MTL - Harry Potter and the Badger Who Can’t Magic-Chapter 68 Ways to hurt Auston

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"The Philosopher's Stone! You even know the Philosopher's Stone!" Quirrell drew his wand and pointed at Auston, his eyes gleaming viciously.

"Quirinas!" the voice in the big scarf urged, "We don't have time to waste here, get rid of him quickly."

"Yes... yes, my master."

Quirrell turned to look at Auston, with a cruel smile on his face,

"I'm so sorry, young man. You know too much. Please believe that as a professor, I am very reluctant to let me kill my students. However, my master's orders cannot be disobeyed!"

He took two quick steps back and pointed his wand at Auston.

"Avada Kedavra!"

A green light shot out from his wand and pointed directly at Auston's head...

"Right... I'm sorry, my master, I have never been able to use your profound black magic." Looking at Auston's still shining black eyes, Quirrell apologized to the master behind his head with a crying voice.

"Get out of the way, Quirinus, I'll talk to him," said the voice behind his head,

"But... but, my master, you are even weaker now..."

"I still have the strength to say a few words, Quirinus!" Before Quirrell could finish speaking, the voice interrupted him sternly.

"Yes... yes" Quirrell agreed tremblingly.

Afterwards, he turned his back to Auston, and circled around his turban.

Auston gasped. Although he was prepared, the other face in Quirrell's turban still made him nauseous. The wrinkled face was on the back of Quirrell's head. There are also two fishnet marks on it.

Quirrell walked backwards, his face a little closer to Auston.

"Let me see, my little friend, I just noticed that your Professor Quirrell isn't one of those first-year dolls who can't cast a spell. What on earth is there to hold him back? magic." Voldemort's greasy voice gave Auston goosebumps.

Although he knew that Voldemort's magic couldn't hurt him, he still tried his best to shrink back, his wrinkled face showing a weird smile.

"You should know that your life-threatening curse can't kill me." Auston said boldly.

"Yeah," Voldemort smiled, cracking his shriveled mouth, "but, you know. Boy, there are countless ways I could kill you without magic."

Quirrell stretched his hand to Auston's robe, fumbled for a while, and pulled out the goblin dagger tightly in his hand.

"Like... use it." Voldemort raised an eyebrow that didn't exist at all.

"It's a really good sharp sword. Let me guess, where did you get it." He studied the short sword carefully.

"It turns out that you are also a restless child," Voldemort saw the origin of the sword at a glance, "Borgimbok store is not a place for children like you to go, this should be the goods there." He said, "I think I saw this sword when I was working for Mr. Borgin."

Voldemort no longer looked at the sword, but stared at Auston with snake-like eyes.

"Let's guess, will this sword, like Quirinus' spell, have no effect on you at all,"

The sharp blade slashed Auston's robe.

"Or... it will make your skin rip." Voldemort smiled falsely, and he looked at Auston's terrified face with enjoyment.

Voldemort took two steps back

"Come on, I've never tried to kill someone without a wand." Voldemort exclaimed excitedly,

"Should I stab your heart first, stomach first, or your limbs?"

He swung the dagger at Auston like a test dart, and Auston immediately closed his eyes in fright.

"Haha! Quirinus, did you see it! He's scared!" Voldemort laughed loudly at him,

"Then I'll give you a treat."

He put away the smirk on his face, aimed at Auston's chest with his dagger, and threw it hard.

At this moment, Auston closed his eyes tightly, and he deeply resented himself for being nosy. If he didn't intervene in Harry Potter's affairs in the first place, he would not have become a thorn in the side of Voldemort and Quirrell! In the end it became a sad cannon fodder.

It's a pity that he has only lived in this world for eleven years, and he has not yet said goodbye to his relatives.

He could well imagine how saddened Mr. and Mrs. Brown would be to hear of his death, especially Mr. Brown, who was deeply remorseful for letting Auston go to Hogwarts.

And Qian Qian, the little blond beauty who had been inseparable with him before school, although they didn't see much time after school, he knew that his sister had always loved him.

And Hermione, he remembered the intoxicating scent of fruit on her soft brown hair, and the dance that night in the observatory.

And Delphi! Thinking of her, Auston's heart aches, UU reading www. never solved the misunderstanding with her, and at the last moment he realized how much he missed her.

no! Can't just die like this, there's still too much to do! There are too many regrets not made up!

Auston told himself so, he closed his eyes tightly, leaned forcefully, and fell to the ground against the wall.

There was a sharp pain in the shoulder.

The dagger slid deep into his shoulders through the fishing net.

"No!" A shout came from the door!

Auston endured the pain and looked up, and the person standing at the door was Delphi, whom he had always dreamed of. He stared at her with his mouth open in astonishment.

She kicked the door just now, panting heavily, her messy bangs were slightly moist on her forehead.

"Delphie! Why are you here!" Auston couldn't care about the pain in his arm, he shouted to her loudly, "Go! It's dangerous here!"

As if she hadn't heard Auston's voice, she walked quickly and stood in front of him,

"Didn't you promise me not to hurt him!" She asked Voldemort angrily.

"Don't talk to me like that, little girl. You know our premise is that you're going to kill the Potter boy. Is your mission accomplished!" Voldemort said to Delphi sullenly.

Auston tried to sway from side to side, trying to break free from the fishing net on his body. He felt that Voldemort must now want to give Delphi a death curse.

"As I said, I will definitely kill him! As long as you don't move Auston Brown." Delphi was not at all afraid of Voldemort's terrifying face.

"Really?" Voldemort stared at her with snakelike eyes, "but... I have to kill him, this boy has a strange ability that might be my biggest resistance. You know, I never have trouble. ."
