MTL - Heads Up Hollywood-Chapter 15 A lifesaver!

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Post-production on Titanic went smoothly.

There are three reasons.

First, the division of labor between Cameron and Dunn is clear. Cameron is responsible for special effects and editing, and Dunn is responsible for dubbing, art, soundtrack and other related items.

Second, the special effects company "Digital Domain" is Cameron's company. The only task in recent years is "Titanic". Everything is ready. With Cameron in charge, it is naturally orderly.

Third, at this moment, the outside media's doubts about "Titanic" are getting louder and louder. It seems that everyone is sure that this movie will lose a lot, and the director Dunn is even more accusatory.

Although Tang En is young, he has established a very good authority and status in the three months of working on the crew. Almost everyone is willing to help him, willing to give everything and give Tang En justice!

He is not the **** of Xing Jin, he is a real capable director!

However, at this time, Dunn Walker and "Titanic" are at the cusp of the United States. Rao is the public relations of the crew and Fox Pictures, but this one-sided attack has not changed.

It wasn't until March, when Hollywood entered the Oscars season, that the popularity of "Titanic" gradually diminished.

The English Patient, directed by Anthony Minghella, became the biggest winner of the Oscars, winning seven awards in one fell swoop.

Cameron looked at the media's generous praise for "The British Patient", he put down the newspaper in his hand, and sighed with emotion.

Tang En couldn't help laughing and said, "Why, are you envious?"

Cameron glared at him, "Humph! You don't want to make a big statement in front of the media again, do you?"

"How come? Hehe..."

Dunn scratched his head, quite embarrassed. Cameron really put the words into his heart. He really wanted to accept another media interview and release the declaration that "Titanic" will sweep the Oscars next year, making this film a sensation again in the United States.

It's just...the sensational effect brought about by this hype method, from Fox Pictures to the crew members, all acted very cautiously, and even repeated public relations to refute rumors.

They were really afraid that Dunn would smash the signboard and ruin his image.

After all, this was in 1997, and the bottomless hype of later generations was unacceptable to film professionals at this time.

Since everyone has been against it, Dunn has no need to insist. Anyway, in more than two months, the movie will be released. No matter if Fox Pictures has no money, they have to spend tens of millions of publicity expenses, right?

"Is your work over there?"

"It's coming soon, noon tomorrow at the latest!" Dunn is very confident, "Celine Dion's song will definitely move the United States... No, it's the whole world! My heart is forever, and it will sing in every corner of the world! "

Cameron appreciates Dunn's always positive and optimistic attitude, "In this case, I am confident that the post-production of "Titanic" will be completely completed within this week!"

This time, Cameron did not break his promise.

Four days later, "Titanic" was officially released.

And just as the film was announced to be completed, Bill McNick, CEO of Fox Pictures, seemed to suddenly "wake up", worrying about gains and losses.

The boss with his eyes wide open, as if he saw a ghost during the day.

He didn't dare to think about it. In the past few months, he actually made such a big mistake, handing over a big investment blockbuster like "Titanic" to an 18-year-old child!

Bill McNick couldn't understand, how could he make such a ridiculous decision, and why? He doesn't understand!

"Grant, tell the truth, how did the movie go?" Bill McNick is very nervous now, he hasn't slept well for two days in a row.

Grant exclaimed, "Incomparable!"

"Unparalleled?" Bill McNick raised his eyebrows and was very dissatisfied with this answer. He didn't believe that an eighteen-year-old child could make a good movie.

Grant heard Bill McNick's question, and doubts arose in his heart, this old guy, won't he regret it? How long has it been, is there any use in regret?

"Bill, anyway, the movie has been made, and there is still a month and a half before the movie will be released! At this time, if you want the movie to sell well at the box office, you must work **** publicity!"

Grant's veiled hint that your life, Bill McNick, has been tied to "Titanic", and if the movie fails at the box office, your CEO position will definitely be lost!

Instead of taking the regret medicine at this time, it is better to give it a go. If you win, you will be killed. If you lose, can it be worse than being fired?

Bill McNick clearly understood what Grant meant, he pondered for a long time, his face was very ugly, "That little guy... He said that the box office guarantee is 1.8 billion?"

Grant said with a smile: "Yes, Dunn has never lacked confidence."

Bill McNick snorted, "Don't say 1.8 billion, even if it's $800 million at the box office, I'm satisfied!"

Grant nodded, "But at this time, what we need to do is not to dismantle, but to help. After all, we are all in the same boat, aren't we?"

"What's Jamie's evaluation?"



A bit of surprise finally flashed in Bill McNick's cloudy eyes.

He and James Cameron have known each other for many years. That stubborn lunatic often scoffs at some well-recognized classic blockbusters. When has he ever used such an amazing word?

Is this movie...

Bill McNick felt that his thinking couldn't keep up. "The internal preview is scheduled for tomorrow morning, and I will invite some people in the industry to come over."

Grant suddenly laughed, he understood that Bill McNick made a choice, and he would use his actions to prove his support for "Titanic".

This is enough. With the strong backing of the head of Fox Pictures, I believe that "Titanic" will enjoy the treatment of a prince in the days before its release.

After Grant left, Bill McNick made a phone call, "Immediately prepare 50 million funds to build momentum for "Titanic"!"

"Don't tell me this! I don't care how difficult you are, I just want to see the funds I need! Fifty million dollars, not a cent!"

"Fox Pictures has a unified voice, and we will spare no effort to support "Titanic"! I don't want to hear any objection!"

"Let Jamie cut out a two-minute highlight right away, UU reading Fox, NBC, ABC, CBS... mainstream TV stations, put it on me! Enough! I said, don't mention it to me Funding is difficult, and Fox Pictures can support it!"

"Inform Fox Television Network that during this period of time, all unnecessary commercial promotions will be pushed off. My goal is only one, and that is "Titanic"! Every kid in my family knows there's an unrivaled movie coming out in May - Titanic!"

Inside Fox Pictures, there was awe.

Co-Chairman and CEO Bill McNick's frantic series of actions shocked the entire Fox Film industry and dared not speak out.

The boss is already crazy, no one dares to come forward and seek death at such a time.

Tom Rothman naturally knows the reason for Bill McNick's madness, and he must want to seize the last chance to give it a shot, trying to use "Titanic" to save his position and power in Fox Pictures.

However, he was very at ease, and even had some expectations.

What kind of flowers can an eighteen-year-old child photograph?

The higher you stand, the harder you fall!

Tom Rothman seems to have seen the day Bill McNick walks away in dismay, and then he takes over the power of Fox.

As for the internal preview in the morning, he was not interested in attending it, but it was interesting to witness the moment when Bill McNick was humiliated by himself.

"Dawn Walker?"

There was a mocking smile on the corner of Tom Rothman's mouth. With a big arrogant mouth, even if he had a little ability, how many years would he be able to dance in Hollywood?

Bill McNick... really old.

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