MTL - Harry Potter and the Badger Who Can’t Magic-Chapter 98 the destined man

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Auston kept falling, and the oncoming heat was getting hotter and hotter.

"Roar—" Another roar of unknown animal came from below.

During the fall, Auston carefully protected his face, the wind below made him unable to open his eyes.

Before he could clearly see the things around him, suddenly, a heat wave under his feet held him firmly.

Above the heat wave, Auston gradually stabilized his figure before he had time to look at everything around him.

The air that dragged him under his feet seemed to have no substance, and Auston stepped on it carefully, feeling like he was stepping on cotton.

Through the air under his feet, Auston saw golden red streams flowing through the bottom of the valley about 20 to 30 meters away from his feet. , but red, revealing golden magma, and the light at the bottom of the cave is also derived from these magmas.

The lava was bubbling hot from time to time, and Auston could hear the gurgling sound below.

He raised his head and faced a pair of huge golden eyes with golden lines around them.

Auston dodged back slightly, only then did he see the owner of those eyes - a red giant dragon with golden lines wrapped around his body.

The golden threads on the dragon's body are intertwined, and the red scales are like red iron armor. The most eye-catching is the pair of wings on the back of the dragon, burning with golden flames.

"Hello, immune."

The dragon suddenly spoke, and the hot wind it brought out made Auston's hair stand up.

"It's finally time for you,"

"Wait for me?" Auston was incredulous.

"Yes, Bob and I have been here for fifteen hundred years, waiting for the arrival of an immune person."


"Yes," the dragon tried his best to control his tone, so as not to blow on Auston again. I wonder if Auston saw it wrong. He actually saw kindness in the dragon's scary big eyes.

"Aren't you incapable of casting magic?" the dragon asked

Auston took out his wand in his arms,

"Yeah, but am I not a Squib." He looked down at his wand.

"Hahaha, the squib doesn't react at all to the damage of the spell. Isn't it, kid." The dragon laughed slightly, and it looked at Auston with interest.

Then he said, "Don't you believe you have special abilities?"

As he spoke, a whirlwind spit out from his mouth, and the whirlwind brushed against Auston's face. Aston tried to stabilize himself, the whirlwind swept over him directly and hit the cliff behind him.

Boom! With a sound, the mountain wall hit by the whirlwind collapsed instantly. Auston was surprised.

"This is?"

"This is the wind that destroys magic. Look, aren't you still intact?" The dragon said with a smile

"This is the strength of an immune person. Although they cannot cast magic, they will not be injured by magic."

After listening to it, Auston nodded,

"Then why are you waiting here for an immunized person for a thousand years? What's the use of waiting for me." Auston expressed the doubts in his heart.

"Hehe, what a good question." Julong said, "I have been thinking about how I should tell my story to the person I have been waiting for."

The giant dragon raised its huge head, as if in remembrance

"Me and Bob, Bob is the tree above. We were put into the bottom of the valley by a young promising wizard fifteen hundred years ago, just to wait for the arrival of an immune person. At that time, the wizarding world Just experienced a turmoil, the king at that time ordered to start hunting wizards because his queen was killed by an evil wizard. During that period, wizards had to hide in the mountains to avoid the pursuit. It was really a period of time. Dark times." With that said, the dragon narrowed his eyes and gradually fell into memory.

"In order to save the wizards, the wizard who brought us to the bottom had to hide his strength, became the mentor and friend of the king's son, gained the prince's trust, and quietly used his magic to help the prince overcome all kinds of difficulties, and finally helped the prince. Only after the prince ascended the throne did he reveal his identity to the prince. The young emperor who had just ascended the throne was grateful for the kindness of his mentor and the friendship of his friends before he ordered the lifting of the ban and treated the wizard kindly. This young wizard later created the brilliance of the wizarding world."

Saying that, he looked down at Auston and continued.

"And now, maybe it is similar to that time, darkness is coming, and today, many years after that young wizard made the divination, the wizarding world will usher in a lot of turmoil. At this time, a righteous wizard is also needed. Like him, stand up and resist the darkness. And you," the dragon paused, "is the one destined."

Auston has roughly guessed what he meant by the dark period. There was indeed a dark period after Voldemort's resurrection. Many wizards became his minions, and many wizards died under his claws.

"Mr. Long, I'm not sure if you're looking for the wrong person, but I know I'm by no means the destined me think about it," Auston laughed, "the destined person is probably now He's doing errands at his aunt's house."

"Little guy, you have to admit that individual heroism has never been the best way to save the world." The dragon looked at him with deep meaning and said seriously,

"Under personal heroism, someone has to make sacrifices, even their lives, in order to fulfill his heroism."

"So your purpose is to save those who have been sacrificed through me, and how can you be sure that people are willing to accept my rescue." Thinking of Dumbledore, Auston saved a goosebump. One wanted to fulfill the heroism of others. The man actually even counted his own death into it.

"Ignorant human beings always think that what they consider for others must be the best, and you, I don't need you to do too much, as long as you can protect the people you want to protect."

"If you say that, I'm not sure if you've really lived at the bottom of the valley for a thousand years, as if you know the situation." Auston teased.

"Hehe, I was also driven by that great wizard, and it's not a problem to learn a little divination, and, through divination, I also know that you were framed and fell into the valley, and if you don't agree to me If I ask, I can only stay with me at the bottom of the valley for the rest of my life." The dragon said half threat and half persuasion.

"This should be known without divination," Do I have the right to choose? Auston rolled his eyes inwardly.

"I really want to protect the person I want to protect, but you know that although I'm not hurt by magic, I can't cast magic either. This wand is a useless stick in my hand, how could it be possible to accomplish your mission. "

The giant dragon stretched out its claws to hold Auston up, looking directly at him with golden eyes,

"As long as you agree, everything will be fine."