MTL - Harry Potter: Hello the Dark Lord-v3 Chapter 192 Really smart!

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La Morocco's phantom horse stepped on, and the spear in his hand stabbed straight ahead. This charge was unstoppable, and a dazzling cold light flashed on the tip of the spear. Qin Weijie was about to take action when the bearded man surnamed Palul rushed out first, with his wand flying over and a two-meter iron shield blocking Qin Weijie's face. It's a pity that under the shadow of the knight that is nearly ten meters tall, the shield of only two meters is a little powerless. The knight's phantom spear pierces the iron shield. Clang! A bang of gold and iron. The bearded man's iron shield did not hold on for even a second under the impact of the spear, and was overturned by the spear in a blink of an eye. Seeing that the bearded man was severely injured, the eyes of the two brothers who had made friends with him were split, and he couldn't help but summon two shields again to block Qin Weijie's side. The knight's phantom charge continued unabated, the spear pierced through both shields again, and the two brothers flew out backwards, spraying a blood mist in the air. Seeing this scene, someone wanted to step forward to block, but Qin Weijie waved his hand behind him. "Spiritual officer protects the altar!" Qin Weijie snorted softly, the profound altar under his feet rose, and a slightly transparent phantom instantly appeared behind him. Step on the hot wheel, hold the golden seal on the left, and hold the golden whip on the right. This is Qin Weijie's strongest body protection method. Qin Weijie does not want to confront the phantom of the knight heroic spirit. Qin Weijie has self-knowledge, and he is not good at defense. It's just that there are Tom, Emma, ​​and more than a dozen innocent Aurors behind Qin Weijie. Qin Weijie didn't need to worry about the lives of the dozen or so Aurors. After all, he had given them a chance to leave before the war, but Qin Weijie was still a little unbearable at the critical moment. These Aurors are innocent people, and they never hurt themselves from beginning to end. Everything is obeying orders. Watching them die, Qin Weijie still finds it hard to pass the test in his heart. The most important thing is that Tom and Emma are also behind him. Qin Weijie knows that he can't retreat, so he can only face it and give Tom and Emma a chance to escape. However, Qin Weijie also underestimated it in his heart. He wondered if he could stand it this time... From the experience of using the 'Spiritual Officer's Body Protection Altar', the so-called strongest body protection mystery will always be used after a blow. Broken, it is estimated that this time it will not be much better. Qin Weijie smiled wryly and signaled to Tom to evacuate the rest of the people quickly. Tom was not pretentious, and took the lead in pulling Emma to the side to dodge. After making sure that he and Emma were in no way, he cast the Flying Curse and fainted to disperse the dozen or so absent-minded Aurors behind Qin Weijie. Not to mention the critical moment, or Tom is more aware of current affairs. This guy is a natural hero. Compared with Qin Weijie, Tom has no extra emotions to pity those innocent Aurors. Tom's first reaction was to save himself and his close friends. As for saving others, it was just a bonus. If you have time, you can save it. If you don't have time, I'm sorry friends, let's have your destiny! The words were divided into two parts. Tom and Emma had just retreated, and the long spear of the knight's heroic spirit phantom had even reached Qin Weijie's whole body to maintain the altar. It didn't take a moment for the altar to show signs of collapse, and the momentum of the knight's phantom did not stop in the slightest. The cold light at the tip of the spear was dazzling, and a little bit of brilliance broke through Qin Weijie's defense like countless small sharp knives. Qin Weijie was ruthless in his heart, and directly used magic power to fuse with Xuan Qi. The power of this fusion energy is amazing, but the burden on the body is too great. Under normal circumstances, Qin Weijie is reluctant to use it too much. With the fusion of magic power, the mysterious light of the altar can be blocked, but Qin Weijie also knows that this is still not a long-term solution. Even if the two energies are combined with his own power, he can only block it for one more second at most. time. Taking advantage of the gap, Qin Weijie looked back with his peripheral vision. Tom has taken Emma out of the range of the knight's rush, but those Aurors are still immersed in the shock of the phantom of the knight's heroic spirit. "Fuck, Tom's grandson... Really nima smart! After a long time, I'm a bit of a **** white lotus!" Qin Weijie bitterly murmured, and finally decided to buy some time for the guys behind him. "Netherworld Change!" With an angry shout, Qin Weijie's body lingered with dark green brilliance, Qin Weijie's image also underwent a huge change, his hair became sticky octopus tentacles, and a few tentacles hung down from his chin. The originally white face gradually turned gray. The gills of the fish appeared on his neck. The change in body shape has also increased the height a lot. The left arm has become an octopus tentacle covered with suckers, and the right hand has not changed much except that the color has become blue-gray and the fingers are bloated like foam. This is Qin Weijie's form of inspiring the power of the ghosts in his body to display the form of 'Netherworld Transformation', UU reading www. The power of the ghost is inherited from Kraken, so when it is used, there will be some octopus phenomenon. Especially after the "Nether Transformation" is used, Qin Weijie will become a monster that is half octopus and half human. For Qin Weijie's honor at this time, you can refer to the image of Captain Octopus Davy Jones... It is because this kind of change is too ugly, so Qin Weijie is rarely used... No, he basically does not use it! Although Nether Transformation is ugly, it has to be said that Nether Transformation's bonus to Qin Weijie's strength is also hard to ignore, especially the bonus to Qin Weijie's body is enough to make Qin Weijie endure the ferocity of the fusion of the three energies. The fusion of the three energies of magic power, mysterious power, and nether power, the phantom of the spiritual officer on the altar was condensed a lot again, and the phantom of the knight's heroic spirit actually blocked a little. Where the two phantoms clashed, the elements rioted, the wind swept through, and the ground sank a bit. It's a pity that this kind of confrontation lasted only less than three seconds. The spear tip of the knight's heroic spirit was shining brightly. Qin Weijie faintly heard the unanimous shout of the forty cavalry. Directly pierced the phantom of the spirit official. Qin Weijie's body protection altar instantly shattered into energy particles, and the heroic knight's momentum continued. Looking closely, the heroic knights rushed across and left a deep ravine. A few unlucky **** who had no time to escape were crushed into mud, and the only eight or nine Aurors left on both sides of the gully looked shocked. Looking at the phantom of the knight heroic spirit like a god, everyone has lost their desire to fight at this moment. Looking at Qin Weijie's previous position, there was only a pool of rotten flesh and blood left, as if Qin Weijie had been crushed to death by a heavy cavalry.