MTL - Hedonist Sovereign-Chapter 2096 The first magic peak is on

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"Nie Zhangmen, are you kidding?" Lei Wang could not accept the facts at hand.

Nie Yuan immediately threw out a number of flags. The next moment, a group of light gates appeared on the mountainside. When the light door was seen, the Lei Wang people showed a desperate look. This is not the eye that they tried hard to break.

"Is there a king of the mysterious demon?"

"I feel that it is not a mysterious person. I don't know where the old red dog moved from the rescue. It not only solved the erysipelas in his body, but also helped him to successfully enter the real world. Even the recent thunder, I am afraid that it is also the offensive by the mysterious man...and the eyes that are repaired in front of me, and that is what the man did."

For Lei Wang’s guess, it is difficult for everyone to accept, but the facts are in front of them, and they are not allowed to question.

The top talents of these magical capitals can't help but be curious about each other's identity, thinking that the person must have lived for hundreds of years. Maybe it is a human monk from the snowy city, and the few people in the snowy city are really powerful. Lei Wang and others are very familiar.

Seeing the repair of the eye, the red heart was a long sigh of relief.

However, he has just stepped into the realm of the real world, and at the same time, he has already been unable to eat against the three realities. If it wasn't for the red dust dance behind him, he couldn't say if he could survive.

"Dare to come to the No. 2 Demon Peak Provocate, kill innocent!"

Under the command of the red dragonfly, the magical repair of the mysterious demon family launched a crazy offensive.

When the defensive array on the Magic Peak was repaired, Lei Wang and others were only beaten, and their attacks would be intercepted by the front line, which would not hurt the mysterious people.

This kind of battle that can only be beaten can not be sustained. Lei Wang and others successively retreat, and none of them would have thought that under the joint efforts of the people, they would end up with the end of the land.


"Father! Are you okay?"

In the Valley of the Magic Peak, the red dragonfly triumphantly returns.

Although he was seriously injured in the battle, but compared to the breakthrough of the real world and the joy of holding the magic peak, those injuries were completely left behind by him.

"Don't worry about the dust dance, the father is only slightly injured, just a few days of cultivation." Hung Hom comforted her daughter a few words, and then gratefully looked at Qin Feng: "Qin Shaoxia, this time thanks to you, You are the great benefactor of our mysterious family."

Qin Feng quickly waved his hand and said: "Hung Hom’s predecessors have said that I am just doing my best."

Hung Hom’s big hand waved: “Qin Shaoxia, I am not polite. If it is not your help, I will be able to get rid of the erysipelas in my body, and I will not step into the realm of the truth... and the array on the No. 2 Devil Peak. Eyes, but also you fix it."

The more the red 茗 说 说 心 心 心 撼 撼 撼 撼 撼 撼 撼 认识 认识 认识 认识 认识 认识 认识 认识 认识 认识 认识 认识 认识 认识 认识 认识 认识 认识 认识 认识 认识 认识 认识 认识 认识 认识 认识 认识 认识 认识 认识 认识 认识 认识 认识 认识 认识 认识 认识This is simply a peerless genius.

Qin Feng was a little embarrassed to be boasted: "I am a friend of dust dance, it is impossible to see death."

Hung Hom looked at Qin Feng, and looked at the shy daughter again, and gave a hearty laugh: "Ha ha! Good! Dust dance can know Qin Shaoxia, it is the blessing that she has cultivated for eight generations... I see this is good, Qin Shaoxia is Stay here for a few more days, let the dust dance take you around, and wait for me to deal with the things in the family, and then do business for you."

The red dust dances blushing to drip out the water. Of course, she understands the deep meaning of the father's words, but she has not seen her stand up and stop it.

Qin Feng is not awkward: "I don't want to be a predecessor. I am not a Xihaizhou monk, but come from Beishazhou. This time I have already finished the work in Xihaizhou. I have to go back to Beishazhou as soon as possible."

Qin Feng came to Xihaizhou to seal the gates of the snowy sacred land to Beishazhou. Now that things are done, he plans to go to the snowy city to see a side of the art, and then leave Xihaizhou.

The two look of the red dragonfly changed greatly. It was completely unexpected that Qin Feng was a monk of Beishazhou. When he returned to the gods, the red dust danced in the beautiful scenery and flashed a touch of loss.

"Qin Shaoxia actually came from Beishazhou? Isn't it a monastic wasteland? How can it cultivate a monk who is so bad in Qin?" Red Dragonfly said.

Qin Feng encountered too many people who were surprised to learn that he was from Beishazhou. It is also strange at this time.

"Predecessors, I did come from Beishazhou. The aura of Beishazhou could not be compared with other Sanzhou. I also encountered some adventures and stayed in Nanpingzhou for a while, otherwise there would be no current repairs." Said.

"It turns out!" Hung Hom nodded. After a moment of contemplation, he continued: "Since North Sha Chau is not suitable for monastic training, Qin Shaoxia is better to stay in Xihaizhou. The aura here is more abundant than Nanping Chau, especially this No. 2 Demon. Above the peak, it is an excellent sanctuary."

Qin Feng knows that Hung Hom is not exaggerated. The aura on the second peak is comparable to the space of the astral space, and the space of the star is a small world that Qin Feng has spent a lot of energy to cultivate. There are three in the spirit, and there is a god. The tree of life of one of the top ten grasses of the mainland, and countless spiritual stones...

"Predecessors, I still have to go back as soon as possible. There are many wives and brothers in Beishazhou. I can't leave them alone."

Qin Feng simply showed his attitude. He knew that Hung Hom wanted to match him with the red dust dance, but in the current state, he felt that wearing a red dust dance would even hurt the other side.

The lost look in the red dust dance eyes is more intense, and the red sighs sigh: "Hey! The feelings can't be forced, but Qin Shaoxia doesn't have to rush for these two days. You stay here for a few more days. After three days, the first magic peak will open. Let's go in and see together."

Qin Feng has some interest: "The first magic peak?"

Hung Hom explained: "In the magical capital, there are 308 magic peaks. These magic peaks are ranked according to numbers. The higher the number, the higher the ranking. The first magic peak is not occupied, and it has not been heard so far. Say which force can capture the first magic peak, because the first magic peak also has an ancient array, which is even stronger than our second magic peak array..."

"But the first magic peak has a few days of weakening each year. The time is usually one week. In this week, many great powers can forcibly rush into the first magic peak for treasure hunt. After the recovery of the array, it will pop up everyone. ”

Qin Feng really came to the interest. In fact, when he first entered the Magic Capital, he had an idea for the 308 Magic Peak. According to the red dust dance, the aura on these magic peaks is much higher than the outer city, and there are hidden veins under the mountain.

"What is above the first magic peak?" Qin Feng asked.

Seeing Qin Feng has an interest, Hung Hom laughed and said: "Qin Shaoxia, No. 1 Demon Peak is the first Baoshan of the Magic Capital. There are countless cultivation resources above, even the Nine-level Spirit Grass is very common. And because the Magic Peak can be opened every year. Once, there were only a few powerful monks who were forced to rush in, so many of the cultivation resources of No. 1 Magic Peak were not taken away..."

Qin Feng has already had the idea of ​​entering the No. 1 Demon Peak, but he intends to go there himself, instead of following the Red Dragonfly.

"Predecessors, I am still going back to Beishazhou as soon as possible. There are still many things waiting for me to deal with."

Hung Hom lived, and after returning to God, he sighed: "Hey! Since Qin Shaoxia insists on going, I will not leave you strong. This storage ring contains the cultivation resources that I have collected all my life, and I give it to Qin Shaoxia." ”

The storage of a true monk was so tempting, but Qin Feng refused if he didn't think about it.

"If the predecessors still regard the younger generation as a friend, don't be a guest again." Qin Feng arched his hand and said: "The younger generation will leave!"


Three days later.

Qin Feng came to the first Mofeng Mountain, but at this time he has changed the face of Qiao Feng.

Speaking of the ever-changing Facebook, Qin Feng discovered its magic. When the enemy's realm of contact was low, Qin Feng thought that the other side had limited realm and could not understand the mask on the face.

But just as Hung Hom walked past him with a red dust dance, he realized that the ever-changing face mask was not shielded by the gods. Otherwise, the powerful gods with the red scorpion and the true cultivation would definitely recognize him.

But when I think about it, Qin Feng can't understand the principle of the ever-changing Facebook, but he is relieved in his heart, at least the current identity is that no one can see through.

The first Mofeng Mountain has gathered hundreds of thousands of magic repairs, and the grand scene is more spectacular than the No. 2 Magic Peak three days ago.

However, Qin Feng knows that these monks are not all forced into the No. 1 Demon Peak, because according to Hung Hom, even if the No. 1 Magic Peak will appear weak in the past few days, it will not be stepped into the body. I also want to rush in.

"Hung Ho, my brother, I heard that you stepped into the truth three days ago. At that time, the younger brother was retreating and practicing. He didn't have time to congratulate him. He congratulated his older brother."

"The predecessors of the Hung Hom, the singer of the singer, came down to congratulate the predecessors on entering the real world. This time, because the main thing is not in the devil, when the head of the family returns, they will come to visit in person."

"The cold palace has seen the red dragon predecessors!"

Many people gathered around the red dragonfly, courteous and charming.

This is the normal state of the gods, and wherever they go, they are respected by the military.

If Qin Feng did not go to the No. 2 Devil Peak three days ago, I believe that the ending is not the case. Eighty percent of the mysterious demon family was completely destroyed, and the red dragonfly was tragic, and no one would remember him again.

The red dragonfly is not on the shelf, and the people return to the ceremony one by one.

At this time, the crowd suddenly opened a boulevard, and two men, one old and one young, came over.

The older veteran rushed to the red fist and said: "Congratulations to the younger brother of Hung Hom, stepping into the realm of enlightenment, we have more of a magical power, and the power is different."

"Oh! Ouyang big brother said heavy, I just stepped into the real, the strength is not as good as some of your old devil." Hung Ho laughed.

Ouyang Tian waved his hand and said: "The younger brother of Hung Hom should not be humble. Although I couldn’t see it in the battle three days ago, I heard about it afterwards. On that day, the younger brother of Hung Hom’s own strength, the warlord Lei Wang When the three masters are true, the result will eventually retreat. You are just stepping into the truth, which is really more powerful than our aging."