MTL - Hedonist Sovereign-Chapter 2144 Sweeping invincible

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"Predecessors are careful!"

The demon disciple of the North Island Sandao changed his appearance. When the Nanming Hall demon repaired the fall, he instantly felt the death threat.

However, seeing Qin Feng floating in the sky, he stood in the offensive, and the fierce real yuan, like the tide of the sea, swayed the sky.

"Today, my Qin Feng is here! The monks outside the Three Islands in the North Ring are leaving quickly, otherwise there is only one death!"

Qin Feng’s voice is thunderous.

He slashed and smashed a piece of purple awn.

The void was pulled out of a crack, and the offensives of those demons disappeared instantly.

The original blue sky seemed to be enveloped in a sunset, and the demon repairs in the fierce battle stopped looking at it and were shocked by the spectacular scene.

The realm of these demon repairs is not high, most of them just step into the realm of illusion, and even the repair of the body is considered to be a strong respect.

Qin Feng’s gestures and the death of a large piece of demon are completely one-sided.

"What kind of person is this predecessor? This strength is too horrible!"

The demon of the North Island Sandao was stunned. He was still worried about the safety of Qin Feng in the first second. Now he seems to have seen the hope of the blood snake family again.

After half a column of incense.

Qin Feng couldn't count how many demon repairs he had killed. He just repeated the action of falling and falling, and each knife fell in the sky and exploded.

"Where are the human monks coming? Do you dare to destroy the Nanming Hall and the Wanmen Gate? Persuade you to leave quickly, otherwise we will do everything we can to kill you!"

A roar came from the far air.

For a moment.

Thousands of figures flashed, like a cloud of dark fog.

There are several extremely strong atmospheres in the crowd. The demon repairer of the Three Islands in the North Ring is tense again, but sees Qin Feng still hanging in the sky, and the look has not changed.

"Hey? You are this human cockroach ant! You dare to go back to Cang Island, it is just to die!"

The crowd is approaching.

The man with the head is green, with a pair of dragon horns on the top of his head, stepping into the world.

Qin Feng soon recognized him. This demon is the great guardian of the Nanming Hall. At the beginning, Qin Feng came to Cang Island to kill the White Prince of Nanming Hall and was pursued by the entire Nanming Hall. I really broke into the North Island Sandao to catch people...

At the beginning, Qin Feng was only a first-time condensate, not a Vashi real opponent, and was forced to evade. But now the situation has changed dramatically, Wah is still riding the world, Qin Feng has stepped into the robbery.

"In those years, you want to kill me, it is just the new hatred of today!" Qin Feng voice indifference.

Vashi really laughed in the sky: "Ha ha! Sure enough, I don't know the human ants who are so tall and thick, just because you want to take revenge? I was scared that you were hiding in the North Island and the three islands did not dare to show up. Now the entire northern ring of the three islands has fallen into In the hands of Nanming Hall, I see where you can hide?"

"Why do I have to hide? This time it is you who are running away, but unfortunately you can't escape if you want to escape." Qin Feng said.

Wache really stopped laughing and his face looked stunned.

He couldn't understand where Qin Feng was so arrogant, but even if he couldn't see the realm of Qin Feng, he didn't put Qin Feng in his eyes.

When the next million Nanming Hall demon repaired the northern three islands, could not destroy a human monk?

"You killed the white prince, killing Cang Island on the first day of the demon, and repairing the grandeur of Gust, today the old husband revenge for them!"

Wah is the real word.

The sky formed a group of real yuan giants, as if the dark clouds fell from the sky.

The demon repairers showed a shocking look. The group of real yuan handprints floated overhead, even if the real center was not near them, they could feel the incomparable violent momentum.

Seeing the offensive, Qin Feng will be shrouded. The latter will be boxed out, and the boxing will be without fancy, but it will roll up a boxing-like punch, and instantly shatter the real handprint.


The loud noise is deafening.

The demon repairers felt a tingling sensation in the sea.

When they looked at the battlefield again, they saw the scene of the wounding of the body of Wah Si Da, and the magical baby who flew away was also destroyed in the surging real.

"Wahshi is really a big law?"

"Where is the human monk sacred? I punched and blasted the Wasizhen predecessor in the realm of Ding. I feel like a dream now."

The demon is boiling!

A strange atmosphere floated across the three islands of the North Ring.

Although there are thousands of demon repairers surrounded by Qin Feng, but after seeing that Vashi was killed by the spike, those demon repairs did not dare to start, and some even secretly escaped.

"Do not say good things twice! In addition to the monks of the North Island and the Three Islands, the rest will immediately retreat, otherwise there will be only one death!"

Qin Feng’s voice is thunderous, and the sound spreads throughout the North Island’s three islands. The million-year-old demon of the earthquake has a stinging sensation in the sea. This is not a true meta-transmission, but a more advanced sacred voice.

The monks on the second island gathered together and each looked dignified.

A red-haired demon veteran said: "Who is that guy? Can you kill Washizhen’s younger brother, and there are such human monks in Nanpingzhou?"

The five demon old men looked at the human monk on the side, and the man suddenly said with a curse: "Hey? It turned out to be this kid!"

"Wan Wanmen know him?"

"At the last genius conference, this kid won the championship. He was young and rehabilitated. He has stood at the peak of the monk in the 50-year-old Nanpingzhou..."

"This guy is called Qin Feng. At the genius conference, he also killed the genius disciple of Wannianmen. The old man is trying to find him, but he did not expect him to come to the door."

The old man was originally the Wanhai Building, the head of the Wanmen Gate. This time, the forces of the Nanming Hall attacked the three islands in the North Ring.

When several big guardians of Nanming Hall touched the identity of Qin Feng, they felt a little relieved.

"Even if the kid is more powerful, in the end it is only a younger generation, what can be achieved in the younger generation, if the old man goes to the genius conference, he can still win the championship."

The old man with red skin shook his head and said: "Don't underestimate the guy. Since he can kill the Wasizhen brother, the realm is not going to go anywhere, but it is impossible to block our plan. Let's go to the meeting now. Will him, Wan Zhangmen look for the opportunity to arrange a trap, as long as he can trap the kid, he will die!"

After several people agreed on a good response, they quickly rushed to the island of No. 1.

At this time, Qin Feng had killed tens of thousands of demons, and the body was piled up into hills under his feet. The scene was spectacular.

After several fierce battles, the remaining demon repairs no longer dared to go forward, and my heart retired.

At this time, a few black shadows flew from the far air. When the identity of the coming person was recognized, the group of demon eyes suddenly flashed and excited.

"Resit's great law, they are coming!"

"The head of the Wanmen Gate is also here, so let the human ants look good!"