MTL - Guide To the HE of the Former Female Supporting Role-Chapter 95

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There will not be too big waves in the bionic sea, because there is no tidal force, but there is wind and moonlight.

When it is not raining, the diamond-shaped lattice above the head will be opened, like small skylights, allowing sunlight and moonlight to pour down through the gaps and shine on the slightly turbulent blue sea.

Layer after layer of ripples glows with a little bit of light, which is the most gentle sea view.

Lin Xiu was a little tired of seeing the calm on the surface, so he asked someone to lift a piano and put it on the glazed floor tiles on the east side of the coast.

Even if the moon on the island is not full, it can still shine on the sea. The man is covered with moonlight, sitting in front of the piano. The black and white keys are in sharp contrast with the knuckle fingers. The fingertips are falling, and the thick and ethereal sound of the piano is slowly sounding. The only sensuality in this quiet world.

Lin Xiu didn't play any special score, just tapped the keys unconsciously with his fingers, but his eyes were fixed on the sea that was close at hand.

Time flowed slowly, and suddenly something abnormal appeared on the sparkling sea surface. At first, there was only a thin and transparent tail tip exposed on the sea surface, like a butterfly wing or a dragonfly thin wing.

The tip of the tail rotates gently in the center of the sea surface, rippling out circle after circle of ripples, the tail of the fish exposed to the sea becomes longer and longer, the blue-purple fish scales shine like diamonds under the moonlight, transparent The fish fins slid out little white waves on the sea surface.

The sound of the piano has also changed from being random at the beginning to soft, soothing and rhythmic. The tip of the tail lost its trace, and the sea suddenly calmed down. In the next second, the little mermaid in the sea jumped from the sea to mid-air, and the amazing big tail was light in the air. Swaying and swaying, the crescent-like arc rolled up the water that fell all over the sky.

With a bang, the mermaid sank into the bottom of the sea.

The melodious sound of the piano didn't stop there, Lin Xiu withdrew his gaze, stared at the surface of the piano intently, staggered his wrists, played with his fingertips, and the rhythm became faster and faster.

The passionate and rapid sound of the piano is like a sudden rainstorm, and then gradually calms down in a gust of summer wind.


Listening to the sound of the piano in his ear, Jing Zhao couldn't help but floated out of the sea, humming the song of mermaids that belonged exclusively to mermaids.

A beautiful singing voice is more haunting than the most beautiful music in the world. The dreamlike voice is like a charming siren singing on the sea, and everyone who passes by is tempted to sink.

Music and singing are intertwined, forming the most mysterious and beautiful moon night ensemble.

Fingertips slid across the keys, and when Lin Xiu lowered his hands, the rhythm of the ending was still echoing in his ears, which made people feel unsatisfied.

The mermaid is still playing in the sea, the man has already got up from the stool, staring at the little mermaid in the middle of the sea, his deep eyes are full of boundless moonlight, his fingertips slide over the shirt buttons, unbuttoning them one by one, and casually unbuttoning the clothes It was thrown on the ground, leaving only a pair of underpants, and then the vigorous figure jumped into the sea in an instant.

Lin Xiu didn't stop until he swam to the center of the sea. The mermaid was surrounded by him, and he took him out of the water with his arms around his waist.

Jing Zhao raised his head and showed him a happy smile, Lin Xiu stared down at her face, fingertips casually twirled the hair on her cheek, the moonlight poured on the two of them, the man lowered his head slowly, reddish The thin lips parted slightly, and there was a vague obsession in the eyes, "How should I punish you? My muse."


Early the next morning, when Lin Xiu was dressing in the changing room, his Little Mermaid was looking around in his changing room, picking up anything interesting to see.

The large sunglasses placed in the glass cabinet, row after row, look similar, but they are different when you look closely. Jing Zhao picked it up curiously. She saw those people wearing them in the TV series. on the eyes.

Jing Zhao picked out a metal frame, and tried wearing sunglasses with black lenses on his eyes. The world around him suddenly darkened, losing its original color.

Jing Zhao let out a cry of surprise, and tentatively pushed the sunglasses to his forehead, exposing his eyes, and in an instant, everything around him returned to its original state.

It turned out that this thing looked like this, and put the sunglasses down again. Jing Zhao seemed to have found something interesting, and kept pushing the sunglasses on his eyes up and down.

After Lin Xiu got dressed, he saw the silly little mermaid in front of the sunglasses window. He subconsciously hooked his lips and walked forward.

After coming out of the sea last night, Lin Xiu directly carried him back to his room, and took his shirt as pajamas for others. At this time, Jing Zhao was still wearing his white shirt, which only reached the bottom of his thighs, showing the bottom Two long bare legs, following the other party's bending over and raising their legs, the spring under the clothes is precarious.

After Jing Zhao messed up the sunglasses in a window, he cast his curious eyes on the cuff buttons of the man's shirt and suit. Before he could reach for it, he was picked up by his waist.

Jing Zhao knew who was holding her, and was not frightened. He just shook his thin legs casually, and turned his head in doubt, "Xiuxiu?"

Lin Xiu carried her to the counter and sat down, turned her around so that she could look at him at the same level, reached out to take off the crooked sunglasses on her eyes, and pointed at the glass full of delicate cuff buttons The window said: "Want to play this?"

Jing Zhao glanced at it and nodded, "What is that?"

"It's cufflinks, wear them here." Lin Xiu pointed to the position of his cuffs, and then he showed interest and asked the little mermaid to help him choose a pair of cufflinks from the window full of cufflinks.

Jing Zhao really chose carefully, and finally chose a pair of cufflinks inlaid with sapphires. She has a natural liking for blue.

Lin Xiu pinned the cuff button to the cuff, and then took his Little Mermaid to help him button the other one. Although Jing Zhao didn't know how to do it, she watched Lin Xiu do it once, and she learned it very quickly. Men wear it.

Lin Xiu looked down, with a pleasant smile on the corner of his lips, and his heart couldn't stop being weak.

However, Jing Zhao's next sentence made him subconsciously restrain his smile.

"Take me out to play?" Jing Zhao's eyes shone with expectation. Seeing that the man was dressed in a serious manner, he must be going out, and she wanted to go out too.

Lin Xiu didn't answer, but stared at her with gloomy eyes and asked, "Isn't it good to just stay here?"

It's not bad, it's just that she wants to see the outside world and doesn't want to stay in a house all day.

Jing Zhao has already mastered the proficient skill of acting like a baby, gently shaking the man's arm, with a soft and cute expression on his face, "Xiuxiu, take me out!"

In the end, Lin Xiu couldn't bear her pestering, so he reluctantly agreed.

And he really wanted to leave the island, leaving her alone on the island, even if there was an indestructible protection system here, he couldn't feel at ease.

The helicopter landed on the island again, and it was the first time for Jing Zhao to take a plane. He looked out of the window curiously, but was tightly **** by a man with a seat belt.

The little mermaid is so beautiful that people can't move their eyes. The long blue-purple curly hair hanging down to the waist is fixed behind by diamond hair clips. The blue sling is embedded with a white lace mermaid skirt. It is so elegant and sweet that Lin Xiu can't even imagine it. The scene where she was walking alone on the city street would probably be photographed in a frenzy and then posted on the Internet.

As long as Lin Xiu thinks of this possible scene, he finds it unbearable. She is a treasure he discovered and can only belong to him.

Jing Zhao didn't know about the storm in the man's heart. She was playing a game where big fish eat small fish. Those small fish that were eaten looked a bit like the food she had on the bottom of the sea, so she didn't feel burdened to eat it. Seeing the big fish getting bigger and bigger, Jing Zhao couldn't help giggling triumphantly.

Ma Dong, who was sitting in front of the helicopter, was attracted by the laughter, but he didn't dare to look back. When he was waiting for the boss to get on the helicopter, he took a look and was already shocked. This was the first time he left the helicopter. The mermaid lady was so close, and what surprised him even more was that the mermaid lady had two legs!

Three years after disappearing, the mermaid grew legs. This reminded Ma Dong irresistibly of a fairy tale about a mermaid. Ground.

In addition to Ma Dong, there were several bodyguards on the helicopter besides the pilot. Although they were also amazed at the beauty of the boss's girlfriend, they didn't have much curiosity about Jing Zhao because they didn't know Jing Zhao's identity.

Lin Xiu came out of the island this time to prepare for a new album. Regarding the new album, he actually recorded half of the songs three years ago, but it was put on hold because of Jing Zhao’s sudden disappearance. Now that Jing Zhao is back, he is slowly Pick up what happened before.

When leaving the island this time, the two will live outside for a period of time, and the place to live has already been arranged.

In fact, there is no need for Jing Zhao to act like a baby, and Lin Xiu never planned to leave her alone on the island. The last time he missed her for three years because he was not by her side. He never wanted to make the same mistake again.

The new place is Longteng Building. This building is very tall. Below the 33rd floor are some office and entertainment venues, and above the 33rd floor are private residences.

Lin Xiu and his party went directly to the 36th floor. There were only two residents on this floor, and Lin Xiu was one of them.

Jing Zhao's new room, as always, has a huge pool for her to soak in water, and the bedroom, dining room, and leisure room are all separated one by one.

After returning to the room, Lin Xiu asked someone to deliver lunch, ate lunch with him, and coaxed him to sleep. He was going to the recording studio downstairs to record the demo, and told Jing Zhao to call himself after he woke up to make sure she listened. After entering, feel free to leave.

The bed in the new bedroom was as soft as the one on the island. Jing Zhao rolled on it several times, rolled the quilt into a mess, and then lay on it and did not move.

Suddenly, the video screen in the room lit up, which was connected to the outside door, because someone rang the doorbell, so it lit up, and the image of a man was clearly reflected inside.

Jing Zhao was taken aback, got off the bed barefoot, and stared at the person on the screen.

I don't know her, should I open the door, but Xiu Xiu told her not to open the door to strangers, Jing Zhao hesitated.

Since no one responded for a long time, the video screen suddenly went out and went dark.

Jing Zhao stayed where he was, thinking, that person should give up!

Bai Ze did give up. He thought that Lin Xiu was not in the room. After the video screen went out, he called Lin Xiu. The call was quickly connected, [Where is it? Didn't you mean to record a demo today? 】

Bai Ze is 28 years old this year, one year older than Lin Xiu. He is a gold-medal lyricist and composer in the entertainment industry. He is also an excellent sound mixer. He is Lin Xiu's queen lyricist. The two have cooperated for many years and have a close friendship. Well, it's a partner and a brother and friend at the same time.

Lin Xiu was going to re-prepare the album, and Bai Ze received the news early in the morning, because the two often collaborated, the other half of the 36th floor was gifted to him by Lin Xiu.

Because he forgot about him just now, Lin Xiu didn't remember Bai Ze until he got to the recording studio, and when he was about to call someone, he received a call from Bai Ze.

On the phone, Lin Xiu said that he was already in the recording studio, and casually asked where Bai Ze was, but he heard the other party knock on his door just now, but no one answered.

Lin Xiu paused, his eyes changed, and he said: 【Are you at the door of my room? 】

Sensing that his good brother's tone suddenly became serious, Bai Ze also paused, [Yes, what's wrong? 】

As soon as the words were finished, the door of the room, which had not received any response just now, was opened from the inside. Bai Ze glanced over casually, and met a pair of blue pupils full of curiosity and a little panic.

The voice on the phone seemed to be blocked suddenly, and Bai Ze's perception was only left with those eyes, which were even more magnificent and dazzling than the top sapphires he bought.

Jing Zhao originally wanted to see if the person had left, but found that he hadn't left at all, and was still standing at the door of her room. Subconsciously, she wanted to close the door again, but when she looked down, she was caught off guard and saw a white, fluffy , looks like a very soft and easy to pinch long tail.

The words "Fox Tail" blurted out, and Jing Zhao's eyes widened in surprise.

Bai Ze froze all over, and looked at Jing Zhao with sharp eyes, full of disbelief in his heart, can she see her own tail?

"What did you just say?" The voice that was deliberately suppressed suddenly became charming, his pupils were stained with a tinge of red light, and a dangerous smile was drawn on Bai Ze's lips, and he slowly approached Jing Zhao.

Seeing the change of the other person's pupil color with his own eyes, Jing Zhao truly realized that the person in front of him was a non-human just like himself, and she had just revealed the other person's identity, so he seemed angry.

"I..." The other party's big tail dangled back and forth in his sight, Jing Zhao wanted to say that he couldn't do it wrong, so he pursed his lips and was about to explain something, when a deep voice suddenly came.

When Lin Xiu knew that Bai Ze was at the door of his room, he was a little worried at first, but then he heard Jing Zhao's voice on the phone. Impatient, he hurried back from downstairs. As soon as he came up, he saw Bai Ze gradually approaching his The scene where the little mermaid goes.

Subconsciously, he strode forward, blocking Jing Zhao behind him, and then looked at Bai Ze with gloomy eyes, "What are you doing here?"

The moment Lin Xiu came over, Bai Ze's eyes quickly returned to pure black. Seeing the girl being protected by his good brother, a dark color flashed in his eyes, and then he said jokingly: "I didn't do anything, I just said hello, Lin Xiu, who is she? Your girlfriend?"

Jing Zhao stood behind Lin Xiu, holding the hem of his waist with his small hands, his soft body clung to him, looked curiously at Bai Ze's eyes through the gap between the man's arms, and then looked at him who was still curled up just now. The fox tail that hangs down now.

Somewhat unexpectedly, this person actually knew Lin Xiu, so did Lin Xiu know that this person was an inhuman like her, or a vixen?

Lin Xiu felt the closeness of Jing Zhao behind him, and thought she was frightened, so he stretched out his hand and pulled him into his arms, at the same time, he looked up at Bai Ze and said, "It's not a girlfriend, it's a fiancee."

They are all men, how could Lin Xiu fail to see the look of interest in Bai Ze's eyes, he hates others coveting his little mermaid, but Bai Ze is different, they are not only partners, but also brothers, and Bai Ze is kind to him , he can't treat him as an ordinary person.

The reason why he said it was his fiancée was because he hoped that the other party could understand what he meant. No matter how interested he was in the person in front of him, he had to put it away, otherwise he would turn against him no matter whether he was his brother or not.

After Bai Ze heard what Lin Xiu said, the interest in his eyes did drop a lot, but the sense of inquiry that fell on Jing Zhao's eyes did not diminish at all.

The person who can see through his identity is an extremely dangerous existence for him, he must either control her or let her disappear.

Jing Zhao didn't know what Bai Ze was thinking, but he also realized that she could see the other party's tail, but the other party didn't seem to know that she was a mermaid.

At this time, the silly little mermaid finally remembered the special power of mermaids—to break through the falsehood and see the truth clearly. ?