MTL - Heavens: Be a New Man-Chapter 1116 But rest assured

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The latest website: "Are you going to Rongcheng?" The leader frowned and looked at Yan Liang, "You are about to be appointed as deputy director. What are you going to go at this juncture, are you sick?"

"Boss, I have completed the transfer procedures for my child..."

A month later, Yan Liang brought his son to Rongcheng, which was half a year earlier than the previous timeline.

It took him a while to settle things at home, and then use the police system to find the trace of He Xie.

However, the result of the system query shows that there is no such person.

He went to the school He Xie went to, and met He Xie's former relatives and friends, but no one knew He Xie at all.

He also found He Xie's father. This man died of a serious illness at the same time as the previous time and space.

It's just that in this timeline, he doesn't have a son named He Xie at all.

Yan Liang was a little unbelievable. Nothing in the last time and space has changed. The only thing that has changed is that there is no such person as He Xie, as if this person is simply his fantasy.

He also met Hou Liangping at a political and legal conference.

At this time, Hou Liangping had not yet begun to investigate the case of the criminal group behind Li Chenggong. Ding Yizhen was still a high-ranking deputy mayor. At the meeting, he expressed his righteousness to maintain the judicial health of Rongcheng.

"This mayor, I heard that the atmosphere is a bit unhealthy." Yan Liang took the initiative to talk to Hou Liangping on the side.

Hou Liangping glanced at him and said, "Are all your policemen so gossipy?"

"This is not gossip, but an inference based on some clues." Yan Liang smiled and said, "How is it, are you interested in checking it?"

Hou Liangping looked at him seriously for a while, and said, "I am interested in any crime-fighting thing."

"That's good." Yan Liang said with a smile.

This time and space son is good, and his character is much brighter.

"I'll touch it first, and I'll find you when there is a situation." He smiled. "By the way, leave a phone call... Huh? Did I not ask your name yet?"

Hou Liangping: "…"

"Do you know He Xie?" Yan Liang asked again.

"I know Xiehe." Hou Liangping couldn't help but complain.

Yan Liang patted his shoulder and couldn't help laughing.

On the stage, Ding Yizhen, who was speaking, paused subconsciously, glared at Yan Liang sternly, and coughed deliberately in displeasure.

Yan Liang smiled and raised his hand: "Mayor Ding, I'm sorry, I want to poop."

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Hou Liangping, who was on the side, whispered "I rely on", and had the urge to applaud Yan Liang.

Three days later, Yan Liang found an opportunity to exchange with officials in Pingkang County for a month.

He took the opportunity to meet Jiang Yang.

At this time, Jiang Yang had not yet experienced prison, and he was still the prosecutor of Pingkang County. But he and Zhu Wei had just experienced a fiasco in their investigation of Hou Guiping's case.

Witnesses were poisoned in the interrogation room, their bodies were stolen and cremated, and the clues and evidence they had just tracked down were once again destroyed.

Not only that, Jiang Yang was blatantly threatened by the murderer. He had to divorce his wife and let his wife and children leave Pingkang County to ensure the safety of his family.

In order to give justice to Hou Guiping, this person really paid too much.

However, Jiang Yang's divorce also showed his determination, and two people made decisions that affected Jiang Yang's life.

One of them is Hu Yilang, one of the real murderers behind the Hou Guiping case. Through Jiang Yang's divorce, he guessed that the prosecutor would not give up, so he decided to set up a bureau to frame Jiang Yang.

The other is an old prosecutor of the Pingkang County Police Department. He was the first person who came into contact with Hou Guiping's reporting materials in the Pingkang County judiciary.

After Hou Guiping took the deadly photo, he recognized that the leaders who were with Hu Yilang included the police captain of the county bureau, so he went to the procuratorate to report it.

The old prosecutor understood the seriousness of the situation the first time he saw the photo. He was kind-hearted, explained to Hou Guiping badly, and persuaded Hou Guiping to give up reporting.

Hou Guiping refused, and the two held their own opinions, but that night, Hou Guiping died. After the old prosecutor learned the news, he immediately hid the reporting materials.

Later, after learning that Jiang Yang was investigating this case, the old prosecutor also hesitated whether to present these evidences, but seeing that Jiang Yang was frustrated again and again, he did not do so in the end.

Facts have proved that he was right. If he had brought out the evidence earlier, Jiang Yang would have died long ago, and the evidence that Hou Guiping exchanged for his life would have been completely wasted.

But seeing that Jiang Yang's wife and son were separated at the moment, his heart was greatly shaken.

Although he still didn't think Jiang Yang could succeed, he still decided to do something to make his heart feel better.

The old prosecutor decided to retire in the near future, and then went to the city prosecutor's office to find his old leader, Wu Aike's father, and personally submit the report materials that Hou Guiping left behind during his lifetime.

In the previous timeline, at this time, He Xiezheng and Wu Aike had a heated fight. He learned about Jiang Yang from her and became curious. He suspected that Wu Aike had been deceived, so he decided to come to Pingkang. Check the county to see if there really exists such a saint who is willing to give everything for justice in this era.

If it can be found out that Jiang Yang is an emotional liar, he will undoubtedly have a lot of extra points in Wu Aike, which is also He Xie's careful thinking at that time.

At that time, He Xie came to Pingkang County to visit an old classmate, and Wu Aike introduced his father's old subordinate. The old prosecutor gave He Xie an acquaintance in a foreign land. .

So, all cause and effect are connected.

After He Xie arrived in Pingkang County, in order to investigate Jiang Yang, he took the initiative to approach the old prosecutor in the name of Wu Aike's boyfriend.

He quickly found out that Jiang Yang is really the kind of "fool" who throws his head and blood for justice, and was very touched. But just like most people, when he found out who Jiang Yang was going to face, He Xie had no intention of standing up.

This is the We all admire saints, but none of us make ourselves saints.

So in this impetuous era, a saint like Jiang Yang lost even the chance to become the protagonist.

But the charm of a person like Jiang Yang is that even the most numb person knows what he has done, he can't help but want to do something for him, even if it's just a word of encouragement.

He Xie also wanted to do something for Jiang Yang, but the old prosecutor just saw He Xie, the "prospective son-in-law" of the old leader, came in person, so he gave the materials to He Xie and asked him to bring it to Wu Zhizhong.

Shortly after He Xie returned and handed the materials to Wu Zhizhong, his father became seriously ill and broke up with Wu Aike, and he never paid attention to it again.

And Wu Zhizhong immediately suppressed this thing after he got the report material, because he knew that even if he stood up and detonated this thing, he would be blown to pieces.

On the original timeline, it was not until Wu Zhizhong retired that he found Jiang Yang, who had been released from prison, and handed him the materials, which was considered a peace of mind.