MTL - Harry Potter’s Morning Light-Chapter 2636 Wind and Flowers (15)

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   Chapter 2636 Wind and Flowers (fifteen)

   There is a potion material called bloodroot, which comes from North America and is one of the ingredients for beautiful potions in Europe.

It is poisonous in itself and cannot be taken internally, only externally. Appropriate use can be used to remove warts on the skin. However, excessive use can damage the skin. It can be purchased at Mrs. Primpernie's Beauty Potion in Diagon Alley. , Her beauty potion can not only remove warts, but also freckle and acne problems.

  This medicinal herb is not as treasured as Rem's blood and can be found everywhere in North America. It blooms as a white flower in mid- to late summer, and the double petals fall off after pollination, at which point the plant goes dormant. It has a well-developed root system that forms a large root mass after years of growth, and in autumn, when the rhizomes are plucked, a blood-like red sap will flow out. The natives of North America used it as a dye, so it was also called Indian red. In addition, the warriors will be blessed with this red paint by the shaman of the tribe or themselves before setting out.

   The Appalachian Mountains is a collective name for many mountains in eastern North America. The first colonists to reach North America settled east of the mountains. It was the domain of the Wapanong and the Narragans at the time, and after the founding of Ifamoni College, they were joined by two boys of the Narragan tribe and a mother and daughter of the Wapanong, who wished to use their magic The technique of swapping wands.

   In fact, bloodroot has other uses. It is used in certain rituals like ayahuasca. The colonists had just arrived in the New World. Facing this wilderness, the aborigines taught them how to survive. They even brought food and held banquets with guests from afar. The exchange of gifts is a form of reciprocity and is a well-known basis for building military and political alliances. The cooking utensils, guns and clothes brought by the Europeans were actually liked by the aborigines. The aborigines were not monolithic, and there were conflicts with each other. Alliances with the colonists could achieve necessary political goals. However, the economic independence of the Americans determined the fate of the aborigines. In the early 19th century, due to the demand for cotton in the British Industrial Revolution, the earliest development area was limited to the canal from the inland to the Atlantic Ocean. When the gold rush began and the railway across North America was built, This is the beginning of the "westward migration" of the aborigines.

The    refusal to relocate was the determination of the Natives to stick to their land and way of life, but President Jackson undoubtedly believed that the interests of the United States of America took precedence over tribal sovereignty. Missionaries and government officials at the time used the same, fixed standards to speculate on Native Americans, and even though they had no anthropological knowledge west of the Appalachians to support their assumptions, they did not believe that Native Americans cultivated land, only They lived a life of fishing and hunting, so many colonists believed that every American bison killed was equivalent to one less "Indian".

   In short, the American bison and the Rem cattle that lived with the bison were thus extinct, and only some anatomical specimens were left at the Ifamoni College.

   There are also some aboriginal people who have chosen to surrender, and have brought civilization and redemption to the tribe through the public welfare sector. They adjusted and adapted to new forms of agriculture, became wealthy, and became "mirrors" of Americans. Recognition of the leader's leadership within the tribe changed from a war leader to a "diplomat," and the ability to gain U.S.-sanctioned sovereign status and negotiate with Americans was an essential element of the leader.

   But tensions within the tribe intensified, with Aboriginal women being the main agricultural producers, who grew corn, beans and pumpkins, and men who hunted. But Jeffersonian farming required men to be farmers and women to be housewives, a move some tribal elders believed would seriously disrupt the balance between the sexes, turning reciprocity between the sexes into self-preservation.

  Pomona was satisfied with her partnership with Severus when dealing with the Chamber of Secrets, but that didn't mean she was satisfied with his attitude now.

If it was before, Severus told Cedric about the opportunity to arrange an internship with the Minister of Magic, Pomona might not believe it, but now with his relationship with Lucius Malfoy, arrange an intern and It's not difficult.

   So he waited to a place where no one was there, and as soon as he let go, Pomona took out his wand and aimed it at him.

   "What do you want to do?" he said in a deep voice.

   "This is the question I asked you." She said indifferently.

   He looked like he had come to his senses from some kind of rage.

   "Have you practiced black magic?" Pomona asked, she knew that some black magic required extreme emotions, and it was not something that could be adjusted in a while.

   He did not answer.

   "Albus asked you to meditate, you..."

   "I'm fine!" he suddenly yelled at her.

   At this time, she remembered what the yoga master said: Life can be poisoned, just because of a wrong thought or a wrong emotion, or a wrong outlook on life for you.

Severus said something he shouldn't have said to Lily in fifth grade, and they parted ways from their childhood friendship, and while he seemed calm and in control most of the time, he did sometimes get out of control, though Pomona didn't. He understood what was bothering him, and it was clearly fine in Diagon Alley not long ago.

  Pomona can't be like a 16-year-old girl, even though his temper is like a fire now, she can feel it from that distance.

   "Thank you for your kindness, but I think Cedric has the right to choose what's good for him," Pomona said.

   "What does a kid know?"

   "Amos Diggory is now a clerk at the Ministry of Magic, but his ancestors had a Minister of Magic..."

   "You're all idiots, Hufflepuff," he interrupted rudely.

  Pomona wasn't angry, and lo and behold, Slytherin, whose interests are the most important, is teaching Huffpuff, whose interests are unimportant, what is "right".

   "We may not have wisdom, but we have self-knowledge," Pomona said.

   He looked like he wanted to retort.

"Don't forget Phoebe and Joey, when the whole school thinks you did it, they choose to believe you." Pomona said before he spoke, "I told Cedric Gold about the eyes, too. You will deceive yourself, don't use your immediate interests to distinguish your friends and foes."

   "I thought you'd heard that when the opportunity is in front of you, those who don't know how to give it a shot are doomed to be mediocre."

   "Hard work is above all else, this is Cedric's choice, a Hufflepuff's choice, please respect his choice." Pomona said.

  There is an asana in yoga called tree pose, which requires standing on one foot, making it difficult for beginners to maintain stability and balance.

  Yoga masters say that the "energy" should be concentrated on the spine, and the joints should be relaxed, not tense. It is a variation from Mountain Pose. When Pomona practices this movement by himself, imagine himself as a tree, and his heart will become very peaceful.

   There are many talented losers in this world. Severus once went the wrong way. To achieve what he is now, in addition to knowing how to correct his mistakes in time, he also needed the protection of Albus.

   "You don't have to be jealous of Cedric," Pomona said. "He's not like you."

   "Why is it different?" he asked immediately.

   Pomona thought he had guessed the "key."

   "He's not as good at potions as you are."

   "You think I'm jealous of his talent?" Severus asked in disbelief.

   Isn't it?

   She didn't know if this sentence was spoken or not, anyway, Snape seemed to have heard a joke and left after laughing.

   is really gone, he Apparates away from Smith's house instead of going back to "socializing" again.

   As soon as he disappeared, she felt that the huge pressure disappeared, and then she felt that she had lost her strength and could not even stand.

   (end of this chapter)