soul Demon..."

Tongtian teaches the main road.

His heart is depressed and angry.

Looking up, in the deep black hole, you can't see the two kings who stood in the black hole in the previous place.

What should I do next?

The Tongtian Master and the Steps looked at each other.

next moment.

The Tongtian teacher suddenly laughed.

"It’s that the deity has more concerns... What else? Into the black hole... How many souls are there, how many souls are killed!"

Tongtian teacher laughed.

If a saint who has great merits like the monk is completely degraded, the ancestral star must have an induction.

Today, there is no change in the world. This shows that... Although the Emperor is bloody, he is still fighting.

Can they retreat?


Tongtian teaches the head of the purple gas to come east, a Qingping sword is held in the hand.

"Walk friends can not enter, after all, according to the Emperor said, the trail friend is the vital existence of dealing with the soul, so there must be nothing ... this time, let the deity ... first into it!"

Tongtian teaches the main road, and strives to work hard.

The hand-rolled robe, the hand-squeezed sword, and the imprint of the road were hit into the void.

"This is the sword that links the wilderness universe. There will be avenues in the wild universe to help each other... If the deity is unfortunately fallen, there are people who can guard the ancestors."

Tongtian teaches the main road.

Finished it all.

It was an instant burst and entered a black hole.

The black hole swept through, and in an instant, it swallowed his figure.

Step by step, watching the disappearing Tongtian teacher, the mouth is slightly pumped.

Sitting on the basalt pot, riding a pot... I got into the black hole.


After the two entered the black hole.

On the earth, a sudden change has taken place.

On the sky, suddenly the sky in the world is getting black and pressed.

The dark clouds have no warning signs, covering the whole world...

The dark clouds are churning.

Afterwards, there was a downpour.

The petals of the falling petals are flying in heavy rain, and the fairy sounds of the gods are lingering, and the dragon dragon shadows are looming in the thunder.

However, the petals are blood-stained, the sounds of the fairy are sad, and the dragons are miserable...

A pair of defeated appearance.

People all over the world, no matter who they are, look up and look at the vision of the day.

The inexplicable heart has the meaning of grief and emergence...

Many people have tears in their eyes and don't know what happened.

However, they know that there seems to be any important person who has been guarding them and wants to leave them...

Heaven and earth are sad, what happened in the end?

Kunlun Xianshan.

The West Queen Mother is outside the palace.

Looking at the miserable vision, his face suddenly became pale...

Heaven and earth are sad, and the merits and saints are fallen.

Has the Soul Devil been suppressed?

Why is this happening?

Penglai Xiandao...

Countless gods sit on the futon.

They read the scriptures with their eyes closed.

Suddenly, over the Penglai Island, a crack broke open.

Colorful clouds fell from the middle.

There seems to be no existence, coming from a distant universe.

All of this, entering the steps of the black hole and the Heavenly Master, did not know.


In the black hole, there is no starry sky.

Step by step and Tongtian teach the Lord to suspend the void.

The two men tightened their eyes and looked into the distance.


A figure, sitting in the void.

Sitting in the void.

The figure lowered his head, and a coffin branch was placed on both shoulders, his hands resting on the coffin branches, and the two ends of the coffin branches...

Then there are two heads hanging.

It is... the head of the arrogant soul and the sorrowful soul.

Between heaven and earth, it seems that there is still a laughter of the sultry laughter...