MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-Chapter 19 boy, let's do it together

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  Chapter 19 Boy, let’s do it together


  The elders of the two villages discussed for a while, Xu Jingzong watched with a smile, but his hands trembled in pain.

  I think that Xu Jingzong has experienced only a handful of hardships in his life, and in terms of pain, it can't compare to today.

   Thinking of his political achievements, Xu Jingzong felt elated and felt that the future was bright.

   Not long after, the two sides negotiated, "Your envoy thinks of me so much, if we don't agree, it's a wolf-hearted dog. In this way, the two villages will find a few couples of the right age to match."

   This is matching marriage, the kind where a man and a woman cannot even raise their opinions. It is the same as an arranged marriage, and it can be called a blind marriage.

   Damn it!

  Jia Ping'an couldn't help but feel that he had committed a great crime, but after thinking about it, the two villages are next to each other, and now the relationship is good, and it is convenient to go back to her mother's house, so she is relieved a lot.

  The key is that the marriage at this moment is still the order of the parents, and the words of the matchmaker are no different from this matching marriage!

  Zhao Cong stood there blankly. He had been in a daze since the beginning of land reclamation. Now that he saw people from the two villages discussing marriage, he felt that he was going to be unlucky.

Xu Jingzong's eyes swept over, suddenly sharp, and then sneered: "You said that this matter cannot be resolved for seven years, and there is no way to solve it. The old man said you were incompetent, but you talked about him from left to right, and persecuted the old man even more cunningly. This kind of behavior , How can you become an official? You go back and wait for the impeachment of the old man."

  Zhao Cong's face was pale, just turned around, but remembered something, turned around and cupped his hands, and asked: "I heard that the envoy is a traitor, why are you so diligent and clever?"

  Xu Jingzong took a look at Jia Pingan, and said lightly: "Many things are deceptive, but seeing is believing!"

   "Is it all slander?" Zhao Cong couldn't help crying, "But I was mistaken by those rumors, I was mistaken!"

   Jia Ping'an couldn't help laughing, but saw more than ten men riding horses approaching.

  Liao Quan said in a low voice, "It's those gentry."

  The power of the local gentry in the Tang Dynasty is not small, so Liao Quan is also a little nervous.

  Both saluted, Xu Jingzong said with a smile: "Old man Xu Jingzong."

  The dozen or so people cupped their hands and left silently.

  Since the treacherous minister Xu Jingzong came, there is nothing else to say, come back, this matter will be a waste of time.

   As for doubling the hatred towards Xu Jingzong, I’m sorry, but old Xu is a hobgoblin, and he doesn’t have to worry about debts. You can hate him whatever you want, as long as he has the trust of the emperor in the palace, he’s afraid of nothing!

   "Thank you, Ambassador!"


  The common people bowed to see Xu Jingzong, the sincere...Old Xu saw that many people had tears in their eyes, and one boy even blew out his nose bubbles, so he couldn't help being moved.

  He rode his horse to the side of the carriage and said, "Today, this old man knows why he should be a good official."

   "Why?" Jia Ping'an was very curious about Lao Xu's wonderful point of view.

  Xu Jingzong was silent for a moment, looked at the freshly scarred wound on the palm of his hand, and said: "Before the common people shed tears on this old man, this old man if he had been promoted. He felt comfortable and moved a lot, hey!"

   This is the sense of accomplishment.

  If Old Xu was obsessed with this feeling, he might wake up and change his face.

   Jia Ping'an in the carriage couldn't help but be overjoyed, thinking that he had actually guided a treacherous minister into a virtuous minister, and his merits are immeasurable!

  He said happily: "The Shijun has realized the true meaning of being an official, and he will love the people like a son in the future. I don't know what the Shijun is thinking at this moment?"

   At this time, Lao Xu should think about how to benefit the people, and then change his thinking step by step.

"Love the people like a child?" Old Xu looked forward and said longingly: "I want to go back to Chang'an right now, Chang'an...a place of wealth and honor! Only there can I feel that I am alive. In Huazhou, The old man is just a walking dead."

   After talking for a long time, Lao Xu's ultimate goal is still to be rich, or to be a high-ranking official and generous salary, and he is just like a layman.


  This old thief!

   Jia Ping'an's face turned red with anger, Xu Jingzong thought to himself, why is the old man telling the truth again? He was a little embarrassed, and covered his face and said: "Don't worry, this old man promises a thousand gold, if you treat this old man well, this old man will naturally protect you."

  An inexplicable warmth made Jia Pingan a little uncomfortable.

  Ever since time travel, he has actually been in a tense state, afraid that one day someone will rush into Yangjiawu and take him to a place where no **** is possible and put him under house arrest for the rest of his life.

  So he could only squat in Yangjiawu, the biggest action was just to make a tofu to improve his life.

  The appearance of Xu Jingzong, a treacherous minister, gave him the idea of ​​finding a shield, and then he helped him step by step. So far, it seems that he has succeeded.

   All the way back to the state office, Xu Jingzong and Jia Pingan were talking in the duty room.

   "Your vision is far-reaching, similar to that of the old man."

   Xu Jingzong seemed a little careless, but Jia Pingan really wanted to spray him with salt soda.

  He came from later generations, and after what he heard and saw, his knowledge was not just for bragging, and he could really crush everyone in the world. Old Xu said that he has a far-sighted vision, which is the golden finger from later generations.

   But Lao Xu followed up with someone who was similar to the old man, so this is really shameless.

Xu Jingzong coughed dryly, and said solemnly: "You can detect something wrong from the clues in the case of Liang Bo's corruption. I thought it was just a coincidence. But this time the battle between the two villages, you have found a different way, and you have even come up with an idea. In order for them to get married to resolve their long-standing grievances, this... must not be a coincidence, so the old man knows that people like you are that kind of genius."

  Jia Pingan accepts this statement of genius without any shame.

  He is full of the knowledge of future generations, if he pours it out, Xu Jingzong probably wants to hack him to death with a long knife, thinking that this guy is a monster.

"I have many enemies." Xu Jingzong glanced at Jia Pingan, "The people in Guanlong, headed by Changsun Wuji, are all enemies of this old man. There are also the gang of Shandong gentry, they also don't like this old man. ..."

   "The envoy is... heroic." The corners of Jia Ping'an's eyes twitched, feeling that this person was a bit of an idiot who was the enemy of the world.

   Later, Lao Xu took refuge in Sister Wu, and turned into a mad dog, biting everywhere, and made great contributions to Li Zhi and Sister Wu's fight against their opponents.

"Old's just a last resort." Xu Jingzong suddenly loosened his body and cursed: "Those low dog slaves like to ridicule people, but the old man's temperament is jealous and hateful. I can't get used to their sarcasm, so I refute and yell. It would be a different kind of thing. Bah! A bunch of wild dogs, this old man would rather have no friends all his life, and fight them!"

  Old Xu... This is not a loyal dog, but a bulldog!

  In Jia Pingan's mind, a picture of a bulldog roaring in all directions appeared in Jia Ping'an's mind, and he cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty is heroic."

  Xu Jingzong suddenly smiled and said: "Would you like to come to this old man? This old man promises a thousand gold, and I will give you two money every month. I also take care of food and lodging. You only need to chat with this old man. How about it?"

  Fucking Xu Jingzong!

   Jia Pingan looked at the teacup on the table, then at Lao Xu's fair face, and really wanted to give him a teacup.

  This means to recruit him as a staff member. The two guaranties are a monthly salary, including food and lodging. This is the treatment of future generations of assembly line workers. As for what you just need to chat about, Old Xu doesn't want face.

  —You just give the old man advice!

   This is the staff and think tank!

  If the people in the capital learned that Xu Jingzong wanted to find Sao Baxing as his staff, they would probably look confused, their eyes would be dazed, their lives would be lucky, and their feet would be on their backs...

  Two strings of money!

  Jia Ping’an is now making tofu, and his monthly income can be tens or two. Who are you trying to humiliate?

   "Farewell." Jia Pingan got up and cupped his hands, then walked away.

   "Good discussion! Good discussion!" Xu Jingzong chased him out, but Jia Pingan ran away in a hurry.

  He stood under the eaves and scolded with a smile: "Sure enough, you are cunning, but if you advise this old man, those people will naturally think that you belong to this old man, so you still want to get rid of it? Dreaming, hahahaha!"

  He felt that Jia Ping'an was in his pocket, and he couldn't help feeling complacent.

  But several letters went to Chang'an in a hurry.

  Subsequently, the court received a memorial to impeach Xu Jingzong.

   "Xu Jingzong and that broom star are so close that they even travel together."

  Changsun Wuji's eyes were calm. In his eyes, Xu Jingzong was just a dog. If he could, he could kill a wild dog at any time.

  Li Zhi raised his eyes, his eyes filled with surprise.

"He's crazy?"

  Xu Jingzong didn't taboo about the broom star's killer. Isn't this crazy?

  Changsun Wuji said in a deep voice: "I'm afraid he was deceived by the bastard, or has... an evil heart!"

  This is nonsense, Li Zhi shook his head, "Xu Jingzong doesn't have any good friends, if he is said to have evil intentions, can he conspire against him alone?"

  He glanced at Yu Zhining and the others, thinking that they should come out to argue with his uncle, and at least let him have a helper.

  But Yu Zhining and the others were silent.

   Sure enough, they are all scum!

  Li Zhi missed the loyal dog Lao Xu more and more.

  Changsun Wuji blushed, "But that broom star is something to be feared after all! Those around the old minister are not worried, they are just worried that the broom star will overwhelm His Highness... old minister..."

  His eyes were a little red, Li Zhi sighed, and said, "Go to a censor and warn him."

  Changsun Wuji added: "If something is wrong, the censor can act decisively!"

   This is the right of the censor to make an impromptu decision.

  Li Zhi hesitated for a moment, thinking of the benefits of a loyal dog, but then thought of the evil ways of broom stars, and nodded slightly.

Seeing that he agreed, Changsun Wuji couldn't help feeling very relieved, so he suggested again: "Baiqi is the Yuan Cong Imperial Guard who followed Emperor Gaozu's army, full of evil spirits, the old minister thought he could send some to suppress the evil spirit of the broom star. "

  Li Yuan successfully rebelled back then, and the first soldiers who followed did not want to return home, so they were placed in Chang'an to guard the palace, named: Yuan Cong Guard. The best of them were selected to serve as the emperor's personal guards, named Baiqi.

  The censor Li Mo received the order, joined forces with more than ten hundred riders, and galloped all the way to Huazhou.

  At noon three days later, Li Mo and others arrived at the Huazhou Yamen.

  Li Mo's complexion was slightly dark, his beard was disheveled, and he said in a deep voice, "Go and report, Yushi Li Mo is here!"

  When Xu Jingzong got the news, he couldn't help crying: "Then Li Mo is upright, he is here, is this going to clean up the old man?"

   I have to say that Lao Xu's sense is very keen.

  But he said that Li Mo is upright, so he is a treacherous minister, which is not right!

  The little official next to him was stunned, Xu Jingzong hurriedly coughed dryly when he saw it, "I'm so upright, what are you afraid of? Go see me."

   Almost exposed!

  Xu Jingzong deeply felt that it is not easy to be a good official, and it is very difficult to keep words and deeds all the time.

   But immediately he fell into anxiety, thinking about Li Mo's reason for coming.


  This chapter has been revised several times, and it is late.

  (end of this chapter)