MTL - Great Demon King-Chapter 934 collision

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The strength of the spirit is leaps and bounds, this full force shot, the momentum is really amazing

Xiao Han Han Hao sees the sky all the blood, a young man with red eyes and scorpion smoldering from the sky, not flustered, the thorns in his hand pick, the power of cold and evil is bursting out from the bone spurs, will be the sky The blood light is instantly broken. Book it

The purple demon eye flashed, a huge white bone cage suddenly formed, and the skeleton of the skeleton was sharpened by the cold, and it was blocked in the direction of the **** flight, waiting for the **** self-investment.

Suddenly, the **** spirit suddenly realized that the strength of the cold-faced young boy below was terrible. Not only did he break his **** color from the blood of his body, but also used his leisure force to form a cage of white bones. Block him.

The **** spirit that has been fully committed to the face of Han Hao, a powerful opponent, seems to have aroused all the potential. The red eyes are even overflowing with two faint scarlet bloodstains. Not only that, but his cheeks are also like hyperemia. At first glance, it seems to be **** and extremely embarrassing.

This is the sign that the blood nerves are urging the ultimate!

Han Shuo, who was watching from the side, saw a strange appearance on his **** face, and his brow suddenly wrinkled deeply, and he was secretly wary, ready to shoot at a critical time.

Together with the abnormality of the face, the **** blood of the **** body is congested into essence. The **** fog gathers into a **** palm, and before the **** spirit, it is pressed on the white bone cage formed by the death force of Xiaohao Han Hao.


The white bone cage was broken and the bones were floating like snowflakes.

"Hey!" Han Hao seems a little surprised. The purple magic eye flashed away. Tightly staring at the momentum has skyrocketed several times. It has become a little excited.

He feels that the power of the **** cultivation is extremely special. Absolutely not the existing power system in the world. In the blood spirit, he felt the uniqueness of the repairing monster. In the heart of the curiosity, Han Hao after the blood of the body to all the potential of the body. Finally, I feel that blood is a battle.

The bone spurs in the hand. A cry of screams and screams screamed. It seems that thousands of people are struggling. The white spurs instantly became grayish gray. A horrible face appeared on the bone spur. These murderous souls are bound by bone spurs. At this point, one by one violently twisted. Seems to want to get out of the bones forever!

"Go!" Throw aloud. The bone spurs rise to the sky. With the devil's soul, it is terrible. The tip of the bone spur is dark and sinister. Imprisoned in the bone spurs, the murderous soul condenses into a large mouthful of fangs. He bite into the blood.

"Gilbert. Look at it. Carefully understand Han Hao's power on the bone spurs!" Han Shuo sighed. Reminder is just excited to stare at Gilbert.

Gilbert was shocked. Only then did he realize that Xiao Hao’s cultivation of the land’s strength was the place he should learn. Focus immediately. Concentrate on the soul to the spurs of the small sacred offering.

At this glance, Gilbert was so blank, because he felt the presence of thousands of fierce and fierce souls from the spurs. The murderous souls were killing, resentful, endless despair and unwillingness. These forces and death forces Together, they form a very special and extremely terrifying new land force.

Gilbert's soul just felt it, and there was a feeling that the soul had to be sucked in. Damn, this guy is now just a weapon, so horrible, this **** spirit is unlucky! Gilbert was shocked.

The thoughts in Gilbert's mind just emerged. Sure enough, the horrible mouth of the spurs that imprisoned thousands of murderous souls had swallowed the **** spirits that could not be prevented.

At that time, the blood spirit disappeared completely, and there was only one huge bone spur that was deformed over the cultivation field. The bone spurs became a huge mantle, constantly squirming the body, and a murderous soul emerged from above, rolling rapidly in the cold and yin.

Gilbert, Boland and others saw clearly that the blood spirit had been swallowed by the bone spur, because the blood inside the spurs still had a flash of light.

It can be seen that the blood spirit did not immediately lose its resistance. The blood of the road indicates that he is still struggling fiercely and trying to escape from Han Hao's bone spurs.

However, it is clear that Han Hao’s strength is far stronger than the blood spirit. It seems that the struggle of the blood spirit in the inside is just useless. The thousands of murderous souls are not affected by the blood and the blood in the body. The blood spirit made him unable to rush out.

Gradually, the power of blood spirit seems to be exhausted, and there is no more flash of blood in the bone spurs that change into a monster. Until this time, Xiao Han Han Hao reached out, the index finger made a weird gesture, and then, suddenly, a bomb!

Still squirming spurs, like a cannonball, spurt the blood spirits. After landing, the **** spirits are stunned, and the red light in the eyes is not there. It seems that the body has consumed most of its power, and it can no longer be What threat does Han Hao form?

From the beginning to the end, Han Hao is not like blood spirit

The mad attack of the genre, but standing still in the same place, the light spurs by the body, will be the blood of the blood to the ultimate **** understatement, it seems that has not yet made the full force.

At this point, who is strong and who is weak, at a glance.

The **** spirit was not flat, his face was slightly pale, and his eyes stared at Han Hao tightly. After a while, he nodded and said: "I lost!"

Xiao Han Han Hao glanced at the blood, did not speak, and turned back to Wenman who stood outside the door and said, "You can come in."

After Wenman carefully walked into the cultivation field, Han Hao was indifferent to the blood spirit: "Your strength is very good, there is a strange power to control the blood, but you are useless to me, I am different from ordinary people. The blood in my body is only one percent of the average person, and unlike others, your strength cannot affect me."

Han Hao was originally a cockroach. There was no blood in the body. Even if it was later refining by Han Shuo in a special way, the bones contained only a few drops of blood from Han Shuo.

Later, Han Hao grew to a certain level, and also condensed some blood based on Han Shuo’s real name left in his body, mainly for the purpose of using some special magic power and forging magic weapons. This kind of blood contains his Part of the soul power, wrapped up by the magic power and the death force, is not affected by the blood nerves of the blood.

Therefore, the **** nerves that have been tried and tested on others have not received the desired effect on the special life of Xiaohao Han Hao. Plus Han Hao’s strength is higher than Xueling’s level. Losing is also a matter of course.

Listening to Han Hao, I said that the blood spirit is better than some. I smiled and shook my head. "I just thought that you used special methods to hide the blood. It turns out that you don't have much blood at all! No wonder, I am not losing, I am sorry for you, I am down!"

"Haha, **** spirit, **** spirit, this guy is not human. Your power can affect all the **** creatures in the body, but it is definitely not effective for him. You are really unlucky. Haha, Han Hao this guy It’s your natural enemy, you will accept it!” Gilbert laughed and went to Han Hao’s side. He carefully stared at Han Hao for a while and shook his head and shouted: “You guy, how old? Not like?"

Han Hao looked at Gilbert and nodded. His look was not so indifferent. He said: "You are still the same as before, nothing changes."

"Last thank you, if it wasn’t for Polo’s rescue, the three of us would be very difficult.” Bolandz suddenly spoke and looked sincere.

"Own people, you are welcome." Han Hao glanced at Bolandz and replied casually. It seems that he should not take the matter to heart.

At this time, Wenman came to Han Shu with Han Hao, and his face turned red and bowed to Han Shuo. He sincerely thanked you: "Thank you, not only helped me cure the scar on my face, but also let me be here."

Wenman said this, Han Shuo immediately guessed that Wenman must know that he had invited her to come to the chaotic land in the name of Han Hao. However, watching Wenman’s appearance not only did not blame him, but he still felt very grateful. Han Shuo nodded and said: "Han Hao is a stranger in some aspects, but I think his growth should require some special things to intensify, otherwise he is not a complete person, Wenman, you know What do I mean?"

Han Shuo said that this part, with Wenman's intelligence clearly know what he is referring to, the heart secretly hid, Wenman nodded quickly, stole Han Hao, whispered: "I know... ..."

"That's good, I will ask you a lot of trouble in those areas in the future." Han Shuo smiled happily, and immediately asked Xiaoxiao: "What are you going to in Magic Valley?"

"Wenman stayed here first, and I was not safe." Xiaoyan thought for a moment and said again: "And, I got the fragments of the power of death, I want to talk to my father. I know that Magic Valley has a father's expense. The strength of the power of the array, I only have to study the secrets of the Shenge fragments in the Magic Valley, to ensure that the guy is not in the position."

When the words came out, Han Shuo was a bit stunned. He was the first to hear about the shards of the gods. He immediately frowned: "Speak clearly, what is the shard of gods, how do you get it? And, who are you scrupling?" ”

Bolanz, Blood Spirit, Gilbert and Wenman in the practice are not outsiders. Xiao Yan did not deliberately conceal, and he got his own soul in the undead world, and his own understanding of the soul of the dead. Master told it in detail.

After the Xiaoyan talked, Han Shuo looked blank and gazed to Gilbert: "Remember, this matter can never be disclosed to anyone!" Han Shuo knows that Gilbert likes to talk about it and immediately swears at him. (To be continued, if you want to know what happened, chapter more, support &&!)