MTL - Hao is Also a Kind of Life-~ One hundred and ninety: Bai Shuangshuang who has nowhere to seek justice

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I don't know how long it took, Bai Shuangshuang woke up from her lethargy, looking at the gorgeous decoration around her, and the completely unfamiliar environment, she turned over and wanted to sit up, but this movement made her wrinkle tightly. brow.

Feeling the pain coming, Bai Shuangshuang lifted the quilt and looked at the bed sheet uncertainly, and sure enough...

Bai Shuangshuang froze there, the last memory remained in her mind, it was Zhou Yuan's eyes full of strange eyes.

"Zhou Yuan, I won't let you go!"

Bai Shuangshuang gritted her teeth and swore fiercely that she would definitely tear this person into pieces.

"Who will you not let go?"

At this time, a voice full of joy came.

Let go of it, even though they only met once, Bai Shuangshuang still has some impressions of this man.

"It's you! Why are you here?"

Bai Shuangshuang said in surprise.

He thought that this man and Zhou Yuan were in the same boat.

"Why am I here, this is my home, otherwise where would I be?"

Lu Feng smiled casually.

Then he threw the clothes he bought according to Bai Shuangshuang's size on the bed:

"Put on your clothes, it's ten o'clock, you should go home."

"your home?"

Bai Shuangshuang said angrily:

"Where's Zhou Yuan?"

Even if he is physically inconvenient now, Bai Shuangshuang will bite off a piece of meat when he sees that beast, although this can't wash away his humiliation.

"Zhou Yuan, there's no such thing as Zhou Yuan. I brought you back last night."

Lu Feng shook his head.


Bai Shuangshuang was stunned, and looked at Lu Feng in a daze.

Then, there was a monstrous anger that went up the chain and shouted:

"Then why are you doing this to me!"

"I saved you, of course I have to get paid."

"Unfortunately, no cash was found on you."

"And I don't like your little money. The only thing that interests me is..."

What it was, Lu Feng didn't say it clearly.

Bai Shuangshuang also understands that even though she is only a freshman in college, she is not stupid. In this society, there are few people who are so stupid that they don't understand anything, especially those who often go out to hang out with friends.

"May I have your name?"

Bai Shuangshuang bit her lip, looked down at the quilt, and asked.

"Lu Feng, why, do you want your father to trouble me?"

Lu Feng said amusedly.

"Lu Feng, right? I remember you."

Bai Shuangshuang's voice was cold.

"You remember me, but I may not remember you."

Lu Feng smiled casually.

After speaking, he walked out of the room without looking back.

Seeing Lu Feng's leaving figure, Bai Shuangshuang's eyes shed tears of regret. She regretted not listening to her parents' advice, and wandering around outside day and night. A ghost, or a pervert.

Suddenly remembered something, Bai Shuangshuang didn't care about the pain on her body, quickly put on her clothes and ran out of the room.

Seeing Lu Feng walking downstairs in the living room drinking tea, and a beautiful and mature woman reading a book, Bai Shuangshuang ran down and asked eagerly:

"Where is my Uncle Zhao?"


Lu Feng responded concisely.


Hearing that Uncle Zhao was in the hospital, Bai Shuangshuang breathed a sigh of relief, as long as nothing happened.

At this moment, it seemed that Uncle Zhao's safety was more important than what she had lost.

"Lu Feng, I won't let you go."

After receiving the confirmed news, Bai Shuangshuang rushed to the hospital to see his Uncle Zhao.

When she reached the door, she turned her head, glanced at Lu Feng with cold and complicated eyes, put down a harsh word, and left.

Sitting in the taxi heading to the city hospital, Bai Shuangshuang tried hard to recall what happened yesterday, but she could only vaguely think of something.

In my memory, I still impatiently pulled Lu Feng and did some indescribable things.

Putting down the resentment towards Lu Feng, the taxi arrived at the hospital, and Bai Shuangshuang hurriedly asked about the ward where Uncle Zhao was.

In the white-toned ward, Uncle Zhao was lying on the hospital bed with a needle inserted into his body, and his condition did not look very optimistic.

Tears flowed down again indisputably.

I sat in the ward for a long time and said a lot of things I regretted.

Back home, Bai Shuangshuang unexpectedly saw the person she least wanted to see in her home.

"What are you doing at my house?"

Bai Shuang pointed at Lu Feng and shouted angrily.

"Your home? Now everything here belongs to me."

Looking at Bai Shuangshuang's face that became more attractive because of anger, or because she matured a little overnight, she is now more charming than before.

"Everything is yours, this is my home, you are not welcome here, get out!"

Bai Shuangshuang said sharply.

"Shuangshuang, don't make trouble!"

Faced with his daughter's unreasonable troubles, Bai Weiguo couldn't bear to lose face.

"Shuang Shuang, you go back to your room first, your father and Mr. Lu have something to discuss."

The virtuous and gentle mother came over and took Bai Shuangshuang's little hand.

But she was thrown away by Bai Shuangshuang. She looked at her parents with some disappointment, held back the tears that were about to flow, and ran directly upstairs to her room.

"Mr. Lu laughed."

Bai Weiguo was a little embarrassed and adjusted the atmosphere.

"It's normal for girls to lose their temper."

Lu Feng said it was fine, he knew it was all because of himself.

Of course, to be precise, it can no longer be called a girl, but a woman.

"President Lu, what about the funding?"

What Bai Weiguo cares about most is money, so that those comrades who have been confirmed dead should be compensated.

Although no amount of money can save a life, at least it can make the life of the family better.

After communicating with Lu Feng yesterday, and discussing it with his wife when he returned home, Bai Weiguo finally made a choice to sell the entire company to Lu Feng and take away all the assets under his name.

Therefore, what Lu Feng said just now was not wrong, from the moment Bai Weiguo signed his name, this villa really belonged to him.

Of course, after the acquisition agreement, there is also a signing contract, which is to hire Bai Weiguo as the general manager of Changsheng he is still in charge, his identity has changed, from a boss to a wage earner.

This is also a matter of no choice. From the time the news came, he asked for help from all parties, but those former partners who were affectionate with each other were useless when they encountered problems. He wanted to go to the bank for a loan, but also because there was not enough assets as collateral, and there are many difficulties.

"It will arrive in a few days."

Lu Feng responded.

Hearing this sentence, Lu Shengnan who didn't say a word raised his mind a little, wondering if Lu Feng would let him handle this matter.

"Mr. Lu, thank you so much."

After the matter was finalized, Bai Weiguo looked excited.


Lu Feng smiled and waved his hands, but his eyes drifted to the direction where Bai Shuangshuang left on the second floor.