MTL - Guardian-Chapter 82 Soul Light

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In order to manage the needs, business trips need unified logistics arrangements and trips, so after Zhu Hong and Lin Jing made an appointment, they went to No. 4 Guangming Road to find Wang Zheng when the day was still not bright. As soon as they entered the door, they saw them. The leader, who had never returned a text message, was curled up on the sofa, still wearing pajamas, and covered with a thick wool coat that was obviously not his style.

Wu Daqing squatted in front of the sofa, and in front of him was a plate with only dried fish remains, licking his paws with satisfaction.

Zhu Zhuhong let go, and whispered, "Why is he sleeping here? Isn't it cold, not afraid to catch cold?"

说 She said, raised the air conditioner temperature, took off her down jacket and covered Zhao Yunlan.

After Lin Jing passed a year, the whole person seemed to have hit the air gun, rounded a large circle, and licked his chin like Bai Tuanzi. He said, "If you don't go home during the Chinese New Year, there will be hidden feelings. I don't see it as a forced marriage. Was forced to score. "

As he was talking, Zhao Yunlan lifted his head from the sofa with a disheveled hair and thick dark circles, and woke up with a heavy wake-up gas. He glanced at Lin Jing gloomily, saying briefly, "Shut up ,roll!"

Lin Jing was cheap, and remained silent for two seconds. Finally, she couldn't help but say, "No, you ca n’t bear this kind of man-if your daughter-in-law has to work hard to make breakfast in the morning and ask you to get up, you too This sentence?"

As soon as Zhao Yunlan raised his hand, he grabbed a small pocket bonsai on the side cabinet and smashed "Guangdang".

Daqing and Zhu Hong faced each other, and Lin Jing froze a bit—seeing Zhao Yunlan moving the real fire, the mournful and troubled one had to quietly find a broom and clean up the debris. At the end he muttered: "Amitabha, A piece of peace. "

Daqing jumped on the back of the sofa and pulled Zhao Yunlan's shoulder with his paw: "Hey, are you okay?"

Zhao Yunlan took a deep breath, lay back, and buried half of his face in his clothes. The clothes were Shen Wei. He didn't realize the problem until he went out. The collar seemed to still linger on the man. Smell the smell.

I do n’t know how long it took before, Zhao Yunlan said in a sullen voice: "I'm okay-Lin Jing, let it go, I'll sweep it back, I wasn't rushing at you just now ... I'm a bit uncomfortable now, you let me lie down What should you do? "

Daqing trembled his beard, Zhao Yunlan pulled out his hand, rudely scratched the hair on his head, and then patted the fat cat's **** a bit perfunctoryly: "You have time to go and track down" Ancient Secret Records " Where did this book come from? "

"Support your grandpa cat." Daqing grunted dissatisfied, "What about my red envelope? My New Year's money?"

Zhao Yunlan closed her eyes, felt in Shen Wei's coat pocket, and found a handful of change. She struck the cat's neck, pushed it into its cat collar, and waved her hands for food: "I'm so open. The money printing machine can't hold your old age, so get out. "

Daqing fangs rubbed his claws on his clothes. Zhao Yunlan stretched out his hands and quickly blocked his eyes. Daqing's nails touched the warm human flesh. At that time, he retracted his nails, but he left them on Zhao Yunlan's arm. Put a white mark.

He even had no power to grind his claws-after Daqing took a moment, he ran away hummingly, thinking that the big **** Zhao Yunlan regarded his noble and glamorous cat as a coin box of a bus.

During the Spring Festival, there are a lot of rules and special rules every day, and most of the special investigation offices are not humans, and each has its own way of doing things, so if it's okay, they have to go back to work at least 15 years later, No. 4 Guangming Road In the daytime, an empty courtyard, Zhao Yunlan's heart made Shen Wei's affairs uncomfortable. He made up his mind to have a big dream come to life once, and fell asleep to three strokes in one go.

When he woke up, even the black cat let him go. Quietly in the office, Zhao Yunlan stretched out his hand and dragged the down jacket that he had almost dropped to the ground. He patted the dust on it and rubbed his eyes. He bowed his head but froze for a moment—he came out in a hurry, but stepped on a pair of shoes in a hurry, and ran out without even wearing socks. When he was outside, he found a pair of leather shoes, a little bit cold.

With this bowed head, Zhao Yunlan saw that a pair of boots he usually wore were neatly placed on the ground, and a pair of thick woolen socks were stuffed inside. A set of ironed clothes was placed on the armrest of the sofa. Stuck inside, his cellphone, wallet and keys pressed on the clothes ... The man just gave him a coat, presumably because he wanted to leave the coat he was wearing.

Suddenly someone said, "Ms. Shen brought it to you. I wanted to call you. He didn't let it."

云 Zhao Yunlan pinched the bridge of his nose and saw that Zhu Hong was sitting behind the desk and was spending time online.

"What about Shen Weiren?"

"Go away." Zhu Hong's eyes moved from the display.

云 Zhao Yunlan paused, his voice was a little hoarse: "Where have you been? What else did he say?"

"Oh, he said," It's cold outside. You can go home after you're busy. Don't worry about seeing him. He's going back to his place. " Let's go home--say how did you two fight during Chinese New Year? "

Zhao Yunlan didn't answer, he knew where "our own place" meant-that was not Shen Wei's own apartment that Zhu Hong thought. When he thought of this, he felt like a knife, but in front of others, but I had to look expressionless.

After sitting for a while, Zhao Yunlan put on her socks, picked up and changed clothes to the bathroom, changed her pajamas, and washed in a hurry. Then she rested her hands on the sink and stared at the white enamel pond. Yes, I buried my face in cold water.

He did not dare to think about Shen Wei for the first time in his life, and he knew for the first time in his life what it was like to dig a piece in his heart.

He stayed in the bathroom for too long, so that Zhu Hong could not rest assured, and came knocking on the door: "Zhao, are you all right?"

Zhao Yunlan responded, wiped the drops of water on her face, and found herself in the office for the convenience of working overtime all night. She looked at the mirror and scraped off any stubble that came out, carefully cleaning herself. Packed up like a person, I straightened the bar and went out.

知道 He knew that even if he felt distressed with myocarditis, he couldn't solve any problems. He had to figure out as soon as possible in the matter that Wan Duan got together.

Zhu Zhuhong waited for him at the door, looked at him, and stopped talking, but Zhao Yunlan asked in amazement, "Is there something to eat? I'm hungry."

Zhu Zhuhong: "... the cafeteria is probably there, you should either go and see?"

Zhao Yunlan nodded and turned to go to the second floor directly. Zhu Hong was even more thrilled. Zhao Yunlan always sat behind his desk, so that others would "bring the bowl of porridge to the uncle" or something. Going to the cafeteria personally "condescendingly noble" several times a year.

云 Zhao Yunlan went to the cafeteria and asked for a regular breakfast set. He sat down and started eating. At this time, he was in a weird state of calm. Zhu Hong followed him silently. At this moment, even when the sky fell, he looked up and continued to drink porridge without expression. Worrying.

It wasn't until Zhao Yunlan put a tray of food into his stomach that he felt a little warmth in his cold, numb hands and feet. Then he gave Zhu Hong a strange look: "What are you doing in the unit?"

"..." Zhu Hong was silent for a while, "I originally made an appointment with Lin Jing and took a train today to see the black dog and the body."

"Oh, why didn't you go?"

"I'm a bit uneasy about you and let him go by himself."

Zhao Yunlan wiped her mouth, stood up, and put away the tray, and said indifferently, "I have nothing to worry about, just go home if it's all right."

Zhu Zhuhong said nothing but just followed him.

云 Zhao Yunlan walked all the way back to his office, sat down and turned on the computer as usual, and glanced at Zhu Hong: "What else are you doing with me?"

Zhu Zhuhong: "What's wrong with you?"

Zhao Yunlan found out the cigarette case and lighter from the drawer, and said lightly, "Nothing."

Zhu Zhuhong refused to let him go and said aggressively, "Nothing, you will go home and go to the office to sleep in the middle of the night?"

"Oh," Zhao Yunlan took a sip of white smoke into his lungs, and said, "I mixed up with him last night."

"Fart," Zhu Hongbrow jumped, and said straightforwardly, "When everyone else is blind, you take that surname Shen's liver. If you quarrel because of trivial matters, go back now. The motherboard has written a 4D confession. How can there be any trouble with me here? "

Zhao Yunlan: "..."

"Did he do something that was sorry to you?" Zhu Hong was so scary when she said this, as if Zhao Yunlan nodded, she could go out and swallow Shen Wei immediately.

"Little nonsense." Zhao Yunlan played the soot, "Why are you getting more and more gossip, be careful that a woman with gossip cannot marry."

Zhu Zhuhong was sad and indignant: "Anyway, it doesn't matter if the person I like doesn't like me? I can't marry."

Zhao Yunlan understood her words, but had to pretend to be stupid, and then again speechless, he decided to run away shamefully-he found a briefcase, plugged his wallet and cell phone into something, the computer was not off , Turned and walked out.

But Zhu Hong made up his mind not to let him go, and immediately followed: "What are you doing?"

"I have an appointment with the leaders in the ministry." Zhao Yunlan glanced at Zhu Hong, "What else are you doing with me?"

After he unlocked, Zhu Zhuhong quickly got on his co-pilot with his eyes on his hands. "Jiaoba" fastened his seatbelt and sat firmly like Taishan: "I will go too."

"..." Zhao Yunlan stood at the door and sighed weakly, "Aunt Grandma, can you spare me?"

Zhu Zhuhong turned her face indifferently.

The two of them faced each other for a long time, wishing Hong Hong stability. At the end, Zhao Yunlan had to take a deep breath, try to restrain his irritability, extinguished his cigarette butt, and got into the car without a word.

He was silent all the time. Zhu Hong looked at him secretly a few times, only to see a handsome and indifferent side face. Finally he couldn't help but ask: "Who is the leader in the ministry?"

"Xiao Guo's second concubine." Zhao Yunlan said, "Yes, when it comes to this, it's okay to take you. After a while, you check with me, who is doing the hands and feet and transferred Guo Great Wall to us? departments."

Zhu Zhuhong: "Doing hands and feet? Doing hands and feet with Xiao Guo? What can he do? Why?"

Zhao Yunlan didn't say anything.

其实 He actually suspected that the bowl attached to his father had done it by his father's hands, but why? Why must it be Guo Great Wall? In addition to his merit, what else is special about him? This special investigation office is the most human-like little Guo. What is his origin?

If possible, Zhao Yunlan wants to get back Kunlunjun ’s strength and true memory. If not, then at least he has to know what the truth and lies in the fog around the clouds are, and he ca n’t obliterate them with his eyes. act rashly.

Shen Wei ... Just these two words made Zhao Yunlan's head burnt, and his heart seemed to have a fire that kept burning his energy, but he had to put up with it, and had to put up with a calm and stable sitting on the Diaoyutai. Looks like, sometimes Zhao Yunlan finds that he is just sitting there, and once there is no one next to him, his brow will be involuntarily wrinkled within three minutes.

There was a picture that would appear in his mind regardless of time and occasion-in a place so cold that there was no light and no anger, half of Shen Wei's body had been swallowed into the boundless darkness, and He just raised his head, and wanted to see the blue sky and blue sky outside, but his eyes were not long enough, and the holes were not black, and he was finally disappointed, with the last carelessness, slowly blended into the darkness ...

Suddenly, someone shoved Zhao Yunlan, and he woke up suddenly, his heart trembling with thunder and cold sweat on his head.

The man who pushed him was Zhu Hong. She was expressionless, and said with discomfort, "Here it is."

云 Zhao Yunlan paused for a moment before he realized that it turned out to be a dream—he drank a few drinks with Guo Changcheng's second wife, and the return journey was Zhu Hong's car. He fell asleep somehow.

Wu Zhuhong sat still without moving: "What did you dream of, the name" Shen Wei "was so heartbreaking?"

云 Zhao Yunlan always felt disoriented, unwilling to talk to her, only pretending not to hear.

"Yunlan." Zhu Hong suddenly called to stop him.

Zhao Yunlan a meal.

Zhu Hong found a small box out of her pocket. She tied a red rope to the water dragon ball and hit the lucky buckle at the port. "This is what my uncle asked me to bring to you, saying I am grateful to you for so many years. The snakes take care of me, I ... I might have to go with him after a while. "

云 Zhao Yunlan frowned slightly: "Where? Where to go?"

"I don't know, maybe it's Hui people," Zhu Hong smiled miserably, seeing Zhao Yunlan not picking up, he directly hung the red rope around his neck, and brought him very carefully, "Water Dragon Ball is my holy relic. It can avoid water and fire and keep you safe. You ... you have nothing else to do, so I'll finish it. There is not much I can do for you. "

Zhao Yunlan was silent for a while, and said lowly, "Longcheng is not suitable for the practice of the demon tribe. It is also good for you to return to the tribe. Stay away from the crowd, not so much right and wrong. Your fourth uncle is a personal thing. , Promising, maybe the next patriarch of the snake clan is you. "

His remarks were like explaining the funeral, calm and depressing. Zhu Hong was impulsive and suddenly blurted out: "Zhao, you give me a word, as long as you give me a word, I can sever all relationships with the clan, Dao Shan Huo Hai will follow you to the end. "

完 After she said this, it seemed as if she had delivered her life, and she waited for Zhao Yunlan to look back.

However, Zhao Yunlan finally avoided her eyes and laughed at herself: "We have no injustice and revenge, and we have been friends for many years. Why should I harm you so much? You will be fine in the future, I will rest assured."

I wish the luster in red eyes faded for a moment.

Then Zhao Yunlan got off from the other side.