MTL - Gourmet of Another World-Chapter 1697 Foxlin... above the line [first! 】

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The horrible atmosphere pervades the sky.

Everyone's eyes are on the reincarnation of the gods.

No, this guy can no longer be called a reincarnation, because he gave up the power of reincarnation and chose the power of the soul.

It is not like a human being, a ghost is not like a ghost, although it has gained tremendous power.

However, in the eyes of others, the price... is really too big.

The original reincarnation of the gods was somewhat arrogant and unwilling, and they did not expect that the reincarnation of the gods would make this choice.

For a time, they were a little bit cold.

Recalling everything that the reincarnation did, everyone only felt that their hands were covered with sin and blood.

The laughter of the reincarnation of the gods resounded in the void.

The dog and the wangwangerha teamed up and attacked him constantly.

However, perhaps because of the combination of power, this reincarnation has become stronger.

With a punch and a punch, it is almost necessary to fly the dog and the prince, and this power is beyond everyone's expectations.

Without the power of the law of reincarnation, no other force can cause rejection of the power of the soul.

Therefore, the strength of this reincarnation becomes more and more terrifying.

Almost turned into a great soul master.

boom! ! !

In chaos, many places were broken, and the strong ones fell into the distance.

The dog and the prince are very dignified.

Step by step, standing in the distance, the brow is also wrinkled.

The battle continues, and the battle is faint.

The mighty in chaos can't stand the reincarnation of the **** who abandoned the reincarnation rule.

A group of people surrounded and continued to attack.

The original reincarnation of the gods, but also turned into a reincarnation of the gods of the opponent, have launched an attack.

The power of the law of one share hits the sky and hardens the world.

However, even if it is shrouded in such an attack, this reincarnation is still very calm, he feels that he touched another level.

These people can't even break his defense.

The dog is still fighting, and Pluto is falling to the side of the step, panting.

"The younger step is young... this guy is so hard!"


Some of his eyes are dignified, such as the enemy.

"The power of the Soul Arm blends with the reincarnation of the gods. Although there is no integration, the reincarnation of the gods is already very strong... The characteristics of the Soul, that is, the defense is hard and difficult."

Said the step.

He looked at the Scorpio and returned to the gods with an enemy.

At least, in terms of strength, the other party gambled, abandoned the power of reincarnation, and he gained more powerful power.

Feeling the power that spread out of the arm, the reincarnation of the gods suddenly narrowed his eyes.

He raised his hand.

A **** was suddenly pinched by his neck.

Opened his mouth, revealing sharp teeth, directly bite down, slamming, blood splattered.

Everyone is crazy and panicked.

The reincarnation of the gods is really assimilated by the soul, now it is no different from the soul!

“Really delicious... really hungry!”

The reincarnation of the gods is scarlet.

The figure is swept up on the scorpio, and every stroke and every style is a pinch of the **** or the emperor.

The dog is moving.

A paw was shot on the body of the reincarnation, and the latter was completely photographed, causing the latter to fall into chaos.


The whole chaos seems to be trembled violently.

When the smashing of the Temple of Heaven was the palm of the hand, the palm of the hand revealed the breath of the soul, indicating...

In those days, the Soul Magic was eyeing the chaotic universe.

This is not good news for many gods such as the dog.


The huge time chain is entwined.

Block the body of the reincarnation on the ground.

The dog lord forced to shoot, intends to suppress and seal the reincarnation of the gods...

But it failed.

The time chain was broken and broken.

The reincarnation of the gods rushed.

He is becoming less and less like a person now.

The step is not watching the excitement.

He must also be ready to do it because he feels that this reincarnation wants to escape...

He wants to tear off obstacles and escape from chaotic space.

Once, he was proud of the chaotic space, but now it has become a means of binding him.

However, once he escaped from the chaotic space, then this guy is really a big leap, and it will be very difficult to catch him again.

Once, this guy, completely revived this arm and strength, will bring infinite horror and disaster!

That horror, the average person, can't even think about it.

A strong man of the contemporary **** level escapes and hides in the dark.

If you don't want to find it, you can't find it.

Therefore, the step also felt that he must be left.

of course……

In fact, it is also a fancy to the arm of the reincarnation of the gods. This arm can make the power of the reincarnation become so strong, and it is probably not just as simple as the arm of the Great Soul.

It is even possible...

It is the legendary soul arm!

I heard that the soul **** is full of maliciousness to myself, and naturally I don’t mind giving this arm to the roast...

Um... it’s baked like a pig's trotter!

Of course, before this, the step must be able to defeat the reincarnation of the gods.

If you say that the reincarnation is still reincarnation, the steps may be tricky.


To deal with the Soul, the Steps always occupy a natural advantage.

This advantage may not be thought of by the reincarnation of the gods.

"You go first, I will come right away."

Step by step, looked at the prince, and said to him.

Erha looked suspiciously, and finally rushed into the sky.

It was with the reincarnation of the gods.

And the step is to take the body of the arrogant soul master who was originally obtained.


The keel chopper screams.

The pace of the steps was a glimpse.

Tear away, directly remove the bones of the arrogant soul of the Lord.

The little fox and the little skin are kneeling on the shoulders of the steps, staring curiously.

On the white tiger's stove, put the body flat.

Step by hand and shake.

The keel kitchen knife was rotated in the hand, as if it had crossed a curve, and slammed down.


The shadow of the knife seems to be almost invisible.

The arm of the step, as if in an instant, turned into a thousand arms.

The fall of each knife will turn the body of the soul into a broken piece...

It’s like... yak meat, which is smashed into pieces.

Da da da……

I took a bunch of meat.

Afterwards, the kitchen knife was horizontal, from bottom to top, slamming up, stacking the meat on it, and continuing to squat with a kitchen knife.

Make the meat more fine.

The little fox screamed, seemingly curious, what the step is going to cook.

"your favourite."

Step by step, I saw Xiaohu, and my mouth was slightly tilted.

But... this time instead of beef, use the main meat.

This time, let the little fox... spray enough.

The eyelids of the step are bright and the expectations are inexplicable.

The little fox is also very bright-eyed, and there are some expectations.

Xiaopi spit a bubble, a little aggressive...

This person is a fox, with eye contact?

The movement of the step is very fast, and the flow of water is flowing. Even if it is the soul and the flesh, the step can capture the energy flow clearly.

And use the energy in it reasonably.

Soon, the body of the soul is processed into a pile of meat residue.

The size of each piece of meat residue is uniform and the energy distribution is very balanced.

Step by step, wash your hands with the spring of life.

Start kneading the meat residue.

In a short while, I took out a round and small soul master pill.

The little fox jumped on the shoulders of the step, and the two small claws were also squatting on the chest, as if they were following the rhythm of the step.

In the blue and white porcelain bowl, the full soul of the main pill is quickly piled up.

The enormous energy that is entangled in every soul master pill, even if it is not cooked, is terrible.

Step by step, rubbed his fingers, and then a red flame of red was steaming and burning in his hands.

When the finger is bent, the flame is jumped into the basaltic pot.

The water in the pot is boiling.

The hesitant step by step, throwing all the soul pills into it.

Stir with a spoon, the action is not urgent or slow.

The meatballs in the pot show a milky white color, and the crystal energy flows on it.

The steps were salvaged and the meatballs were actually vacated.

It is like glass beads, transparent and diffuse.

The red-red fire is roasting, and the water in the meatballs is roasted and disappeared.

Later, the step into the pot poured into the carefully crafted oil juice.

This oil is an oil made from the spirit of the gods.

Pour the meatballs into the pan.

The oil pan suddenly boiled and foamed.

Meatballs, the favorite of the little fox.

This little guy, holding the head of the step tightly at the moment, the little tail is swinging.

Excited, the small eyes are full of joy.

The mouth is open and the saliva flows out of the mouth.

That greedy appearance, watching the steps are a lot of funny.

However, the beef **** that are in the pan, the aroma is really rich, but it is a bit like when the egg starts to fry.

That aroma, pouring into your nose, is hard to suppress.

It seems as if it is flowing in your blood.


Steps are condensed.

He raised his hand.

The power of the law is constantly gathering, and the power of the law is added to the law.

To enhance the power of this soul magic pill, it is natural to choose the law of destruction.

The law of destruction is incorporated into the Soul Pill, and the blasting in the food array makes this Soul Pill full of terrible explosive energy.

A careless, even lead to the meatballs blasted.

Of course, this is also the ultimate delicious.

"Little fox, open mouth."

Shouted the steps.

The little fox holding the step head suddenly brightened his eyes.

Jumped up and vacated.

The small claws are like breaststrokes, and they are dialed to the sides. They quickly swim to the front of the steps and look at the steps.

Step by step.

Give a shot.

Hey! !

The oil in the oil pan is blasted.

A single soul magic pill shot.

The little fox was just waiting and opened his mouth.

Doodle toot...

Each of the beef **** was drilled into her mouth, and the neck was filled with drums and drums.

Every time you swallow a Soul Pill, the eyes of the little fox will be a little brighter.

When it came to the back, the hair of the little fox turned into a scarlet color, which is the blood of the gods...

Oh la la...

The last rotating soul magic pill was shot from the oil pan.

The little fox flew and swallowed.

Then fell in the arms of the step.

Squinting, comfortable and stunned.

"This greedy little guy... actually really finished eating..."

The step can't help but scream, but the body of a whole great soul is swallowed by this little guy.

The small skin on the shoulder of the step squinted at the little fox, and the straight eye turned back and turned sharply. It seemed to be somewhat disdainful.

Rumble! !

The sky in the distance.

The dog and the princes have been entangled in the reincarnation of the gods.

The latter exerts the power of sin, making Chaos Half the Sky seem to be dark.

A roar.

The arm of the reincarnation swelled up.

Give the dog and the wangwangerha to fly!

Hey! !

The dog squatted on the ground and the ground continued to collapse.

Pluto Erha was flying up by the smashing bomb and hit a few rolls.

Everyone in chaos is a color change.

Can the two contemporary gods not stop the rebellious reincarnation of the gods?

How to do?

If you really let this guy escape, the secret of chaos is basically equal to all exposed to the soul.

For the chaotic universe... this is definitely a disaster.

At that time, the reincarnation of the gods with the soul of the army attacked back, chaos will have no resistance!

The reincarnation of the flesh is slightly broken, which is the power of the arm fusion.

But he is very excited now.


The Soul arm is raised.

The sky was violently torn, and the very smooth space of chaos was actually torn apart by a channel.


Reincarnation stared at the entrance, and his eyes narrowed.

Some expect to step into it.

"You wait... the position of the Lord of Chaos belongs to me. When I return again, it is you... when you die! I will be back!!!"

The reincarnation of the gods solemnly said.

The next moment, I plan to step into the void crack.


A faint sound sounded up.

"That... I let you go?"


Reincarnation of the gods.

Everyone around me was a stagnation, looked up and looked over.

The color of the steps is light, he is holding a small fox.

The mouth of the little fox is bulging, the eyes are round and the small tail swaying around...

Her legs were grasped by one hand and the other hand of the step held her abdomen. As for her two claws, she stretched forward as if to fly.

"On the basis of you? The contemporary **** of miscellaneous... I want to stop me... ridiculous!"

The reincarnation of the gods sneered a little.

Later, it is ready to step into the space and walk away.


The step shook his head.

"It’s really a bad thing to be underestimated..."

The steps are faint.

Later, raised the palm of his hand, gently on the little fox's ass... a shot.

The little fox eyes suddenly became big.
