MTL - Grab the Heroine and Run Away Hee Hee Hee (entertainment Circle)-Chapter 83 she and her

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Xu Heran's cell phone hit the quilt, and his head buzzed—excited.



Nono... agree?


Xu Heran took a breath, and turned on the voice again, and she heard Xin Nuo calling her girlfriend in a gentle voice.


A certain person showed a smirk, lay on the bed excitedly, and slapped the quilt with one hand. She clicked on the voice and listened to it many times. After confirming this fact, she quickly clicked on the video and wanted to talk to her new girlfriend. Nuonuo came to a warm, first online meeting after confirming the relationship.

The Crown declines your invitation.

Xin Nuo: "I'm so tired today. I'm going to bed. You should go to bed early too, do you know?"

Xin Nuo: "Isn't there still recording tomorrow?"

Xu Heran licked his lips.

"I still want to hear you call me girlfriend."

Haicheng, who has already returned to her room, hid in her quilt, the girl covering her face saw this content through her fingers, and her fingers trembled.

"Go to sleep!"

Xu Heran smiled brighter and pressed the voice button.

"Good night, girlfriend."

Over there, Xin Nuo didn't reply after a long time, and he probably went to sleep.

"choke to death!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Yes yes yes!"

Xu Heran was rolling wildly on the bed, holding the quilt as a guitar, singing strange songs, and Jian Yueyin, who was standing at the door, knocked on the door in surprise.

"Come in!" Xu Heran said loudly.

"I heard you from outside the door, what's the matter, so happy!" Jian Yueyin walked in and asked with a smile, she glanced at Xu Heran's bed.

"Enough is enough for you, this is Sister Songyu's bed, let it go."

"Hahaha Miss Yueyin!" Xu Heran rushed over and hugged Jian Yueyin tightly.

Jian Yueyin immediately raised her hand.

"Tell Nuonuo in Haicheng, I didn't do it!"

"Hahahaha, on behalf of Nuonuo, I forgive you!" Xu Heran let go of his hand, and "patted" Jian Yueyin's shoulder.

Jian Yueyin wonders if Little Pearl has a problem with her former self, and now she wants to murder the captain!

"You're an adult, you're capable, can you forgive yourself for Nuonuo?" Jian Yueyin sat on the stool by the window, keeping as far away from Xu Heran as possible, otherwise she was afraid that her shoulders would rise and fall tomorrow.

Xu Heran looked at Jian Yueyin with an expression of "Although I really want to tell you, but I think you need to discover and savor it carefully", she pretended to be deep and said: "A minute ago, I didn't have this right, but now, I Can!"




"dododo!" Jian Yueyin rubbed her eyes and said ruthlessly, "Don't use your face to make such complicated expressions, I can't understand them."

Xu Heran only heard the first half of the sentence, his face turned red all of a sudden, and he waved his hand embarrassingly, "Words of tigers and wolves, words of tigers and wolves, cough!"

Jian Yueyin: "?"

"...Be serious!" Jian Yueyin pointed to the bed, "Sit down."

Xu Heran swooped and rolled, and sat quietly opposite Jian Yueyin, his legs just hanging down from the side of the bed.

Jian Yueyin: "...Young hero is very skilled."

"Hey, let's talk about business, what's the matter?"

Xu Heran crossed Erlang's legs and began to shake his feet.

Who has been talking about nonsense!

Jian Yueyin laughed, "Didn't Sister Song Yu want us to sing at her wedding? I thought about it, should we compose the music and lyrics by ourselves to send blessings to Sister Song Yu's wedding?"

Xu Heran snapped his fingers, "Yes."

"However, I seldom write love songs. I wonder if I can finish them before her wedding. Do you have any experience?" Jian Yueyin asked.

Xu Heran stopped shaking his feet, sat up straight, and coughed.

"Well, well... Five minutes ago, I might not have confidence, but now I am very confident!" Xu Heran slapped his chest, "Leave the words to me!"

Jian Yueyin's head was full of question marks, and her mind was filled with the silly girl who said what.

But when she heard Xu Heran's package ticket, she was surprised and said, "All for you?"

Xu Heran showed a confident smile.

Jian Yueyin thought for a while, and she still recognized Xu Heran's level of writing, "Okay, then you need to call me anytime, and also, write it to me as soon as possible, don't make it difficult for me on the last day!"

"Trust me, captain!" Xu Heran gave a thumbs up, "I assure you, the current me can definitely write works that satisfy you!"

"Believe you!" Jian Yueyin coaxed the child, giving a thumbs up.

"Good night."

The two said goodbye at the door, and when the door was closed, Jian Yueyin whispered: "It's weird."

She walked towards the guest room next to her. Just as she was walking towards the door, the moment her hand landed on the doorknob, the cool touch stimulated her sense of touch like electricity. There was a "chirp" in her mind, and an idea popped up suddenly. .

"Eh,... can't you?"

In the guest room she just came out of, Xu Heran took out a pen and paper from the suitcase, put it on the table, and rolled up his sleeves.

love song!

A certain little pearl didn't feel sleepy at all, and was staring at her inspiration book in high spirits.

The guest room has floor-to-ceiling windows, she turned around, spread the notebook on the bay window, and looked out the window.

In the prosperous capital, the distant lights are like clouds floating in the sky, and the bustling city in the night is like the residence of gods in anime. In the floating fireworks, some people know each other, some know each other, and some fall in love , some people lovesick.

There are also people who run in the opposite direction after Qianfan is exhausted, and rush to the next agreement, or leave only calm after the soul-stirring.

But there are more, like Ji Songyu and Zhao Rongrong, whose love is blended into flesh and blood and engraved on bones.

She is willing to join hands with her for the rest of her life. From then on, the wind is warm and the snow is cold, morning and evening, daily necessities, rice, oil and salt, are willing to carry the shadow of another person.

"so good."

Xu Heran sighed softly, and suddenly thought of something.

She turned around and picked up the sample booklet of wedding photos that fell on the floor when she was tossing on the bed just now, put it on top of the inspiration book, and flipped through it page by page.

Finally, her eyes landed on a certain page.

In the quiet forest, a girl in a beautiful wedding dress stands with her back to the camera, with her hands behind her back, holding a bouquet of yellow, long flowers.

She didn't turn around, but another girl's face flashed in Xu Heran's mind inexplicably.

The girl wearing a bigger and more beautiful wedding dress stood in the forest with her back turned to her, as if hearing the movement behind her, the girl turned her head and smiled at her.

The girl has a pair of pitch-black eyes, and when she smiles, the mist in her eyes dissipates, leaving only bright stars, and the light of the stars falls on Xu Heran's heart, melting her heart, leaving only warm tenderness.

It was the face of Sino.

The girl with her face on her face smiled idiotically, she blinked her blue-purple eyes, and faced her smirking face in the window.

Xu Heran: "..."

"Hey, write a song."

Little Pearl, who had wandered off, lowered her head in embarrassment, raised her pen again, and carefully wrote three words on the white paper.

She with her.

The second recording time of "The King of Songs at the Next Stop" is scheduled to be at night, and it will be recorded until midnight. When the recording is over, there will be much fewer paparazzi watching.

Xu Heran was busy last night until early morning, and didn't wake up until noon.

"That's right, the jet lag is reversed." Jian Yueyin praised the girl who came to the kitchen for food.

"Thank you." Xu Heran stuffed egg whites into his mouth, looked at the living room, "Where are Sister Chacha and Sister Rong?"

Jian Yueyin tilted her head, "They also got up quite late, and after getting up, they ate something and left, saying they were going to have a meeting with the wedding photography team."

Xu Heran smiled and said, "I'm still in a hurry."

She ate the whites of two eggs, and after asking the nanny, she handed the yolks to Sam who ran over at some point, crouched at her feet, tilted his head, and stared at her with black eyes.

The white ground and the cloudy Satsuma carefully picked up the egg yolk in Xu Heran's palm, one bite at a time.

"Good boy, I didn't see you last night, what's your name?"

The nanny who has worked in Ji Songyu's house for many years said with a smile: "My name is Ji Huahua, and my nickname is Fafa."

"Miss Ji, Miss Zhao went abroad some time ago. She was playing at her grandparents' house during this time, and she just picked it up this morning."

The nanny told them enthusiastically: "Fafa is one and a half years old, it's Miss Zhao's birthday present to Miss Ji."

"You are so beautiful." Xu Heran squatted down, rubbed the dog's head, and said to Jian Yueyin, "I think His Majesty Hua and Jiang Xiaoqiong will definitely like Fafa!"

Jian Yueyin: " are two people with yin and yang in one sentence."

"It's a good thing they're not here, you can keep Zhutou."

"Why are you so yin and yang, how beautiful your hair is!" Xu Heran held Sam's head and showed it to Jian Yueyin, "Looking at her is smarter than a dog's barking, you see I praised her for her beautiful ears and she knows how to shake her ears, she must understand! And it's such a good rua!"

Jian Yueyin looked at it, and couldn't help but follow suit.

"It's easier to touch than Qionger."

Xu Heran smiled.

The two of them said nothing.

In order to keep the friendship of teammates, Jian Yueyin asked Xu Heran: "How is your writing, did you start?"

"Please have more confidence in Little Pearl!"

Xu Heran patted Samo on the head, stood up, and took out a folded piece of paper from his pocket, "I leave the secret of the Pearl Clan to you, my dear friend!"

"Have you finished writing?" Jian Yueyin said in surprise, she unfolded the white paper and scanned it carefully, the surprise in her eyes turned into surprise.

"Yes, Xu Ranran!"

"That's right, the me now is not the me I used to be. The Xu Ranran before the age of eighteen is different from the Xu Zhenzhu after the age of eighteen!" Xu Heran stroked his hair back along his forehead like he touched a horse's head yesterday, Put on a domineering and cool expression.

"I've upgraded."

I still have a partner!

have a girlfriend!

Hahaha you single dogs!

Xu Heran, who deliberately put on a mocking smile, bowed his head before Jian Yueyin beat Zhu, and patted Samo on the head.

Jian Yueyin read the lyrics again, and her eyes fell on Xu Heran again. She felt that Xu Heran was very different today. If she had to say what was different... she became more and more embarrassing.

"Xu Heran." Jian Yueyin suddenly said seriously, "I have something to tell you."

Seeing her serious expression and tone, Xu Heran quickly stood up straight.


Jian Yueyin frowned slightly, and put her hand on Xu Heran's shoulder, exerting force.

She took a breath: "I wish you happiness."

Xu Heran: "..."


"Thank you, I will." Xu Heran showed an expression of admiration "As expected of my sister Yueyin"!

"Also." Jian Yueyin held her down again, "Don't be so embarrassing, you will be whipped by Sister Cui."

"You don't want to, go to variety shows with me every day, right?" Jian Yueyin smiled slightly, "I have no opinion, but I don't know if other people have opinions."

Xu Heran: "...cough, it's made."

After receiving Xu Heran's lyrics, Jian Yueyin copied a new copy, put it in her lyrics book, and took them to Jingchengtai.

"The King of Songs at the Next Stop" is a music variety show. There are many musical instruments in the rooms assigned to each group. She can use these instruments to compose a tune first, and finally rent a recording room to finish the song.

For the evening recording, the guests will start to decide on the first round of competition songs. "The King of Songs at the Next Stop" does not have an elimination mechanism, but will continue to adjust the team candidates.

When Jian Yueyin came to the recording room, Ye Qian had already arrived.

"Good evening, Teacher Ye." Jian Yueyin greeted him politely.

"Please sit down, we will decide the song for this performance as soon as possible." Ye Qian said bluntly, "I have heard your songs before, and many of the singles you released have a sad tone. Choose a lyrical song with a sad and desolate wind."

Jian Yueyin had no objection and nodded.

"What do you think of "White River"?" Ye Qian asked.

Jian Yueyin thought for a while, ""White River" is good, but I don't think it's easy to adapt. Compared with "White River", I think "Wind Late Autumn" with the same singer and style is more suitable."

Ye Qian raised his eyebrows: ""Wind Late Autumn" has been completely adapted, this song is more famous than "White River", but I don't want to follow the crowd, and as a music producer, I can't say no, I can't give up easily, I haven't tried , why do you think it's not possible!"

Jian Yueyin smiled and said, "Ms. Ye is right."

In front of her, Ye Qian felt that his tone was a little heavy, he cleared his throat, "Of course, I didn't mean that, your music is not bad among the new batch of music producers. You can't express it in many songs Surrender, rebirth from adversity, I think you are also like music, you will not give up easily, right?"

Jian Yueyin continued to smile: "You are right."

Ye Qian: "..."

"Then change it."

While other songs are still discussing the selected song, the shark team has already entered into the adaptation. It is said that it is a discussion. Ye Qian has actually determined the song and the style to be adapted before recording, and even wrote the score. What Jian Yueyin will do, Just to be familiar with the new score, and to be directed by Ye Qian by the way, using different instruments to play.

Jian Yueyin's complexion has not changed since she entered the door, she has been smiling gently, and when she heard that she had sung down the song without any mistakes, Ye Qian's slightly frowning brows relaxed.

"You are very good."

Jian Yueyin smiled and said, "Thank you."

"It's a pity to be an idol for two years, it's a waste of time." Ye Qian disagreed, "And the songs of your team before, I think there are a few songs that have a better way of expression."

"That's right, that's it." Jian Yueyin rolled her eyes.

Ye Qian: "..."

She didn't answer, Ye Qian slowly closed his mouth, and the room fell into silence.

Jian Yueyin glanced at the piano, "Do it again."

"Yeah." Ye Qian held his breath and couldn't find a place to go out. Just when they were about to play the song down again, deafening music suddenly sounded in the corridor.

"I am a broken butterfly!" The man's deep singing voice came out amidst the music composed of strong bass drum and guitar, like a huge wave in the sea.

Jian Yueyin blinked, and heard another familiar and cheerful voice shouting.

"It's a butterfly, it's a butterfly!"

Jian Yueyin: "."

Well, case solved.

"Stormy wind and rain, hot sand and gravel, can't kill my heart!"

"Aww, I can't kill, I can't kill!"

"...What is Teacher Shi doing?" Ye Qian frowned.

"I am a butterfly!"

"I am in love with a rose!"

"I love roses!" Xu Heran shouted.

"Even if the rain blows and the wind blows, I will love this rose till death!"


"Even if the rose withers! The rose breaks! But I love this rose!"

Except for the Shark Singer's room, the other teams gathered in the Blueberry team room and began to sway with the rock.

"Friends in the back, let me see your hands! Friends in front, where is the shout!"

Jian Yueyin: "."

She raised her hand and touched her lips.

Ye Qian looked at Jian Yueyin who suddenly softened, and couldn't help asking: "She wrote "Dao Xing"?"


"I can't see it." Ye Qian said casually, "I heard that the little girl has a very good family background, and she doesn't seem to be able to write a word like "Double Star". I think you wrote this word correctly."

Jian Yueyin's smile faded a bit: "That's it."

Ye Qian didn't pay attention to her expression, and continued: "And do you feel that this girl doesn't match the rest of your team to some extent."

"It doesn't feel like that."

Jian Yueyin smiled at Ye Qian: "Hehehehe..."

At this time, Ye Qian finally realized that he was not welcome to point fingers in front of other teammates. He pressed his palm on his knee, and his eyes drifted aside, "Sorry, I'm talking too much."

Jian Yueyin: "Yes."

Ye Qian: "..."

"Forget it, let's stop here today."

"Okay." Jian Yueyin got up, hugged the notebook she brought into her arms, and planned to team up with Ye Qian for the past few days without a notebook. She made a big move, and the lyrics paper that was in the notebook before coming here was slow It floated out and landed at Ye Qian's feet.

"What is this, you wrote it?" Ye Qian picked it up and looked at it, "She and her?"


"I've heard that there is a girl in your team who likes girls, isn't it a gossip?" Ye Qian saw Jian Yueyin's face suddenly sank, "Is that the little girl, isn't she the one who likes to learn to dance? Could it be, you two..."

Jian Yueyin tore off the lyrics paper and stuffed it into the notebook, her tone was very calm, "You know a lot."

Ye Qian smiled: "I want to know about my teammates, so I read your news."

"Then why do you think it's useless." Jian Yueyin's words made Ye Qian's smile froze all of a sudden, "Ms. Ye, you can't eat online melons, so don't worry about other people's private lives."

"Practice first, I'm leaving."

Seeing the girl's back without looking back, Ye Qian scratched his head, and whispered to the accompanying director: "Did I make her angry?"

The director who has recorded several music programs with him showed a relieved smile: "It's nothing, I won't be angry with you."

No wonder.

It's okay, he's used to it.

Teacher Ye, it's strange to not offend people.

Jian Yueyin walked into Xu Heran's room, threw the notebook on the sofa, and said "tsk".

Shi Meng went to the bathroom, Xu Heran ran over excitedly just after shouting a song, "What's wrong, where's your team boss?"

"Don't mention it." Jian Yueyin covered Xu Heran's mic and raised her eyebrows.


Xu Heran pointed behind him, "Why don't you play with me, Mr. Shi's band is awesome!"

"If you say a word, offend the four members of the roadside stand band." Jian Yueyin said, "I'll make out the tune of the new song first."


When Shi Meng came back, he got two pairs of sunglasses from somewhere, and gave one to Xu Heran. The two started a new round of karaoke, and forced the staff of the program group to sit down and shake their hands.

There is no one who can record the program as a concert, but the cooperation of one large and one small makes the surrounding teams feel great pressure.

Not long after, Ye Qian walked in with his hands behind his back, glanced at Jian Yueyin who was wearing earphones and bowed his head while writing, and began to talk to Shi Meng.

"Teacher Shi, I think this song is too flamboyant in a rock style."

"Are you going to sing this song? I think jazz would be better."

Shi Meng hooked down his sunglasses, stared at Ye Qian with energetic eyes, and raised the microphone, "You are so noisy, go out."

Xu Heran followed up and said: "It is forbidden for hostile teams to inquire about other people's songs! It is forbidden for hostile singers to criticize other people's music styles! Daba daba, shark daba!"

Ye Qian: "..."

Xu Heran: "Director!"

The director of the Blueberry team smiled and said to Ye Qian: "Mr. Ye, look..."

Ye Qian was silent, pointed at Jian Yueyin and asked, "What about her?"

"Why can't I?"

"Because they are quiet!" Xu Heran said.

"I can also be very quiet." Ye Qian said.

Xu Heran and Shi Meng stretched out their hands at the same time and made a cross in front of their chests.

Ye Qian, who was kicked out, felt depressed again. He ran into Ning Yunfei in the corridor.

"Get kicked out again?" Ning Yunfei said with a smile.

"What do you mean again?" Ye Qian shook his head.

Ning Yunfei looked at him up and down, wondering: "I feel a little strange, your behavior is different from before, it's very strange."

She narrowed her eyes, "And she looks like a man in a suit and leather shoes...Huh?"

Ye Qian looks handsome, and is still single at thirty-two. Ning Yunfei took a breath, "You don't know, you've fallen in love with other children!"

How old is Jian Yueyin this year?



"You want an old cow to eat young grass?" Ning Yunfei covered her face and stared at Ye Qian with a "you are shameless" expression.

"...Who wants an old cow to eat young grass!" Ye Qian's face turned red, "And I only knew her for a day! I just really appreciate her music!"

And eight years behind, what kind of old cow eats young grass!

Can Ning Yunfei believe it, she looked at him with a sneer.

They are both singers with similar status. They have participated in many variety shows together, and they became friends after knowing each other for a long time.

"I really think she's pretty good. What do you think, how about I invite her to my company?" Ye Qian asked, "She has been delayed for two years. I think she can perform better with me."

"Delay?" Ning Yunfei's face turned subtle, "If you have this idea, don't think about poaching people."

"Lao Ye, you might as well have your thoughts on Yueyin."

Ye Qian: "???"

"I really don't!"

He turned his head "swish", and he was relieved that there was no dramatic appearance of a girl behind him, "Stop joking."

"Well, anyway, pay more attention to your own words and deeds, and listen to other people's opinions, don't always point fingers." Ning Yunfei said, "Otherwise, don't say you have ideas, who would care about you!"

Ye Qian: "... Forget it."

Not far behind them talking, at the entrance of the Blueberry team, the girl standing there was silent, frowning slowly.

Except for the first two episodes of Xu Heran and Jian Yueyin's, the following episodes were filmed once a week. By the time Ji Songyu's wedding invitation letter was delivered to them, it was already mid-October.

Ji Songyu said that Zhao Rongrong was very anxious and wanted to hold the wedding immediately, but he ran around with Zhao Rongrong and quickly took wedding photos. Because Ji Songyu is a well-known actress in Huaguo, the photography team attaches great importance to the quality of her photos, and selects the best people to shoot Ji Songyu, which is also for their own publicity.

"So fast?" Xu Heran looked at the exquisite greeting card in his hand in surprise.

"In order not to fall into the difficult situation of choosing which is also good-looking, you sister Rong and I quickly settled everything." Ji Songyu leaned crookedly and stroked her hair, "Thank you and Yueyin for looking after our house and walking for us." dog."

She and Zhao Rongrong were preparing for the wedding during this time, and they didn't come back much.

Xu Heran said with a smile: "Who made Sister Chacha beautiful and kind, and didn't charge us for accommodation."

"Just know, don't say it." Ji Songyu waved his hand shyly.

Xu Heran glanced at the time of the invitation again, his eyes brightened.

When Ji Songyu gets married, all eight people from SGS will definitely come! Nono will definitely come too!

After acknowledging their relationship, she and Xin Nuo have separated and haven't met each other. It's really a very sad thing for Little Pearl!

Ji Songyu's wedding is just around the corner, but that doesn't mean that she and Xin Nuo will see each other soon!

Xu Heran took a deep breath, stood up with a smile, and asked Ji Songyu, "I haven't walked the dog today, so I'll go right away!"

"No need, Ah Rong has already gone." Ji Songyu said with a smile, "We are all back, how can we bother you. Usually you don't have to walk your hair, there is an aunt."

"That's it." Xu Heran scratched his face with his left index finger, cleared his throat, "I just want to go for a walk, and I'll be back later!"

She took big strides, and walked out as if she was afraid that Ji Songyu would stop her. After a while, she retreated.

"Sister, where is the convenience store here?"

After getting the exact news, Xu Heran ran all the way to the convenience store happily.

The salesperson in the store watched a slender shadow appear behind an indescribable shelf with a meaningful expression on his face.


I am very anxious.

Still wearing a hat, mask, glasses, and fully armed, he must be a novice, right?

The clerk thought secretly in his heart.

Xu Heran pulled down the sunglasses, and her blue-purple eyes swept back and forth excitedly. To be honest, she hasn't used them yet!

Just when she was struggling with which color and which flavor she wanted, a hand reached out and tapped the corner.

"This." The lazy voice said, "You don't need that kind."

"Oh!" Xu Heran happily replied, sweeping the goods, her fingertips froze when they touched the box.

The white cloud-like Satsuma approached and rubbed against Xu Heran's leg.

"Sister Rong, does this supermarket allow pets?" Xu Heran asked in a low voice.

"Yeah." Zhao Rongrong hugged Xu Heran's shoulders, leaned over, and explained his experience to Xu Heran with the leisurely complacency of someone who came here, "I like this brand, but I use this one occasionally, and the response is very good."

Xu Heran: "OVO"

"Forget it, I'm here, let's replenish some stock." Zhao Rongrong started digging out the shelves together with Xu Heran.

During this period, Xu Heran asked in a low voice: "How do you know I'm going to use... this?"

After all, men and women use it differently.

Zhao Rongrong hooked the corner of his mouth, "I didn't hear it on purpose, of course you don't have to restrain yourself at home."

Xu Heran, who often called Xin Nuo's girlfriend by voice, smiled.

"By the way, I will give you a few hotel locations, all of which are opened by me, and the safety is no problem." Zhao Rongrong whispered to Xu Heran, "You must try these rooms!"

Xu Heran: "Oh!"

After leaving Languo, Xu Heran, who was forced to restrain himself, almost burst into flames, hugging the spoils tightly in his arms.

Now everything is ready, only Xin Nuo Nuo is missing!

Girlfriend, come on!

The author has something to say:

Xu Heran: Hehe.

Ms. Rong is really a kind person!