MTL - Hedonist Sovereign-Chapter 2164 Entering the Kobe Gate

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The status of other people will only be worse than Nantian and will not be better than him.

The crowd immediately retreated and retreated, but the nine-headed stalker had already been provoked, and they would watch them leave.

When the nine heads screamed, the black mist floating in the sky quickly gathered, as if it were a huge sky net, covering the nine people in the south.

Even if the speed of the nine people is fast, it is difficult to escape the boundless black mist package, and soon they will be swallowed up by the black fog, the naked eye is difficult to see, and the knowledge of God can not be completely removed.

"The nine supreme predecessors have fallen?"

"Dongyezhou has such a powerful evil beast. Even the gods of true gods are not rivals. This will be a huge catastrophe in Dongyezhou."

"Don't be stunned, let's escape!"

The hopes of those monks ignited were completely destroyed. Some ignorant monks also tried to defeat the soul-eaters, and now the thoughts disappeared without a trace.

A few people in Nantian did not fall so fast, but in the dark fog, their situation is very dangerous. The dark mist is full of engulfing the fairy worms, and they are swallowing their gods a little bit.

"This **** evil beast, the old man wants to fight with them!"

Some people roared, and suddenly they were really rushing, and they were going to blew their minds and blow up the nine-headed worm.

Nantian immediately stopped the road: "Because your younger brother is not impulsive, even if you blew your mind, it is difficult to kill the soul-eater."

"If you want to completely eliminate this evil beast, you can only get rid of the nine heads at the same time and destroy their spirits. Other methods are useless."

It’s too late to just let go of it. He just completely opened up his own knowledge of the sea, letting those who devour the fairy worm enter, even if the idea of ​​self-destructive thoughts is now dispelled, the gods have already been attacked, and feel at all times. The explosion is general.

Everyone is muddy bodhisattva crossing the river itself is difficult to protect, no one can help the self, seeing the expression of the painful and screaming, but there is a rainbow, now, cut the black fog into two halves.

The dark fog of the sky was tumbling and rushing, trying to fill the dividing line of the sky, but the rainbow mang not only did not disappear, but also spread quickly to the sides, as if the red skylight slowly unfolded.

The fleeing monks slammed down and they saw too many spectacles and spectators today.

"What is that?"

"A beautiful cloud, is it that the evil beast was killed?"

"This is not a cloud, it is a sword... and a great predecessor!"

The crowd was shocked!

That sky of Hongmang Tianyu is actually a sword? So how strong is the cultivation of the person who uses the sword?

However, the magnificent scenery in front of us is only the beginning. When the rainbow mantle is completely unfolded, the sky above the head is completely shrouded. Those black fogs seemed to be light, disappeared immediately, and eventually showed a huge evil beast, the body of the nine-headed snake, which was extremely horrible.

"Nine-headed Soul Eater! Really a nine-headed soul worm!"

"The gods of the mainland have appeared in the fairyland of the evil spirits. Is this a sign that there will be big things to happen?"

"Look at the rainbow sky, there is a man standing inside!"

Qin Feng one person and one sword suspended in the sky, the hands of the rainbow, pulled out a rainbow, forming a magnificent scene at the moment.

He is actually standing on the Hong Mang Heaven, but in the visual effect of everyone, it seems to be in the sky, like the gods. And that Hong Mang Tian can not only be the power of the sword, but more of the power of the small world of time.

The nine-headed soul worm is rushing toward the sky, and the body tumbling, like a tsunami, its body suddenly rises, suddenly like a mountain rises, nine giants smashed out and smashed into the sky.


The bang of the sky broke.

The monk who stayed in the distance accelerated his heartbeat, and even the hair was set up.

However, the fierce offensive penetrated the sky, and the fierce sparks were rubbed in the higher void, but when the nine giants touched the sky, they suddenly disappeared without a trace.


Qin Feng’s heart was overjoyed, and the nine heads of the soul-eater were already harvested into a small world. The rest of the mountain was struggling on the ground, and the surrounding peaks were shaking.

A black shadow flew out of the broken head. Qin Feng and so on are the moment. The long sword in his hand squats, and a smear of smudges flashes, instantly destroying the soul of the soul-eater.

This nine-headed soul worm is completely extinct, and the huge mountain body is like a fossil, blown away by the wind, scattered around the earth.

A few figures have fallen on the side of Qin Feng, and Nantian said with excitement: "Qin Shaoxia! You have succeeded!"

"If it is not for the predecessors to fight for time outside, it is difficult for the younger generation to do it." Qin Feng said modestly.

Why do you hate to look at the rainbow in the hands of Qin Feng, and the heart is very itchy. This fairy can be much higher than his treasured gourd. Even the small world can be integrated.

"Since Qin Shaoxia has found a way to deal with the soul-eater, let's go and kill other soul-eaters." Bi Yue proposed.

Qin Feng shook his head and said: "The purpose of storing the soul-eater in the secret of Kobe Gate is obviously to control the gods, but now it is not at all to come out with the soul-eater."

Bi Yue did not understand: "What does Qin Shaoxia mean?"

"I feel that Ling Wannian deliberately delayed the time, he released the soul worm to attract our attention." Qin Feng said.

Everyone fell into meditation, and after a while, Nantian said: "What should Lingwann delay to do?"

"This is hard to say, maybe it is more important than the soul-eater."

The nine-headed soul-eating insect is a fairy-border evil beast. It can be said to be a unique existence on the Shenzun mainland. And it is easy to train a mature soul-eating worm. If Ling Wannian’s work is more important than the life-threatening of the soul-eater, it’s mostly about the millennium.

"Qin Shaoxia's analysis is not without reason. It is better to kill the Kobe Gate first, and it is not too late to kill the evil beast after Ling Wannian." Nantian made a decision.

Nowadays, the most prominent people are mainly Qin Feng, and no one has raised any objection.

When the ten people went on the sword, leaving the clouds rolling in the sky, the surviving monks could not see the eyes.

"The nine-headed soul worms were wiped out by them!"

"Where are these gods? Dongyezhou is going to change the sky!"

"Now there are evil beasts everywhere in Dongyezhou. I don't know if those gods are killing other evil beasts. This disaster is not something we can participate in. It's all the way back to hide."

Three days later.

Ten people, including Qin Feng, came to the land of a continuous mountain range.

In the huge canyon between the peaks, it is the base of the first large-scale Kobe gate in Dongyezhou.

"Qin Shaoxia! It is here!" Nantian said quietly.

After Qin Feng learned the situation, he said nothing, and when his feet just fell on a mountain, he took a sword.