MTL - Harry Potter’s Book of Sin-Chapter 5 Olivander in doubt

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Harry Potter's purchase of the wand took a long time. It wasn't until the tried wands piled up on a bench that he found a suitable one. In the middle Harry even broke a light color because the wand was out of control. Vase.

Maca watched at the moment the star of Harry's wand in Venus's wand was shining like a firework, and a flickering light spot was projecting on the wall.

Hagrid clapped his hands and applauded, Mr. Olivander shouted, "Oh, great! Oh, really, that's great. Whoops, whoops, whoops ... it's amazing, it's amazing ..."

He packed Harry's wand in a box, wrapped it in a piece of brown oily paper, and kept saying "wonderful" in his mouth.

"I'm sorry," Harry said, "what makes you wonder?"

Mr. Oliver stared at Harry with his pale, colorless eyes.

"I remember every wand I sold, Mr. Potter. I remember every wand. In fact, it is-two tail feathers of the same phoenix, one made this wand and the other The tail feather made another wand. "

利 Olivander paused and continued: "You are destined to use this wand, and its brother ... heh, it is the brother who has given you the scar."

Harry took a breath.

"Yes, thirteen inches and a half long, yew. How can such a thing happen, it is amazing. Remember, it is the magic wand to choose a wizard! I think you will accomplish a great cause, Mr. Potter ... Anyway, the mysterious man I couldn't nominate did the big thing--though terrible, it was a big thing. "

Harryton was creepy. He wasn't sure if he liked this Mr. Olivend, but he paid seven Jingalons to buy this wand that seemed to have deep roots in him.

"Yes, all right," Olivander nodded, looking at Maca with his sharp eyes, "Mr. McLean, it's your turn, please come and let me see."

"I'm used to my right hand." Maca had already looked at the process, and immediately began to take measurements with Olivier.

The tape measure automatically pulled away and floated on Maca's body, from shoulder to fingertips, from wrist to elbow, shoulder to floor, knee to armpit, and finally measured his head circumference.

Even if I have already seen it, Maca still can't figure out what these measurement steps do.

The tape measure was on the side, and Olivander continued to say, "Yes, yes, as I said just now, every Olivander wand is unique. If you use another witch's wand, the effect is It will definitely be discounted! Always keep in mind-it is the wand that is choosing the wizard. "

Finally, when the tape measure floated in front of Maca and measured the distance between his nostrils, he felt that he had not experienced such a silly scene for a long time.

"Okay," Olivander's voice didn't fall, and the tape measure slipped to the ground and rolled into a ball. "So, Mr. McLean, try this one! Maple and dragon ear nerves. Ten inches long, sensitive , Slender and powerful. You give it a try. "

Maca took it and waved it gently, the soft red light flashed on the head of the staff.

"Oh! Yes, I didn't think it would go so smoothly ..." Olivander said suddenly and stopped. "Wait, try this one. Boxwood, unicorn hair, nine and three-quarters of an inch, the same Sensitive but more determined. "

Macal froze, then lowered the wand in his hand to take another hand he had handed.

I don't know if the waving posture is different or for other reasons, a little golden light appeared from the head of the staff this time, and a sacred breath spread out.

"What, what happened?" Olivander seemed to see something incredible, and his sharp eyes were full of doubts, "or else, try this one again?"

又 He took another box from the shelf behind him, "Rosewood, a dragon's heart cord, fourteen and a quarter inches long, hard, strong, and powerful."

His choice this time seems to be completely opposite to the previous two, which makes Maca more confused.

Maca took the slightly purple-red wand and waved it again, a fiery red light flew from the tip of the wand, overturning the shelf behind Olivander on the ground, and issued a loud roar.

The four who were present were shocked, but Ollivander lost his thoughts again after being frightened.

Maka, Hagrid, Harry, look at me, I look at you, and I don't know what happened. Seeing Mr. Olivander's silence, they all stayed wisely, without disturbing his thinking as much as possible.

In the magic world, wand science is always a very complex research discipline, and few can make wands. At this moment, with the exception of Mr. Olivander, I am afraid that the second person who has a thorough knowledge of the magic wand will not be found throughout the entire diagonal lane.

"I don't understand, I really don't understand," Olivander suddenly raised his head again, and yelled at Maca, "Each of the wands on the bench is picked up and waved, fast!

Maka looked at the wand that Harry had put after Harry tried it before, and looked back at the shelf behind Olivander.

"But sir, that shelf ..."

"It's okay, it's okay, leave it alone, just wave it."

Seeing that everyone was not concerned about the consequences, Maca naturally had no psychological burden, and immediately picked up his wand and waved one by one. For a moment, the light, smoke, wand boxes, and even shelves ran into the store with the wand in Maca's hand, messing up the entire Ollivander Wand Store.

"Okay, okay." Olivander hurriedly asked Maca to stop, then looked at his hand, doubtful expression revealed, "I don't understand, it doesn't make sense at all, every wand fits perfectly? What's this? may?"

What even Oliver couldn't figure out, Maca was naturally confused. In the end, in Mr. Olivander's reluctant eyes, Maca chose a wand with the biggest noise that had just occurred, and left with Hagrid and Harry. The house had almost become a dump. Magic wand shop.

I came out from Olivander, and the three checked the list and bought everything one by one. When they reached the end of the road, Maca looked at the Patel Crucible Store and remembered something.

哦 "Oh, no! I had an appointment with Mrs. Weasley at the Crucible Shop, and it was awful."

"Is Mrs. Weasley?" Hagrid heard and looked into the crucible shop. "Don't worry, I saw her. You haven't missed it yet."

Maca looked at Hagrid, and said "God, you are so tall" again in my heart, and then I said something to them, and squeezed in the direction of the crucible shop.

It was almost noon, and there were more people in Diagon Alley than in the morning, which was a bit breathless.

"Mrs. Weasley, hello ..."

Maca managed to get to Mrs. Weasley and Ron, and was interrupted before she could finish speaking.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I thought you were back!" Mrs. Weasley didn't seem angry, but started to apologize. "Ron's rat got into the garden hole and was chased by the goblin. We came late ... "

Ron took the bitter face and said: "Then my mother trained me again and said that I didn't take care of the spots, but you know ..."

行 "Okay! This is obviously your problem. Don't make excuses!" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed angrily.

When Maca saw that Mrs. Weasley was about to start her preaching again, she had to start talking, "Oh, Mrs. Weasley, I don't think that's okay. In fact, I met Hagrid when I went to the Gringotts to withdraw money, Oh, and Harry Potter. "

Mrs. Weasley came to God immediately when she heard the name, of course, Maca had expected it.

买 After buying the crucible here, Maca's shopping journey finally came to an end. To be honest, he was a little tired and paralyzed, but he still had to carry a lot of things to go forward, although Ron had helped him a lot.

"Marka, just give me something, and I'll mention it for you, too," said Mrs. Weasley.

"No, this is absolutely not possible, how can a lady carry things!" Maca insisted.

This sentence made Mrs. Weasley very happy. UU read a book She snatched the owl cage in Maka's hand and smiled on her face. "Oh! Little Maka, you can really speak .I'm sure you will be fascinated by a lot of girls in the future. "

The real unmarried young girls are harder to coax than you, Maca muttered in her heart.

By mid-July, the weather in Britain was as mild as ever, but it was always cloudy and sunny, and it still made people feel a sense of weakness.

To be honest, Maca didn't want to live in Weasley's house, but ended up living in the humble for a few days.

Until next month, he finally left there, rented a room upstairs at the Broken Cauldron Bar, and stayed until Hogwarts's school date.

During this time, Maca devoted her time to the preview of magic textbooks. He found that he was quite interested in this interesting knowledge, although he still felt that the content of the book "Theory of Magic" was somewhat paradoxical.

"... So, how did this formula come about?" Marka said anxiously, staring at a magic formula in the book.

In the process of reading and memorizing, he found that many of the key magic theories in this book have an obvious feature, that is, the author never explains the source of its formula, which is really a maca heartbreaking Find.

"Knowing it but not knowing why, is magic theory actually the accumulation of the experience of every generation of wizards since ancient times?" He moaned painfully.

However, in the last month or so, in addition to boring magic knowledge, a small episode actually occurred. Of course, to me, this is not suitable to say now, because today is the last day of August and tomorrow is September 1. Hogwarts is about to start school!