MTL - Guardians of Tirisfal of Konoha-Chapter 21 psychic scroll

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   Chapter 21 Psychic Scroll

  Satoru's protest did nothing.

   As a high-level advisor who has dedicated the first half of his life to Konoha and will continue to dedicate the second half of his life, Mito Gate Yan is very firm in the face of right and wrong.

   As one of the direct disciples of the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama, Mitomon Yan has the most fiery will of fire.

  Although some of his faults and the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi are like a retreat, it does not affect his dedication to Konoha.

   includes sending his own son to battle.

   "Satoru, I'm sorry, but as a ninja, at least for now, you don't have the right to choose."

   Mito Gate Yan showed a lonely look in front of his son for the first time. As a father, he didn't know the consequences of doing so.

   "Three generations of Hokage-sama...or our generation has not been able to achieve the dream of the first Hokage-sama."

   "You underage children still need to be sent to the battlefield - but at least, not all."

   "After more than ten years of peace, the village's armament has been relatively slack. The military strength of 200 genin is indispensable to deal with wars that may break out at any time."


  Satoru silently looked at Mito Gate Flame, who seemed to have aged a lot in an instant.

  Perhaps, in the original timeline, the life of "Mito Gate Satoru" will end here, right?

  If there really is such a person.


   "Joke... As a descendant of the guardian of Tirisfal, how could he be afraid of challenges."

  Satoru's soft whisper, even Mito Gate Yan couldn't hear it clearly.


   Mito Gate Yan looked up at his son, only to find that there was an expression on his face that he had never seen on his face.


  The guardians of Tirisfal in all dynasties are the characters who protect the world.

   There is a Hidden Village of Konoha in the district. Could it be that, as a descendant of the guardian, he dare not even fight the guard? !

   "Okay...I will participate even for the sake of your face, old man..."

   Confident aura flashed by, so fast that Mito Monika thought he was wrong, and in a blink of an eye, Satoru turned into a lazy and tired look:

   "But Dad, do you have to give me something to save my life, Ding Zuo and the others are all learning family secret techniques, what secret techniques do we have in our family?"

   "Hidden weapons don't count! Unlike you, old man, I specialize in... Hidden weapons or something, it doesn't fit my temperament~"


   Mito Menyan's fist clenched into a rattling sound.

   He felt that he had to educate this **** well, that his most proud hidden weapon and ninja skills were actually despised by his son? !

   Mito Gate Yan used to be a huge psychic scroll.

The    tool, hidden weapon strike, is the most common method for him to channel countless ninja hidden weapons through the psychic scroll to fight the enemy.

   But that doesn't mean he only has hidden weapons.

The real power of    Mito Gate Yan is that he is proficient in various applications of one of the time and space ninjutsu - psychics.

   For the application of psychic scrolls, he is a master level.

   Scrolls can not only channel psychic creatures, but also use psychics to seal ninja tools and luggage, or assist in launching ninjutsu, and even store ready-made ninjutsu.

  Konoha even has scrolls for communication and scrolls that store medical ninjutsu!

  So, if the Mito family has any special secrets...

   "I am proficient in various applications of scrolls."

   Mito Kadome pushed his glasses, reflecting a white light, and the consultant decided to maintain his dignity as a father in front of his son:

   "Ordinary ninjas only use prepared scrolls, and making all kinds of scrolls that suit them best is the secret of our Mito family!"


  Wu was amazed, it turns out that the old man is still hiding such a stunt!

   "Hidden, old man! Teach me!"

   "Humph! Do you think you can learn this in a short time?"

   Mito Kazuto looked at his son who seemed to be finally admiring him, couldn't help but get a little smug, and raised his head slightly:

   "This involves a lot of complicated techniques. Even the most basic psychics, I think you have to learn it for at least a week!"

   "It's okay, I have patience!"

  Satoru couldn't wait more and more——

   The psychic scroll is often the same as the game backpack, which can store a lot of things without taking up too much space.

   Even the power of arcane cannot be achieved in the early stage.

   A portable space-level spell requires profound arcane cultivation, and even simple magic items are not something that can be done by current savvy.

   Azeroth also has spell scrolls, which can store one-time spells, which generally require advanced enchanting skills and various magical materials containing magic power.

   In this world without magic materials, simply using arcane power to seal scrolls is still not something that can be accomplished with the current knowledge of magic.

The    psychic scroll solves this problem nicely.

  Using the existing ninjutsu knowledge in this world and the principle of props, Satoru can further develop arcane scrolls suitable for this world!

   In this way, his enchantment spells will be a huge improvement.

   And the time-space nature of spiritism helps him master arcane knowledge related to time and space.

   "I really have a pillow when I fall asleep. I didn't expect such a big treasure to be by my side!"

  God full of expectations for knowledge, and enthusiastically devoted himself to the study of making psychic scrolls with his father.

  The mysterious connection between ninjutsu, chakra, and arcane power, coupled with the help of the Book of Medivh, allows Satoru to analyze the psychic scrolls that have been improved by the ancestors from various incredible angles.


  The new semester starts, and the seniors who have graduated are excitedly waiting for the arrival of Teacher Jonin.

   This year, due to the preparations for the battle, the teachers of Shangnin have also made some adjustments. They will give priority to participating in the defense of the village, so they will bring students later.

In the time    freed up, the school arranged for these young ninjas who have officially obtained the Konoha forehead protection to have some communication exercises with the juniors who are about to participate in the actual combat training.

  As a talented medical ninja, Nonoyu has been recruited by Tsunade to teach him personally in advance - the battle is imminent, and the medical ninja is an indispensable and important resource.

   Finally, Satoru and Naoshu's pretentious confrontation was delayed until after school - this would prevent Satoru from being found by other inexplicable guys who had already graduated.

   Watching Rope Tree leave with his precious forehead guard, Satoru finally breathed a sigh of relief and walked home.

   The duel with Rope Tree can't be too extreme, it must make it appear to outsiders that he is being beaten by Rope Tree, which is in line with common sense.

  In the end, under the threat of "Transfiguration, Pig", Rope Tree reluctantly agreed to cooperate, and Gocai was able to spend these days cleanly.

   "Hmm... I should be able to parse out the last spell of spiritism today..."

  Sato was thinking about the progress of the past two days, while walking down a familiar street, turning a corner ahead and arriving home. After arriving home...


  Satoru frowned and stopped abruptly.


   (end of this chapter)