MTL - Gourmet of Another World-Chapter 1793 Then... live to catch it [4,000 words update, ask for a monthly ticket! 】

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Xianting is in the clouds.

The cloud above nine days is a colorful cloud, exuding the divine, blooming with fairy light.

The gates of Xianting, towering into the clouds, can't be seen at first glance.

Although it seems to be coming soon, the crane slowly wanders its wings and flies for a long time.

far away.

A silhouette flies away.

When the man is not there, a **** is loud.

A black dog figure, madly flew toward the crane on the scorpio.

The scared cranes trembled under the mans, and almost shook the feathers.

"Roaring dog?!"

The sentence mang was exclaimed.

The black dog rushed and jumped up, the spit in the dog's mouth splashed, and the eyes were full of excitement.

The roaring dog is the sacred beast of Xianting Xiaosheng and Erlang Zhenjun. It is said that Erlang Zhenjun has come back from the ancestral star and realized the heavenly way. Before a few days ago, he was sanctified and now he is also the avenue with him. Sage, but the power, he can not match.

Even with the roaring dog, it was also a surge, and broke into the sage level.

This has envied many people in the floods, and the ancestors have made many people blush.

Many people want to go to the ancestral star.

However, it was stopped by a power that was awakened.

Few stars can now set foot on today's ancestral stars.

The roaring dog flew and the tongue rolled in a mess.

Accompanied by shit.


One hand stretched out and grabbed the dog's neck, letting the body of the roaring dog stiffen in the void.

The dog's paws are slightly bent, squinting at the head, the dog's eyes are round, motionless, and the tail is shaking from side to side...


The roaring dog screamed.

The crane trembled.

Step by step, screaming at the neck of the dog, faintly watching the black dog with his eyes.


The roaring dog has shrunk and the eyes of the step have made it feel like it will become a pot of dog meat in the next moment.

Behind the steps, the little fox got out, and the fox glared at him, staring at the roaring dog.

The roaring dog was excited again and shook his tail.

However, the little fox snorted disdainfully and licked a fox tail to give it.

The body is an explosion of the destructive god.

The roaring dog suddenly shrank again.

The little white purple eyes swept over, the sharp purple sight, let the roaring dog bury his head in the hands of the step, the whole dog shrunk into a ball.

It is not a dog...

The corners of the steps are slightly twisted.

Roaring dog?

On the earth, I saw the roaring dog, I did not expect the latter to appear here.

If the roaring dog is here...


far away.

A group of clouds are flying.

A burly figure flew.

"Who?! Dare to be good at Xianting!"

After the gas was full, the Yang Lan held a three-pointed and two-edged knife and quickly galloped.

The roaring dog did not move, but he was shocked.

When I got close, I found the steps.

For the step, Yang Lan is very impressed, this arrogant little chef...

The step loosened the neck of the roaring dog, and the roaring dog hurriedly climbed back to the side of Yang Lan, and cleverly squatted on the foot of Yang Lan.

In order not to become a dog meat cooker, it is still awkward.

"Jiro really!"

Sentence sees Yang Lan and quickly slams his hand.

Yang Lan returned.

"Why did the Taoist friend go to Xianting? Nowadays, the Taoist friends are not the guardian of the land?"

Yang Lan wondered.

The sentence mang said something to Yang Lan, making the latter's eyes slightly brighter.

"Step boss, I haven't seen it for a long time, and I am going to make a big rise!"

Yang Xiao said with a smile to the step.

Step by step, nodded, and stunned the dog, and the cold eyes, the scared roaring dog's tail were clipped.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, and the roaring dog... is fat."

Step by step.

The roaring dog swelled in the dog's hair.

Yang Lan laughed, not returning from the earth, the dog became a foodie, and the kitchen of Xianting was turned over many times!

However, Yang Lan naturally could not reveal the shortness of the Tiangou, just smiled.

"You didn't go to the battlefield?"

Step by step, looking at Yang Lan.

"In the order of the Emperor of Heaven, guard the Xianting."

Yang Lan said seriously.

"Now, the Soul is in the way, the Soul Magic Universe is fully attacking the wild universe... It attracts the gods of the gods, and the gods and gods of the immortals fight against the enemy, and they need to guard the Xianting camp. Don't let the souls come into the air."

The step nodded.

Several people fell outside the gates of Xianting.

Here is Tianmen, down the door, standing in the densely panting of the armor of Xianting Tianbing.

The strength of these Heavenly Soldiers is not weak or strong, and the momentum is quite huge.

"After the land, let me help you, so I am coming... How to get to the battlefield?"

Step by step ask Yang Lan.

Yang Yan’s eyes lit up. “It’s not anxious to go to the battlefield.”

"Now the frontline battlefield, the war has fallen into a stalemate... The main reason is that we have awakened one."

"Well? The power of the wild? Who?"

Step by step.

"You know." Yang Yan's mouth was slightly pulled.

"Tongtian teaches the Lord!"

"The teacher wants to break through, learn the holy law, although it has not been formed, but it has also split the avatar, returning from the ancestral star, the avatar and the body are one, the strength is soaring! The cloth is smashed in the sword, killing the square in the sky... killing The soul of the sky is back!"

"The combination of the three sinful souls of the enemy... The earthquake has retreated!"

Yang Lan spit out an airway.

Although he is in Xianting, he is familiar with the situation on the front line.

After all, the frontline war report must first enter his hand before being handed over to Xianting Tiandi.

"Hey... is it so strong?"

Step by step, I was shocked.

At the beginning of the ancestral star, the Heavenly Master was a wild and happy one.

No wonder so domineering.

It turned out to be only a avatar.

However, awakening the ontology, you can fight the three great souls without defeat!

Strength should approach the most powerful soul master.

Steps can know how strong the most powerful soul master is. Today, he faces the most powerful soul master, even if the Kirin possession is useless.

"Okay, don't say are useless to go to the battlefield now. Now the battle is glued, and the Soul Army seems to be waiting for something."

Yang Weidao.

He took the steps and others, followed the Tianmen, and went all the way to Xianting.

Step by step, holding hands and walking.

In Xianting, many immortals walked.

There are pavilions and pavilions, and there are even more waters and clouds.

It really has a sentimental style.

Many of these gods are not strong in strength, and their more role is to benefit the people of the mainland.

Yang Lan is very prestigious, and with the roaring dog walking, many gods are saying hello.

The roaring dog walked with his tail and couldn’t walk.

Many gods are curious about the steps, but the steps will nod.


Going to a fairy temple.

Yang Lan invited the step into the party and sent people to the Xianting Qiong.

Sentence eyes bright, can drink the Xianting Qiong, but a rare opportunity.

Yang Lan’s big feast is a purposeful one.

However, the pace is not urgent, it should be eaten, it should be drunk.

I have to say that Xian Ting's cooks and cooking skills are still worthy of the steps.

The taste of the dish is very good and very fancy.

What dragon dances for nine days, what Jiufeng presents, dragons have to sway the world and other dishes, and the steps are not wrong.

What is special is not stewed dragon meat, burned chicken, and dragon mustard...

However, what is really interesting to the concession is the wine.

Lightly drink a glass of wine, the entrance, the fragrance of flowers, and the scent of the girl, there seems to be a phantom in front of the eyes, the girl's face is full of laughter...

"This is the first wine of Xianting, the fairy flower is brewed, it is the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven, the seven fairy scented flowers of the Baihua Yulu of Xianting Bai Garden, which lasted 999 years."

Yang Lan laughed.

He carefully poured a glass of wine and took a sip.

Squinting and intoxicated.

This wine, the step also has to admire, although the increase in the cultivation is not as strong as the wine brewed by the step, but in the taste, it is really good.

This wine, with these dishes, is indeed a pity.

Step by step.

A heart move.

Baihutian stove, keel kitchen knife, basaltic pot are all emerging...

Step by step on the spot with the newly acquired soul meat, made a dish...

Rich scent, burst out, lingering in the fairy...

Yang Lan closed his eyes and was intoxicated.

He had to admire the cooking skills of the step.

The roaring dog squinted, shook his nose, stepped on the dogleg, and unconsciously walked toward the step.

In the huge blue-and-white porcelain plate, a pot of soup in the boiling soul of the main meat trembled.

The rich aroma is like a colorful glow.

The sentence was shocked by the heavens, and he thought that the step would only make the dark food that was stinking.

The roaring dog walked with his eyes closed and touched the white body.

With a bang, the dog's head was a little dizzy.

He opened his eyes.

Against the purple eyes twisted over the white.

The dog's hair was fried... and he ran in the direction of Yang Lan.

I haven't seen it for a long time, the little fox and the big cockroach, so horrible? !

After a full meal.

Step by step, lying down on the chair.

A faint look at Yang Lan, waiting for the following.

"Step by step, there is something to ask for."

Yang Lan looked at the pleasant steps and said.

"Let's talk." The pace has long been expected, not unexpected.

"If it is not today, the step boss appears... there is really a headache in the next."

Yang Lan spit out a sigh of relief and his eyes became sharp.

"Step boss, you know how many attacks did Xianting suffer in these days?"

"A whole ten waves, the strength is weak, gradually strong."

"The last wave... It was just before the appearance of the step boss, just retired a soul squad in the next... The first one is already close to the chaos sage level."

Yang Lan said that his face is extremely serious.

The Emperor also learned the news and made it necessary for him to resist.

But Yang Lan knows.

This wave he can block, but the next wave... the next wave, the power of the soul will only become stronger and stronger!

At that time, he may not be able to resist it!

At that time, the fire in the backyard of Xianting was a disaster for the frontline battlefield.

“Hey?” Step by step, some accidents.

The sentence is also shocked, he thought of the three top souls that appeared before, and it was cold.

What conspiracy is brewing in the wild universe? !

For the Soul, the wild universe is simply a paradise.

Their strength can grow unscrupulously in the wilderness universe...

There are more and more top souls. For Xianting, it is not a good thing for the flood.

Suffering inside and outside, it is likely that the floods will fall and be destroyed by the soul!

The steps are sinking, the brows are wrinkled...

The purpose of the Soul Magic Army to attack the wild universe is for the body of the soul **** to be sealed.

These Soul Invasion Xianting is definitely looking for the body where the soul is sealed.

Therefore, the step did not refuse.

"Do you want me to help you block the Soul?"

Step by step.

Yang Lan shook his head...

"No, I need to step the boss to help catch a top spirit, we need to know their purpose!"

“There is always a foreboding of the stock...”

Live catch?

It’s easy to catch a top soul.

The step does not dare to guarantee...

After all, the top soul is equivalent to a chaotic saint, perhaps not the top chaos saint of the Duke, but the strength is not comparable to ordinary people.

It’s hard to kill, live...

If they have an idea, they may be able to blew themselves up.

Although the step guesses, they are the land of the seal of the soul.


This is just a guess of the steps.

The steps are not at the end.

Just when the steps are hesitating.

Yang Lan’s face changed suddenly.


He raised his hand, and the three-pointed and two-edged knives started directly, and the horrible atmosphere broke out.

The sage of the avenue is rushing.

"Those guys... come again!"

"Step boss... Please!"

Yang Lan stood up, and the breath of the roaring dog was also changed, a fierce one.

Step by step to breathe a sigh of relief.


Standing up, holding hands, the red and white cheeks robe constantly swinging.

The confident and indifferent face is shocking.

"Then... live to catch it." 8)