MTL - Guardian of Douluo-Chapter 17

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A character who was at least a soul master apologized to himself, Old Jack's vanity was greatly satisfied, and he quickly shook his hands and said: "No need to apologize, no need to apologize. We are not good either. Master , then these two children will trouble you. Xiaosan Xiaonian, you can follow the master in, but you must be obedient."

The two nodded, but did not speak. Before, if Xiujin hadn't been in Tang Nian's hand, there might have been an extra dagger at the throat of the doorman.

From Tang San's point of view, the concierge's actions against an old man like Jack, coupled with his meanness, already had a way to kill. At the same time, he is also absolutely sure that no one, including Old Jack, will find out that the Hidden Arrow was sent by him. Without evidence, who can say that he murdered? Tangmen's silent sleeve arrows are extremely fast, and there is only a shadow.

Unfortunately, he just gave the hidden arrow to Tang Nian before, and Xiao Nian is not as skilled in using hidden weapons as he is, so it would be bad if he revealed a little clue. Therefore, for the master who stopped the concierge, although he was a little uncomfortable with that person's eyes, he still had some gratitude.

It was different from what Tang San had in mind. After all, Tang Nian had lived in modern society for so many years, and he was an orphan before, and he had never encountered anything. When the concierge stopped him, he had already sensed the man's intentions, but he didn't expect that he even wanted to take away the qin that Tang Hao gave him, and was immediately angry. Since they can solve it by force, and they have no money, it can only be considered that the concierge is unlucky. However, there is no killing intent, he is different from Tang San, killing is not uncommon there, decades of peaceful life, did not let him see such a person, he has the idea of ​​killing. Still, it's okay to kick a pebble all over him.

Jack told Tang San to read a few words before leaving.

The master glanced at the porter lightly, "This is the first and last time. If you commit the crime again, you don't need to stay." His voice was hoarse and calm, But there is an irrefutable feeling.

Master looked down at the two of them, with a smile on his face, the muscles on his face seemed to be a little stiff, and the way he smiled was a little unflattering.

He took someone's hand and said, "Let's go in."

The hand of the master is soft and dry, and it is very comfortable to hold, which invisibly brings a sense of trust to the two. However, the question is still to be asked.

"Are you a teacher in this academy?" Tang Nian raised his head slightly to make himself look more naive. Invisibly, the issue of negotiation has been handed over to Tang Nian. If the negotiation can't be done, Tang San will serve him by force, and Tang Nian will fight by the side. One-stop service for digging and filling.

"Teacher? I'm not a teacher of the academy." The master looked down at Tang Nian and said lightly.

"Not a teacher? Didn't you just say that you represented the college? And that person called you master"

The master shook his head, and he has always been impatient, but today he is extraordinarily tolerant, and once again squeezed out that ugly smile, "Who said that only the teachers of the academy can represent the academy? Besides, they called me The master is just a title, I almost forgot my real name, and my real identity is just a guest who eats and drinks. Generally, children will not let me hand them over."

Tang Nian's eyes rolled, but generally not, and so on, it seems that this master is very mysterious.

Master looked at Tang Nian and said with a smile, "clever, is there any problem?"

Tang Nian was stunned, wondering if the master knew that he was testing him, touched his head, pretended to be stupid, "No more"

Then it's time for me to ask you, "The certificate in the Hall of Souls says that your name is Tang Nian, right? That person over there is your brother Tang San, who is your brother and who is Brother?" The master first asked the two to verify their identities.

"I'm Tang Nian, this is my brother, he's amazing." Holding Tang San, Tang Nian proudly introduced to the master.

"Awesome...Tang San, Tang Nian, do you want me to be your teacher?"

"As a teacher, do you want to teach us to practice martial arts?" Tang Nian understood what he meant.

"Would you like to?" The master stopped, faced the two, and asked.

Tang San also naturally stopped, pulled Tang Nian, looked up at Grandmaster, and said nothing. Tang Nian looked at Tang San, knowing that he meant to see the master's ability, so he also raised his head, neither agreeing nor answering.

The master looked at the two who were looking straight at him, and the stiff smile appeared again, "Okay, you are really smart children."

Not speaking has two meanings, one is not to refuse in a hurry, so as not to offend the master. The second is to use actions to ask the master, why should I worship you as my teacher?

Master, like Old Jack, raised his hands and rubbed them on their heads, "You are so talented, so smart, you are twins, and your spirits are so similar. It seems that I want to Persistence once again. How to say, you are also the third and fourth twin martial spirits in the past 100 years."

Hearing Grandmaster's words, Tang San was surprised, his eyes suddenly changed, and he looked at Grandmaster in surprise. Even Tang Nian raised his left hand. This was not a small problem with the concierge. Tang Hao just told them to hide it, but they were recognized.

The old master looked at them, smiled and said, "Are you wondering why I know you are twin spirits?"

While talking, he shook the certificate Old Jack gave him in his hand, "It's because of these two certificates. Maybe other people can't see the flaws, but if I also see If not, then I am not worthy of the word Master."

"I have investigated 647 people with blue silver grass spirits, among them, 16 have spirit power, the probability is less than 3%. None of the sixteen people with spirit power can exceed the first level of spirit power, but you are innately full of spirit power at the tenth level. According to one of the ten core competencies of martial arts that I have studied, innate spirit power The size is directly proportional to the quality of the martial spirit. The Blue Silver Grass is obviously not enough, so I am sure that you should have another martial spirit, and it is a very powerful one. And Tang Nian is also the same, his martial arts Souls are also related to the Blue Silver Grass. The Blue Silver Umbrella is just a deformation of the Blue Silver Grass. Then, the same pair of twins, the same waste martial souls, have innate soul power, which makes me understand even more. Humans have twin martial souls, after all, innate soul power is not something that is rotten."

Tang San's eyes gradually calmed down and retorted: "Everything has an exception, why can't we be an exception?"

Tang Nian also said by the side, "You said that Xiantian full soul power is not a bad street, so is it a bad street for twin martial arts?" I thought to myself, as soon as I went out, I encountered a bad street. Those who know the goods do not know whether luck is good or bad. In fact, at this time in his heart, he didn't have much hope for concealing this matter.

Master nodded earnestly and said, "Yes, there are exceptions to everything, but your spirits are blue silver spirits, so you are obviously not that exception. Heaven Dou Empire and Xing Luo In the last 100 years of the empire, although only two twin spirits have appeared, there have been nineteen born full of spirit power. I have carefully studied the spirits of each of them, all of them are powerful beings, the youngest One of them has now reached the level of a great soul master. Except for the fourteen people who are powerful martial spirits inherited from family blood, there are five exceptions."