MTL - He is From Great Sea of Stars-Chapter 166 PickPickPick i

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In this world, Lu Nan harbors a bigger secret than anyone else.

and an equally huge secret wish.

But this wish was completely shattered when the team was about to disband when it was almost a year after their debut.

She saw Huo Xingchao and Zhiqian together.

It was Huo Xingchao's birthday that day, and she also attended through her relationship with a senior sister from the company.

Their group debuted for a year, because it is the first time in history that they have combined in such a form, and they belong to the cultivated idol with the most die-hard fans. Therefore, during this year, the popularity has been very high, and the number of fans has been increasing.

Although it is definitely incomparable with some of the hot group seniors, such as XVII, but in terms of her obscure and law-abiding life in her previous life, she is now a level that she could not imagine or reach.

But it was because she reached a height that she had never reached before, so her thoughts and even her desires changed.

In this world, for a star-chasing girl, what could be more dreamy than falling in love with an idol?

But as soon as Lu Nan arrived at the clubhouse for the birthday party, and before the gifts were delivered, he found a person who was too familiar.

The little girl was holding a glass of something that she didn't know whether it was juice or wine, leaning on the bar and talking to Huo Xingchao.

After saying a few words, Wang Yingying shouted loudly from the side,

"Brother, you can't come yet, you won't come and kick you out!"

She laughed and waved at him. The man leaned down and kissed her before leaving with a wine glass and walking to Wang Yingxiong's crowd.

Well, Lu Nan recognized it at a glance, it was Zhi Qian.

When Zhiqian turned her head, her eyes just met her, the smile on her face subsided, she nodded lightly at her, and didn't mean to say anything, put down the cup, and chatted with another young lady.

Lu Nan felt a little stuck in his heart.

She didn't even know that Zhiqian and Huo Xingchao were in love.

Indeed, in this group, the relationship between her and Zhiqian is not good, not far or near, cold and indifferent, and there is almost no interaction.

Because Zhiqian doesn't like her, and she doesn't like Zhiqian either.

She once saw Zhiqian indifferently ignoring a little star who was crying and being pulled into the room. From then on, she understood that this girl not only didn't want to be so sweet on the surface, but was also very selfish inside.

Smiles and coquetry are just a means for her to gain fans.

It turned out that she and Huo Xingchao were together.

No wonder, since her debut, Zhiqian's resources seem to be a lot better than others. At first, she thought it was the privilege of the center, but now it seems... heh.

But she didn't understand why someone like Huo Xingchao liked such a hypocritical girl.


"I don't understand why you are doing this."

In the huge private room, there were only three people, Zhi Qian, Huo Xingchao, and Lu Nan.

The man propped up the table with one hand, knocking on and off, with a bit of indifference in his tone.

Opposite him, is Lu Nan, who lowered his eyes and said nothing.

As for Zhiqian, she doesn't know anything, frowns and looks confused.

Huo Xingchao actually knew for a long time that according to the original plot, Lu Nan would definitely target Zhiqian again.

But the most difficult thing to guard against in the world is people's hearts. Before the really important target has appeared, he can't care about the trivial matters between girls with Lu Nan.

It's ungracious and ugly, and it doesn't fit Captain Huo's personality.

Second, to suppress the plot before it reaches its climax will only make the final result even more uncontrollable.

After Bawangxing leaves, Huo Xingchao will completely lose control of the plot.

So tonight, he had been drinking with Wang Yingying by the door next to the corridor, and he could clearly see the small dispute over there where the drunk boss bullied the female model.

Wang Yingying wanted to go up to persuade at first, but was directly held down by Huo Xingchao.

He watched Lu Nan leave the girl who asked her for help, and immediately called Zhiqian.

"Hey, Zhiqian, my bag is on the sofa, and there are sanitary napkins in there, can you please help me with it, I'm in the toilet now, can't get out..."

Well, their relationship is normal, but after all, the same combination can pass by in terms of face.

Of course, it is impossible for Zhi Qian not to help this kind of urgent work.

Wang Yingxiong almost spit out the wine, his eyes fell on Lu Nan who was standing well at the corner of the corridor, his expression was a little surprised,

"What, what's the situation?"

"I do not know."

Huo Xingchao took a sip of wine, "Go and ask."


—And then, this is the situation of the tripartite talks.

Zhi Qian remained silent on the side, and after listening for a while, she finally understood the situation.

she frowned,

"What a mess."

In fact, when Lu Nan said the latter, his tone was a little excited. He was crying and confused, which made people feel tired.

"You said I didn't save her, so did you?"


The girl raised her head with red eyes and looked at her blankly.

Zhiqian felt a little angry,

"Could it be that I rushed to save people like this? Am I crazy? Do you think the bodyguard at the door of that room is a decoration?"


"What, you are sick, are you chasing the stars out of your mind?"

She couldn't help kicking the corner of the table, her voice full of anger,

"Yes, I didn't rush to save people at the time, but did you save them? What right do you have to say about me. In the end, the security guards will come to round the room, not because I asked someone to help, how about you? You will only hold justice. Is your flag shouting beside you?!"

"Lu Nan, are you really crazy? How much do I have a grudge against you? Did you come up with such a weird way to get revenge on me?"

"How did you guarantee that Huo Xingchao would pass by him at that time? What if he was one step earlier and I didn't realize that you came back first? Then how would you explain it to him? Or, if he was one step late, I would What if there was an accident and the man who was drunk and delirious was also taken away? How did it end? Have you ever thought about it?"

Zhi Qian lowered her head, took a deep breath, and kicked the corner of the table again.

"You really are crazy, crazy, crazy!"

"I'm leaving. I don't want to tell you these things here. Anyway, we will disband in a week. You can play with your own. Let's get together and break up."

She picked up her jacket, opened the door and walked out.

Even the back is full of anger.


Huo Xingchao glanced at Lu Nan, who was lost and seemed to be struck by the truth of the matter, raised his eyebrows slightly, stood up, and caught up with Zhi Qian who was walking to the door.

Leave her alone in the room to calm down.

Lu Nan, how to say it, is a bit like the heroine in previous dramas.

He has an overwhelming sense of justice for others, but is very unaware of his own actions.

It is difficult for you to tell her this kind of person, because she is not driven by interests, and she believes in her heart that everything she does is right, right, and is saving the world.

But this man is amazing.

Because if they don't have a "just cause", they won't take the initiative to harm a person.

For example, Lu Nan didn't have any bad intentions towards Zhiqian at first, just wanted Huo Xingchao to see her "true face".

However, her behavior was naive and clueless, which led to such serious consequences later.

In other words, if she knew that Zhiqian didn't stand idly by, and found that Huo Xingchao was not "deceived" by her at all, she would have no reason to go to Zhiqian anymore.

- This is the growth law of idol drama heroines.

Huo Xingchao didn't want to waste time dealing with a little girl like Lu Nan whose psychology and worldview were not yet mature.

He knew very well in his heart that the character of this girl, she could destroy herself without his actions.

For example, in the case of original songs, Lu Nan has won a lot of praise and attention for his "original" this year.

But she didn't know whether it was unscrupulous or innocent, which made Huo Xingchao a little suspicious. She didn't know at all. Many singers' songs were not recorded and released as soon as they were written.

For example, XVII, the new album just released last week, contains three songs that he wrote two years ago, but it has not yet been finalized.

So, she is really dying.

Jiang Yijing's song released at the beginning of next year, she actually dared to take it out at the end of this year.

When he heard it, Huo Xingchao wondered if she was crazy.

In the original plot, because of Zhiqian's accident, Lu Nan felt guilty, and after knowing the truth, he was hit hard, so he was not in the mood to copy the songs he heard in his previous life.

Later, her appearance and voice alone gave her a place in the circle.

But this time, Zhiqian didn't have an accident, and scolded her.

- Huo Xingchao is really uncertain.