MTL - Heavenly Curse-Chapter 953 Yun Mengxuan's choice

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"Also ask the owner for guidance."

Although Mu Yi didn't say it directly, how smart was Yun Mengxuan, and how could he not guess the meaning? And in her view, Mu Yi is omnipotent, and pushing them to heaven and earth is the best proof.

"I know where you went in the years I went missing, and I don't hide you now, in fact, I went to the underworld." Mu Yi said directly.

"Hell?" Yun Mengxuan's body shook, obviously not thinking of such an answer.

"But the underworld I went to was not the yincaodifu you imagined. In fact, there are many creatures, ghosts, demons, and even human beings in the underworld. In comparison, the underworld people are stronger because they are in There is no restriction on the underworld. Not only is King of the Triple Kingdom, but even Jiutian, and even the giants above, Zhundi have them.

And there is a stronger Emperor in Hades, which is the legendary saint. There is the real stage for the practitioners. With your qualifications, if you go to Hades, you will not only break through the realm of kings, but even the emperor It is not impossible even for the saint. "

At this moment, Mu Yi said that you are not only waiting for Yun Mengxuan, but also Yan Wushuang, who are also the first to follow him in Yangjian.

Originally, Mu Yi could send them into the small world, where there are no restrictions, but he did not do so, but left the choice to them, because Mu Yi understood that what they had collected with him in the underworld Followers are different.

After Mu Yi said, looking at Yun Mengxuan with hesitation, he said, "You don't need to answer me right away. In fact, it is not only you, but even the others, I will give them the same opportunity."

"As for the human catastrophe in the Yangjian community, you are not qualified to know it now. The only thing I can tell you is that no one dies. It is worthless, because the immortal means that the entire world, all living beings, will Enslaved, even with Yang Yang. "

After hearing Mu Yi's last cold words, Yun Mengxuan was completely stunned. She never thought that the catastrophe in the sun still involved such terrible consequences. Even if she only thought about it, she felt shudder.

However, she did not doubt Mu Yi's words, and she knew that these were true.

If it was really because of her waywardness, even if she died a thousand times, she could not forgive herself.

"I was wrong." Yun Mengxuan said, lowering his head.

"Whether right or wrong is not as important as you think. In this world, many things don't need other people's approval and understanding. Just be yourself, do what you think you should do, no matter what the result is." Mu Yi Speak softly, in fact, these words are not only to Yun Mengxuan, but to myself.


Yun Mengxuan watched Mu Yi rise and walked up the mountain, finally no longer hesitated, stepped forward to support Mu Yi, stepped up the steps, the sunset shone on the two people, stretched their backs, and Overlapping together, not long apart again.

Later, Yan Wushuang, Zhen Ping'er, and Hua Qianwu also came to Funiu Mountain, but their goals were different, and Mu Yi gave them the same opportunities.

In the end, Yan Wushuang, Zhen Pinger, and Hua Qianwu chose to go to the underworld, but Yun Mengxuan stayed and stayed in the yangjian, as a woman, participated in the catastrophe of the yangjian, like a flower in the sea Unremarkable spray.

Time continues to pass, and a few years have passed, and the catastrophe in the sun has also intensified, and more people have been involved. The world is so big that there is no place for peace.

On this day, two guests, a man and a woman, came from Funiu Mountain.

Mu Yi seems to know that there will be guests, so he stood outside and waited.

"It really is you."

"You are really back."

The two guests said in sequence, although the two sentences seemed to be the same, the meanings they actually represented were quite different.

"Xuanming Palm Banner, senior Ji, you came later than I expected." Mu Yi seemed to have expected that, watching the two smiling.

Ji Ji's predecessor in his mouth was Ji Yuan, who was also the old barking flower he met at the Yellow River, the old **** of Xianshan in the South China Sea, and the Xuanming palm banner made nature cold.

"You already knew we were coming?" Leng Yu frowned and looked at Mu Yi, with doubt in her eyes, and Mu Yi's physical condition also made her frown.

"I said a long time ago, 'see' you are coming, do you believe it?" Mu Yi said.

"Believe it or not, it ’s not important anymore. Actually, from the beginning of Cixi's violent turmoil and the subsequent changes in Suzakutang, I guessed that things must have something to do with you, but at that time, it was just doubts. Later, Suzakutang fell apart overnight, but let me Not sure, it seems that all of this is under your control. "Ji Yuan looked at Mu Yi with a complex look.

At this moment, Ji Yuan is still the original practice, and there is no breakthrough. After all, not everyone can be like Yun Mengxuan, who has a sub-rune that can be called good luck.

"How to control? Just let it be." Mu Yi shook his head.

"Let it be? Does it cost the lives of countless people?" Leng Yu said directly, apparently dissatisfied with Mu Yi's behavior.

"Otherwise? Could Leng Yu's senior think that what I am now can really change?" Mu Yi asked.

"You ..." Leng Yu looked at Mu Yi as if she wanted to say something, but in the end, she didn't say anything, because as Mu Yi said, at this moment, he looks just like a sick middle-aged man. Maybe someday I will die on the bed.

"As long as you can stand up, Suzakutang will certainly obey your call and restore the decline of the Republic of China, and even dominate the world, as long as you can let the people of the world live a good life, even if you sit on the ninety-five What about the throne? "Leng Yu thought about it again.

"Why didn't the cold rain seniors stand up? Believe that the power of His Majesty can be used to do many things with the Xuanming Palm Banner?" Mu Yi asked.

"How do you know I didn't do it? It's just that my strength is not enough. Some people have been holding me back, so I can't do my best." Leng Yu frowned.

"Actually you should thank each other," Mu Yi said, but his words suddenly made Leng Yu's eyes glared.

"Actually for the time being, you better be that bystander. I believe Senior Ji can feel a little more. The end of the Dharma era is back. You practitioners will eventually be returned to their original shape little by little and become ordinary people. At this time, the less you do, the more room you can turn around. If you wait for the practitioner to intervene unscrupulously, then the heavens and the heavens will fail and all kinds of calamities will come. Maybe there will be a thunderbolt on the road Come down. "

With Mu Yi's words, Leng Yu and Ji Yuan's faces became a little ugly, especially Mu Yi's last sentence was clearly not pointed, so that both of them showed a little relief at the same time. understand.