MTL - Hedonist Sovereign-Chapter 2108 Spike the peak

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After the quiet atmosphere of the mountain, Jinbei looked at Hung Hom and said: "Since Ouyang Tian and Dodge both pointed out the crime of your son-in-law, it means that this matter is not false, and your mysterious people have an unshirkable responsibility for this disaster. Responsibility, now you lead the mysterious people, go out and deal with the engulfment of the fairy."

This proposal was immediately endorsed by millions of demons, and the shouts at the foot of the mountain came one after another.

"The sinful family is very sinful and must take the lead in making a redemption."

"I heard that the son-in-law of Hung Hom is not a magician. What is the identity of that guy? What is the intention of coming to the devil?"

"It's still guessing, that cockroach ant must have planned it to destroy the magical capital. First, he used the rhetoric to confuse the red dust dance, and then got the protection of the red cockroach. Only then can he do whatever he wants, and eventually it leads to this. An irreparable disaster..."

"Hey! The red dust dance is known as one of the five great fairies of the magical capital. It was actually deceived by a foreign monk. It really took the sentence, and the good cabbage made the pig arch."

Hearing the discussion of the millions of demons, the mysterious monks looked angry and panicked.

The red dust dances blushing to the water, and some unspeakable words make her very upset.

"A group of ants ants, but also dare to comment on my family love women, whoever dare to talk nonsense, the old man tore his stinky mouth!"

The red dragonfly can not be affected by this kind of gas, and the body is surging and the sound of the truth is thunderous.

Many low-level demons were shocked and dizzy. Even Dingqiangqiang immediately closed his mouth. However, a small number of robbery powers still complained. Anyway, there are many people on the other side, and they are not afraid of red. Hey.

"Oh! Red Dragon Devil's great prestige, this is to want to be against the whole demons?" Lei Wang sneered, this downfall is his hobby.

"The surname of Lei, you don't provoke the separation between them, there is a kind of trick to single-handedly, otherwise you will close your stinky mouth!" Red scorpion gray hair all inverted his head, showing his anger at the moment.

Lei Wang’s heart is faint, he is only a layer of cultivation, and Hung Hom stepped into the real two layers in the near future. If the two are really singled out, Lei Wang’s face is very big.

"Of, of course, the old man is not afraid to be singled out with you, but now it is difficult to take the lead. You still think about guilt. It really does not put the safety of the devil in your heart. In these years, your mysterious family has occupied the resources of the No. 2 Demon Peak. Really fed to the dog." Lei Wang cold.

The red dragonfly couldn't bear it, and took a shot.

The bang of the emptiness of the emptiness, the real Yuan big hand cover the sky, the king of Lei changed greatly, and he did not need to fight, he realized that he had to be seriously injured under this palm.

"Well, you are a red, really want to rebel!"

The dark demon head Jinbei whispered, and the void revealed another handprint. The two real yuan handprints seemed to be two black clouds and mountains colliding in the void.


The sky is a shock.

The distance between the feet of the people was shaking, and even the monks who were hanging on the sword felt like a giant force colliding and flew straight out.

"Golden monument big brother, red 茗 茗 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔"Lei Wang immediately seized the opportunity and shouted.

"I am willing to join the battle and contribute to the devil." Ouyang Tian stood up.

"I also joined." Nie Yuansheng sounded.

The devils have a handful of realities that make up a wave of top forces, and Dodge’s strong stalwart of the robbers.

Such a strong lineup is not to be in the magical capital, but to be placed in the entire Xihaizhou, fearing that no one can resist.

"Red cockroaches, give you the last chance, either go out and destroy the worms, do the best for the devil to make atonement; or we join forces to destroy your entire mysterious demon, one does not stay." Shouting in the sky.

The red anger is burning.

Once upon a time, in the hundreds of years when the Red Devils were in the world, the devils were completely in control of the hands of the mysterious demon, and they were admired by the millions of demons.

Nowadays, millions of demons have gathered together, and a few people can really force the mysterious saga. This is really a change in the country and the situation is impermanent.

"Qin Feng will not harm the magic, it must be that you made a mistake." Red dust dance.

Jinbei did not look at her at all. He said to the red dragon in coldness: "You still have three seconds to consider the time. If you don't want to play, then I will kill your daughter first."

"You dare!" Hung Hom screamed in the sky, as if a lion with a hairy anger.

At the same time, Jinbei and others were rushing to the real thing, and the battle was launched.

"Good! I am going out to eliminate the fairy worms alone. You must not be a monk of any kind of monk." For a moment, the red dragonfly seemed to be a hundred years old, and making this decision made him feel shameful, but he could do nothing.

But before the red dragonfly flew out of the magic circle, a cold voice came: "Dodge old thief, how was the situation of the peak of the sky at that time, your heart is clearer than anyone else, as the power of the peak of the robbery Are you not ashamed when you are upside down and wrong with others?"

The look of the red dragonfly changed greatly, and the body stopped in the air. The cold voice was very familiar. It was the voice of Qin Feng.

The million magic repairs under the magic peak looked at the sky at the same time, only a white light flashed, the speed of coming people was too fast, and the specific situation could not be seen at all.

I don't know when, a tall figure fell over the No. 2 Demon Peak. The man was wearing a white robe and snow, his hair was flying, his body was unpredictable, and he couldn't figure out the truth. His young age is not too much to look at, but when a person stands on the top of the mountain, it seems that the sky is his territory.

"Who are you? I don't know you at all, why do you want to filthy me?" Dodge fired and stared at the sky.

I don’t know the identity of the person coming in, and the smell of the person is also incomprehensible. Even the power of Dodge raises a little vigilance.

However, many people recognized Qin Feng, the original battle under the No. 2 Magic Peak, Qin Feng is the original look.

"On the peak of the Heavenly King, I just wore a mask magic weapon. At that time I advised you to leave. Have you heard of it?" Qin Feng was indifferent.

A crowd of people exclaimed, many people reacted. It turns out that Qin Feng and Qiao Feng are one person. It is no wonder that Hung Hom has always protected these two identities.

"The ant ant child, you even dare to come back, today I want to leave the magic capital alive." Lei Wang angered.

Nie Yuan’s thoughts are flying fast, and the most recent things are connected in his mind: “You and the red dragonfly have long been colluding with each other. You first cure the red scorpion erysipelas, then help him break through the truth, and go to the main peak together, let go of the devour Fairy worm... Say, who are you in the end? What other forces behind it?"

Nie Yuan’s analysis is reasonable and many monks have taken it seriously.

Qin Feng was too lazy to take care of him. He was a good heart and became a liver and lung. He could have left Xihaizhou regardless of his care, but he still couldn’t help himself.

"The ants of the ants, see the old man to destroy you!"

Dodge suddenly rushed to the sky, and as early as the peak of the Heavenly King, he saw that Qin Feng was not pleasing to the eye, but at that time suddenly changed, flying out to engulf the fairy, there is no way to deal with Qin Feng.

Now there are Lei Wang who can really rely on the public, Dodge is not afraid of the red dragonfly halfway shot, and in his view, as long as the red dragonfly does not help Qin Feng, Qin Feng is the ants who he slaughtered.


A huge real yuan handprint emerged, exploding a long sky.

It’s just that Qin Feng is no longer there, as if it disappeared out of thin air.

"Are you looking for me?"

A cold voice came from behind Dodge, like the call of death, not waiting for the Dod to react, a powerful magnetic field rippled around him, and he suddenly felt slow.

"This is the field? The monk in the district on your first floor has actually realized the field?" Dodge was shocked.

Qin Feng did not answer the Dodge question.

A blue glow rose behind him, as if a round of hot sun was in the head. After the flame appeared, the wind was blowing in the field, and the air instantly freezed, and the Dodge also became an ice sculpture.

"I did take the first floor three months ago, but now it is not!"

With the indifferent voice of Qin Feng spread, the hands fell.

The purple awns of the cockroaches are fleeting, and the cracks are heard in the body of Dodge. The Dodge is still conscious and is struggling to escape from the ice and the ground. Perhaps it is the extreme cold that numbs the painful nerves. When the Dodge's arm splits open, he is still unaware.


Not only the arms, legs and body have cracked, the knife marks are extremely small, it is hard to detect under the naked eye.

With a knife down, Qin Feng put away the momentum of his body, and the blue light that rose behind him disappeared. When the ice heart flame disappears, the ice and snow environment stops instantly, as if it has not appeared.


At this moment, a muffled sound, Dodge's body cracked, like being smashed in the sky. And this is not over yet, and every part of his body continues to shatter, eventually turning into a grain of rice slag, scattered around the earth.

The power of a catastrophe is destroyed!

The offensive before and after this was done in one go, but it happened only in the blink of an eye. Even when several people of Lei Wang returned to God and tried to rescue, they found that everything was too late.

"Dead? Dodge predecessors are dead?"

"What the guy is coming to, the skill is too horrible, and even the predecessors who can kill the peak of the robbery have apparently entered the realm of the real!"

"He must have a helping hand. It should be a group of real power. It seems that the devil is not destroyed under the devour of the genus, but is being eradicated by other forces."

"The old red thief, as a demon, you actually collude with outsiders to destroy the devil, your conscience is eaten by the dog."

After a million magic repairs woke up, the discussion under the magic peak surged.

A few people can really anger, and the gods are locked in Qin Feng.

"The ants of the ants, if you do not kill you today, the old man is the first master of the devil!" Jinbei whispered, took the lead in launching the offensive.

When he hit the air, the sky was shaking, and the huge handprints covered the void of the entire Magic Peak. The shots brought the catastrophe.