MTL - Gourmet of Another World-Chapter 1687 Counting dog, I beg you [third! 4D update for the monthly ticket! 】

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The tragic sound of the time in the Tenjin Palace is finally over.

Yun Tianyi has been counting carefully. This is a tragic sound, probably a hundred and eight sounds.

Obviously, the resentment of adults who are being eaten by drunken ribs is very deep.

However, deserve it, who let the idiot steal the drunken ribs of adults.

Oh, wait...

Yun Tianyi smashed, it seems that the idiot was not stealing, forget it... Whether he stole it or not, in the eyes of adults, he stole it.

This pot...he must carry it.

Step by step, and walked in time in the Temple of Heaven.

The speed is not urgent or slow.

This palace, although broken and old, but full of years of breath, carefully looked at, can see the traces of the ruins of the years.

The invisible power enveloped the palace, and even though there were countless loads in the past, this power was still guarded by loyalty.

Therefore, although the palace was broken, it was not completely eroded under the temper of time.

After a long time.

The dog stalked the enchanting catwalk and walked out from the depths of the palace.

He raised his head and ate the ribs. He seemed to be fatter, and the flesh of the body trembled.

Pluto haha ​​complained and groaned, and he clung to the clothes on his chest, grief and resentment.

It’s awkward.

On the ground of the palace.

Step by step gave birth to a fire.

The atmosphere of the fire of the gods permeated the entire palace, making the palace covered with cold and loneliness for countless years, and it warmed up at once.

The comfort of the atmosphere makes people feel warm inside.

Yun Tianyi hugged his straight legs and sat in front of the fire.

The darkness was dispelled, the palace was bright, and the mottled atmosphere of many years was more and more conspicuous.

The dog priest was squatting before the bonfire, squinting, seems to be a little difficult.

Pluto Erha sighed constantly, like a deep sorrowful woman, a grievance in the heart, nowhere to tell.

At the moment, he pointed to the sky and shouted.

Drunken pork ribs are not what he stole!

Of course, no one cares about him.

Yun Tianyi's breath is not very good, because she had forcibly ignited the blood after the break of the step and the prince.

The Yun family is a long-standing ancient tribe in chaos, and even the gods have gone out.

The blood of the gods flows through her body.

The blood is urging the body, and the load on the body is huge. After all, without the body of the gods, the strength of the gods is easy to explode.

The pace seems to see this too.

Stepped out of a grill and placed it on the campfire.

Cut a piece of thin, like a flap of the soul of the main meat.

Put the main meat on the grill.


The soul of the main meat is like a thin paper. Under the baking of the flame, it curls up directly and becomes golden and crystal clear.

The scent of the barbecue is emanate.

People can't help but drool.

Erha and the dog are also raising their heads.

The step prepares the specially prepared sauce and distributes it to everyone.

One person grabbed a small dish and waited for the roasted main meat.

Once grilled, sandwich a piece of main meat, contaminate a little sauce, and stuff it into the mouth.

The mouth bites down, as if it's crispy like potato chips, smashed!

And the meat, not hard and difficult to chew, the entrance is instant, turned into a warm current pouring into the body.

The fatigue and chill in the body are instantly dispelled.


Yun Tianyi was shocked, his eyes widened and his mouth could not be closed.

The original feeling of this kind of sensational buds made her irresistible.

"It's delicious? There are still many delicious foods!"

There was a dog paw print on the face of Pluto, and he smiled at Yuntianyi.

It’s just one of the things that can be done by young and beautiful people.

What shocked Yun Tianyi was that the piece of meat that was eaten and turned into a warm stream seemed to dispel the wound in the body of Yun Tianyi. The injury caused by the blood circulation was instantly healed.

Even Shen Dan has no such effect.

The little foxes and small skins on the shoulders of the steps screamed.

On the other hand, the meat was sliced, and the sauce was carefully handed to the two little ones.

"Big... adults... what kind of meat is this?"

Yun Tianyi looked at the steps and said respectfully.

There are only five contemporary gods in chaos.

In front of him, it is the sixth contemporary god.

It’s just like a dream, it’s totally unbelievable.

Actually, there are people who can understand the Five Principles of the Strong in the years when chaos does not open, and gain the position of the gods, fly into chaos, and achieve the gods.

In this regard, Yun Tianyi is admirable.

"The soul of the Lord is the soul of the soul of a level with the reincarnation of the gods."

Step by step, think about it, rubbing his head and explaining.

He is nothing wrong with this.

The arrogant soul master is indeed the existence of the chaotic sage level, which is similar to the reincarnation of the gods.

When the words came out, Yun Tianyi suddenly trembled, and even squatted on the ground, his body was shaking.

This piece of meat... is actually comparable to the flesh of the reincarnation? !

Oh my God!

What did I eat?

Everyone eats meat, chats with the sky, and time passes slowly.

Erha can't sit still.

He came to chaos to find his sister's paper, but it was not the old one with the fur dog.

He kept his eyes on the steps and wanted to let him take him to find his sister. However, the pace was indifferent.

What is the girl, no hurry.

It is imperative to figure out some things.

As a time god, the dog is sleeping for so long, and now the memory belonging to the gods has been completely restored.

"What about other gods? Is it still sleeping like you?"

Step by thought, asked.

The dog shook his head.

"Our sleep is not just a sleep, when we... our five gods, together with the palm of the chaos, with the help of the formation, it resisted, and broke the arm, however... at the last moment It was reincarnation of the gods."

"The old thief showed a reincarnation of the magical powers, and brought our four weak gods into the reincarnation, and wiped out the flesh of the gods. They all fell asleep. Now, where they are, I don't know the dog."

The magical power of the gods is naturally very scary.

When there is no reincarnation, the four gods can't resist and break into the reincarnation.

This is a bit of a hassle.

Perhaps in a corner of the chaotic universe, a grass on the ground may be a reincarnation of the gods.

"The arm must have fallen into the hands of the reincarnation of the old thief. The arm is the evil to the evil. It is the arm of the supreme being... The reincarnation was the supreme power of transcending the gods, so it was only us."

"Because he knows that we will not allow this kind of evil to evil, and stay in chaos."

The dog spit out a breath.

"The countless years have passed, and the reincarnation of the old thief may have found the way to achieve the ultimate power... But with the old thief's current heart, this may be a disaster for chaos."

What the dog said, so that everyone is discolored.

The face of the step is more and more dignified.

From the reincarnation of the gods to guide the soul and the devil to the chaotic universe, there is speculation in the step.

The arm in the dog's mouth is probably the arm of the soul.

At that time, the palm of the hand was broken and the supreme being, it is probably the sleeping soul!

This matter is getting more and more tricky.

Stepped into a piece of meat and stuffed it into the mouth...

"Step by step, you come with me."

The dog suddenly looked at the steps and said.

Step by step, stand up and follow up.

Pluto Erha would have liked to keep up, but, just after getting up, he was lifted by the dog’s claw and regained his back.

This fur dog, bullying people with strength!

Step by step, tearing your mouth, saying nothing, bullying you with strength, what can you say?

One person, one dog, walking in the dilapidated palace.

The dog-in-law walked deep into the palace with his steps, and this is probably the reason why the Tenjin Palace can be immortalized in countless years.


The dog dog stood up and pushed open a door.

Stepped into it with a step.

Stepping into this door, the step suddenly felt like you were stepping into the tunnel of time.

Numerous pictures flow through the eyes.


"This is where?"

Step by step.

"This is the secret of the time Tenjin Temple..."

The dog sighed.

In the room, there is a lineup.

Looking at this method, the step suddenly stopped.

Because this method is actually composed of a small dense light spot.

These small light spots are no strangers.

It is the small light spot that is provided every time the system is transmitted...

The dog lord had the privilege of having experienced one kind of transmission.

So the complexion is complicated to look at the steps.

"I didn't see this light spot... Is it familiar?"

Asked the dog.

The step nodded and his face was a little weird.

"Yes... every formation in the Temple of Heaven is a supreme being set up for us, but in the beginning, it was impossible to resist the day."

The dog sighed.

"The breath of this law is very similar to the breath on you... This is why, a few of us will choose to give you the fruit."

Dogs said.

The importance of the **** fruit position is self-evident, unless a **** is fallen and the fruit is vacant.

Otherwise it is impossible to have a new **** born.

However, the appearance of the step is an accident and an exception.

"We feel that...only you can help us."

Dogs said.

Stroking the law, the steps felt a bit intimate.

This is not a gastronomic method, but it has the same effect as the food array.

"How can I help you?"

The step is doubtful.

Helping the gods is not that simple.

Killing the reincarnation of the gods?

The strength of the step by step, the whole card, is equivalent to the ordinary chaos saint, probably the level of the deaf.

This round of the gods, the achievements of the gods countless loads, but also absorbed the soul of a half chaotic universe into the reincarnation.

Before the strength, it is comparable to the first **** of the ages.

There is no ability to deal with the steps.

The dog shook his head.

"Of course there is no plan for you to go to life..."

The dog shook his tail, and then he raised his dog's paw.

The dog's paws were swaying in front of the steps.

The next moment, a golden paper emerged.


Looking at the paper, the step suddenly stopped!

"this is……"

The dog nodded.

"Yes, this is a recipe, know why we would rather fight with the source of injury, but also let you into chaos, not because of anything else, because... you are a chef, the only one who can understand this recipe, And the people who cook the dishes in the recipe!"

"This is the recipe left by the strongest who created the law..."

The dog is a little excited.

Step by step gaze.

This is the recipe of the kitchen god, the recipe of the kitchen **** has stayed in his spiritual sea for so long, the step can not admit mistakes.

"This recipe has a total of five... I have one here, and there is one in the other Tenjin Palace... Of course, there is also a reincarnation thief..."

"This world...only you can cook these dishes."

"I have the intuition that as long as you cook the dishes on these recipes, the call that is imprinted in the depths of the soul will make us the gods who have entered the reincarnation... returning!"

"Step by step boy ... Dogs, my life, bohemian, never asked anyone, this time, count the dog, I beg you."

The dog-in-law licked the dog's mouth. "In the name of drunk ribs... please!"

Step by step, tearing the corner of his mouth and returning the golden recipe to the dog.

"You don't have to ask me... I have been fighting side by side for so long, from the breeze empire to the chaos of today..."

"The dog, your business, is my business... I picked it up."

Step by step, holding hands, blinking in the eyelids.

Cooking, he has never been afraid.

In fact, the steps are also a bit curious... The identity of the other gods, in the end... Who is it? !