MTL - Heavenly Calamity-v6 Chapter 22 Worm Island Crisis

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Zhang Mu brought the purchased [Death Temple] and [Lidar] to a large transport ship.

Of course, Tian Ni Da Sheng will not go for nothing. He sold some mature spirit grass, magic technology items made by the goblin family on the island, and bought a handful of seeds, rare beast cubs, and so on. The Crystal Island should not be stayed for long, because the longer the stay, the more transactions involved, the more likely it is to be caught by the wrongdoers, and everyone will split up and return to the airport immediately after completing the transaction.

Launch the warship from the airport, activate the stealth mode, and leave from Crystal Island.

Every trip to the virtual world is an adventure. Although the Aoki Demon of Crystal Island has repeatedly suppressed the robber forces five times, the robbers cannot be cleaned up. Those forces that are suppressed are only the area around Crystal Island. How expansive the space is, as the center of exchanges between the six realms, countless merchants and merchants exchange, naturally breeding countless bandits. Or when a strong caravan encounters a weak caravan, the strong party will not mind changing their status temporarily.

Even in the same world, the creatures from different planes are not the same in nature. In the virtual world, we must guard against anyone, even if the same team with the purpose of doing business meets. Unless the strength is not equal, the strong side will inevitably attack the weak side and deliver fat to the door. Who doesn't want to bite?

Time passes by every minute.

Several magical warships were sailing in fear, fortunately, from the beginning to the end, there was no warship of any other race in the dark and empty world.

"The space bridge is in front." Tian Ni Da Sheng also breathed a long sigh of relief. "This position is unlikely to be attacked. Our journey is very smooth. This trip to the virtual world indicates the future development and trade of the human race. We ca n’t take the human race to the virtual world every time. You also remember the position of the virtual world gate. In the future, the virtual world gate will also be opened for the human race. I hope you will use this channel to allow the development of racial strength as soon as possible. stand up."

"Don't worry, the human race will not lose to any race, this is the case on the mainland, and so is the big world!"

Zhang Mu began to gradually regain confidence. Currently, there are many worries and the prospects are not bad. The virtual world is a good place, the mysterious shop helps in the dark, and it also sits on a level 3 civilized Zerg base. The human race will soon have the power to protect itself in the big world.

Tian Ni Da Sheng is not talking.

Zhang Mu looked out.

There was nothing out of the window.

This is a feeling that cannot be described in words, not black, because "black" is a color in itself, there is nothing in the world outside the window, there is no "black", only endless nothingness, mysterious void.

How many unknown worlds are there in the big world?

Suddenly, the entire world was dark, and there were countless stars emerging from the top, bottom, left and right, southeast and northwest, with different color differences. Some nearby ones could barely distinguish the shape of the swirl.

"We're back!"

Only then did Thunder let out a sigh of relief.

Tian Ni Da Sheng said: "You can go back to the ship, let's just separate!"

Tian Ni Da Sheng is carrying a lot of cargo, so don't worry about sailing outside, you need to shorten the sailing distance, so farewell as soon as you get out of the space bridge. Zhang Mu and Lei Ming returned to the large transport ship, drove out four medium-sized battleships from the ship's cabin, escorted the warship from four corners, and began to return to Worm Island.

There is a two-day flight from the virtual world gate to Worm Island. Several warships sailed in the empty void for a day and a half, leaving half a day to Worm Island.

"We are going back to Worm Island soon."

"This harvest is not small, I believe everyone will be excited."

Zhang Mu and Lei Ming chatted.

at this time.


A harsh alarm sounded from the control room.

Zhang Mu was startled: "What's going on?"

A robotic driver replied with a mechanized voice: "There are UFOs in the front, the number of which is more than 10, staying in our ship's reconnaissance area for 15 seconds, it is suspected that it is moving at high speed, and the target is heading towards the island.

Zhang Mu frowned.

There were more than 10 large ships swept across the edge of the detection range.

This is definitely not a good thing!

Thunder thundered and said, "Not our ship, warships on Worm Island won't fly that far!"

Zhang Mu hurriedly called the ship to slow down. Fortunately, the other side was in a hurry to find a way and did not find a few ships. "Analyze the speed of the UFO."

The robot completed the calculation in an instant and said, "About 312 times the speed of sound."

Zhang Mu was sure that it was by no means a ship on Worm Island. Because there are not a few second-generation warships on Worm Island, most of them are the first-generation magic guided powerships. In any case, they can not reach more than 300 times the speed of sound. The lower foreign races are at least faster than the mainland's second-generation warships.

"Can we catch up?"

"The unknown warship is too fast to catch up with our ship."

Lei Ming suddenly said: "Mystery store bought a set of Lidar, now may be the time to play a role. Lidar can detect everything within 5 light seconds, although the opponent's speed is not slow, but certainly not out of the 5 light seconds range ! "

Lidar consumes a lot of energy and is suitable for use on a mother ship. However, the energy of a large ship is enough to maintain a period of time. Zhang Mu ordered the robot to start the lidar directly.

A wave of light that was invisible to the naked eye was released. About 10 seconds later, the information was returned. Lidars instantly image in the void according to the conditions of the scanned objects. Judging from the pattern, the insect island should have encountered bandits. This team has more than a dozen large ships and about a hundred medium ships. Each ship is tattered and seems to have been used for a long time. In addition, a large number of symbols, magic arrays, runes and so on are painted on the ship.

There are spiritual ships, there are mysterious ships, the models are not unified, and the whole is a hodgepodge.

Zhang Mu stared at the center of more than a dozen large ships. It was a huge biological ship, like a giant wingless cicada. Its huge limbs were slowly swinging, and it was advancing at extremely rapid speed. It's up! "

Finally understand.

The intelligent Zerg who were driven away by the Continental Alliance have returned to take revenge!

Zhang Mu frowned, these ships are generally second-generation ships, and are a bit more advanced than the second-generation mainland warships. As for the monster of 500 feet in the middle, I am afraid that it is a third-generation biological ship. The island launched an attack that was fragile with the fragile defenses that the Terrans had just established.

There is no chance of this war!

"Hint: new tasks are released, please check them out!"

When the master found the Zerg warship in Zhang Mu, he finally released the mission again!

When Zhang Mu saw that the master had issued the task, he felt relieved. Since the master would release the task, it proved that there was still hope. Dominating the task may be very difficult, but it will certainly leave a trace of vitality for the human race.


[Task Name]: Revenge of the Zerg.

[Task nature]: trigger the task.

[Question]: The Zerg royal family wants to regain the base, and is wandering around the Zerg alliance, preparing to wage war on the island.

[Special reminder]: Zerg are still gathering, the current number is 120,000, and it is expected to reach a total of 800,000 in the future. The enemy is equipped with three generations of warships and three generations of biological weapons.

[Task Objective]: Defense for 72 hours!

[Mission reward 1]: 100,000 sector coins.

[Question reward 2]: Randomly get spirit beasts, forages, or other developmental items.

[Question reward 3]: Unknown!

[Failure Penalty]: None


The rewards for this mission are very generous, and the Light World Coin will reward 100,000 huge funds. There is also a random reward and an unknown reward. There is no punishment for the failure of the mission, and of course there is no need for punishment. If the insect island is occupied, it is no wonder that the Zerg people do not chop up humans as fertilizer.

"There are more than one enemy!"

Thunder screamed in shock.

Lidar continuously scans and several fleets appear. The size of the fleet is large or small, as large as a dozen ships, and small ones are one or two large ships. After the Zerg's extraterritorial headquarters were destroyed and killed by a stronger civilization, they fled to various places in order to escape, and had not been in contact with each other for more than a decade.

The Zerg's only royal family, who spent ten years searching the long world, managed to obtain some tribe members.

The strong royal family also attracted 60,000 to 70,000 horses. The total number of extraterrestrial intelligent zerg that can be contacted is estimated to be about 800,000.

The extra-territorial headquarters of the Green Alliance, even if it includes scientific research, planting, and breeding personnel, has a population of less than 3 million. The Worm Island clan is only 4,000, even if combined with the fighting machines, the Temple Army, and the Heavenly Penalty sent by the Continental Alliance, the total is less than 50,000.

There are 800,000 enemies!

The Zerg have some three generations of weapons in their hands, let alone to deal with the Island of Worms, it is enough to attack the Alliance's extraterritorial headquarters.

Lei Ming frowned and said, "This kind of battle, I can't see where I hope! Even if the enemy uses one-tenth of the power, or even one-hundredth, we can hardly resist. After all, they have three generations of weapons Let us not talk about weapons, a decent headquarters on the island has not been built! "

Why doesn't Zhang Mu think so.

Dominion asks Terran to defend for 72 hours!

How to defend?

Zhang Mu said for a few seconds in silence: "We are about to enter the communication range, contact the insect island immediately, so that everyone should not act lightly!"

Lei Ming said: "Let's contact the alliance, only the continental alliance can save us."

"It's too late." Zhang Mu frowned. "May not be saved, not dare to save!" He stared at the map displayed on the radar and said, "Find out some closer and weaker forces."

Lei Ming didn't know what Zhang Mu was thinking, but he quickly found one. "This one is a large ship, plus two medium ships. It is estimated that there are no three generations of weapons. They are not far from us and will soon enter each other's attack range Within. "

Zhang Mu pulled out the Black Prison Sword, "So let's do it! Prepare your weapons now!"

Lei Ming didn't know why Zhang Mu didn't rush back, but wanted to sneak attack on the Zerg, but he didn't question Zhang Mu's habit and immediately did so. A large transport ship, four medium-sized warships, all of which are second-generation magic guided ships, and ships outside the territory are special ships, even if the transport ships have very strong firepower.

Zhang Mu didn't stay in the ship, but drove a small ship and got out of the transport ship first.