MTL - Hail the King-Chapter 9 Upgrade and see upgrade

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Chapter 9 upgrade sees upgrade ("")

According to the memory of past life games, if you remember correctly, the first mission of Diablo’s first game map [Rogge Camp] should be released by the senior nun of the 'Blind Eyes' nun church, and this Aunt is still a small head of the [Rogge Camp], a spiritual leader, so I want to find out the ins and outs, it is estimated that I have to find a npc.

The streets are cold and clear.

Crossing a few tents and wooden fences, behind a simple wooden cage, Sun Fei discovered the little tent of the nun Ankara. The tent was filled with strange bottles and jars, which smelled strangely. Ankara, the purple nun's robes, stood at the door of the tent.

Sun Fei walked over, and a golden little exclamation mark appeared on the top of Ankara.

"I am Ankara, the senior nun of the blind-edged nuns church..." Ankara took the initiative to introduce himself, and the content of the speech was exactly the same as in the original computer game.

Sure enough, at the end of the conversation with Ankara, the nuns released the task.

It is the task of destroying the evil creatures in the evil cave of [Blood Wasteland], exactly the same as in the memories of the past.

A red button holographic projection appears on the left side of Sun Fei's field of view.

He tried to think about it, opened the button, and found no choice, and had to accept the task.

"Premier Ankara, can I know more about this?"

Sun Fei worked hard to organize the language.

He wants to try this npc with no personal wisdom, and hopes to get the clues of why he will come to this strange world from the nun's mouth.

"Young adventurers, you have to complete the tasks you have accepted before you have the right to know what you want to know..."

Ankara’s answer shocked Sun Fei.

This sentence is definitely not in the computer games of previous life...that is to say, the npc inside is very likely to have its own wisdom, not just a rigid computer program and story promoter like in computer games.

Sun Fei also wants to ask a lot, but he has turned to enter the tent.

Sun Fei found himself blocked by a strange force, could not get close to the tent within one meter, tried several times, and he finally decided to give up.

"It seems that I have to finish the task first..."

After a series of trials [Rogge Camp], several other npcs suffered a closed door, and Sun Fei hesitated to walk out of the gate of the [Rogge Camp] and walked through the stone bridge guarded by a female Rogge. He finally set foot on it. The monsters are crowded and the crisis is full of blood.

Just at this time - "Please pay attention!! The player Sun Fei, you have entered the first trial site [Blood Wasteland], killing monsters will get unexpected rewards... and if you can not complete the received tasks The punishment you will accept will be unprecedented, hahahaha!"

It was the voice that suddenly appeared in Sun Fei’s mind.

Because the speed of speech is too fast, Sun Fei only heard the first few words. When it came to the back, this mysterious voice said something. Sun Fei didn’t remember it at all. But the last one laughed and laughed. Sun Fei felt that it was full of gloating. The meaning of the game, compared with the previous indifference, it seems full of human touch.

Three hours later.


An axe hacked the twentieth low-level monster [hard-haired mouse], a milky white light column suddenly descended from the sky, shrouded Sun Fei... "Upgraded again!"

This situation is not the first time, Sun Fei is not strange.

In the milky white light shroud, the sun and the beasts are all comfortable.

Surrounded by the beam of light, two or three seconds before the **** wounds caused by the killing of the monsters, under the shower of the white light column, disappeared rapidly at the speed of the naked eye, a magical power spread The whole body, this feeling is just as fascinating as it is when it is ****.

After four or five seconds, the white light column disappeared.

In Sun Fei’s field of vision, a dark red button [new character status] and [new skill point] appeared on the left and right sides. This is the reward after the upgrade.

Sun Fei thought of a move, first opened the [new character status].

For each level, you will get 5 rewards to change your physique. Sun Fei has almost no thoughts. He added 3 points [power] 2 points [physical strength] and used all 5 points.

Then click the [New Skill Point] button to add the 1 point skill obtained after the upgrade to the option of 'Dominate the Axe'.

At this time, Sun Fei has already trained the barbarian role to level 5. In the past several upgrades, the 5 points of physical strength each time have been basically added to the [power] and [physical strength]. And before and after the total of 5 points of skill points, Sun Fei chose to add 3 points to [dominated axe], 2 points added to the shouting skills [Hurricane] above.

The reason why this is added is because this realistic world is completely different from computer games.

As a player, Sun Fei found that he was injured in the process of slashing with the monster. After the injury, he not only lost the 'health value', but also felt 100% pain.

What needs to be explained is that in this world, every monster is so realistic, they are simply a living life, not a computer program or source code. When it falls, it is sharp, howling, gushing blood, The splashing of the fleshy foam and the thick **** blood spurred Sun Fei's fragile nerves all the time.
