MTL - Heavenly Monarch of All Times-Chapter 42 Bloody night

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In the lobby of the city's main government, the warm moments did not last long.

After a while, there was a cry outside the lobby.

"The man of the blood bat door, come!" Nie Tian stepped out of the lobby, and Mo Ruzhen followed him.


At this time, the dark night sky suddenly flashed a huge white lightning, illuminating most of the night sky.


Then, the thunder and thunder sounded, and the rain poured down and came.

"Tonight is destined to be a **** rainy night!" Nie Tian looked up at the sky, his eyes revealing a touch of cold and desert.

The murder of the father three years ago, I can finally report it today!

"If you are, come with me." Nie Tian strode out and rushed into the rain.

Mo Ruzhen dare to be around Nie Tian.

Above the corridors of the city's main government, shouting and killing sounds one after another.

Obviously, the two sides have already handed in their hands.

Nie Tian came to the first corridor with Mo Ruzhen, and Nie Wenyuan was fighting with three people from Niejia and the blood bat door.

The blood bat door is divided into four batches. It is a dozen Yuan Lingwu who fights with Nie Wenyuan and others. The most powerful one is a Yuanling Jiuwuwu.

"The beast of the blood bat door, give me a death!" Nie Wenyuan screamed, the whole body force burst out, a palm shot, the palm of the hand sharply, hitting the front of a blood bat door black warrior Body.

The Vientiane Warrior took a hard hit and was very strong.

"Ah!" The black warrior was hit in front and screamed, and died on the spot.

"Kill it well!" Nie Tiansen smiled, and the figure jumped up. The God of War was re-emerged and attacked a three-person black warrior.

"Hey!" A muffled sound, the black warrior was knocked out and slammed into the stone pillars of the corridor, and the stone pillar was knocked down directly. After falling to the ground, he died.

Although Nie Tian only has the dual strength of Yuanling, his absolute strength is too horrible. Under the attack, it is enough to kill the ordinary Yuanling four weapons.

The blood bat door killed two people, but their offensive was even more fierce.

These people are desperate, and blood and death cannot make them back down, but they make them even more crazy.

"Ah!" A deacon of Nie was hit and screamed.

"Home, you go first, there is me here!" The blood bat door people are not afraid of death, all are bloodthirsty, Nie Wenyuan is afraid that Nie Tian is injured, shouting loudly.

"Nie Wenyuan, protect the good ink like this!" Nie Tian did not listen at all, roared, and rushed up against the fierce attack of the blood bat door.

Three years, killing the father and enemies is in front of you, Nie Tianyi can back down!

"Crazy boy, you are looking for death!" The blood bat door people saw someone rushing up, laughing wildly, four or five people shot at the same time, suddenly several Yuan Ling attacked and blew to Nie Tian.

These few people are the strongest of the four spirits of the Yuanling, and they joined forces to attack, and the momentum is very strong.

Nie Tian is desperate, stepping on the foot of Ye Feihong step, the strange footwork cleverly avoids all attacks, the body swoops forward, the big hand stretched out, directly grabbed the neck of a black warrior.

"Give me death!" Shen screamed, Nie Tianru as a pair of iron tongs, suddenly force, directly twisting the neck of the black warrior.

All the black warriors rushed and retreated involuntarily.

They did not expect that Nie Tian was actually crazy than they were!

"Who else!" Nie Tian looked up and roared. Under the heavy rain, the face of Yan was like a **** killing.

"Dog scorpion, you are looking for death! Poison wolf boxing!" The strongest Yuan Ling Jiuwu martial art among the black martial artists, roared, punched out, a black wolf head appeared, banged to Nie Tian.

"Home!" Nie Wenyuan saw that Nie Tian was in danger, and he screamed, and the power was bursting. The Yuanling appeared, and it was a ghost knife!

The Yuanling of Nie Wenyuan is different from other warriors. His Yuanling is no longer a shadow, but a solid, holding in his hand, no different from the spirit.

Yuan Ling is an entity, which is the essential difference between the Vientiane and the Yuan Lingwu.

The spirit of the entity is more powerful than the Yuanling virtual shadow. The momentum alone is not something that the general Yuan Lingwu can bear.

"Don't care for me, marry him!" Just in the moment of Nie Wenyuan's shot, Nie Tian was furious and violent.

"Good!" In a moment of crisis, Nie Wenyuan chose to believe in Nie Tian, ​​and the ghost-headed knife ran across the air, marking a swearing man, directly attacking the Yuanling nine heavy black warrior.



The attack between the two arrived almost simultaneously.

Nie Tian was hit by a black wolf head, and the figure stepped back a few steps. The foot stepped down and suddenly stabilized his body shape, but immediately it was a blood spout.

The front bears the Yuanling Jiuwu martial artist's dedication, and Rao is Nie Tian's body is strong, and it is inevitable to be injured.

"Ah!" At the same time, the black warrior was hit by Nie Wenyuan's knife, and there was a **** trace on the chest. The bone was visible and the blood flowed like a note.

"Give me killing them!" After all, the black warrior was the strength of the Yuanling, and Nie Wenyuan did not want his life. He blocked the blood and yelled.

"Kill!" The other black warriors suddenly became crazy and rushed to death.

"Retreat!" Nie Tian screamed, and there was a sword in his hand. He was shot by a **** of war, and he pulled back.

The blood batmen are too wary, not afraid of death, one by one like a mad dog.

If Nie Tianqiang fights hard, even if they can kill these people, they will be injured.

Nie Wenyuan took a step forward and personally broke it. The ghost head slashed and slashed, and once again turned out to be a black warrior.

Nie Tian rushed toward the inner court with ink.



The white lightning flashed the night sky, and the thunderstorm continued, and the rainstorm grew bigger and bigger.

Nie Tian and Mo Ruzhen came to the entrance of the inner court. There was already a **** color in front of them. There were more than a dozen bodies lying on the ground. Most of them were black martial artists of the blood bat door, and there were also several people in the city.

"Nie Tian, ​​Ruyi." Motai saw Nie Tian and Mo Ruyi nothing, and relaxed a lot.

"Hey, how are you?" Mo Ruqian saw that Motai was stained with blood and asked nervously.

Motai smiled wildly and said: "The animals that killed a few blood bats were stained with blood, nothing."

A dozen black warriors on the ground apparently rushed in from the fourth corridor.

They were unimpeded and arrived at the inner court first, but they did not expect to be the worst victim.

"Ready, a large number of people in the blood bat door will soon come over." Nie Tian erased the blood of his mouth, and his eyes were more fierce.

Nie Tian’s words just fell, and heavy footsteps came from far away, and the ground on the water was even more urgent.

The people in the three corridors have retired, the number has dropped slightly, and many people have been injured.

Then, the people of the blood bat door rushed in, like a wolf, and the eyes revealed fierce.

Nie Tian has more than a dozen people left, and the blood bat door and the Ba family have been reduced by nearly half, leaving more than 20 people.

Can kill more than 20 blood bats and martial artists in such a situation, relying on Nie Tian's clever arrangement.

If you start with the blood bat door at the beginning, the people at the city's main house will die.

But even so, Nie Tian is still at an absolute disadvantage.

"Nie Tian!" Bar rude figure appeared, the **** scorpion stared at Nie Tian, ​​and did not want to swallow the latter.

"Bar is rude, you really are the people of the blood bat door! The thing three years ago is what you do." Nie Tiansen opened his mouth and his eyes chilled.

"What about me!" Bar rudely laughed and said: "Nie Tian, ​​I can kill you three years ago, today I can kill you!"

Nie Tian took a step and stared at the rudeness of the bus. He said: "The rudeness of the sorrow, the vengeance of the father is not shared with the sky. If I don't kill you today, I will be a son!"

"Ha ha ha! Nie Tian, ​​you want to kill me, this life is impossible!" Bar rudely can not laugh at the world, in his view, the city government will be defeated!

Nie Tian smiled coldly and turned to Mo Taidao: "Mucheng Lord, other people handed over to you, the old dog is mine."

"Homeowners, don't be impulsive!" Nie Wenyuan stepped forward. Although he knew that Nie Tian's strength was strong, but Bar was rude, but Yuan Ling was a strong man, far from being comparable to Ba Ziliang.

"Reassured, an old dog! I will kill him!" Nie Tian eyes firm, can not be discussed.

Motai and Nie Wenyuan looked at each other and said: "Quick speed!"

"Hey!" Xiongba sneered aside and sneered: "A Vientiane triple, a Vientiane, and the Lord of the Altar should look at how fast you decide!"

The Vientiane Warrior, the gap between each strength is like a scorpio, it is difficult to pass.

Under normal circumstances, even if Motai and Nie Wenyuan teamed up, it is unlikely to be the opponent of Xiongba.

However, Mo Tai and Nie Wenyuan dare to say that if they are quick-fixed, they naturally have to rely on it.

Their cuddling is that the explosion of Yuan Dan.

The two men took out the explosion Yuan Dan at the same time and swallowed it directly.

Others in the city's main government saw the situation, and several of them also took out the explosion Yuan Dan and swallowed it.

"Explosive Yuan Dan!" Xiongba screamed, "You have a burst of Yuan Dan in your hand!"

Xiongba never dreamed that a small Moyang city owner could even take out the explosion Yuan Dan, and still took out so much.

Under the service of the explosion of Yuan Dan, Mo Tai and Nie Wenyuan and other people's momentum increased violently.

Motai feels that there is a wild force in Dantian that is almost rushing, and almost wants to rush his Dantian.

This feeling of power bursting makes him feel warlike.

"Vientiane mirror four heavy! Vientiane mirror five heavy!" Motai look excited, Explosive Yuan Dan actually let his strength fully enhance the two.

Nie Wenyuan on the side was also amazed, and his strength also soared to Vientiane.

Looking at other people, the strength is greatly improved.

In particular, the warriors of the strengths of the nine spirits of the Yuanling, the strength of the ascension to the Vientiane, is so excited to cry.

We must know that it is very difficult for Yuan Ling to raise the environment.

Many people are stuck in Yuanling Jiuzhong, and it is difficult to be promoted in their lifetime.

Explosive Yuan Dan let them experience the strength of a Vientiane martial artist, and he can not be excited.

"Slaughter them!" Motai snorted, striding out, directly choose Xiongba to be an opponent.

Others have come forward and have an advantage in momentum.

Nie Tian turned and walked a few steps and opened the distance with everyone.

Bar rudeness also followed, and the two wanted to fight alone!

One must avenge his father, one must avenge his son, and the two are a fateful matchup!