MTL - Gourmet of Another World-Chapter 1679 The strength of Tianshen Bufang [first! 】

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Achievement of the gods.

There is nothing sensational happening.

Quietly like a flower, the silence is full.

But even if it is a flower, it is a beautiful flower.

Steps open your eyes.

His body was steaming with Xia Wei, which made his injury and breath return to a perfect state at this moment.

The skin becomes crystal clear, like the skin of a girl, the blow can be broken, the skin, so that the wood Hongzi are smashed.

I knew that breaking through the gods can also be beautiful, and Mu Hongzi said that he should try it.

However, the most exciting thing is the Xia Wei Shen Huang and others.

Because they witnessed a miracle.

The birth of a **** is not meaningful for the chaotic universe.

This shows what?

It shows that the gods are not impossible to achieve, even if there are already gods on the five gods, but the new gods are still able to open a path and get out of their own path.

Everyone looks at the sky.

Even if the step of the gods of today's gods, the light is bleak, and the old gods can not compare, but the step is to kill a path.

This road, he came out, and then, only need to consolidate, it is enough.

In the position where the step is sitting, countless flowers are blooming, the trees are swaying, and the aura in the air is extremely rich.

From a dead star to a spiritual star that can be practiced, it is just a few days of daylight.

This is a star that gave birth to the gods. If you don't say anything else, it is just the sound of the law contained in this star, which is enough to benefit countless people.

Xia Wei’s eyes are red, and many of the gods’ eyes are red.

They looked at the star, leaving only the desire.

Xia Wei Shenhuang even thought about it, and incorporated this star into the majesty of Xia Wei Shen.

"Nobody wants to move! This star belongs to the world of my ruins!"

Mu Hongzi held his hand and glanced at the Xia Emperor and others.

Xia Wei Shenhuang suddenly became unhappy.

"The world of the ruins is also my summer sacred god... so this star belongs to my Xia dynasty..."

Xia Wei Shen Huang is full of anger, he is talking about a fact.

He has been wondering where this Muhongzi went.

It turned out to be in this corner.

However, he said the facts.

Xia Wei’s dynasty is innocent, and the ruins of the great world really belong to him.

If Mu Hongzi did not kill the messenger sent by the Emperor to rule the world of the ruins, the current meditation is still under the control of the Emperor.

When Mu Hongzi was stagnant, he suddenly discovered that he really couldn’t find any reason to refute the Emperor.

This old rogue!

However, this life star is now closest to the cemetery, and the benefit is definitely the ruins.

Mu Hongzi has already thought about it. He intends to move the whole kitchen to the stars.

Nonsense, this star is the birth of a god, the law of the gods left alone, and the avenue of the avenue is enough to illustrate the extraordinary of this star.

In the future, if this star is born, these lives are extremely intelligent!

This is the status and meaning of a god.

Just a casual atmosphere, it is enough to change one side of the world!

At the moment, the steps naturally do not know their quarrel.

He closed his eyes and felt his breath.

The system has been upgraded, and many things are different from before, and the steps have sensed that the restrictions and restraints that the system has made for him have completely disappeared.

If the current step-by-step approach is to break through, it is no longer a question of turnover.

This is also normal. If you reach the level of the gods, you can break through with enough turnover, and it is too cheating.

The spirit of the sea of ​​steps has turned into a starry sky.

The dense stars are shining in it, and each star will provide him with innocent spiritual power, which is inexhaustible.

His current mental strength is much stronger than the spirit of the previous sea state.

The five great spirits sit on the starry sky, plus the food array and the law beam, making the spirit of the footsteps huge.

Between the steps and even one thought, you can destroy a star and let the stars completely collapse!

The power of the law comes with it, this is the god.

The words are followed.

The kitchen recipe is gone.

It seems to be assimilated with his spiritual sea, and energy has penetrated into the spiritual sea.

The body of the gods has disappeared, but as long as the step is thought, one mind can condense the body of the gods.

Even if the steps are thousands of miles away, one can condense the body of the gods, and even have the power of the body.

God is indeed a brand new realm.

Perhaps it is just because of the gods, the feeling of the step is to pull yourself, this feeling is very strange.

Close your eyes, you can always see a huge turbid yellow vortex, the vortex rotates, as if to pull his soul into it.

Step by step, nowadays, probably at the peak of the sage of the avenue, approaching the level of chaos and saints.

He still has some gaps from the real old gods.

The **** who attacked him before should be the **** of chaos and sage.

However, now that the pace has just broken through, as long as he gives him enough time to cultivate, his future strength will certainly be able to rush into the chaotic sage level!

I have thought so much.

Step by step to get up.

The kitchen **** set turned into the body of the step.

After his head, there is a hidden seven-color aperture.

That is the symbol of his cultivation, that is the figuration of the law.

This kind of aperture will be there after the old god's head.

However, the aperture of the step is not obvious, because the step does not deliberately go to him.

The figure of the road fell.

This life star is full of flowers, colorful and beautiful, like a fairyland on earth.

The stepping around the whole star, this star absorbs his god's breath, is his enlightened land, the meaning has been extraordinary, and his status has changed.

In the future, it will become a place for future generations to pay respect to.

"Just call it Nirvana Star." Steps.

Mu Hongzi fell.

Step by step, sweeping Mu Hongzi.

The previous steps can't see Mu Hongzi, but today's step is to be able to roughly simulate the repair of Mu Hongzi.

It is slightly weaker than the present.

However, it also has the cultivation and combat power of the sage level.

This is also normal. After all, Mu Hongzi is the host of the previous generation. His strongest combat power is similar to this level.

Xia Wei Shen Huang and others have also fallen.

They are excited to look at the steps.

Emperor Xia Wei even gave the ceremony directly.

Now the identity of the step has changed completely, becoming the supreme **** of this world!

"See the steps of the gods!" Xia Wei Shen is very excited.

Behind him, following the number of gods, these gods are also eagerly looking at the steps.

Ditai landlord, summer and other acquaintances are also falling.

The step nodded.

His eyes fell on the body of Ditai.

At this moment, the body of Ditai is unreal, this is the body he condenses, and he and the heavens of the kitchen are integrated into one.

In fact, strictly speaking, he is already dead.

Of course, because he is pinned in the heavens, his consciousness is still alive, and he even gains a weak strength.

Step by step to breathe a sigh of relief.

He raised his hand.

The red-red flame emerged. This fire can now be called the **** of fire. The five cosmic laws of the universe are integrated into it, exuding a breathless atmosphere.

Suddenly, the red flame changed and the law of life gained.

Endless life is flowing.

Step by step grabbed a handful of soil from the ground of this life star.

The soil was thrown into the flames.

The breath of life was soaring, and the change of the earth was suddenly changed.

The soil has become bigger and bigger.

The step was bent and a bullet fell into it.


A new flesh emerges.

Ditai's landlord suddenly got excited, and the step is to condense the flesh for him!

Step by step, the idea of ​​Ditai's landlord is a turn, and then fell into the flesh.


The flesh opened his eyes, the majestic atmosphere suddenly spread, and the horrible life was escaping.

The stepping party not only helped the Ditai community to condense the flesh, but even helped the Ditai community to understand the law of life.

Today's Ditai landlord can cultivate at least to the level of the top king of the king, even the impact of the Emperor.

“Thank you for your small step!”

Ditai landlord is very excited, looking at his body, it is like getting a new toy.

"Your soul and heaven are merged together. Although this body can't help you to completely strip it, it is at least your main body. It can be said that it gives you more life... even if this body collapses Bad, you will not die, because your soul is in the kitchen, but it is inevitable that you will be seriously injured."

Said the step.

The corners of his mouth are slightly swayed, helping old friends, and things that he does, he does not resist much.

Then, according to the gourd painting, the step again gathered a flesh.

This flesh is condensed for the Pluto.

However, when the body of Pluto's possession is taken out.

The starry sky suddenly changed.

A huge black hole emerged and twisted and rotated.

That is reincarnation!

Step by step, staring at the black hole, he sensed a familiar breath in this cycle...

"It turned out to be him..."

Steps spit out a sigh of relief.

The day when he attacked him, the breath was very similar to the black hole, and the black hole should be homologous.

If there is no guess, the other party should be the reincarnation of the gods.

However, the step has not been understood so far, and why the reincarnation of the gods has to kill him twice.

There is definitely a reason.

The soul of Pluto's celestial spurt out, and as soon as he appeared, he was sensed by the reincarnation.

A line connected to the body that was hidden that day and drilled into the reincarnation.

The reincarnation seemed like a huge monster, with a big mouth open, facing the Pluto.

The stepping eyes narrowed.

The red-red flame in his hand burned.

The breath changed from a flame of life to a flame filled with reincarnation.


The flame burned, and the reincarnation line that entangled Pluto Heaven was burned alive!

The step seems to have sensed the anger in the reincarnation.

He is fearless in the steps.

The other party does not give face, the step still needs to care about the other person's face?

The **** has been erected. What morality is still spoken?

Holding the soul of Pluto's possession, the steppings stuffed it into the re-agglomerated body.


The cycle disappeared.

Pluto Heaven... Complete resurrection!

Feeling the living body, Pluto has some whimpers for a while.

He...has finally lived.

Xia Wei Shenhuang and others are incomparable respect and horror.

Becoming a step after the gods, the means is really invincible.

Actually resurrected life from the reincarnation of the gods.

"Step...God, my son, where are you going?"

Pluto was wrapped in a black robe and looked at the steps, some hoped.

The step was suddenly stagnation, but he shook his head. This is not clear.

"Nothing, I will find him, bring him back to see you, you are resurrected, he should be very happy."

The steps are faint.

Pluto Tianzang can't say anything, nodded.

However, there are some concerns and concerns in my heart.

Children are worried, and of course they will be worried about being a father.

He does not need any strength in Erha, just need him to be safe.

"That is the **** of heaven..."

Pluto Heaven and Tibet.

Step by step to help him condense the flesh, his accumulation will soon be sprayed out, if the return to retreat, he can even rush into the level of the king of God.

A body that is condensed by the gods, will it be a joke?

"What about me? My request is not high... It will be finer and more tender for my skin."

Mu Hongzi squinted with his big eyes and looked at the steps, he said.

Step by step, he took a look at Mu Hongzi.

With a hand, the red hot red flame burned in the palm of his hand.

"No problem, you put your chin on my palm, come on, don't hesitate."

The steps are faint.

Mu Hongzi's face was a stiff, and he glanced at the burning, like a flame of silence that could be burned in the void, and he still hesitated and hesitated.

"Forget it, Laozi is the most beautiful in the world, and it is very good now."

Mu Hongzi shook his head, funny, and the chin was carried up. The ghost knew whether it was cosmetic or disfigured.

"Oh, yes, step... You are now a god, and you should talk to you about something. The hardship of the soul before, it can't happen for no reason, why the Soul will appear, this is definitely For some reason, it may be that the channel of the Soul and the Chaos universe has been torn, but I can't find it if I look for it. Now you should be able to find it."

Mu Hongzi looked at the step, and suddenly, this matter is very serious.

If you can't find it, the hardships of the Soul will happen again.

Step by step, nodded.

Xia Wei Shen Huang and others are also serious.

The hardship of the soul is a big problem for them.

The step moves.

He held his hand and the seven colored discs behind it flashed.

As if walking on the invisible steps, stepping into the stars.

With a negative hand, the spirit of the stars suddenly surged out.

For a moment, it spreads in all directions of the chaotic universe...


Everyone felt an invisible wave that shrouded their body.

Breeze Empire, Abyss, Xian Kitchen, Xia Yu Shen, Xian Ling Shen, Titan...

Waiting for the gods to be under the spiritual power of the step.

His spiritual power seems to involve every corner.


Suddenly, the eyebrows were picked up, and the eyelids showed a stern color.

"found it."