MTL - Heavenly Calamity-v6 Chapter 17 Lost Zerg

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Just like the edge of the Milky Way galaxy, the dark and cold edge of the desert, within a few hundred kilometers, no particle can be found. Such a place cannot form a small world, but in the central area of ​​the virtual world, a piece of land is formed.

The mainland coalition forces did not dare to run deep into the virtual world. They could only operate in the marginal areas of the virtual world. They bought items from several islands with large backgrounds and backgrounds to ensure that they would not be pitted or directly killed by buyers. .

"Although the danger is extraterritorial, we need to be cautious at every step, but we must not be too occluded. If low-level civilization is self-contained, it will be difficult to grow and develop without drawing knowledge and energy from other civilizations. Therefore, participating in other world and ethnic exchange It is very necessary. For the first time, I will personally take you to the virtual world. In the future, trade and development depend on the capabilities of the people. The virtual world is a place where the heavens meet. Although it is full of risks, it is also a place of opportunity. "

Zhang Mu felt that it was necessary to go out, "I see!"

Tian Ni Da Sheng said, "It's not too late, get ready, and let's go."

Zhang Mu settled the supplies and army sent by the Continental Alliance, and more than 10,000 auxiliary robots were all sent to build space warehouses, defensive enchantments, missile towers, reconnaissance stations, and other buildings with various functions.

On this trip to the virtual world, Zhang Mu took Thunder as an assistant, and basically he didn't bring anyone else, because there were few people and there were no essential differences.

The second-generation magic guided engine warships can easily reach 100 times the speed of sound, and can accelerate up to 200 times the speed of sound or even higher speeds. This is not a fast spaceship in the vast extraterrestrial world. It cannot be used to sail across domains. From One world enters the other, with the help of one thing-the bridge of space!

The space bridge is similar to a wormhole, a magical channel that can fold two space points.

There are a large number of space bridges in the big world. Naturally formed space bridges are invisible to the naked eye and can only be learned through exploration. These space bridges have become convenient passages for lower civilizations. Some advanced civilizations are able to artificially create space bridges, thereby saving time spent traveling between the two places.

"Let's go!"

Five battleships rose into the air, the magic engine was started at the same time, and the dazzling purple and white lights were illuminated at the same time in the spiral nozzles at the rear of the second-generation ship. A large amount of magical energy was activated in the engine, which eventually caused a strong impetus. Five warships reached a hundred times the speed of sound in an instant, dragging a purple-white track and turning it into 5 bright spots from the sky.

Warships are getting faster and faster, passing through a certain area at extremely fast speeds.

"Lower stupid creatures!"

The endless void world ripples, and a tall figure comes out.

This person is a closed body structure that looks exactly like a scorpion, or a half scorpion, a half human and half scorpion monster. His upper body is black with bright black hair, strong muscles covered with a layer of purple-black metal biological shell, two thick arms, not differentiated into five fingers, but a thick scorpion forceps, the head is completely closed, no mouth, ears Only three pairs of insect-like compound eyes.

If the creature's upper body is barely human, then the lower body is completely a scorpion, with a total of six legs, a three-meter-long scorpion tail standing high, the end spinning at high speed, blooming with purple and black light, full of power energy of,

"These stupid guys have found our mother base! Should we start the offensive right away!"

Behind the half-human and half-scorpion worm world powerhouses, suddenly, like ghosts, a large number of worm-like powerhouses emerged, each with a half-human half-scorpion feel, should be people of the same race. The camouflage was continuously withdrawn, and more and more Scorpionmen were exposed. In addition, there were a large number of biological weapons, and even several hundreds of giant zerg motherships.

These intelligent Zergs communicate in a mental wave manner. They are very simple in dress. Each person has different weapons and equipment. The warships are not the same. There are Zerg's lifeships, and there are magical ships of the Spirits. Such a team is similar to the bandit robbers in exile in the starry sky. It is estimated that it was caused by looting foreign races for a long time.

The Zerg leader calmly said, "The timing is a little bit, others have not arrived. Rest assured, these stupid guys have only found the base today, and they have not thought of destroying it at all. Obviously they are coveting our tribe's technology and trying to occupy the base as I have it. It's stupid. Is the great technology of my people understandable by some lower-level creatures in the spiritual world? "

"Yes, we only need to drive away the guys in the spirit realm and reoccupy the land. With the mature mother base and the weapons in the base, we can immediately have a powerful attack and defense force. Those nasty spiritual flies can no longer be Pose any threat to us. "

The Zerg leader commanded: "You give orders to the teams in exile and let them return quickly to reinforce, this is our only hope to rebuild civilization!"


The Zerg leader stood in the void, with a pair of large, reflective eyes reflecting the islands, and the rampant murderousness gradually emerged.

this day.

They waited too long.

This Zerg civilization was originally born in a small world in the Zerg world. About 15,000 years ago, it began to develop outside the region. Science and technology have made rapid progress. About 3 years ago, a third-generation biological ship was developed, which has the ability to invade various small worlds. The ability to plunder resources from a small world. In the following 3000 years, they invaded the small world and slaughtered hundreds of billions of souls. Civilization developed at a high speed in the war. They initially had the ability to develop fourth-generation biotechnology.

Probably forgotten, when the intensity of civilization was about to increase again, this zerg made a big mistake.

They found a rare resource in a small world, which can be a key step in upgrading, allowing biotechnology to truly advance to the fourth generation. As a result, the invasion war was launched without investigation. As everyone knows, this small world has long been colonized by another more powerful civilization for many years. The start of this predatory war completely angered that powerful and mysterious civilization, and the other party quickly traced the Zerg mother world and fought it.

The foundation of the Zerg was destroyed, and the development was cut off from the foundation. The other party was not satisfied, and found the Zerg's base outside the territory. With the advantage of destroying, it instantly destroyed the civilization that had been developed for more than 10,000 years.

The vast majority of Zerg have died in war.

Most of the survivors have become rogues.

These people are homeless and can only make a living by plundering like the Three Eyes of the Xuanjie tribe. Civilization has no development at all, and sooner or later will drown in the vast world.

The mysterious force that destroyed the Zerg civilization did not know. In fact, there was a team that had taken the seeds of civilization and secretly fled to the edge of the Zerg world, and found an island that was not discovered by the mysterious civilization, that is, the island currently under Zhang Mu.

The leader who ventured to take away the hope of the Zerg was actually the Zerg leader who stood here. He was a royal and had a high status himself. When the catastrophe happened, and everyone else was fighting hard, only he predicted that this was a war destined to fail, so he stole the "fourth-generation" base seed that was still in the experimental stage and had not used it. Xiao Zhi, a trusted friend, defected before leaving the battle.

This precious seed is planted inside the island.

The only hope for a destroyed civilization!

The next thing is obvious.

The biological base has just been planted and is still in the embryonic stage. When the Zerg had no resistance, the Continental Coalition found them by accident. Several great saints were surprised to find that this Zerg was poorly equipped and very few in number. It was exactly an indigenous species, so it launched a war to kill the vast majority of Zerg.

The royal family brought hundreds of close friends, detonated the island's boat, and fled in the only biological boat. During the ten-year wandering time, he searched for companions in the vast Star River. Today, he found about 60,000 clan people. In contact with some of the clan forces who were thieves, they were willing to assist in the shots and recapture their island.

The island is not important,

That biological base is ... the tinder of civilization, the hope of race!

The Zerg leader stared at the island and sent a mental wave to the other people: "I have waited too long for this day!"



Zerg warriors released a burst of intense killing thoughts.


"The gate of the virtual world has arrived!"

Tian Ni Da Sheng said to Zhang Mu.

The Continental Alliance refers to the space bridge leading to the edge of the virtual world as [the gate of the virtual world]. Zhang Mu checked the time. It took less than 2 days to sail. This [virtual gate] broke into the insect island and Zhang Mu faced outside. Looking at it for a long time, he did not find the so-called space bridge at all.

Tian Ni Da Sheng shook his head and said, "The space bridge cannot be distinguished with the naked eye, pay attention to the change of the reference object!"

Zhang Mu looked into the nearby void. Above the sky, all the space-time swirls, different colors, and flashes of light ... Suddenly, when the ship sailed to a position, the space-time swirls that were full of void disappeared.

Tian Ni Da Sheng explained: "We passed the space bridge."

"So fast?"

Zhang Mu was surprised.

Tian Ni Da Sheng looked at the dark world and said: "This is the virtual world, an extremely distant world. Without the help of a space bridge and the speed of the second-generation ship, it will take 34.11 years."

Can sail back at 200 times the speed of sound for 34 years?

It's far enough!

Lei Ming was a little worried: "Is the space bridge stable?"

"We regularly check the space energy of the space bridge. The energy of this space bridge shows no signs of clutter, so it is very stable. It will not collapse for three hundred years, and we can use it with confidence."

Zhang Mu and Lei Ming were relieved a lot.

Tian Ni Da Sheng also said: "The imaginary material is sparse and has an absolute vacuum environment. Our speed can be increased to 300 times the speed of sound, and we will reach a large island on the edge of the imaginary world in about 6 hours. Crystal Island] is one of the main trade channels on the mainland! "