MTL - Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor-Chapter 6655 Heart-pounding coercion!

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Chapter 6655 Heart-pounding coercion!

"It seems that those kinds of powers can't be perfectly integrated with his body!"

"This is a good thing for us!"

The local powerhouses looked at each other in dismay, their eyes shining brightly.

If Jiang Tian collapsed without a fight, it would be extremely easy for them to capture the treasure next.

Because at that time, Si Yuer and the three of them had already lost their goal of protection, so whether they fought or retreated would not have much impact on them.

And the mere two spirit beasts, no matter how difficult it is to deal with, will eventually be overwhelmed by their joint efforts.

"Jiang Tian, ​​Jiang Tian, ​​I'm afraid you didn't even expect this to happen, right?"

"Hey! When foreign warriors break through the big bottleneck in the 'critical Dao domain', the risk has always been doubled. This time you are really clever and misunderstood yourself!"

Everyone let out a sullen breath, no longer in a hurry to shoot.

They are waiting!

Waiting for the moment when Jiang Tian failed to break through or suffered a backlash, then maybe Si Yuer and the three would retreat without a fight.

But the next situation did not develop as they imagined.

They waited left and right, but they couldn't wait for the moment when Jiang Tian collapsed.

After a while, Si Yuer and the three saw a shocking scene!

After the star sword body, the power of the void and the violent thunder force left, Jiang Tian's physical coercion did not decrease but increased, breaking a certain limit in an instant!


In the terrifying roar, the purple light soaring in Jiang Tian's body suddenly turned into purple muscles and bones, twisted together like a horned dragon.

And in the process of these muscles and bones entangled, its physical coercion is also rising sharply, moving towards some kind of terrifying level!


"Oh my God!"


The corners of Si Yu'er's eyes twitched in shock!

They thought that Jiang Tian's breakthrough was blocked, and he might even go crazy.

But now it looks like that's not the case!

At this moment, Jiang Tian's body seems to be remodeling.

There seemed to be countless purple horned dragons entangled in layers within the body, converging into tendons and bones.


hoo hoo... oh!

The sound of dragon roars came from it, and at the same time as the body was remodeled, the power of the majestic and domineering bloodline also spread freely, instantly stunned all the warriors present!



"Why is his blood aura still improving?"

"Oh my God!"

"What kind of dragon bloodline is he?"

Except for Si Yuer and Jiang Tian himself, all the other warriors present were local powers.

They are well-informed and have extremely rich experience in martial arts.

Feeling the blood aura released by Jiang Tian, ​​they became more and more shocked, and even felt inexplicable!

Dragon warriors, many of them have been in contact with them, and even many people have felt the power of each other's blood.

But no one has ever encountered such a majestic, domineering, powerful and terrifying dragon bloodline as Jiang Tian!

"Such a terrifying blood aura, I wouldn't doubt that he came from a real dragon family!"

"Compared with the white dragon before, I'm afraid it's not worse than that!"

"What he lacks, maybe just a real dragon body!"

Thinking of the two dragon body visions that Jiang Tian had shown before, everyone's faces immediately became extremely solemn.

"Do you think that he really can't condense a real dragon body?"

An old man in white robe asked in a deep voice.

The words spread, and everyone was silent.

They wanted to refute each other's guesses, but they couldn't say anything when they got to their mouths.

They all have a strong feeling!

If you refute it, you may be slapped in the face the next moment!


hoo hoo hoo!

The violent dragon roar awakened everyone, making them even more shocked!

At this time, Jiang Tian's muscles and bones seemed to have been remodeled.

The whole body and even the hair exudes a dazzling purple light!

And his blood aura has reached some kind of terrifying level.

But after the breath reached its peak, it began to fall back.

At the same time, a palpitating physical pressure slowly spread!

"Is this the real dragon tyrant body?"

Jiang Tian whispered to himself, like an angry dragon murmured.

"Real dragon hegemony?"

"What kind of physique is this?"

"I don't know, but obviously, it's not unusual!"

The three of Si Yu'er looked at each other in dismay, and their hearts were shocked and inexplicable.

Jiang Tian's physical advancement seemed to have succeeded, but what shocked them was that the three forces that were forcibly forced out of the body just now still failed to return.

If these three forces cannot be reintegrated, Jiang Tian will face an extremely complicated situation.

To put it bluntly, he will turn from a super evildoer who integrates multiple talents into a special genius who specializes in the flesh!

Although his physical body is powerful, all those kinds of power are coveted existences.

Is it really worthwhile to exchange their loss for powerful physical strength?

The three looked at each other in dismay, and a deep unease gradually developed in their hearts.

They began to worry about Jiang Tian!

If this happens, even if they are outsiders, they will feel extremely regretful.

Ka Ka Ka... rumbling!

Finally, Jiang Tian's physical coercion no longer climbed, but it had reached a terrifying level.

This coercion is several times higher than when Jiang Tian made all his efforts before he advanced!

"What a terrifying physical coercion!"

"How strong is his flesh-and-blood power?"

Qin Chuan and Yuan Chen have also stepped into the half-step **** realm, standing at the top of the martial arts world in the Central Territory.

But in the face of Jiang Tian at this moment, they have a deep sense of awe, as if the blood and spiritual power are about to freeze!

"There is no doubt that compared with his current physical strength, all the previous means... I'm afraid they are not worth mentioning!"

Si Yu'er took a deep breath, and her heart was filled with incomparable shock.

As Leiyun Immortal Physique, she and Jiang Tian's Leiyuan Immortal Physique are God-sent Dao Companions, according to the warriors in the Central Region.

She once thought so herself, but after witnessing Jiang Tian's physical transformation, she suddenly discovered that the Thunder Element's constitution was nothing to Jiang Tian.

Before the physical body advanced, Jiang Tian's star sword body, void hegemony body, and thunder system constitution would not have much impact.

And when Jiang Tian's physical body reaches the current level, the aptitude of Lei Yuan's immortal body is even more dispensable!

Compared with the star sword body and the void hegemony body, as well as the terrifying physical body, the Leiyuan immortal body may not even be ranked in the top three!

"You... are too strong!"

Si Yu'er muttered to herself, a look of shame flashed in her eyes.

The moment she stepped into the half-step **** realm, her blood was surging for a time, and she thought she was standing at the highest point of the martial arts of the Central Territory, even surpassing the level of martial arts that transcended the Central Territory.

But now, she found that Jiang Tian had left her far behind with only one physical advancement.

"I'm... too weak!"

Si Yu'er shook her head and sighed bitterly, biting her lips tightly, her two delicate fists clenched tightly unknowingly.