MTL - Great Medicine Without Borders-Chapter 549 Great shame

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  Chapter 549 Shame and Humiliation

  The battle-tested veteran Zhao Dapao didn’t frown in the face of the enemy’s hail of bullets, but now he couldn’t calm down anymore. He reached out and slapped the table hard, shouting: “Shut it off! Shut it off!”

  His voice was loud enough to attract everyone's attention. Originally, not many people paid attention to the big screen, but now they all looked towards the center of the stage.

   In the photo, Pei Lin was lying on the bed. She wasn't exposed much this time, because a man with a naked back blocked her key parts, but this photo was even more imaginative.

  The scene suddenly exploded. Someone took out his mobile phone and started filming, for fear that this wonderful scene would be fleeting.

  Zhao Feiyang turned his head, his face turned livid in an instant, he had never been so humiliated in his life.

  Pei Lin felt her mind go blank. She never thought that such a situation would happen in the wedding she had won so hard. The woman in the photo was herself, but why didn't she have any impression of this photo? And she is not familiar with the back of this man.

  Zhao Dapao grabbed a bottle of Wuliangye on the table and threw it on the ground. The bottle of wine was smashed into pieces.

  He roared with all his strength: "I don't agree!"

  After he finished speaking, he turned and left the table, but after taking two steps, he fell straight on the ground, and it was too late for the people around him to help him.

  Gao Xinhua was the first to rush out. It was his old company commander. He didn't fall in the face of the enemy's bullets, but he fell at his son's wedding.

  The big screen behind it went out, and all the lights on the scene were turned on. The excellent host Ma Xi hurried to make up for it: "Everyone, there is something wrong with today's video, but there is no such thing as perfect in this world..."

  Zhao Feiyang pushed him away, and Ma Beibei staggered and almost fell to the ground.

  Zhao Feiyang saw the whole process of his father falling to the ground in anger. He went to a **** wedding. If his father had troubles because of this incident, he would not spare the person who planned this incident, nor would he spare Pei Lin.

  Pei Lin stood alone on the stage. After a brief blank in her mind, she quickly regained her composure and walked towards Marcy.

  Maxi subconsciously took a step back, only to realize that Pei Lin just wanted the microphone, and even the best host didn't know how to deal with such a situation.

  All the guests in the audience stared wide-eyed, and the parents who brought their children covered their eyes in time, in case the hot photos ignited their innocent eyes and polluted their innocent and lovely souls.

  Pei Yu covered her mouth, she was worried about her cousin, after all, Pei Lin passed out without warning when she was welcoming the bride today.

However, after being so greatly stimulated, Pei Lin remained calm. She said into the microphone: "The picture on this screen is not me. The clearer will clear it up. No matter who is behind this plan, I will not let it go." If I pass him, I will definitely pursue it to the end."

  Pei Lin looked at Xu Chunliang's table when she said this, and Xu Chunliang asked what are you looking at me for? These photos are not made by me.

  Wu Fajun's face is also a little cloudy.

  Tang Jinglun and his nephew Tang Tian glanced at each other, their expressions were very strange. Tang Jinglun's first thought was whether this incident would affect Huanian's stock price. Tang Tianyi thought that Pei Lin was quite good at playing, and Zhao Feiyang was miserable this time.

Pei Lin said: "I've decided to temporarily cancel the wedding with Feiyang. I'm sorry everyone." She bowed deeply to everyone, showing sincerity. I have to say that Pei Lin's performance was still very good. In this kind of thing, she might have run away covering her face, but Pei Lin is not an ordinary person, she knows that it is useless to run away in such a situation.

   In front of everyone, she dialed 110. Pei Lin called the police and asked the police to intervene in this matter to clear herself up. This is the only way she can think of so far.

Zhao Feiyang's heart was all on his father. He immediately dialed 120. His father lay motionless on the ground. The old man's military life, the most important thing is face, and it happened that such a big scandal happened at the wedding of his son's second marriage. Being slapped in the face in public is more uncomfortable than being slapped.

  Xu Chunliang also got up and moved forward, but Zhao Dapao was already surrounded by famous doctors and experts from Changxing Hospital, and the vice president, Qin Guoliang, was the director of the Department of Cardiology.

  When Xu Chunliang passed by, Qin Guoliang was helping Mr. Zhao with CPR.

  Xu Chunliang discovered that Western medicine is called cardiopulmonary resuscitation in this situation. At this time, Xu Chunliang only wanted to save people and forgot about the doctor's qualification certificate, but it was difficult to squeeze into the circle of experts.

  Xu Chunliang said loudly: "Let me go in and have a look."

  Zhao Feiyang glared at him: "What's the matter with you?"

  Xu Chunhao said kindly: "I want to help..."

   "Get out!"

  Zhao Feiyang pushed him away, when the ambulance arrived, a group of people were busy carrying Zhao Dapao onto the stretcher.

Xu Chunliang wanted to follow, but Gao Xinhua held him back. Gao Xinhua knew very well that Xu Chunliang wanted to help save people, but the current situation is that no one would believe a young man without a medical certificate. Even if he was born in Huichuntang, let alone him, even if Mr. Xu was present, he would be helpless.

  With so many experts and famous doctors, it is impossible for Zhao Feiyang to entrust his father's life to a Chinese doctor to save him.

  Gao Xinhua didn't think that Xu Chunliang could be of much help. He believed in miracles. The old company commander survived so many desperate battles, and he can survive the same now.

   What's more, Zhao Feiyang is the director of Changxing Hospital, there are so many experts on the scene, and the ambulance also arrived at the first time, and the place of marriage is not far from Changxing.

   It's not your circle, even if you squeeze it hard, you will still be pushed out. Xu Chunliang can't do anything, all he can do now is pray that Mr. Zhao is safe and well.

  Things have come to such an extent that no one knows how to end it. The guests at the scene knew that the meal would not be finished, and they all left the scene one by one.

I have to say that Pei Lin is strong enough. Even in this situation, she still insisted on apologizing and giving her away. In fact, the guests basically did not say goodbye to her when this happened. It is best to leave quietly to avoid embarrassment.

  The police rushed over after receiving the call and controlled the relevant personnel. Some people from the wedding company and the hotel were taken away for questioning. Regardless of whether the video is true or not, the mastermind behind it has been suspected of committing a crime.

  Xu Chunliang and Fu Guomin left together, and the two went to Changxing to see the situation, hoping that Mr. Zhao could save the day.

Fu Guomin drove here today. He and Zhao Feiyang are old friends. In the past, he once envied Zhao Feiyang for scoring twice and finding a young and beautiful wife. Young and beautiful girls are at risk, not to mention the impact on their careers, and the danger of planting grass on their heads, which will spread into a HLBE prairie if they are not careful.

   But having said that, Pei Lin's figure is really good, Zhao Feiyang is also considered lucky, and before today's incident, he can be regarded as having both money and sex.

  The two came to the hospital, Fu Guomin parked the car, Xu Chunliang got out of the car, and met Zhao Yongsheng, the director of neurology, who was in a hurry. Zhao Yongsheng nodded to him as a greeting, and then went straight to the ICU.

   On the way, Zhao Feiyang summoned relevant experts from Changxing Hospital to participate in the rescue.

  Xu Chunliang and Fu Guomin met several department directors on the way to the ICU. For some reason, Xu Chunliang felt something bad in his heart. They heard the news of Mr. Zhao's death before they came to the ICU.

  Actually, after Zhao Dapao was sent to the ICU, he lost his breathing and heartbeat.

  Because everything that happened at today's wedding deeply stimulated the old chief and induced a cerebral hemorrhage.

Unfortunately, the site of bleeding is the brainstem. Generally speaking, brainstem hemorrhage usually accounts for about 10% of clinical cerebral hemorrhage cases. Stroke is the disease with the highest mortality rate and the worst prognosis. Mostly in the pons, Zhao Dapao's cerebral hemorrhage this time was caused by the rupture of the perforating artery that supplies the pons with the basilar artery.

  The key to the treatment of brainstem hemorrhage is to be timely and race against time.

  Controlling blood pressure is the most important thing. After a stroke, the blood pressure must be lowered to a normal level or a slightly higher level quickly in order to effectively prevent rebleeding and avoid the further development of the disease.

  Brainstem hemorrhage has a high mortality rate, generally exceeding 60-70%. Since the brainstem is in charge of the most critical vital signs of human beings, such as breathing, blood pressure, and heartbeat, once the brainstem hemorrhages, these basic life-sustaining functions will often be disturbed, and a considerable number of people will die immediately after brainstem hemorrhage.

  Unfortunately, Zhao Dapao became one of these people. Although he was discovered immediately after the onset of the disease and was rescued by top-notch experts, his condition was so dangerous that these experts were still powerless to recover.

  Xu Chunliang met Gao Xinhua at the entrance of the ICU. Gao Xinhua was lying at the window in the corridor, smoking a cigarette vigorously while looking out the window, his eyes were bloodshot.

  Xu Chunliang whispered: "Uncle Gao."

Gao Xinhua pursed his lips and nodded. He wanted to say something but he still didn't say it. Until now, he couldn't accept the reality. He was brought up by the old company commander. The old company commander was not only his good brother, but also The hero in his heart, it can be said that Gao Xinhua would not be where he is today without the old company commander.

  The old company commander has said countless times that his ideal destination is to die in a horse leather shroud on the battlefield. In peacetime, such a wish is basically impossible to realize, but he never thought that the old company commander would die at his son's wedding.

  Gao Xinhua once again experienced the familiar pain, the unforgettable pain, which he could only experience when his close comrades died on the battlefield.

Gao Xinhua finally calmed down, took out his cell phone tremblingly, and called his old comrade-in-arms Zhan Aihua, and Zhan Aihua cried out on the other end of the phone when he heard the bad news: "Old Gao, you didn't lie to me, did you? "

  Gao Xinhua repeated: "The company commander is gone!"

  (end of this chapter)