MTL - Heavenly Calamity-v6 Chapter 24 put all one's eggs in one basket

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Zhang Mu's runes are disappearing, and the suppression of the laws of the big world will come again. If the Scorpion Spirit cannot be killed in time, Zhang Mu may have no chance. There are many holy spirit means. Even if they are severely wounded, they can escape by leaving their souls. Zhang Mu doesn't want to see this happen. This scorpion must die.

The black prison sword was lifted, and the thunderous sword gas was evoked from the furnace of chaos, and it was chopped on the scorpion man with a great potential.

One sword!

Two swords!

Three swords!

Zhang Mu overcomes the power of the law, and the strength is very amazing. If it bursts out, it will be enough to cut the entire large warship in half with one sword. This kind of thing is difficult for the Great Saint to do outside the territory. When the scorpion is attacked, a layer of sturdy armor emerges on the body surface. This is a sacred armor. The Zerg uses biotechnology to implant directly into the body and play a defensive role at critical times.


Zhang Mu released his last power, and the thunderbolt Jianguang formed a giant pillar, hitting the scorpion's body head-on, pushing the scorpion man through numerous walls, cutting out a penetrating hole from the large battleship, and shooting into the empty space outside. .

Lei Ming saw from afar that a blue-and-white thunderbolt in the constantly exploding Zerg main ship shot out from the inside. The power was so terrifying that he actually cut through the main ship. The runes on Zhang Mu's body receded collectively, and he could no longer trigger the power to overcome the laws of the world.

"do you died?"

Zhang Mu kicked both feet and cast his skills [Elemental Covenant] in the volley, turning himself into an element of light, turning it into a streamer from numerous Scorpion attacks, stopping in the void. He immediately locked the scorpion, flashing a light, rushing up to see, the scorpion's holy armor became scorched black, and affected by the black prison sword, a large area of ​​petrification, basically destroyed by violence. The scorpion floated in the air and could not die anymore, because his armor was protected and his body was not damaged too much.


Zhang Mu took away the scorpion's body, turned around, and floated in the air, his hands slowly raised, and solid energy condensed above his head, and a black hole suddenly appeared.

Lei Ming immediately cooperated with the order and said, "Use the magic guided cannon to attack the black hole!"

A few magical guides blasted into the black hole, and the strong energy was absorbed by the black hole. The black hole became larger. Zhang Mu inspired the skill [Heroes of Heroes] and copied a black hole. After absorbing enough material and energy, Zhang Mu waved with both hands, and the black hole was thrown into the broken large ship. The whole ship was pulled by the huge gravitational force, moved closer to the center and shrank, and finally twisted into a ball.

The black hole reaches a critical state.


The entire large battleship turned into numerous fragments and shot out.

Zhang Mu turned into a streamer and returned to the large transport ship. First, he placed the dead body of the Scorpion's Holy Spirit, and then said to Lei Ming, "Begin scanning, don't let a Scorpion run away!"

Thunder nodded and said, "Leave it to me!"

This battle lasted another 30 minutes. Every enemy ship was crushed. It was hard to say whether there were scorpion people surviving, but even if there were survivors and no ships, they stopped in a slowly empty space. They You will also be completely lost. Never find a companion until you starve to death.

"The enemy ships were annihilated and 312 Zerg were alive."

"Okay, let's go!"

The transport ship recovered the small and medium-sized battleships, and left in the direction of Wushi Island alone. Under the lidar scan, all the Zerg near the insect island were fully exposed. The powerful detection range gave Zhang Mu sufficient advantages. Through the investigation gaps of several Zerg fleets, they were not found by the Zerg. A large warship arrived at Worm Island smoothly.

Worm Island has long been a mess.

Everyone received the reminder of the task of the master, knowing that the vicinity was blocked by the Zerg. The Worm Island will be devastated at any time, and the war will be completely unequal. The Zerg people do not need any careful layout at all, and the bomb can be flattened in a round of bombing.

"Wood, you finally came back! Is it really surrounded by Zerg outside?"

The crowd kept asking nonstop.

"Aren't we coming back completely?" Zhang Mu said calmly to the crowd, "don't panic, everyone is so bad now, old black, take them down."

Lei Ming took more than 300 captive Scorpion men down from the transport ship.

Long Hao was very surprised, "Is this Zerg?"

"There are millions of worms in the Zerg world. Let ’s call them the Scorpion, let the priests seal the spiritual power and be guarded by the illusionist. These guys have strong offensive skills and are good at spiritual power. Please be careful Don't be fooled. "

Zhang Mu nodded and said to Lei Ming, "Take it off, Tingting is in charge of care, it's about life and death, don't make trouble!"

"it is good!"

Scorpion people have mental spells, and if they are weak in control, they will probably cause trouble. The illusionist is good at spiritual magic, and is very resistant to spiritual spells. Therefore, it is the safest way to keep the scorpion in the priest's enchantment, and then guard it by the illusionist.

When Long Hao saw the scorpion people being taken down one by one, he was very puzzled and said, "How do you catch the Zerg people back, and you won't fight the grass and scare the snake?"

Zhang Mu replied: "These zerg came from different places, and one of the humble teams lost contact. I don't think it would attract too much attention. As for why you want to catch the zerg, you will know later." Zhang Mu turned back and instructed: "I bought a lidar in the virtual world, and now there is no energy supply station on the island. I can only move to the mother ship and use the energy of the mother ship to use it. The detection radius of the lidar reaches 5 Light seconds, let us know all the actions of the Zerg! "

The evil wing arranged 2,000 robots to transfer the lidar to the second-generation mothership.

Zhang Mu continued to command: "We bought a temple of death from the Hades and immediately brought it out and fixed it near the altar of the undead. This is very important."

This matter thunder did.

"Leng Yun, Lin Caiyan, Qin Xiaoshi!"


Zhang Mu took the corpse of the Scorpion Holy Spirit and gave them to them, "This is a holy spirit of the Scorpion, and has a good racial status. It took me a lot of effort to kill him. I want to turn him into an undead, you Three are semi-sacred mages, and the other is looking for some good mages and presides at the altar. We still have 20,000 coins, just use them. Energy is not a problem. Within 10 hours, I will see him become an undead! "

"10 hours?" Leng Yun frowned. "This is the Holy Spirit. Even if there are 3 semi-sacred mages, dozens of heavenly spirit peak mages hold a ceremony together, coupled with a powerful energy supply, I am afraid it will take three or five days. time."

"No!" Zhang Mu said firmly: "It must be completed within 10 hours, as long as it becomes an undead, and it does not require the coffin of the king to control it. We have a necropolis temple. Once it becomes an undead, it can be domesticated with a necropolis temple! "

"As long as it is dead, you don't need control?" Qin Xiaoshi thought for a while and said, "If that's the case ... with enough energy supply, we might be able to do it."

Qin Xiaoshi is a priest.

Preside over the altar and ritual is the specialty of the priests, and she feels that it can be done, then there is no problem.

Leng Yun and Lin Caiyan looked at each other and nodded each other.

"I'll give you 3,000 coins. Now is the time of life and death. Supply the altar at all costs, don't care about consumption." Zhang Mu told Lei Ming again: "Lao Hei, the domestication work will be left to you, and the Necropolis Temple domestication A holy spirit undead costs about 5,000 coins, and I'll give you 10,000 directly. "

"Yes, leave it to me!"

Everyone went immediately.

Long Hao asked puzzlingly, "What are you eager to do for the undead?"

Zhang Mu replied, "Do you think we can block the Zerg with our strength?"

"Of course not. In this case, even adding ten eight Holy Spirits would not help."

"Yes, the Lord demands to resist for three days! Since the Lord will generate such a character, then it means that we must be able to resist the three days by some method. On the Worm Island, apart from our little human power, what else can we block? Such a strong foreign force? "

"In addition to the human race's own strength ..." Long Hao directly woke up, "Zerg base! There are a lot of three generations of weapons inside!"

Zhang Mu nodded: "We are weak, and there is no possibility of foreign aid. Hope is probably the Zerg base. We will not use Zerg technology weapons, so we need a smart Zerg as a puppet. I deliberately attacked a relatively weak At the same time, the Zerg fleet also captured a Zerg who was not in a low status, and used the coffin of the Pluto to make wisdom undead. The purpose is here. Only Zerg technology can be used by Zerg! "

Long Hao said with emotion: "Indeed, indeed ... it is amazing that you can think of this in an instant under that situation!"

"We found it too late. The mission was triggered too late. From the radar's perspective, the Zerg had almost completed deployment." Zhang Mu looked up at the sky with anxiety, "I don't know if it's too late, and until now, only Take a risk! "

If you find out before going to the virtual world, then you have enough time to prepare.

Now ... too late!

The Zerg attack will come at any time. Perhaps in the next second, Zhang Mu and all the human races will all become ashes in the powerful three-generation weapon attack.

The evil wing suddenly said: "Since there is no time, we must find a way to win time!"

Zhang Mu asked: "How to fight?"

The evil wings said: "This group of Zerg forces is so strong that they have joined forces to attack a small island. They have little interest in the island itself. They want a base."

Long Hao directly ordered: "Notify the ministries to prepare a large number of magic bombs, bury them in the Zerg base, and prepare for detonation at the same time!" Long Hao looked up at the sky, "In addition, prepare a ship, I will negotiate with them!"

(I was still asleep this morning and was dragged away by a few junior high school students. I only came back to play now, which caused the update to be late.)