MTL - Half Immortal-Chapter 85 "forty nine."

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Before Lin Zhen opened the door, Yan Wei had already chatted with Lin Qing.

Lin Qing obviously knew Yan Wei very well before, although the atmosphere between the two was still a little subtle when they first entered the door, but soon after Lin Qing sat down, he was quite relaxed —Although his expression was still serious.

Yan Wei threw the toothpick and played with the only swallow coin he had left.

Will Lin Qing know why he was missing for three years?

Yan Wei's eyes turned slightly, speechless.

Lin Qing sat up straight and didn't take the fruit on the plate, she just looked at Yan Wei for a while and said, "...Where have you been during this time?"

Yan Wei raised her eyebrows: "How do I know?"

Lin Qing was taken aback.

"Do I look like I know a lot?" Yan Wei flipped a coin in his hand, his voice was clear and leisurely, "If I knew a lot, it wouldn't be you coming to me now, Instead, I went to find you."

This is actually something that Yan Wei is more curious about.

The memory has been missing for three years, it may be amnesia, or it may be the formatting situation that Lin Zhen once told him. But these two situations, no matter which one it is, will leave some traces on the memory level of a person's brain to some extent.

This kind of trace is the subconscious mind left deep in the brain. In the case of frequent contact with familiar things, there is a high possibility that some fragments will be evoked. Lin Qing, Yan Mingguang, the familiar moon wheel, and even the familiar aura of dungeons, these have been stimulating his senses and memory continuously during this period of time. But he had no impression of anything else except for the fragments that flashed through Yan Mingguang in his dream.

There is no memory of that.

This feeling... as if the three-year memory he had been missing had been taken out completely.

But this is not quite right - he will still dream of some clips with Yan Mingguang.

Yan Wei's fingertips gently groped the edge of the coin, and thoughtfully said: "Let's put it this way, I don't know anything about me except that I have lost three years of memory. I know. It's good news for me that you came to me, it means that I still have former acquaintances to ask." He temporarily pressed things related to Yan Mingguang.

Lin Qing nodded quickly.

This second-in-command of the Xuanniao, who was resolute in front of other players, was sitting in a precarious position at the moment, waiting for Yan Wei's inquiry with a solemn face. They didn't say a few words between them, and Yan Wei's strength at the moment was far from Lin Qing's, but just sitting face to face like this, the two of them naturally dominated by Yan Wei.

This does not even need to be pointed out, nor does it need any memory, but a habit that has been engraved in the bones.

Yan Wei asked: "...How did we meet?"

"The lower level dungeon, you robbed me of the best, but gave me the reward items. I was an orphan, before I entered the building... I had a bad life, and I was crushed by traffickers every day when I was a child. Begging on the side of the road," Lin Qing said, with a trace of imperceptible nostalgia on her face, her voice was still steady, "so I don't really believe in the emotions between people - I thought you had a purpose at the time, and I tried it out with you. A few back and forth, and then…”

Lin Qing didn't say it, but Yan Wei understood.

"Oh, we don't know each other."


"The black bird is mine." It is not a question, but an affirmation.

Lin Qing nodded again.

"How many floors did I board at that time?"


Yan Wei played with the coin for a while, blinked, and then asked, "Can you tell me about the three years I've been missing?"

Lin Qing, who had answered without hesitation, now showed a hesitant expression and said, "Are you sure you want me to tell you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Actually, before you entered the dungeon on the ninety-ninth floor, you told me something that I thought was inexplicable at the time. You told me that if you didn't go out this time, I would later If I see you in the building, I can come to you, but don't tell you anything. Except for this, I can listen to you. "

Yan Wei was startled.

This is clearly... He knew at the time that he might have come from a dungeon! ?

His amber-clear eyes flashed a rare daze at this moment - what was he thinking about three years ago? He had already presupposed that when he met Lin Qing after he came back, he would ask about his past memories? Since he had already anticipated that he might come back, why didn't he leave any clues to his new self, and let everything develop naturally? What about Yan Mingguang? What kind of role does Yan Mingguang play in this?

"Actually, I don't know what happened after you entered the ninety-ninth floor dungeon. Even if I say it, it may be better than nothing for you. So if you have to know—"

"No, I don't have to know. I believe in myself, whether it's me before or me now, I make decisions. The person who knows me best in this world is me, Since I made this decision before, don't tell me about my previous memory."

"You are still you, nothing has changed."

Yan Wei suddenly, Lin Qing continued: "Actually...with your previous explanation, I didn't intend to come to you. But I think you got you back in the copy. The moon wheel that was scattered in the high-level dungeon before is still missing a shard. It should be the last shard that is needed, so I came to you. After your dungeon ended last night, all the senior management of the organization received news from Lou— The next competitive dungeon to compete for organization resources will be opened, and each organization has four places to enter the competitive dungeon, in addition to the old rules of allocating resources according to the final ranking, there is also an additional reward for the first place.”

Yan Wei's thoughts were pulled back, he frowned slightly: "The last fragment of the moon wheel?"

"The number of legendary items is limited, and most of the people on the bright side know where they are, and there is only one that is scattered into pieces."

It can only be a fragment of the moon wheel.

"Does this competitive instance have anything to do with me?"

Lin Qing shook her head.

Yan Wei felt even more strange.

"I can guess that the moon wheel is related to the former me, but why is the last shard in a new competitive copy that has nothing to do with me? The moon wheel is scattered in the former high-level copy In the dungeon, after the high-level dungeon was broken, the moon wheel also scattered with the energy of the high-level dungeon, and finally condensed into a new dungeon, which is the death school dungeon. According to the situation in the death school dungeon, the five fragments just correspond to the limbs and the head, There is no shortage of one, but the last shard has become the reward for the first place in the competitive dungeon...?"

Lin Qingdao: "The nineteenth floor is too low. It is very likely that Lou felt that it was too unbalanced for you to get the complete legendary item on the nineteenth floor, and took the initiative to adjust it."

“How many layers of the competitive copy?”


"Are you lame? Twenty-nine or thirty-nine are forty-nine."

"It's forty-nine. There are ninety-nine floors in total, and forty-nine is a layer that connects the top and the bottom. The number of floors above, the player starts to attack the high-rise, and the number of floors below is not enough. It is one of thousands of ordinary players. The competitive copy of each round is on the forty-ninth floor, because it represents the backbone of each organization."



Yan Wei: "...Just kidding me."

"Don't worry, Xuanniao will definitely go all out for this fragment. You don't have to go in in person, I can arrange for seed players on the forty-eighth floor—"

"Click-", the door of the apartment was gently pushed open.

Lin Zhen, who was smiling wickedly, moved for a while, his eyes met Lin Qing who turned his head, and the smile suddenly solidified on his face.


The door was closed again by Lin Zhen.

Even Yan Wei, who was in the living room, heard this guy shouting "Fuck! My brother!" from outside the door.

Yan Wei glanced at Lin Qing.

Lin Qing retracted her gaze and turned to look at Yan Wei.

"...What a coincidence? What a fate."

"I've caused you trouble." Lin Qing's expression remained still, his expression was still stern, his dark eyes were dark, and he shouted without wavering, "Come in."

The next moment, Lin Zhen immediately pushed the door again and entered again, his eyes wandering, completely without the arrogance he had with Yan Wei and others before. Beside him, Yu Feizhou came in with a big cake box, his eyes were quite indescribable.

Lin Zhen said, "Why are you here?"

Yan Wei said without hesitation, "Lin Qing came to invite me to become a seed player of Xuan Niao."

Lin Qing glanced at Yan Wei and immediately understood what Yan Wei meant. He didn't mention anything he had talked about before, as if Yan Wei was really a dark horse player who had not been in the building for a long time, and said indifferently: "Well, Xuanniao needs a seed player who has the potential to enter the competitive book recently."

"Then how did you know that Yan Wei lives here? I never gave you the location of Yan Wei's house."

Lin Qing's expression remained the same, her eyes were gloomy and gloomy, and she said, "If I need you to tell me, I will be in vain after so many floors."

Lin Zhen opened his mouth and was about to reply, Yan Wei's eyes had already fallen on Yu Feizhou who silently put down the cake box. He said casually, "Didn't I just come to prepare the things for the party? Why do you still take the initiative to bring things."

He said, got up and walked to the cake box.

Yu Feizhou raised his hand, but hesitated for a moment whether to stop or not, Yan Wei had already reached out and opened the cake box.

The air suddenly solidified.

In ten minutes.

Lin Zhen stood upright at the door against the wall, with an apple on his head, and a red and swollen packet appeared on his forehead. Yu Feizhou sighed helplessly on the side, holding the ice pack he just made in his hand, and lighting it on the bag on Lin Zhen's forehead one by one.

, can you not punish me in such an elementary school way?"

Lin Qing took a sip of juice and said nothing.

Yan Wei chuckled and placed the food for the party for a while. He was relaxed and casual on the surface, but his mind was still full of thoughts, and he was constantly thinking about the information that the person just knew.

This unknown made him feel very uneasy.

As if something was hidden in the dark and dangerously buried under the calm, there were invisible eyes spying on him in the dark.

The thing that can make him, who is just one floor short of the last floor, lose all his memories... What would it be? Will it be... again?

Everything was covered with a thick layer of gauze, and he only pulled away a slight corner.

Not long after, Zhou Tian and Gao Ming also came. Although the two of them didn't know Lin Qing, they had also seen Lin Qing's record in the copy of the Endless Stone Stele, and they were almost scared to death when they saw it for the first time.

After Yan Wei dealt with Zhou Tian and Gao Ming according to the previous rhetoric against Lin Zhenyu Feizhou, Yan Mingguang arrived.

The man put on his pure black short jacket, his silver hair complemented his indifferent temperament, and the silver-rimmed glasses added a third of gentleness. He walked into the door with an air as cold as a pine tree, and the rest of the people moved subconsciously.

Lin Qing also turned her head, her eyes moved slightly, and said, "This one is the day?"

Yan Wei blinked, his Adam's apple rolled slightly, and he didn't speak for the first time.

When Fang Caiyanwei and Lin Qing were alone, they deliberately didn't mention Yan Mingguang, just wanted to see what was the first reaction of Yan Mingguang and Yan Mingguang when Yan Mingguang came. Yan Mingguang obviously knows more than him, but he doesn't seem to want to talk to him about anything. He can't show that he knows a lot to make Yan Mingguang vigilant. It's best to use this method to test the relationship between Yan Mingguang and him before.

But at this moment, Lin Qing was already looking at him, obviously waiting for Yan Wei to be the middleman to introduce her. And Yan Mingguang's expression was as indifferent as always, and he couldn't see any waves.

Lin Qing does not know Yan Mingguang.

Lin Qing did not know Yan Mingguang.

I knew him from the low level, and even Lin Qing, who probably grew up with him, didn't know Yan Mingguang, the only one who appeared in the memory fragments he dreamed.

Read My Life Can Be Infinitely Simulated