MTL - Half Immortal-Chapter 83 School of Death (End)

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"Don't worry about the punishment order, save people!!"

Yan Wei didn't finish his words, Yan Mingguang didn't even look at Yan Wei's actions, he turned around and ran in the direction of Lin Zhen. Even though Yu Feizhou was covered in blood like Lin Zhen, he still stumbled and stood up, the dagger in his hand was already out of his hand.

Lin Zhen, Yu Feizhou and Yan Mingguang shot at almost the same time!

At that moment, it hit He Luo, causing He Luo to take a step back.

The time difference gave Yu Feizhou time to get up and run over. He quickly supported Lin Zhen and said, "Are you okay? How can you still have the strength to fight—"

He paused.

Lin Zhen, who was acting neatly just now, has passed out.

On the other side, the moment Qian Xuanxuan and the starving ghost each got a punishment order, a player yelled: "Yanwei, you are crazy!!"

Yan Wei chuckled lightly: "It's not that I'm crazy, it's me..." He turned his head to look at He Luo, who had a horrified expression, with a calm tone, "It's me who won."

His next sentence was to the ghosts: "Take an eye for an eye, go find the person you really want to take revenge on."

All the ghosts made deafening shouts at this moment, and the eerie and harsh ghost howls swayed back and forth in the grove, stimulating people's nerves.

But Qian Xuanxuan and the starving ghost were faster than him!

The feeling is even scarier than before. But they did not attack the player, but rushed towards He Luo.

He Luo didn't have time to leave at all, Qian Xuanxuan's hand grabbed his head instantly, and the starving ghost who rushed over roared, sharp, blood-stained teeth fiercely Biting He Luo's shoulder!

When all the players were stunned, Yan Mingguang withdrew his long whip, stood up straight, and was cold and lonely. He turned his head and looked at Yan Wei not far or near. The moonlight outlines his profile, and also reflects the faint smile he showed to Yan Wei.

Yan Wei smiled back and said silently, "I guessed it right."

In this dungeon, the layout of ghosts starts from the appearance of Luo He. But the concealment and deception in this are not He Luo concealing his identity and pretending to be Luo He, but another layer of disguise. The identity of this ghost disguised is not Luo He...

What is his disguised identity?

He is nowhere.

From the moment he appeared, he was guiding them, making them all acquiesce that this copy was actually a game between a good ghost and a bad ghost. After that, he showed Yan Wei some of the past of He Luo and Qian Xuanxuan, constantly emphasizing how compelled he was, trying to convince everyone that he was that good ghost, but after Yan Wei saw through it, he simply stopped pretending. Deal with players as a villain.

This also invisibly establishes the initial hypothesis: two ghosts, one good and the other bad.

Only at this time, in the eyes of Yan Wei and others, the good ghost who reminded the player and was suppressed by the bad ghost became Qian Xuanxuan, and the bad ghost was naturally "He Luo".

It is precisely because of this subconscious impression that is constantly deepened by "He Luo" that they have never thought about it from beginning to end. In fact, the identity of the ghost on this campus has been wrong.

There are three NPCs that are not ordinary ghosts. One is the one who was suppressed badly, but secretly reminded the player Qian Xuanxuan, the other was a starving ghost who was locked in a warehouse and starved to death, and continued to eat people after death—that is, the real He Luo, and the other was the This bad ghost who has been appearing in front of them and disguised as He Luo - Tang Yizhuo.

"He Luo" is Tang Yizhuo, the starving ghost is the real He Luo.

The good and the bad guesses are right, but the ghosts are the opposite.

When Yan Wei came to this conclusion, all the things that were amiss were clear from the clouds, revealing their most fundamental source.

From the beginning to the end, they actually lacked a very direct premise - that is, they have never seen He Luo and Tang Yizhuo in the retrospective fantasy.

In the beginning of He Luo's retrospective, after Yan Wei entered, he has been watching the progress from the main perspective of the owner of retrospective illusion, and the dormitory and bathroom of Chenxi High School have no mirrors, so he In fact, he has never seen the face of "own"—that is, He Luo's face.

At first, he and Yan Mingguang thought that the faces of those people were not important, but now that they think about it, they just blurred it out deliberately. Tang Yizhuo, an important person, also has few strokes in the retrospective, and he has no face at all.

The real Tang Yizhuo suppressed the other ghosts in Chenxi High School and controlled these retrospective illusions. Naturally, he could also deliberately blur the pictures that they did not want them to see, and even put together two different retrospectives , giving them a half-truth. The truth and the false are mixed together, constantly misleading them.

In fact, apart from the mirror and the face they hadn't seen Tang Yizhuo's face, there are many details. For example, this Tang Yizhuo who pretended to be He Luo, every time he appeared in front of them, no matter how embarrassed he was, he would subconsciously organize his school uniform and pay great attention to his appearance. Instead, it was the starving ghost they thought was Tang Yizhuo at first. It is casually draped on the body, and the collar of the school uniform even has traces of water pen drawing.

—Tang Yizhuo is a rigorous and well-bred noble boy, the student council president who pays the most attention to image and the first in the grade. He Luo is a sloppy poor student.

And in He Luo's retrospective fantasy, whether He Luo is writing or brushing his teeth, he is left-handed - He Luo is left-handed. The first time Yan Wei saw the starving ghost, he saw bite marks on the right hand of the starving ghost. It was the mark left by the ghost biting his own flesh and blood when he was starving to the extreme before starving to death. He won't bite his usual hand, because if he wants to survive, he also needs to slap and knock on the door with his left hand. He bit his right hand, indicating that this starving ghost is someone who doesn't use his right hand very often.

These insignificant but unchangeable details are the key to recognizing the identities of these ghosts. But at the beginning, Tang Yizhuo used such a treacherous deception to turn them to the wrong point.

This is a game in the middle, "He Luo" pretending to be Luo He is the first layer of disguise, and Tang Yizhuo pretending to be He Luo is the deepest layer of disguise.

The opposing ghosts are not Qian Xuanxuan and He Luo, the two really opposing each other are Tang Yizhuo and He Luo and Qian Xuanxuan. Tang Yizhuo wanted Qian Xuanxuan and He Luo to disappear completely, so that they had no constraints on this campus, so whether they exchanged the punishment sheet for Lin Zhen, or they gave up Lin Zhen and directly destroyed the punishment sheet, what disappeared. Luo and Qian Xuanxuan both won Tang Yizhuo.

In the mournful ghost cry, Tang Yizhuo's painful cries echoed in the woods, he was being eaten by Qian Xuanxuan, He Luo and other ghosts bit by bit. Even so, Tang Yizhuo's unwilling roar was still mixed with his screams: "I didn't lose! Ahhh-I didn't lose! I didn't lose!!"

Yan Mingguang walked slowly to Yan Wei's side and looked at him silently.

These changes were only for a moment, and everyone almost didn't react. They were still in a state of tension, and they were all gasping for breath.

Gao Ming took a few deep breaths before he recovered, and asked in a dazed way, "What the **** is going on here?"

"He Luo is the ghost who starved to death. We thought this He Luo was Tang Yizhuo," Yan Wei said, "The real way to break the situation is to return the punishment order to Qian Xuanxuan He Luo and let them Get rid of the **** and release all the grievances, so that you can seek revenge on Tang Yizhuo."

Yan Wei looked at the ghosts who were biting together in front of him, and methodically told the truth that he had sorted out.

What they knew was right at first. Tang Yizhuo's family adopted Qian Xuanxuan He Luo, but Tang Yizhuo was a sanctimonious hypocrite. On the surface, he was humble and polite, but he actually did a lot of tricks, and even convicted He Luo and Qian Xuanxuan. Over time, He Luo and Qian Xuanxuan were bullied on campus, and finally collapsed completely, and decided to take revenge on those who bullied them.

But they are still too naive.

The so-called secret revenge they thought was actually seen by Tang Yizhuo, who was familiar with all this. Tang Yizhuo let them take revenge on other students, and even went to the back, Tang Yizhuo hid in the dark and watched them kill one after another.

But just looking at it, Tang Yizhuo, who has always been a psychopath, is not satisfied. Seeing that Qian Xuanxuan and He Luo had begun to regret, Tang Yizhuo decided to kill them. He first asked He Luo to change his duty time and let He Luo do the sweeping work, and then when He Luo finished his duty and returned to the dormitory warehouse to put the broom, he starved to death in the warehouse on the second floor. Later, on the weekend, Tang Yizhuo invited Qian Xuanxuan to the rooftop, mocked Qian Xuanxuan, and told Qian Xuanxuan that he actually saw all the things she did.

At that time, Qian Xuanxuan and Tang Yizhuo had already regretted tearing their face on the spot, and the two had an argument. Tang Yizhuo did not expect that Qian Xuanxuan was not the one who was resigned, submissive, and dared not scold people in person. Qian Xuanxuan, during the dispute, Qian Xuanxuan simply burned all the jade and stone, dragged Tang Yizhuo and fell off the top floor of the dormitory together.

High school copy.

He Luo and Qian Xuanxuan couldn't fight Tang Yizhuo before they died, and they were suppressed by him after their death. They couldn't even communicate with the player and say anything related to the truth. But Tang Yizhuo could only control the campus to a certain extent, and could not kill the resentful He Luo and Qian Xuanxuan. He knew that the last two punishment orders for He Luo and Qian Xuanxuan's expulsion were He Luo and Qian Xuanxuan's biggest grievance. Only when the punishment orders were destroyed, He Luo and Qian Xuanxuan's grievances had no medium to rely on. dissipated.

So Tang Yizhuo used other "students" - that is, players - to get the punishment order. Yan Wei is designing him, and he is also designing Yan Wei. Yan Wei is leading him out, and he is also leading Yan Wei to "discover" his "He Luo".

After being "discovered", he used He Luo and his own backtrack to spell a new backtrack for Yan Wei and Yan Mingguang to see. In that retrospective, the clips of being bullied on campus and taking revenge with Qian Xuanxuan belonged to He Luo, but the clips of peeping at the corner where Qian Xuanxuan killed, arguing with Qian Xuanxuan and falling off the roof are It belongs to Tang Yizhuo himself.

This combined retrospective gave Yan Wei and the others a story that was half true and false, and made the players completely believe that destroying the punishment order is the way to eliminate him as a bad ghost.

In the end, he set up this game, holding Lin Zhen outside the grove and waiting for Yan Wei to come out with the punishment order. In fact, Tang Yizhuo wanted to destroy the punishment order.

If Yan Wei didn't see this point just now, whether it is to exchange the punishment order for Lin Zhen, so that Tang Yizhuo can get the punishment order and destroy it, or he directly destroys the punishment order, the final solution He Luo and Qian Xuanxuan dissipated completely. Tang Yizhuo completely controlled the entire campus and killed all the students.

Their opponent was not a starving ghost who could only eat people from the very beginning, but Tang Yizhuo who put two layers of disguise on himself.

After Yan Wei finished speaking, above the dark sky, the stairs that almost merged with the darkness have slowly extended out.

Yu Feizhou was already very weak under the influence of various injuries on his body, but after Yan Wei finished speaking, he still exclaimed: "This is indeed an exquisite game, but it is a pity that Tang Yizhuo's opponent is you. "

Yan Wei said, "It's us."

Zhou Tian is still a little confused: "It turns out that this is the truth... But Yan Wei, I remember, at the beginning, you said that you deliberately did not look for school uniforms, deliberately did some dangerous actions, and wanted to attract The good ghost who is willing to help the player's side come out, but in the end it is this Tang Yizhuo who is deliberately deceived... Is the game you set up to fail?"

Yan Wei shook his head: "No, there is no failure, He Luo has lost his mind, but he has been reminding the players that Qian Xuanxuan was actually led out by us. It's just that she is too hidden and weak in front of Tang Yizhuo. , so that our eyes have been on Tang Yizhuo, and we have not noticed her at all."

Zhou Tian was surprised: "She was brought out? When?"

Yan Wei looked at Yu Feizhou, raised his hand, spread it out, and said, "I remember, in the morning, Lin Zhen threw you the book he used to draw female ghosts at night?"

Yu Feizhou was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: "Yes, he said he was tired of painting and wanted to throw it away, I thought it was unnecessary and brought it here—" He paused, suddenly understood what was coming, and immediately He took out the book from the black ring and put it on Yan Wei's open palm.

Yan Wei took it, and in front of everyone, spread out the book that Lin Zhen had drawn before.

The first page was painted by Lin Zhen on the first night. At that time, Lin Zhen painted for the first time, and the paintings were nondescript, except that this thing was a personal thing, and nothing was obvious. Yan Wei was still a little interested the first time, so he glanced at it and saw nothing.

The second page was painted the next night, Lin Zhen said, it was still the female ghost sitting on the table. But Yanwei had the impression of the first day. Although Lin Zhen said that the painting was better, he had no hope for this person's painting skills, and he didn't even look at it.

At this moment, the second page was opened, and a much better portrait than the first page was presented in front of everyone.

It was a female ghost sitting at the desk, looking sideways at them. Her long hair is shawl, her head is broken, her face is full of blood, and her eyebrows and eyes that are not covered by her hair can already be seen - exactly the same as Qian Xuanxuan they just saw.

Yan Mingguang said indifferently: "She has been here long ago."

Yan Wei closed the book, handed it back to Yu Feizhou, and added, "I came twice."

As soon as Yan Wei's voice fell, Tang Yizhuo, who had been devoured by thousands of fierce ghosts, completely lost his voice - he was torn to shreds by the ghosts that he had directly and indirectly killed.

The last moment he was suppressing all the ghosts aloof, but at this moment, in his shrill screams, he watched himself torn to pieces little by little.

The black ladder also completely fell to the ground at this moment, and the players who were still alive scrambled to climb up. Lin Zhen was seriously injured, and Yu Feizhou didn't hesitate at all, and quickly walked up the stairs with Lin Zhen on his back, followed by Zhou Tian and Gao Ming. The figures around him passed by Yan Wei one by one, but Yan Wei did not lift his foot immediately.

Yan Mingguang stood beside him, raised his hand, and patted his shoulder silently.

He looked forward, in the darkness filled with ghosts, the ghost with long hair and shawl slowly turned her head that was torn apart. She looked at Yan Wei with her all-white eyes, and a smile slowly appeared on her **** face.

Yan Wei saw her mouth clearly: "Thank you."

She should have done it. It's just that he woke up too late, and he paid the price.

The person who harmed them was Tang Yizhuo from beginning to end. It was Tang Yizhuo who buried the small evils of others, and made these small evils pile up into big evils.

An eye for an eye is the most direct truth, but it is also the most difficult courage to achieve.

Yan Wei looked at her, watching Qian Xuanxuan and He Luo follow the black stairs, slowly dissipating together with these ghosts, he sighed and smiled at Qian Xuanxuan from afar a moment.

Yan Mingguang looked back and just said, "Let's go."

Yan Wei chuckled, turned around, and walked up the stairs slowly.