MTL - Great Tang Broom Star-~ Young as a Tiger (12) Jia Dong Fanwai: Who is it for me?

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  Youth is like a tiger (12) Jia Dong's episode: who else can give me

  On the endless wilderness, a huge caravan is slowly moving.

  The knight in front is holding a big flag with Tang characters, and the big flag is waving in the wind.

  In the middle of the convoy, more than ten riders were talking.

  The young man in the middle has a short beard, a thin face, and slightly squinted eyes.

   "I heard that Dashi and Eastern Rome are fighting hard, and it seems to be approaching the capital of Eastern Rome."

  A fat middle-aged man beside him sighed: "If Mr. hadn't defeated the Dashi in the first battle, the Dashi today would probably point its troops at Datang."

   "What does your Majesty mean by saying this?" The thin young man's eyes were full of gloom, "My father has retired from office now, regardless of the government, so why should he be afraid of his military exploits in the past?"

The chubby middle-aged man is Li Yuanying, Teng Wang of the Tang Dynasty. He touched the oily sweat on his face and said angrily: "Jia Sanlang, don't look at me with such sinister eyes. Damn, Such an upright person, Mr., why did you have such a sneaky child, this old man suffered a lot from you, and was tricked by you many times..."

   Xu Xiaoyu behind Jia Dong said calmly: "Be careful when you go out."

  Li Yuanying said dissatisfiedly: "If His Majesty hadn't asked someone to come and see the current battle situation between Dashi and Eastern Rome, I definitely wouldn't have come to suffer along with him."

   Jia Dong wanted to refute him, but his eyes moved slightly, and he squinted slightly looking forward, "Someone is coming."

  Xu Xiaoyu raised his hand, and the fellows in the convoy held down the handle of the knife, or took out their bows and arrows.

  Long-distance business these days is a life-threatening, especially in war-torn areas, it is dancing with death.

  A group of cavalry appeared in everyone's sight.

   "It's a big cannibal!"

   This group of cavalry cavalry slowed down, and the leader shouted: "Leader, come out."

   "Old man, go!"

  Li Yuanying shivered for a moment, glanced at Jia Dong, and was ready to go out without hesitation.

  An arm was across his body.

"I go!"

   Jia Dong said.

  Li Yuanying said: "Look at this group of cavalry, how can I let you go. If something happens to you, how can I have the face to see you again..."

   Jia Dong looked at him sideways, with a smile in his gloomy eyes, "Is the king's ability to respond better than me?"

   "You don't hit people in the face, kid!"

   Li Yuanying was angry.

   Jia Dong ignored him, "There is no need to be on guard, if something is wrong, Xu Xiaoyu will run away immediately."

  He rode out.

  Li Yuanying muttered: "It's useless to be on guard!"

  In front, General Dashi stared at Jia Dong coldly, "This is close to the territory of Eastern Rome, why did you come here?"

Jia Dong cupped his hands and said calmly: "We brought the supplies that the army urgently needed, and we wanted to sell them halfway, but the local garrison said that if those big food merchants were allowed to buy them and resell them to the army, the price would be too expensive." Dead, so let me wait all the way here."

   "Greedy businessmen should be hanged!" The general glanced at the following convoy and asked, "Where are you from?"

  The big flag is on the side, and the square characters are very obvious. Today, even if you don’t know the meaning of Datang characters, you will at least know the shape of Datang characters and recognize the Tang characters.

   This is asking knowingly, which means that the general has a bad attitude towards Datang.

  The guard's eyes were slightly cold, and he gave Jia Dong a wink, which was a warning color. Jia Dong said calmly: "Da Tang."

   "I suspect there are spies hidden inside, check!"

  The general waved his hand, and those big cannibals rushed in like wolves and tigers.

   "Stand back!"

  Guys draw their bows and arrows, or draw out their horizontal knives to form an array.

  The man of the Tang Dynasty, even in a desperate situation, still will not bend his knees.

  Jia Dong hesitated for a moment, and there was more murderous intent in his eyes, but he knew that once he made a move, the caravan would be surrounded and killed here. He raised his hand, stared at the general and said, "Retreat and gather, there is no need to resist."

  The general’s eyes were full of annoyance at the failure of the plan, and he was a little surprised at how flexible the young man in front of him was, “You are very smart.”

   Jia Dong smiled like a businessman, "Harmony makes money, this is a saying that I regard as my standard."

   "But I don't like you!"

  The words of the general made Jia Dong shudder, but he still smiled and said, "I don't understand why?"

  The two parties have just made contact, and there is no old grudge.

   Jia Dong shrank his eyes, thinking of the Dashi army defeated by his father.

  The robes in the army have deep friendship, if the people who died in that battle have something to do with the general in front of them...

  Aye, you dug a hole for me thousands of miles away!

  The general looked at him fixedly, and suddenly waved his whip.


  Jia Dong was whipped on the shoulder. If he hadn't dodged quickly, his face would be bruised.

  The general stared at him, waiting for him to resist or curse.

  Jia Dong's right hand flicked slightly, the desire to pull out the horizontal knife was very strong, but his smile remained the same, "I'm just a businessman. By the way, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty once said something, today I want to tell you."

  The general wanted him to resist, so he sneered, "What are you talking about?"

  Jia Dong took a deep breath, held back the burning pain in his shoulder, and said word by word: "No one or force should hurt the people of Datang, will die forever!"

  The joints of the general's hand gripping the whip suddenly turned white.

   This person is murderous!

  Jia Dong doesn't have the habit of dying without a fight, even if he dies, he will have to drag a few backs. He held the handle of the knife calmly, "We have more than a hundred people, are you sure to kill them all? As long as one person escapes, the army will gather from the east and sweep in. Maybe Dashi can stop it?"

   Li Yuanying's face was slightly pale in the back, and he said to Xu Xiaoyu in a low voice: "It's not right, it seems that they want to kill people. Let's prepare to run... What about Jia Dong? You hurry to meet him."

   Li Yuanying's ability to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages is invincible in the world, otherwise, how could he escape from the hands of the late emperor. He saw those big cannibals inspecting the goods on the cart, but they were a little absent-minded, and glanced at them from time to time, with gloomy eyes.

  Xu Xiaoyu said softly: "I will escape."

  Li Yuanying thought of what Jia Dong said earlier, and then he understood. Once the caravan is not an opponent, Jia Dong has no way to escape in front of him, and there is no way to rescue him. Xu Xiaoyu's only solution is to escape by himself, and then bring the news back to Datang.

  Li Yuanying hated his own incompetence, his eyes turned red, "Okay, tell the sir... Immortal Dashi, I will talk about him for a hundred years underground!"

  Xu Xiaoyu just wanted to retreat quietly, but saw the big food general in front of him wave his hand.

  The big food soldiers who were searching slowly went back.


  Li Yuanying let out a sigh, "Why did you stop?"

  Xu Xiaoyu reined in, frowned and said, "Look."

  In front, the general stared at Jia Dong, "How many businessmen like you are there in Datang?"

   Jia Dong smiled and said, "There are as many as stars."

  The sergeants returned, the general sneered, "Let's go."

  Jia Dong suddenly asked: "Dare to ask the general's name."

  The general laughed, "How dare you take revenge on me? Zhelu!"

   Jia Dong smiled, "I just want to make friends."

  The general sneered, and led his subordinates to pass by the convoy.

  After this period, a subordinate said: "Why don't we do it?"

Zhelu said lightly: "My brother died in Anxi, for which I will spend my whole life as an enemy of Datang. Today's opportunity is good, but that businessman is quite alert. I have shown murderous intentions before, but he Still smiling..."

  The subordinates looked back and saw Jia Dong smiling at them.

Zhelu pulled down his helmet a little, hid his eyes in the shadows, but there was more annoyance in his eyes, "If he dared to do something before, even if he drew a knife, I could kill him with one knife, and then use it He strangled the caravan for reasons. But he made people retreat..."

  The subordinate said: "Some of them were planning to escape before, and this is to report."

Zhe Lu nodded, "This young man... I have been ordered to patrol here for many years, and I have seen countless businessmen, whether they are gray-haired or young, but I have never seen such a forbearing person. Cheng Wuliang."

  He glanced back, Jia Dong was still smiling.

  But in the depths of the eyes, the gloom is getting deeper and deeper.


  Li Yuanying hurried over from riding the horse, and said happily: "Isn't this person here to trouble us?"

   Jia Dong glanced at Li Yuanying, and wanted to hide it from him, but when he thought of his mission this trip, he said, "He just wanted to strangle us."

   After finishing speaking, Jia Dong went to the back and asked people to pack up the cart and prepare to go.

   Li Yuanying said angrily, "At least I've finished my speech."

  Xu Xiaoyu waved, and the guard who had just protected Jia Dong came over.

   "How was it?"

  The guard glanced at Jia Dong, with admiration in his eyes, "That man just wanted to do something..."

   Li Yuanying covered his forehead with his words.

"This boy is so calm, it reminds me of those young and handsome people in Chang'an City." Li Yuanying smiled, "Those young people like to talk and talk. I just asked them to come. Who can be better than Sanlang? This old man thought for a long time. No one can match it. But why did you let Saburo do business? Shouldn’t you go to the officialdom with such talent?”

Xu Xiaoyu glanced at the guard beside him, who retreated sensiblely, and then he said in a low voice: "At the beginning, Alang asked Mr. San Lang about his ambition, and Mr. San Lang said..." He saw Jia Dong coming back, and with a lower voice The voice said: "Mr. Sanlang said that he does not want to depend on others, and would rather go into business."

   Li Yuanying was surprised, "He said that he would not become Dalang's vassal, so he would rather come out to do business?"

   Jia Yu is the eldest son and will inherit Jia Pingan's title. After Jia Ping'an became an official, Jia Yu's career became much smoother. He will be the future head of the Jia family.

  Xu Xiaoyu nodded, "Ah Lang was depressed for a long time at the time, so it's okay to say it at the end, what else to say...I'd rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail. Mr. Sanlang looks gloomy, but he is a fierce person."

   "List of temperament..."

  Li Yuanying smiled and said: "You can be so calm between life and death, and you can smile when you are whipped. If the prince sees Saburo like this, won't he be tempted?"

  Xu Xiaoyu shook his head, "Your Majesty is still there after all, it's not easy for the prince to recruit too many people for himself."

   "The rules of the dog!" Li Yuanying's eyes became more clear.

  Xu Xiaoyu took a look at him and understood his feelings clearly.

  Li Yuanying himself is a tragedy under the rules. If Jia Pingan hadn't helped him back then, he should continue to pretend to be crazy in a small place at this moment.

  Li Yuanying looked at Jia Dong who was approaching, and asked curiously: "The only thing I don't understand is... why did you ask the general's name?"

   Jia Dong got on his horse, "Make friends."

  He added softly: "Friends who are friends of life and death!"

  He does not lack the impulsiveness of young people. For example, last year in Chang'an, in order to compete for a famous prostitute, he fought with the prime minister's grandson and broke the opponent's arm.

   But he can distinguish the occasion.


  There was a little more coldness in those gloomy eyes.

  The convoy set off immediately.

   On the way, they met Rangers.

   "It turned out to be a chisel made of fine iron? This thing can be used in siege, so hurry to Constantinople."

   Jia Dong smiled, "Yes. But the price..."

   There is more greed in the smile.

  The ranger general sneered and said, "The gold and silver piled up there are like mountains, and your money can't be missed. The merchants are really greedy."

   The convoy set off again.

   But when Constantinople could be seen from a distance, an army intercepted them.

  The soldiers looked tired, and there was more annoyance in their eyes.

   "This is a chisel made of refined iron. It was originally sold to craftsmen, but those people said that it is useful for the army to attack the city..."

   Jia Dong smiled and glanced at Constantinople ahead, "By the way, I met a caravan on the road from Constantinople..."

  The general said angrily: "Of course he absconded."

  Absconding Yarn. Even though they were surrounded by groups, those merchants had a way to bribe the big cannibals, took their caravan ashore by sea, and then brought their goods to the east for sale.

   "War will never stop businessmen." Li Yuanying added with a smile.

  The general frowned, "Move the things in and give them the money."

Jia Dong took a step forward, and when the general squinted his eyes slightly and held the handle of the knife, he said softly: "I have a good drinker, the Eastern Roman businessman said that he drank too much... Constantinople has prepared sharp weapons enough to A sharp weapon to destroy the army."

  The general narrowed his eyes, "You are a spy!"

  Li Yuanying was very regretful, pulled Jia Dong and said: "Since you don't want to hear it, then don't say it."

  Jia Dong shook his head, and regretfully said: "I have been in business for several years, and it was Dashi that made me my first money. My love for Dashi is no less than that of Datang. It's a pity."

  The general sneered, "Take it away!"


  Li Yuanying just wanted to stop him, but Jia Dong leaned on his shoulder and whispered: "This is Aye's arrangement..."

  Mister Ke, do you want you to die?

   Li Yuanying was angry.

  Jia Dong was escorted to the barracks by two sergeants.

  He was held in a tent for the next few days.

   Eating, drinking, and laxatives are all in one place, and the smell is very smoky after a long time.

  Jia Dong thought a lot.

  Is what Aye said true?

  He also thought that this matter should have been done by a secret agent from the Ministry of War, but he volunteered after hearing about it.

I remember that Aye looked at him with complicated eyes and said: "You are my son, and I understand your idea of ​​trying to make your own way. But as a father, a father can't bear his children to take risks, even if this The danger is minimal...that's all."


  Jia Dong never understood the meaning of these words.

   But he believed in his father's words.

   So he persisted.

   "It's a big deal to die in a foreign country." Jia Dong said happily in bitterness.

  Footsteps came from outside.

  The general came in, "Follow me."

   They came to a large temporary room.

   More than a dozen generals are discussing around the map in the house.

  The leading general raised his eyes and said lightly: "Tell me what sharp weapon you are talking about. If it is wrong, I will throw you into the sea and let the Eastern Romans treat you as a spy and hang you!"

  Jia Dong's heartbeat accelerated, and he forced himself to remain calm, "What if it's correct?"

The general smiled slightly, "If it is correct, and if Constantinople can be broken because of this, will be rich as an enemy, and at the same time you will become the eternal friend of the Dashi, and you will be the guest of honor in any territory of the Dashi! "

Jia Dong took a deep breath, "I drank with that East Roman businessman. He didn't hold a lot of alcohol. After drinking too much, he talked drunk and said something... A craftsman in East Rome invented a kind of divine fire, which can be carried on a ship. Use a pipe to spray it out. This kind of divine fire can burn anything that is contaminated, even iron cannot be avoided."

  The general asked casually: "What can they use this kind of magic fire for?"

  The generals smiled slightly.

  The Dashi Iron Cavalry is famous all over the world. If it hadn’t been defeated by Jia Pingan in World War I, the Dashi Iron Cavalry would be proud to say that the Dashi Iron Cavalry is unparalleled in the world.

  Jia Dong calmly said: "Constantinople is strong, and the Great Food Cavalry is powerful, but facing the fortified city, there is nothing to do. The only way is to go by sea..."

  He glanced at the map, the general's eyes were slightly cold, "Let him go."

  The sergeant behind him let go, and Jia Dong walked over, pointing to the sides of Constantinople and said: "The two sides of Constantinople are facing the sea, this is the only hopeful place to break through..."

  A general said: "We have captured the port of Kizkos."

  The little liar!

   Seeing Jia Dong in a daze, the generals sneered.

  The general said flatly: "Execute!"

  Jia Dong's back was wet with sweat, he raised his eyes and said, "If you want to attack, you have to go by sea."

  There was a sea breeze blowing outside the tent, and the smell was slightly fishy, ​​which reminded Jia Dong of the smell of human blood that year.

  The general sneered, "We have assembled a large number of ships this time, so we don't need to worry about our ability to cross the sea."

  Aye, don't lie to me, or you will lose a son!

  Jia Dong's heart was beating like thunder, "The divine fire comes from oil. When your fleet arrives, the Romans set fire to the ship, and the flames spurt... I seem to see the flames soaring into the sky."

  The general sneered, "Take it away."

  From execution to taking away, Jia Dong relaxed and said, "My advice is not misleading."

  Jia Dong's suggestion is just a warning and will not interfere with the army.

   "If it weren't for this, you would have died by now."

  The general sneered.

   Immediately, he ordered: "Let the empty ships go ahead, and the army behind. The crossbowmen make intensive preparations. Once an enemy ship is found, use rockets first..."

  A general laughed and said, "You still believe the nonsense of that Tang man?"

  The general shook his head, his eyes darkened, "Be prepared!"

Jia Dong patted his forehead, "I almost forgot one thing, I met a general named Zhelu on the road, I saw him discussing secretly with that East Roman businessman, I seem to have heard something... Someone will report when the fleet is attacking , just get ready for the magic fire..."

  The general said calmly: "Let's go!"

  From today, Jia Dong is waiting in the tent.

  He knows that once he makes a mistake, death is his only belonging.

   "Aye, you won't cheat me, will you?"

   It was the morning of the tenth day, and the army was dispatched.

  Jia Dong was taken to the beach.

   "If you make a mistake, you will be thrown into the sea." The sergeant who escorted him sneered.

  The fleet is overwhelming.

  But Jia Dong has seen a more powerful fleet, so his expression is calm.

  The fleet is approaching.

  The sergeant sneered, "Where is the kerosene?"

   Jia Dong was speechless.

   "Enemy ships appear."

  The fleet in the city attacked, there were only about 30 ships, it was too weak.

   "Prepare..." The general stood at the bow of the ship and said with a sneer, "It will be defeated with one blow."

  The ship ahead is approaching.

  The Romans on board laughed grimly and lit the fire.

  Flame rushed out of the nozzle, and the empty ship exploded.

  Unexpected living people jumped into the sea, the Romans were taken aback, but the arson continued, and the empty ships gathered together were instantly burned into sea fires.

   "That Tang man, that Tang man is the savior of Dashi!"

  The general thought of the possible consequences, his spine shivered, "Shoot the arrow!"

   Maneuver the nimble boat close to the enemy ship.

  The well-prepared archers fired rockets at the enemy ship.


  An enemy ship burst into flames, as if a Vulcan was manipulating the flames inside.


  The second enemy ship exploded.

  The general was not excited, but was drenched in cold sweat. He glanced back at where Jia Dong was, and said in a deep voice, "Find that general named Zhe Lu, and kill him together with his subordinates."

   "Yes!" Someone sent the order by boat.

  The Romans at the top of the city were crying in despair.


  The army landed from the sea and immediately attacked the city.

  Jia Dong on the shore was sitting there, with a table in front of him, on which were delicacies. There is also a group of beauties from Eastern Rome serving.

  When Li Yuanying and others were able to visit, they were worried that what they saw was a bruised Jia Dong.

"have a drink!"

  Jia Dong on the beach raised his glass with a smile and shook his head slightly, while the Roman beauties beside him bid farewell.

   Li Yuanying was dumbfounded, "Boy, actually became the guest of the cannibal?"

  Jia Dong pointed to the mountain of wooden boxes beside him, "Look."

  Xu Xiaoyu opened a box and was dazzled by the gold inside. He covered his forehead and turned around, "This is..."

Jia Dong said calmly: "Once Constantinople is broken, there will be no obstacle in the west to stop the Great Food Army. In this way, a great war will start. No matter who wins or loses, Datang will be the final winner. This is The purpose of my trip!"

  He pointed to Constantinople ahead, "Look!"

  On the top of the city, the big cannibals are fighting with the Romans.

  Smoke shrouded the entire city...

   Li Yuanying turned his eyes and looked at Jia Dong, "Is this your way?"

   Jia Dong smiled, "Businessmen are either mercenary, or they can't make money. But I want to take a different path. Believe me, the first person in Datang to be awarded a title for doing business... Who else but me?!"

  He smiled slightly, the gloom in his eyes disappeared, full of pride!


  Fanwai should be gone.

   The decoration is almost done, and then Jazz will prepare a new book. Some book friends may ask how long it will take for the new book to be released, and Jazz is also hard to be sure. Lots of things to grind...but I'll do it as fast as I can.

  (end of this chapter)