MTL - Grasping Evil-Chapter 1222 Liubo

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Years at sea, countless islands, there are only a handful of large islands. Among them, three immortals are comparable to the emperor, and it is the three major palaces of the Palace of the World.

The battle between the West Palace, the North Palace and the East Palace has been in existence for a long time. Because of this, the Sangong Immortal Island is far apart, and there are few exchanges between the doormen except for official business.

Ningfan’s destination is Nishinomiya, the island of Sannomiya.

On the island of Nishinomiya, there are more than 400 piers of various sizes, which can be used by the monks to cross the island. At this moment, on a remote small dock, there is a red silk girl, looking at the sea, resentful.

Yunya Wharf, North Xiaoman.

"Stinky Zhou Ming, rotten Zhou Ming, actually still not coming, this girl has waited for ten days, and you dare to live up to wait for the girl..." Ming Ming already knows the real name of Ning Fan, when he is alone, Bei Xiao Man still loves Ning Zhou Ming, who was called the year, only because of this simple Zhou Ming word, contains too many memories of her and Ning Fan.

Although the location of Yunya Wharf is remote, there are still many monks who choose to land on the island. When I saw Bei Xiaoman in this class, I was shocked to read "Zhou Ming" in my mouth.

What kind of character Zhou Ming was, can actually make Miss Wan Si miss so much, and wait a dozen days!

Some good monks, want to ask one or two, but not close to Bei Xiaoman, they were blocked by the high stone soldiers.

Today's Shi Bing, has been transformed into a fairy king, the body reveals the pressure of the immortality of the ages, a cold expression of a stranger. With him guarding the side, those who are good can't get close to Bei Xiaoman, they have to dispel their curiosity and leave.

There are also some idlers who choose to stay at Yunya Wharf, and want to explore who is waiting for Bei Xiaoman.

"It is rumored that this is the most disgusting man in the life of Miss Mizuno. If I expected it to be good, she should be a female friend."

"Daoyou said this, the Zhou Ming heard more like a man. It is not allowed to have a guest in the Palace of the World to pick up. Therefore, the four ladies are waiting for it."

"It’s called Zhou Wei, who said that Zhou Wei’s is a man?”


"The poor road is that I heard that the fourth lady of the ancestral palace has already been detained with Shui Zongdao. People may be waiting for the fiancé here..."

"Oh? Miss Four of the Palace of the World is actually dating the Shui Shuidao! That Shui Shuidao's bone age has been repaired to the realm of the fairy king. In time, it must be a generation of immortals! Miss Si is a high climb..."

"High climb? Hey, that's not necessarily. Daoyou are afraid that I don't know. The four ladies who are in the Palace of the World are not ordinary people. Perhaps the Shuizong accounted for the cheapness of Tianda."

In the voice of the good deeds, a white young man drove the rain dragon and quietly arrived.

The young man was repaired as seemingly unremarkable, and his appearance was even more strange. It seemed that he was not a famous place; his rain dragon seemed to be powerless and he did not seem to be a powerful mount.

Ever since, the people only looked at the young man and they recovered their gaze. They didn't care.

No one thinks that Bei Xiaoman is waiting for such an inconspicuous little white face. But the reality is always unexpected, and Bei Xiaoman is really this person.

At the sight of Ning Fan, Bei Xiao Man was so impatient that he was scattered and clean, and his mood was cloudy and sunny. He couldn’t tell the joy, and he still remembered the hardships of waiting for ten days.

"I thought you were not coming... If you didn't come, I would look for other people to be chess players, hehe!" Bei Xiaoman snorted, but the smile at the bottom of his eyes betrayed her true feelings. She is willing to find other people as chess players, such a good position, of course, must be left to Ning Fan! Fertilizer does not flow outside the field!

"Sorry, I encountered some accidents and delayed for a few days. It made you wait for more than ten days." Ning Fan laughed, and he was laughed at by Bei Beikou.

"Unexpected? You are injured again, where are you, let me see..." Bei Xiaoman heard, suddenly the whole person is not good, she has long been Ning Fan as her face, what is the face! The face is her sacred and inviolable private property, which is willing to let Ning Fan get hurt.

She will turn Ning Fan over and over again, and the little hand groped up and down on Ning Fan, and did not feel that there was anything wrong with it.

After all, she and Ning Fan have been doing this countless times, this degree of physical contact, count a milk!

But this scene falls in the eyes of passers-by, it is somewhat unusual!

Those passers-by have a round mouth, how can they not believe this scene: the four goddess of the goddess, the fiancée of Shui Zongdao, why is it so close to a strange man, is this the legendary... seeing the difference, the red apricot wall!

Fortunately, Bei Xiaoman and Ning Fan’s "pro" is not too hot. After confirming that there was no damage in Ning Fan, Bei Xiaoman recovered his smile and took Ning Fan on a fairy car and went straight inside. The direction of the island has left.

Until the long time after Bei Xiaoman left, the talents dared to whisper about the matter.

"I said that the **** of the waters of the day was not green..."

"Being green? What is the explanation? Please ask the Taoist friend to explain one or two."

"This is the slang of our hometown. There is such a legend in our hometown. It is said that in the ancient times, there was a monk who went out to visit friends. When I saw the sky flashing a green light, he slammed it, and when he was in the rain, he returned. When I got home, I didn’t realize it. His Taoist priest was fishing with another strange man and was caught in bed...”

"Understood, understand, that Shui Zongdao seems to be in the green light..."

"Don't you think that the man who is eye-catching with Miss Four is familiar with some..."

"Daoyou said this, this person is really familiar..."

Someone thinks of something, take a wanted order from the storage bag, and when compared, everyone is happy.

Can you not be happy!

The man who had been waiting for more than ten days with the four ladies was the one who wanted the waters!

"Before the poor road is still strange, the water sect is very good, why is it inexplicable to this person, now the poor road understands... The Shui Zongdao is afraid that he has already seen the green light outside, so he is angry and killed this man. heart!"

"This person is afraid that he has already succeeded... Hey, think about the character who is so light and windy, and the head has become a green grassland, mourning..."

"Would you like to kill this person and go to the water sect to appreciate it..."

"Let's reward? Hey! Do you have that skill, who do you say this person! The secret people are broken by this person, can you be more powerful than the secret!" A monk named Xu Kun, suddenly Coldly screamed and interrupted everyone’s arguments.

"Hey! Xu Daoyou, what is the saying! What is the secret family is broken by this person! I have never heard of this news!"

"I am different from you. I am a disciple of the emperor. I have access to the news. I don't think this person is a low-key person. But Bei Tianxian is not a fool. The well-informed person has already guessed the identity of this person... This person is very complicated. I just took out one, and I am not able to get it. I am still alive by the Shuizong, but he is still alive. It is a proof. With his cultivation, he said that the wife of the Shuizi Daozi in the district is I have been sleeping with a fairy emperor's wife, I am afraid that the other party is also daring to speak out... And, Xu does not believe at all, the morality of the monarch, will do the work of the *** woman, this must have another hidden!"

"Hey! Xu Daoyou said this truth! The driving dragon man is actually the ethical truth in the rumor! That ancient overhaul Zhao Jian!"

Everyone changed their face in a flash, and they dared to continue to talk about Ning Fan.

They dare to talk about the glamorous things in the house, dare to sneer at the top of the grassland of Shui Zongdao, but dare not openly discuss an ancient overhaul!

Everyone still wants to get some news from Xu Kunkou. Xu Kun no longer pays attention to everyone. After swearing, he hurries away and goes straight to the island.

Beitian’s comprehension circle is so big. Since Ningfan’s big trouble in Beitian, Beitian’s well-informed generation has received more or less news: Ning Fan, who was wanted by Shuizong, is an ancient overhaul Zhao. Jane, can't mess with!

It is also that Ning Fan came to Nishinomiya to be too low-key and concealed. If he is high-profile, there will be countless North Heavenly places to meet the sea! [Moral True Jun] Zhao Jian’s rescue story has spread all over the North, and has touched countless numb self-cultivators.

The name of the moral true king was also imposed on Ning Fan’s head at that time. The Northern Heavenly Comprehension Center has regarded Ning Fan as a model of cultivation and morality in the era of the Last Law. The irony is that Ning Fan himself does not know that he has such a title. If he knows, he will laugh at the internal bleeding.

"It's not wrong! This person is the moral truth that Master is looking for! If I tell this news very much, it will be a great achievement!"

Xu Kunqiang endured the excitement of his heart and went straight to the inner island. At this moment, his master is temporarily living in a certain square city on the island.

Xu Kun is just a fairy immortal, not a famous celebrity in the north, but his master is different. His master is a real person of Tao Li, a sacred emperor, and more because of the countless number of people in the whole northern days. , has the reputation of [Tao Li Man Bei Tian]!

Tao Li is not an ordinary Xiandi. He is a fairy emperor who has participated in the wild war.

In other words, when Tao Lizhen was a wild man, he was saved by Ning Fan, and thanks to it, he has been thinking about it.

When Ning Fan appeared in Chunyangzong, he chased the pure Yangzong; after Ning Fan appeared in Haishazong, he chased Haishazong again.

He has been following Ning Fan's footsteps and wants to see Ning Fan again. He wants to pay back the kindness of the year and wants to see Zhao Qing's predecessors again. It is a pity that every time he rushes to where Ning Fan is, Ning Fan always leaves the first step.

The regret of life is nothing more than this! Tao Lizhen even once suspected that Ning Fan was unwilling to accept his gratitude, so he would leave first and do so. It is true that there is an ancient style and he is even more admired.

The problem is that if Zhao’s predecessors always avoided him, he may not have the opportunity to thank the seniors in this life. That is an ancient overhaul. If you deliberately avoid a little fairy emperor, you can easily find this fairy emperor...


Tao Li really sighed. At this moment, he was teaching the disciples within the temple rented by Xishanfang City. This sigh, the hundreds of disciples who listened to the audience were all shocked. They had never seen Master’s so depressed side.

"Why did the Master sigh, is it that the questions that the disciples have just raised are too utilitarian and provoke the Master to be unhappy?" The disciples asked sincerely.

"No, the teacher is not sighing you, the teacher is suddenly touching the scene, thinking of Zhao predecessors." Tao Li real people smiled bitterly.

"Zhao predecessor, which Zhao predecessor?" There is a disciple who has just started, so I asked.

I don’t have to answer Tao Li’s real person. Immediately, other disciples explained, “You just got started, you don’t know, Master is missing Zhao Jian’s predecessors.”

"Hey! Zhao Jian! It’s not the morality of the real Zhao Zhao predecessor! Master actually recognized such a high person!" The disciple who just got started was shocked.

For the lower-ranking monks, the Taodi real people are the supreme beings. The ancient overhaul Zhao Jian is almost a legendary figure, only in the story.

At this moment, I suddenly heard that my master and the legendary figures have a relationship. This disciple was surprised.

"Being a teacher is to know Zhao's predecessors, that Zhao's predecessors, who have been saved as a teacher in a wilderness, have a life-giving life, so kindness, and can be summed up with a sentence. The teacher has always wanted to return Zhao's predecessors. It is always impossible to meet with the predecessors of Zhao. The predecessors do good, not for fame and fortune. The ancient style lasts forever, and the righteousness does not die. This is the nature of Zhao’s predecessors. If there are more good people like Zhao’s predecessors, there will be so many intrigues in the realm of cultivation. My generation has worked hard to manage the world, but it is not as good as the predecessors. It’s a good thing to go and go... It’s a sneak peek, deep hiding and name... If you can see your predecessor once again, there’s no regret for the teacher to die! Unfortunately, I can’t see...”

The disciples were moved by the emotions of Tao Lizhen, one by one, as if they were all believers of Zhao Jian's predecessors.

"Master, let us tell us the story of Zhao's predecessors who saved people very much!"

"The disciple wants to listen to the story of Zhao’s predecessors doing good days on Sunday!"

"The disciple wants to listen to the story of Zhao's predecessors who used morality to serve people and influence the whole ethnic group!"

"The disciple wants to listen to the story of Zhao’s predecessor’s 3,000 daughters and the rising day!”

"The disciple wants to listen to the story of Zhao’s predecessors who punish the real world’s twelve bullies!”


Seeing that the topic has completely turned to Zhao Jian’s predecessors, Tao Li’s real people are not depressed, and the turbid eyes become awkward. “Well, you want to listen to the story of Zhao’s predecessors, and tell you the teacher! It’s just what you said. Those stories have been told too many times for the teacher. Today, the teacher tells you a new story. The name of the story is a bit long. It is called 'white clothes falling into the sky, and the world is looking for flowers.' This story is about Zhao’s predecessors. When I was young, I missed a woman and found her in the middle of the world.

"Wanli? Miles in my generation of monks, but it is the distance of the blink of an eye, why Zhao's predecessors only walked thousands of people to find people..." There are good things for the disciples to ask.

"Just you have more mouths! The thousands of miles left by the predecessors of Zhao, can you understand the Wanli can be a concept! I am waiting for the world, in the higher realm of the monk, it may be just a dust, a drop of water, Zhao The miles traveled by the predecessors may be far more than 10 billion times more than the four days and nine circles..." A listener questioned his own story, and Tao Li’s real face suddenly felt unhappy.

"...Master, this story won't be what you compiled..." The good deeds continued to weaken their backs.

"Oh, this, this is the case... This story is really recorded in the classics. How can it be made up for the teacher? If the teacher is like a father, you suspect that you are a teacher. When you are under a small punishment, you will be punished for a while." Edited the "Ethics of the True Journey of the True Journey", copy it a thousand times! Do not use the magical powers, you must copy the words one by one, from the book to understand the greatness of the predecessors of Zhao!" Tao Li real people clearly face, but the air is There are some deficiencies, because the story he said is really just a random mess, even the book he edited, the content is all collected in the legend, the authenticity is to be discussed...

"*****! The book you compiled has a full 2 ​​million words! After copying it a thousand times, the disciple may die!" Good deeds want to cry without tears, he should not ask more, this It’s good, then for hundreds of years, he doesn’t have to do anything, just copying the book is enough!

"Well, let's go on the story of the predecessors of Zhao..."

Tao Lizhen is about to continue to give lectures. Suddenly, one person is extremely rude and directly breaks into the lecture hall.

"Xu Kun, today is a lecture for the teacher, you are not a holiday, why go and return!" Tao Li real people have always liked Xu Kun, because the qualifications of this apprentice are good, but they are slick and have no perseverance.

"Great joy, great joy! Master, you guess who you saw at Yunya Pier, and you saw the morality of the predecessors!"

"What, what! You have met Zhao's predecessor! He actually came to Nishinomiya! Where is he, tell you as a teacher!" Tao Li is really overjoyed!

For the first time, he felt that Xu Kun looked so pleasing to the eye, clearly a material that can be made!


The same thing happened in all corners of Nishinomiya.

Those who admire Ning Fan's Beitian grotesque, once heard that Ning Fan was in Nishinomiya, all of them were so excited that they couldn't immediately visit Ning Fan.

Considering that the empty door is too abrupt, these talents did not disturb Ning Fan at the first time, but rushed to prepare expensive gifts, lest the gift was too clear and slow.

All these things are uninformed. He took the Xianxu car and went to the inner island of Nishinomiya with Bei Xiaoman. The inner island is not a place where ordinary people can set foot. In addition to the doorman of the palace, only the second step monk has been able to step into this place.

Bei Xiaoman has his own residence on the inner island. She has a very special meaning for the palace of the world, and it is also a triple-external and three-way outside the house.

These guards are too low to be natural. It is impossible to have a source of Tao Li’s real people. I don’t know that Ning Fan is the ancient overhaul Zhao Jian.

Seeing that Miss Four went out for more than a dozen days, she brought back a strange man, and she had more kisses with this man. The guards’ faces were somewhat weird.

Everyone knows that Miss Si and Shui Zongdao have a marriage contract, and they bring a strange man home without a reason. It’s not right, it’s not right...

There are a few loyal guards who want to go forward and persuade one or two, but they have not yet relied on Bei Xiaoman’s side, and they have been blocked by the high-powered stone soldiers.

"Do not care about the business, don't worry! Don't know what to know, don't ask!" Shi Bing warned.

It is necessary to know that Shi Bing went to a ancestral ancestral ridge, and after he came back, he was cultivated as a skyrocketing. Now he looks at the entire ancestral palace and counts the slamming characters. His warning, the ordinary guards dare to ignore it!

In this way, the guards had to go home with Ning Fan, who was going to go home, and closed his eyes with one eye. He only silently prayed in the heart that the four ladies should not act too much. If it is really a pre-marital loss, water Zongna can be difficult to explain...

Unfortunately, God did not seem to hear the prayers of the guards.

This night, in the room of Miss Si, the movement was particularly loud, and it was said that even the glazed tiles were shaken several times...

It is a pity that there is a ban around the room, and people outside can't hear the movement inside. Naturally, it is impossible to confirm what happened inside.

But those guards are not fools!

Ning Fan stayed in the house of Bei Xiaoman for a whole night before it came out, and the room was lit up all night...

Lonely man and woman, staying together for one night, besides you, can you do other good things!

Although no one has said it, all the guards are convinced that their four ladies, who are icy and jade, are finally harmed by a thief.


On the early morning of the next day, Ning Fan walked out from the room of Bei Xiaoman, and he felt the heavy gaze of the goalkeepers.

He feels very speechless. Isn't it a whole night game with Bei Xiaoman? How do people here look at him with the eyes of a thief!

Well, he was originally a thief, but the problem is that he really didn’t move Beibei on last night.

He promised to be a chess player in the North, but the problem is that he does not know what the chess player is.

Ever since, all night last night, he was asking about this matter to Bei Xiaoman, and even the petition of Bei Xiaoman refused.

In order to explain the meaning of the chess **** to Ning Fan, Bei Xiaoman had to play an ancient chess called "Six Bo" with Ning Fan.

Ning Fan is still the first time to play this kind of chess, so it is very strange to the rules of the game. Fortunately, his mind is extremely high, and after he became familiar with the rules, he immediately became a good player.

It is a pity that Ning Fan is not a generalist after all... his intelligence helps him to become a six-blog master, but if he encounters a chess player who studies six-player chess in his life, he is still weak.

What makes Ning Fan unexpected is that Bei Xiaoman is very good at playing the next six chess games. This girl doesn't look very smart, and Liu Bo's chess skills are unusually high! It's incredible!

This night, Ning Fan and the North Xiaoman had more than 20 games, and all of them were defeated.

It’s not that his chess is too stinky, but that the North is quite strong and fouled, and he’s so strong!

"Hey, sad ants, locusts, cockroaches, cockroaches! Your technology is still not home, go home and practice for another thousand years! Twenty times a night, actually did not let the girl enjoy it once, can not make this time next time The girl is satisfied, the girl is looking for someone else!"

Immediately after Ning Fan, Bei Xiao Man was wearing a dark circle, and looked out from the room with a look of dissatisfaction.


The guards are sucking up and taking a breath!

Miss Four's words, the amount of information is too big!

Sure enough, sure enough! Miss Si had been defeated by this thief last night, and was tossed twenty times!

Twenty times! Tossing a young girl who has been in the first few times is twenty times. Is this something that people do? This is what the beast will do!

The guards looked at Ning Fan’s eyes and suddenly changed.

No longer look at the eyes of thieves, but... look at the eyes of animals and scum!

And Ning Fan is not an ordinary animal! This beast entered the lady twenty times, but did not make the lady happy once, all the end of the second.

Miss, how pitiful, sneak a face to find a face, actually so useless!

"...what did they misunderstand?" Ning Fan was speechless.

"You want more. Go, use me for a breakfast, then I will take you to see other chess players, chess players..." North Xiaoman shook his head in a big nerve.

"Early meal? The monks are all in the valley, what kind of breakfast do you eat?"

"I used to drown before, can I compare with other monks? Before the body was too empty, so two meals a day tonic, never stop, now the problem of drowning is solved, but the habit of early breakfast can not be changed. Hey, worms, do you want to eat with me!"

Bei Xiaoman looked at Ning Fan with a scornful look, and of course it was the chess of Ning Fan.

Unless Ning Fan can beat her by chess, she will call Ning Fan and worms all her life, and laugh at the stinky level of Ning Fan!

Hahaha, she can finally crush Ning Fan on one thing, this feeling is so wonderful, it is so good to live! It’s really fun to play chess with Ning Fan!

She decided that she would take all the time to play chess with Ning Fan in the evening when she was in the night. This kind of happiness is almost intoxicating!
