MTL - Heavy Armoured Truck In Post-apocalyptic World-Chapter 908 Kickball plan

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The snoring wind blows on the face, making the grass's eyes unable to open at all, and even the mouth cannot be opened. Once opened, it will inevitably sink into the sand.

This is Shen Cong flying it.

Before, it asked Shen Cong to save the rough man with a humble attitude of "five-body throwing the ground". But Shen Cong didn't respond at all, grabbed it directly, and began to ask the direction of Tak Ulam tribe, and then flew directly.

The Tak Ulam tribe is not far from the sullen tribes.

Approximately the distance from Beijing to Nanjing.

Arrived a moment.

Find the entrance and enter the dungeon of the Takuram tribe. The tribal leader here knows wild grass, so the meeting was smooth. Knowing Shen Cong's identity, the leader of Tak Ulam, "My Birds Are Full of Feathers", is like alien weeds, and Shen Cong is an alien.

I hope that Shen Cong will do something to save them.

Therefore, we fully cooperated with Shen Cong's requirements, not only calling on all tribes to transport the buried poison stones, but also packing the technology they had acquired, and handing over limited historical data to Shen Cong in detail.

There is not much historical data, just a little bit more than that of the Mengtu tribe.

It does not involve the history of rough spacecraft.


Shen Cong was then accompanied by rough people such as birds and weeds, and went to the heart of Valian, buried deep underground.

It was originally the deepest trench in the sea of ​​destruction.

Dig the rocks and find the monuments.

After more than 100 years of extinction, Walian's underground ruins have been weathered into fossils. However, under the constant combing of Shen Cong, some well-preserved antiques were still excavated.

The technological level of these antiques is obviously much higher than the current earth technology.

It can be speculated that the rough civilization during the peak period is higher than the human civilization on earth. These contained a civilized scientific and technological antique, Shen Cong quickly packed it, sent dozens of clones to fall, and packed the antique to his own physical steel planet for inventory.

Save for later and study slowly.

Among these antiques, there is a similar book, and finally there is the information astronomy that Shen Cong wanted.

The book tells that the rough people at the time had understood that Arcturus became a red giant, so they wanted to escape, and they made a universe observation to find a habitable planet. Among them is a planet. Judging from the data, we know that it is Mars in the solar system.

"The date of writing is about 600 years ago, that is, more than 160,000 years ago. They observed Mars and thought that Mars was in the habitable zone of the solar system. However, the Earth was not observed, and it was not observed on Mars Atmosphere and life, so Mars's immigration possibilities are ranked behind. "

Looking at the contents of the book.

Shen Cong can basically judge that rough people are not related to humans.

It's just the higher intelligent creatures that each of the two rocky planets developed, and even the crude model of the spaceship can't calculate it.

And there is also a judgment that the physiological structure of humans on earth is different from that of rough people. Coarse human organs are very complicated. There are only five in the heart, which supply blood to the limbs and brain.

Their blood is pale yellow, copper is used as a carrier of air, and ammonia, not oxygen, is needed for metabolism. So their blood has an irritating taste and smelly.

Human blood is red and uses iron as a carrier for oxygen.

Of course, this does not necessarily negate the relationship between the two. Orange is born in Huainan, orange, and born in Huaibei is cricket. Maybe the seed of life on the earth has evolved into the current human system in order to adapt to the new environment.

"But anyway, there is no evidence that rough people are the source of human genes. Basically, it can be concluded that life on earth is a civilization born and born with a great potential for evolution."


The fire seed resources are collected.

History has also been examined.

Shen Cong's action in destroying the ball is easy, and the communication with the rough people is also very fresh. The civilization here has inspired him a lot, and some of them are very good.

and so.

He decided to take the shot to help the rough man in return.

"It's impossible to help rough people migrate to the earth ... Destroy the ball itself is actually not bad. All it takes is to push it to a further orbit, and if it cools down, the environment will sooner or later ... Unfortunately, the red giant Only millions of years will release too much mass to cool down as white dwarfs. "

In other words, even if Shen Cong moves the ball to a new trajectory, it will still be destroyed in the future.

In addition, during the process of releasing the mass of red giant stars, irregular bursts may occur. That is to say, it may take another tens of thousands of years, and the Arcturus suddenly bursts out once for a few hundred years. To be killed by the stellar wind.

This is the existence of no solution.

"But it is enough for tens of thousands of years to grasp the opportunity and find a solution to leave the ball." Shen Cong is not a nanny, and he can help out, and the return is already very large.

It is unrealistic to let him patiently help rough people find livable planets and transport them one by one.

Think properly.

Shen Cong slowly opened his eyes in the anticipation of birds and wild grasses: "I can move the killing ball out of the orbit by half an astronomical unit, which can reduce the surface temperature of the killing ball by about 20 degrees Celsius ..."

Half an astronomical unit, approximately equal to the closest distance between Earth and Mars.

This is equivalent to pushing the Earth into Mars orbit.

He continued: "... Once the cooling is successful, the ecological restoration of the destroyed ball is just around the corner. After all, the water of the destroyed ball has not been evaporated. But it is worth noting that the Arcturus is a red giant and stronger stellar wind may erupt at any time. Kill you all at once. "

Hearing that Shen Cong could move the ball out of orbit by half an astronomical unit, the rude people such as birds, all stunned.

They originally hoped that Shen Cong, an alien, could take them away from the extinction ball, go to the alien planet as slaves or colonize, and so on, so as to survive and reproduce. However, it never occurred to Shen Cong that he wanted to use the ball as a ball, kick it off 50 to 60 million kilometers, and re-cool.

"This ... Master Universe, is this really okay?" Weed was equally stunned.

"Nothing is impossible ~ ~ Calculate the gravitational system of the Big Horn galaxy. I can twist the time and space slightly to push the ball to a new orbit. But you need to be prepared. After the orbit changes, the ball may be destroyed. It will not be too stable for a while, and earthquakes and volcanoes will occur frequently. "

Twisting time and space, pulling by gravity will inevitably cause the shock of the ball.

"As long as it is not at the level of extinction, our Zaire skin is thick and thick and can resist, no problem!" A rough scientist shouted.

It knows that this opportunity does not come easily.

Once the destruction of the ball can restore the original ecology, civilization has hope for rejuvenation, tens of thousands of years, enough to develop the technology to escape the destruction of the ball.


"Then you get ready to build and build a shelter, and after seventeen killing days, I will return and push the killing ball to a new orbit."

After finishing speaking, Cong Shen returned to the physical steel planet with the resources of the seeds of fire.

Then hovering in the orbit of killing the ball, devouring resources, strengthening themselves, and marching towards a more powerful state.