MTL - Gourmet of Another World-Chapter 1775 Cursed Queen! ! [The third, the 4 million update, ask for a monthly ticket! 】

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boom! ! !

Cursed by the Queen's Guardian, the body of the silver-haired woman was pierced by a dense tail.

Blood ran down from her body and almost dried up.

Her eyes are devoid of gods, leaning on the broken statue of the Queen of the Cursed Queen.

far away.

The duke of the nightmare is squatting, and her body is covered with scars...

The gluttonous sorcerer, plus other top soul owners, has increased her pressure...

Coupled with the pressure of the Soul Army, she felt as if she was carrying a mountain, the kind of uncomfortable, the pain, could not resist.

On the rundown square.

The greedy soul of the Lord walked step by step, and his long tail covered the body of the silver-haired woman.

The latter's body is extremely ruined, the power of cursing is bleak, and the power of sin spreads.

Cursing the goddess of heaven, standing in the distance, lowered her eyes, she did not speak, she did not know what to say.

Maybe there will be some embarrassment in my heart.

But this cockroach was quickly dissipated...

If you want to sit on the throne of the City of Nothing, you always need someone to sacrifice...

The silver-haired woman is like a gossamer, but her eyes are cold and indifferent, looking at the cursing goddess.

That look, let her sweat upside down.

"What to see? The city of nothingness has long been a substitute..."

The greedy soul of the Lord sneered.

He raised his hand and grabbed the head of the silver-haired woman. The huge palm was forced to crush her head.

far away.

After the forcible murder of several top soul owners, the Duke of Nightmare was seriously injured by the tyrannical sorcerer...

The vomiting blood flies out and falls on the ground...

"You have no chance to turn over... The other two cursed goddesses are afraid to come out, cursing the queen, but who can choose whoever inherits the throne?"

The greedy soul of the Lord opened his mouth and revealed sharp teeth.

He looked at the broken statue and looked at the palace that was closed. The fierce light in his eyes was exposed.

"No one can save you!"

The greedy soul is laughing.

The palms began to force hard.

The head of the silver-haired woman began to distort, but her eyes were still staring at the cursing goddess...

The eyes of the Duke of Nightmare are full of unwillingness.



The palace that closed the door made a groan.


The door seems to be opened.

With a bang, the door opened a crack.

Among the cracks, there is a sigh of relief to the extreme, from which it floats and swells.

Like floating dry ice...

It is the power of cursing, the power of cursing to the extreme, as if it were the source of the cursed river.

There is also a drop of droplets in the gas that floats and sinks.


It seems that there is a fairy music concert!锣 喧 喧!

Everyone is shocked!

The tyrannical spirit of the Lord has shrunk.

The greedy soul is also a tight heart.

The silver-haired woman who is like a gossip, slightly raised her head, revealing a glimmer of light in her gaze, which is the glimmer of hope.

The Duke of Nightmare is ecstasy.

She knows... how can the curse queen give up the city of nothingness? !

The souls of the sky are not dare to move...

There was a scent of breath that came out of the door, as if the will of the universe had come to their bodies, and they were bound to move completely.

That feeling, terrible!

As if the person exists, a thought, you can kill them as nothingness!

Cursed Queen!

There is no doubt that the existence behind the door is the cursing queen!

Standing at the peak of the universe, the soul of the **** is a layer of cursing queen!


Many souls are falling, and they don’t dare to move.

Cursed the goddess of the heavens, his mouth wide open, staring at the palace...

She felt that her neck seemed to be shackled, making her breathing difficult!

The appearance of the cursed queen made her never think of...


The greedy soul of the Lord released his hand.

The silver-haired woman suddenly fell to the ground.

The latter coughed up blood, but it made a big laugh, it was a mocking laugh.

The duke of the nightmare stood up and glanced at the souls.

The queen appeared... these souls are all dead!

Da da da……

A touch of footsteps resounded.

After that.

After the palace...

An indifferent sound is heard.

"All... roll, otherwise... die."

The cold voice, without any emotions, but it makes people cold and spread from the soles of the feet, and the head blasts.

All the souls of the soul seem to burst.

Under this sentence, crazy to withdraw, turn around and flee...

The greedy soul master knows the horror of the cursing queen, after all... the cursing queen of the year is a supreme presence with the soul god!

Without hesitation, he threw down the silver-haired woman and turned and fled.

The cursing queen did not open the killing ring, madly fleeing, and escaped from the city of nothingness.

Who said that the curse queen was seriously injured and fell asleep?

Who said that the cursing queen is on the verge of death and looking for heirs?

Everything is a shit!

The Souls retreat as far as the tide.

The silver-haired woman laughed loudly and swayed in the void.

The Duke of Nightmare looked at the retreating souls, and his heart was so refreshing.

Cursed Goddess of the Soul is a little messy at this moment, some flustered, some desperate.

She did not seem to have expected that the cursed queen would appear.


The greedy soul of the Lord appeared in the side of the A soul.

If the cursed queen shoots, they will die!

Escape can't escape!

Cursing the Queen... It is not the same level as the Chaos Sage!

A soul was pulled, panicked and retreated along the soul wave...



A burst of shock shocked the world.

The tyrannical sorcerer raised his eyes and icy openings.


When his words came out, all the souls were stopped.

"Overeating! Are you crazy?! Are you waiting to die?!"

The greedy soul is the main voice.

I thought that the cursing queen was still asleep, so I dared to let it go.

But now...

The Cursed Queen is awake, and he will be scared even with the soul!

"Are you not surprised?"

"If the queen of curses really wants to kill, maybe we have already died, why would we let us escape?"

"We almost destroyed the city of nothingness."


The tyrannical spirit of the Lord is suspended in the void, said.

He thinks this is a bit weird.

The cursed queen did not come out of the palace...

All this, it must be quirky!

Is it... the curse queen has a problem? !

This is possible... If this is the case, then they may not have the opportunity to conquer the city of nothingness!

It’s too bold!

too crazy!

This is a gamble!

The greedy soul of the main gaze shrinks, watching the tyrannical sorcerer, the end of the barb scorpion tail, tilted.

However, he changed his mind and seemed to agree.

In the fierce name of the cursing queen, they simply did not have the opportunity to live out of the city of nothingness!

Is it...

Really as the tyrannical spirit of the Lord said?

The nightmare of the nightmare and the silver-haired woman are also a glimpse.

They also thought about this problem...

You must know that the city of nothingness will become the exile of many universes, and no one dares to make troubles in the city of nothingness, just because the cursing queen is decisive!

However, this time, the cursing queen is actually letting these souls roll, which is quirky!

far away.

The whistling sounds.

Step by step and others are flying fast.

Xiao You, Hou Tu and others also arrived.

The enchanted soul of the emptiness, cursing the Queen's Palace half open the door.

Cursing the Queen?

The steps are still curious and look around.

Xiao You and Hou Tu also appeared, and the eyes of the emptiness in the void were slightly shrunk.

"Say again... roll, otherwise... die."

Cursed in the Queen's Palace, there was another cold voice.

In the void.

The Lord of the Great Soul is also flying.

The three great souls gathered in the void.

The tyrannical sorcerer looked at the step and waited for a look, and looked at the cursed Queen's Palace, his eyes cold.

"There is no way out!"

"I want to see... the curse queen is really awakened!"

The sinister sorcerer suddenly broke out with powerful sinful power, and there seemed to be a sinister beast.

Later, his body crossed the sky and instantly approached the towering Queen's Palace...

Everyone was shocked.

The greedy soul is shrinking.

However, he did not move.

The soul of the great soul is awesome.

The surrounding souls are also breathing a stag...

With the approach of the tyrannical sorcerer, the figure in the cursed Queen's Palace seems to be angry...


The stone door opened again.

The next moment, from the stone door, a white and slender arm was extended.

Arms slammed...

The tyrannical sorcerer who flies in the void, his body is suddenly squeezed, showing a strange twist.


Later, the body of the tyrannical sorcerer came back, and the shadow behind it collapsed.

It was **** and slammed into the ground.

The souls are silent.

There is a color of fear in the eyes of a respected soul.

Step by step and take a breath.

Xiao Xiaolong, who is behind the step, has seen this battle, and it is even more embarrassing.

Xiao You and Hou Tu and others showed their brilliance!

"Ha ha ha ha! You have a problem! I am not dead!!!"


The ground blasted.

The savage sorcerer stood up in the blood and roared toward the palace.

He step by step, **** footprints printed on the ground.

"Curse the Queen... Come out!"

The tyrannical spirit of the Lord shouted for nine days.

The powerful force of sin suddenly erupted, as if it had been turned into a tornado, a huge scorpion that seemed to engulf the starry sky.

A scream was made towards the palace.

boom! ! !


Among the palaces, the door opened wide.

A graceful figure seems to condense the brilliance of the entire universe, slowly taking off, the straight and perfect long legs, attracting the attention of countless people.

As soon as this figure appeared, the world was bleak!

Cursed Queen! ! !


This figure, the show is turned over, and a palm is lightly shot.

That swallowed the starry sky, a huge gluttony, the main soul, directly broken by a palm!

A bang.

The body of the tyrannical sorcerer blasted... turned into a flesh and blood!

A trick, the soul of a chaotic sage, the soul of the Lord, die!

The atmosphere of terror is pervading the whole city of nothingness.

Cursed Queen... This is the powerful cursed queen!

The great soul master and the greedy soul master have already trembled.

The dying tyrannical lord of the dead is really a big death.

Cursed Queen seriously injured?

Is this like a serious injury?

This guy killed all the souls!


In the void...

The sinful power of the black paint condenses, bringing together the body of the weak gluttony.

Steps and others are sucking in air.

The step is also a shock.

One palm shot dead a great soul master...

Is this the power of the cursed queen?

With the soul god, the kitchen **** a level of power!

At this moment, step by step, some inexplicable yearnings!

Dogs and Pluto are also tongues.

At the beginning, I took a shot to chaos, but I was afraid of it...

Step by step looking at the beautiful figure standing in front of the cursed Queen's Palace.

That figure seems to stand the cosmos of the universe.


Suddenly, the steps are a glimpse.

Not just the steps, everyone feels a little suspicious and weird.

Above the sky.

The savage sorcerer who condensed the body of the Soul, sent out a screaming laugh!

"The cursed queen... but that's it!!!"

The Duke of Nightmare, the Duke of Yunxiao, etc., his face pale.


The cursing queen who stood before the palace.

The body is shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye...

At last……

A luoli sound that is milky.

"you wanna die!"