MTL - He is From Great Sea of Stars-Chapter 93 you are drunk

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There is a reason why the devil Chen Tian appeared in this bamboo forest.

People all over the world say that on the top of Magpie Mountain and among the bamboo forests, there is a genius doctor who can heal the dead and the bones of the living.

When you are terminally ill, you will bow down under the Magpie Mountain. If you are sincere, there will be a child who will take you blindfolded into the forest.

When you return to the human world, there will be no pain at all, no different from ordinary people.

If Chen Tianmen is connected to the world's magic way.

Then there is a fairy forest in Magpie Mountain.

One east and one west, light and darkness are opposed.

Can be described as two levels of martial arts.

- The Demon Sect leader died of curiosity.

Just a few days ago, he was poisoned by the crane tube poison of the old woman of Emei, and he planned to go to Queshan to see the magical doctor sincerely.

He did not bow down to the bottom of the mountain like those terminally ill patients.

Instead, he stepped directly into the forest.

As soon as he entered the forest, the devil realized that something was wrong.

This is not a fairy forest, but it is just a profound formation.

The leader of the Demon Sect liked to study these side-by-sides since he was a child, and he walked and walked, but in the end he really made a way for him.

But when he finally entered the forest and saw the bamboo house, the crane tube poison in his body broke out.

He raised his eyebrows and looked at the stunned expression of the boy who made medicine at the door of the bamboo house.

She blinked, blinked again, then dropped the stick and ran inside, her voice panicking,

"Master, Master, here comes a big brother! Master!"

The bamboo curtain inside the house was lifted.

Slender hands, black hair and thin neck, no earlobes.

The Demon Sect leader thought for a while, then smiled and crushed the antidote in his palm.

At the last moment of falling into darkness, he heard a cold and cold female voice,



When he woke up again, there was still darkness in front of him.

But this darkness is slightly different.

He could feel a black cloth covering his eyes and his hands moving back and forth across his chest.

The fingertips are delicate, with a slight coolness, and gently brushed against the chest, dyed with an inexplicable hot feeling.

Then take a stitch.

He raised his eyebrows, his voice still carried the lazy and hoarseness of the early awakening,

"Who are you?"

The other party did not answer.

A needle is pierced into the body, and the hand is neat and simple.

It is completely different from the tenderness between the fingers.

He pursed his lips and smiled lightly,

"It's a girl."

Another needle, stuck in the wrist, stings slightly.

There was still silence all around.

It seemed that he was a little embarrassed to answer his own question.

The Demon Sect leader didn't care, lying on the bed, half-unclothed, with a casual smile on the corners of his lips, his tone was slow and ambiguous,

"With her willow-leaf eyebrows, apricot eyes, jade-like nose and cherry-like mouth, plus a little cinnabar mole between her eyebrows..."

He paused slightly and sighed,

"Only that wooden hairpin is not worthy of the beauty of the country and the city."

He read the words in the biographical novel, slightly changed, put it in this situation, but it just matched the appearance of the needle-wielding woman.

The little boy who was handing the handkerchief to the side couldn't help it, and asked curiously,

"Can you see?"

"It couldn't be clearer."

The man's tone was casual,

"My eyes are different from ordinary people. I can see things at night, and a mere black cloth is useless to me."

The little boy still couldn't believe it, stretched out his hand and shook it in front of him,

"Then tell me, what's the number?"

The Demon Sect leader chuckled, lazily,


"Master, he can really see!"

The boy screamed in surprise, and almost dropped the handkerchief on his hand.

Cheng Zhiyi plunged into the last needle with a light expression, and asked him,

"Are you from Chentianmen?"

ask this?

"How did the girl know?"

"The house number on your body, I have seen it on an old friend."

Her voice was calm,

"I saved your life, and as a reward, when you are healed, I want you to take me into the Heavenly Gate of Dust."

As the leader of a demon sect, it is easy to bring someone into the sect.

It's okay to make her a helmsman.


After Cheng Zhiyi left, the devil leaned on the bed and asked the child,

"As a genius doctor in the forest of gods, why did your master enter Chentianmen? That is a demon sect that everyone avoids."

Xiaotong is an orphan who was rescued by Cheng Zhiyi when he went down the mountain four years ago. He is less than five years old this year and has a very pure and sincere mind. This big brother is good-looking and gentle. She basically answers what questions she asks,

"Master is going to find someone to get married. A brother said before that he wanted to marry my master, but he didn't come back after a long walk. Master is looking for him."

"What's that person's name?"

The child's voice was crisp,

"My name is Jingjian. Big brother, have you seen him?"

The Demon Sect leader paused for a while.

I feel sorry for that woman.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, and found that he still couldn't move, so he spoke in a soft voice,

"Little sister, can you help me untie this black cloth?"


Xiaotong hesitated, "But they couldn't untie it before."

"They're them, I'm me, and I can see both left and right. The knot is tied at the back, jerk."

The little boy thought about it, it seemed so.

So he put down the veil obediently, stepped forward, and helped him untie the knot.

The light gradually fell into view.

In front of him is an elegant bamboo house, and there is a young and curious little girl.

He was lying on the bed looking at him.

The big eyes blinked, and he took out his hand and poked his face.

"Big brother, you look better than brother Jingjian."

She thought about it and smiled,

"Big brother, are all the people in Chentianmen so good-looking?"

Huo Xingchao raised his eyebrows and nodded,

"Yeah, especially our leader, it's pretty scary."

"That devil?"

The little girl was instantly frightened, shook her head, took two steps back, pulled her voice to refute him,

"They said he was horrible, cannibal."

She thought about it for a while, and added another sentence she didn't know she heard from the patient,

"He's cold-blooded."

The devil nodded, agreeing with her, "Yes."

"But since he is so terrifying, is it worth your master to take such a big risk for an untrustworthy man?"

"...But Brother Jingjian is also a good person."

The little boy sighed like an adult.

"When he first entered the forest, he fell to the ground just like your big brother, and was about to die."

"He can also play the piano, read poetry, know many, many stories, and can break grasshoppers..."

Children are pure and sincere, and their minds are clear.

And Huo Xingchao deliberately lured, throwing trap after trap.

Cheng Zhiyi didn't have to wait for a quarter of an hour to dispense the medicine. When she returned to the bamboo house, the little girl had already explained everything she knew, like pouring beans into a bamboo tube.

She frowned, looking at the scene in front of her.

The man was leaning on the bed with needles still stuck in his chest, but his expression was lazy and his eyes were smiling, lining the bamboo forest behind him, like a painting.

The little disciple was lying beside the bed, chatting excitedly,

"Brother Jingjian knows a lot, but he left a long time ago. Master is worried that he will die. If he dies, no one will marry my master..."

Cheng Zhiyi finally couldn't listen anymore.

The man noticed her gaze, curled his lips, but opened his mouth,

"I can take you to Chentianmen, and I can help you find Lin Jingjian directly. But you still have to help me heal someone."

The little disciple stopped talking, turned his head and saw his master, jumped off the stool quickly, stuck out his tongue,

"Master, I'm going to make medicine."

Cheng Zhiyi looked at him with a calm tone.

"I saved you, this is already a life."

Huo Xingchao was noncommittal.

"You just said let me take you into the Heavenly Dust Gate, but such a big sect is intricate and complicated. Even if you go in, you may not be able to find your sweetheart, and you may even lose yourself in it."


"You can rest assured. I just want you to help me heal her. Whether it is successful or not, I will help you find Lin Jingjian."

Cheng Zhiyi raised his eyes, and his eyes fell on him lightly, without a trace.

Outside the window is a green bamboo forest.

The dazzling sunlight fell on the bottom of the man's eyes and the bridge of his nose, making his brows more and more burning.

He curled his lips and opened his mouth slowly,

"You must know that the leader of the Demon Sect likes to drink human blood and strip human skins the most."

"It's cold-blooded."

"What if you don't meet Lin Jingjian and are eaten by him first?"
