MTL - Great Demon King-Chapter 945 At the touch of a hair

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Delina was still alive and kicking in the three death anniversaries. It was hypocritical and she did not come to her. In her chest, the glare of the radiance shone through the area, and the light of the sun was not so blazing.

The huge energy spar is like a glazed crystal ball. The elliptical light ball in the center is constantly shining, and it interacts with the dazzling light of Anders Lena's chest. It carries amazing energy and rolls to Han Hao.

Seeing that Anders Lena is still alive and kicking in the three major death sects, Han Hao immediately changed his strategy and instantly sucked the death elements supporting the three death enchantments into the spurs of his hands, not waiting for the rolling crystal glazed ball to approach, Han Hao suddenly pulled back.

"Want to run?" Anders Lena sneered, a small hand, and the five fingers of the same lush.

The glazed crystal ball was manipulated by Anders Lena, flexibly bouncing and bouncing, fast and lightning-fast, and locked Han Han, hanging behind him tightly!

Han Haoxin is like a water stop, a pair of demon eyes and evil spirits, suddenly standing still.

Hey! Hey!

Behind the seven bones spurted out, from his side to the sneer of Anders Lena, at the same time, the bone thorn in his hand violently thrown out, the bone spurs out, the ghosts cry, one The black ink lingering on the bone spurs formed a terrible ghost face.

The cold wind and the cold wind and bones, the bones and bones slammed open a big mouth with a fangs, which was originally a bone spur of a dead body, suddenly transformed into a ferocious and terrible ancient beast, gathered by hundreds of souls. The evil suffocating moment is sharp!

Anders Lena sneered at her face with a sneer, seemingly awkward. It seems that she didn't expect a common spur to have such terrible evil power!

Waiting for Anders Lena to react. Suddenly open the fangs and spurs. All of a sudden, Andreina swallowed the crystal glass ball and swallowed it in!

The big mouth continued to bite and chew. There was a sound of "咔咔咔咔". It seems to have bitten the energy spar that is strong and comparable to diamonds.

Hey! Hey!

Seven bone spurs roared. The cold and sinister power will instantly stun the Anderina in it. The bone spurt has not arrived. The cold power has acted first.

Anders Lena was even more surprised. At this time, I don’t have to look at the glazed crystal ball that was swallowed by the living thing. Immediately focused on the seven bone spurs that came to the ground.

The massive energy spar light is released from the chest of Anders Lena. Oh, that. Anders Lena became crystalline. It is like a piece of the most complete living fossil. It looks crystal clear. Beautiful beauty.

Just, but no life should be alive!

The glare of the light is released from the body of Anders Lena, with an amazing power in the aperture, which seems to affect the spatial structure. The seven spurs have clearly arrived at the side of Anders Lena, but they cannot find an exact point of attack. Beside the body of Anders Lena.

"Who are you? In your body, why is there a familiar atmosphere?" Anderina, who is in the shape of a crystal, still looks cold and cold, and is far away from Han Hao who grabs the spur.

Treating the enemy, Han Hao has never been overjoyed and sneaked into Anders Lena.

As he marched, he violently twitched the spur that had become bigger and bigger in his hand. As he twitched his arm, a piece of thumb-sized energy spar shook out from the spur, a small piece of one. The small piece of energy spar, since the bone smashed out, has not had a trace of energy fluctuations, becoming the most common pebbles.

The glass ball that was swallowed by the spurs could not continue to gain strength from Anders Lena. Under the tens of thousands of souls and the power of his body, naturally only the energy was consumed and the road was exhausted.

"Who are you? I don't want to make a mistake!" Anders Lena saw Han Hao swiftly swept away, his face cold, and once again.

Han Hao still said nothing, but the spurs in his hand did not stop, and he was thrown out by force.

The seven bone spurs shot from Han Hao’s back, squatting around Anders Lena’s body, could not find the point of attack and fell on Anders Lena, but there was a spur of a thousand souls, but it seemed to be The influence of Andreina's body glare penetrated the layer of light curtains and straightened towards the chest of Anders Lena.

Anders Lena's face changed again. The glaring light curtain disappeared from her side without a trace. A compass dotted with a little star pattern was taken out by her. When the compass came out, there was life. The fly came out.


The compass hit a spur of Han Hao, and the strange power poured into the spurs from the compass, and the soul of the murderous soul slammed on the contact point of the compass, and immediately became a light smoke dissipated between the heavens and the earth.

Han Hao's eyes flashed differently, and he didn't want to raise his hand. He took the bone spurs back and slammed it. He tried to use the power of the gods and the power of magic power to really fight with Anders Lena.

He felt that there was a strange power of destiny on the compass. This kind of power he rarely encountered before, knowing that this is the most mysterious and mysterious of the twelve powers. The power above is terrible. The earthly soul can't bear it.

Determined, Han Hao did not hesitate to take back all the bone spurs and rushed straight to Anders Lena.

This body is inherently sturdy, and he spends more time and energy on this body than on the bone spurs. Today, this body also contains fragments of death power. This made him even further.

It is unknowing to say that this body has become his most secret weapon, in some respects.

The bone spur that is always in the hand is even scary.

Han Hao moved, Anderina knew that he was going to work hard. Because of how to fight before, Han Hao’s face was very calm, as if she had not put her in her heart, but this time she personally rushed, her expression was very focused, and she was obviously more serious than before.

For Han Hao, Anders Lena has deep jealousy in her heart, and Han Hao’s power has made her have a strong crisis. Just like now, if there is no compass given by her mother, she may have been injured under that bone spur, so seeing Han Hao desperately, Anders Lena is anxious.

"Do you know Brian?" Just when Han Hao was coming to her, she screamed loudly.

Han Hao, who was focused on the looting, slammed it, and his body was stagnation in front of Anders Lena for ten meters. Some strangely looked at Andrina, nodded and said, "Who are you? How do you know?" My father?"

When the words came out, I was surprised by Anderina. I exclaimed, "What? You, you are his son? How is this possible?"

From the void, Han Hao calmly looked at Anders Lena and said: "You and my father are enemies and friends?"

"Of course, it is a friend, I am looking for your father, can you take me?" Anders Lena smiled, although the heart was still very strange, but did not immediately show it.

Han Hao did not immediately promise her, but looked at Anders Lena intently. It seems that she was telling whether Anders Lena was true or not. After a while, Han Haocai said: "My father is in the chaotic land of Magic Valley, you Go there and find him, I still have something to do."

In the end, Han Hao no longer talks, does not look at Anders Lena, turn around and go quickly. He felt that the death god, Nestor, was coming all the way to here, and he could not stay here for long.

On the other hand, because if you don't detour to the chaotic land from here, you will probably encounter the death **** Nestor. If you unfortunately encounter Nestor in the middle, the problem can be serious.

Anders Lena had not had time to say anything more. Han Hao had disappeared without a trace. She looked sad and gnawed her teeth: "What is great, when I don't know the place!" I looked at it strangely. In the direction of Han Hao’s disappearance, Anders Lena’s eyes shone brightly for a while, whispering in a low voice: “This guy started to attract me to the power, clearly from the fragments of death power, he just did not show all Strength. Well, it is said that the death **** Nestor is in chaos, is it for him?"

Anders Lena hesitated, shouting: "Forget it, if it is not Brian's face, I must tell the guy."

A lame, Anders Lena glanced at the direction of Han Hao's departure, and immediately turned and went straight to the chaotic land.


Destiny Divine, Temple.

The figure of the goddess of fate slowly gathers in the temple. "Anders Lena, I brought something to you, is your favorite spar!" The goddess of fate is kind, soft voice throughout the temple. Embarrassed.

Half-sounding, the goddess of fate smiled and shook his head. He said to himself: "It sneaked away again. This girl can't be honest."

Um, but this time, it should not run far, huh, huh, this gimmick has recently made great progress, there should be no problem. ”

Looking into the chaotic land, the goddess of fate seems to have two star-studded compasses turning slowly. Her whole person looks more like a precision-running machine than a flesh-and-blood human.

"Han Shuo, Han Shuo, I hope that the power he left for you will help you open the city of the sky..." The goddess of fate looked far into the chaos and muttered.


The land of chaos, the magic hidden valley.

Han Shuo, who is retreating and retreating, suddenly felt an uncomfortable feeling. He couldn’t help but fly out of the cultivation field and stood on the magic hidden valley, looking at the direction of the destiny, and muttered: "Han Hao is there. , will there be any accidents?"

Thinking about it, he thought about whether he should go to the destiny to see it because he believed in his own soul.

"Adult, there is news." At this time, Zocci came to him and said respectfully.

“Oh?” Han Shuo smiled and looked at Zoe: “The news from Deep Valley?”

Nodded, Zocchi replied: "There was a little unexpected in the middle of the incident, but the ending was not unexpected. I got reliable news. The death **** did not take the shot of Han Hao, the man should have left the deep valley, and it may be from the chaos. I left." Zocchi first told Han Shuo the results, and then detailed the details, focusing on the sudden arrival of Dagma.

"Dagma was completely disturbed by the temptation of the fragments of Godhead, and even dared to sneak into the deep valley. Oh, if Rogge and Tyre were distracted, Dagma would definitely not be able to leave alive!" I didn’t visit the scene, but I guessed the facts from the Zoqi’s remarks.

"Damagma's most powerful man's body is completely destroyed, even though the spirit has been taken away by him, but those who want to recover will be very difficult as soon as possible. After this battle, Dagma is not afraid." Zoe laughed.

"Don't underestimate a person who is already crazy!" Han Shuo is not as optimistic as Zoqi, but instead solemnly sings: "Give me a good look at Dagma, a sinister **** will make some We don't expect anything to happen. Recently, people in the valley are not allowed to leave for a while."

"Yes!" Zocchi looked awkward.

"Well, go on." Han Shuo nodded and waved to show that Zoe left. After the disappearance of Zocchi, Han Shuo had a strange look at the direction of the destiny of the gods, and said to himself: "Since

It doesn't matter, what did it feel like? Destiny, this is the land of Anders Lena's mother. Is it something that Anders Lena has? Impossible, who dares to move her in the domain of destiny? ”

After thinking about it for a while, Han Shuo did not reach any conclusions. He was about to sneak into the disordered thoughts in his mind and set about preparing for the upcoming attack of the Hunting Alliance.

The Lord of Death has been evacuated from the land of chaos. Without this terrible figure that may affect both sides, the unseen factor that has been delayed is unimpeded. Han Shuo knows that this direction of Magic Valley will soon greet the **** of hunting. Alliance attack.


On this day, outside the chaotic land, a black smoke above the bald mountain.

The twelve commanders of the Hunting Alliance gathered together, and all the dense under the bald mountains were some hunting eyes with cold eyes. They roughly estimated it, no less than 10,000 people.

Over the years, the twelve commanders of the Hunting God have never gathered together as they are today, nor have they been so united to deal with the forces of one party.

A kind-hearted old man, dressed in a white dress in the priest of a bright temple, smiled and gestured to everyone to listen to him.

"Gandalf, are you still wearing that priestly suit? Hey, do you think you can return to the arms of the bright god?" Dhaka smirked, eccentrically looking at the gods of the gods, Gandalf, not cold. Not hotly ridiculous.

"If he can return to the arms of the light god, I have been recalled by the Temple of Ice and Snow!" The leader of the water **** domain, Crommore, sneered.

Gandalf was a little embarrassed and laughed and explained two times: "It is the **** of light who abandoned me. In fact, I am still very willing to serve the **** of light. If the **** of light can really forgive me, I may really want to return. Around him."

"Haha, go back to the bright god? What are you doing? Then attack him again?" Dhaka laughed unscrupulously and arched his hand toward Gandalf. He admired him: "As a guardian of the three great lights, you can make I really admire this kind of thing! We are not as strong as you, and what surprised me even more is that you can still live to the present!"

"Grandfather won the prize!" Gandalf looked humble and walked into the void for a ritual. He said sincerely: "Like the bright god, I will work hard to live, and live to the day you are separated!"

"Well, I am not interested in listening to your nonsense, the action will be on!" Dagma, sitting on the throne of the white bones, snorted, not interested in listening to them.

"Dagma, or you are brave! The base camp of the place where the silence is not heard, we played an impetus, haha, if this battle can win, you are indispensable!" Thunder domain commander Reggie Singer laughs, yin and yang sighs: "However, if you can kill Tyre, Vassis, Rogge, I will admire you more, oh, then we just have to clean up the mess, you said is not it?"

"Regis, do you think you can beat me now?" Dagma was right in the throne of the bones, and he said, "Do you want to try now? I can win you four hundred years ago, today is the same. Win you!"

"I really have this interest!" Regis grinned and stood up violently, and it seemed that he was going to start with Dagma.

The reason why the Hunting League has not been united for so many years is because they also have a mustard between them. When they meet, they will be ridiculous and ridiculous.

"There are a few two sentences. The people in the chaotic land will be destroyed first. When the time is divided, the two of you want to make trouble." Gandalf smiled and said: "Okay." Everyone continues to talk about business, um, look at the attack in several directions."

"I am playing Brian, no matter what I do!" Dagma snorted and squeezed his body into the throne of the white bone. He suffered heavy losses in the last trip to the deep valley, and he was not able to get the debris from Han Hao. Han Hao has long been regarded as a stab in the eyes, he is ironic to remove Han Hao, and forced to ask the whereabouts of the gods.

Although I don’t know why Han Hao has no gods and fragments, the last time he saw the existence of the dead soul monument, he will not leave like the death god, he will definitely stare at Han Hao until he gets the gods fragments, Han Hao The smashing of the bones will stop.

"I am familiar with Asselst and Dagma. We both will be with him to deal with Brian and Magic Valley." Dhaka looked at Arthurs and suggested.

Athelst and Dhaka should have communicated early and nodded.

"A Han family, it is worthy of the three of you to work together?" The water **** domain, Ke Moer, snorted, some are not satisfied with this arrangement, I feel that Dhaka has a cheaper side.

"Oh... the Han family is really strong. I played with them, I know. In addition, Dagma’s strength has dropped sharply. I think the three of us are working together. There is nothing wrong with it.” Dhaka and Kemore spoke. The eyes looked at Gandalf.

After a sigh of relief, Gandalf smiled and said: "That's it, Kemore, Dagma are so unlucky, let them go."

Although Ke Momo had just said cold words to Gandalf, he seemed to sell his face. He nodded his words and said nothing. The matter was settled.

Ps:: It is another nine thousand words. The small reverse has not eaten dinner, and has been rushed to the present. Hey, the stomach is starving to death, the brothers are poor and pitiful, come to the monthly ticket to support it. Click on the "Advance Monthly Pass Support" below to encourage and encourage the small counter vote. Xiaorui will be grateful! (To be continued, if you want to know what happened, chapter more, support &&!)